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How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ?

OP pawian  226 | 27364
1 Oct 2019   #31
Welcome to Socialism....

Yes, isn`t it crazy? A rightist party with decisive socialist inclinations. I mean PiS.
antheads  13 | 340
1 Oct 2019   #32
welcome to the new world pawian, the concepts of left and right have faded, and are irrelevant in poland. (though the pol-yank rednecks still apply their obsolete american definitions) and it's more about nationalists vs cosmopolitians or nation state vs globalism. Pis is puting more money into infrastructure and health etc as well as investing money so poland becomes a high wage highly skilled economy and does not get stuck in the middle country trap. ie portugal and greece. Our budget deficit situation is better than most countries in europe , our growth is 6th in world, we have sovereignity over our own currency, the global rate for borrowing money is at an all time low. This is the time to spend on infrastructure, r&D and social spending. Also people think the money will come from higher taxes. what about growth and increased productivity? If there is a recession however, I have no problem with the goverment levying Banks and other transnationals, and siezing pawians farm.
Ironside  50 | 12928
1 Oct 2019   #33
Now I am getting very concerned with the constant handouts -

Yes, they way they are going about it - is dumb and has its limit.

good levels of health and education and relatively low work weeks - Sweden, Austria, Germany etc

Dude, they are on a different level, I would say that eat up what they have gathered by generation and some aspect of their economy is strong, in case of Germany they are a first economy in the EU/ and Europe( not least due to the fact that Poland opened it market). We are talkin apple and oranges here.

"Poland is milking the E.U. for all they can get."

Dirk is talking nonsense.
mafketis  38 | 11127
2 Oct 2019   #34
Pis is puting more money into infrastructure and health

No, it is not. Don't believe the hype!

It _says_ it is doing or intends to do that, but at ground level..... none of that is happening. JK even admtted that they've neglected healthcare recently (putting it on some kind of 'to do' list).

At ground level, here in Poland, and not filtered through the Polonia lens, it's just gibs for votes. Teachers and doctors mostly don't support PiS so education and healthcare don't get anything. Old people are more likely to support PiS so they get trzynastka (and now probably czternastka...)
antheads  13 | 340
2 Oct 2019   #35
first they increased family payments, raised the pension age, increased pensions, stopped the VAT frauds (10 billion euro per year!) curtailed the mafia paliwowa, now thats done and they have proved to people they can get stuff done, they will focus on health and education in the next three years. PO and everyone said that 500+ could never be done, that raising the retirement age would ruin the country, that tax fraud is too hard, , and look what happened. ?? the same thing will happen with health and education. mark my words.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
2 Oct 2019   #36
would ruin the country,

Give it time, and PIS will ruin the economy, when the downturn happens.
Your children will be picking up the mess. Very selfish of you.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Oct 2019   #37
No, it is not.

Let's not forget that the Polonia believes everything they read online, because they can't verify it for themselves.

The situation with medicine shortages (only yesterday, I had to call seven different pharmacies before finding a commonly-prescribed medicine) and queues for specialists is entirely beyond them, because they simply don't experience it. Likewise, they have no idea what's going on in schools, or how desperately underfunded the whole health and education sectors are.

As you can see, they believe simple propaganda over actual facts on the ground.

Still, perhaps antheads can tell us about why PiS thought it was acceptable to put someone in charge of the Supreme Audit Office when they were associating with gangsters and renting out rooms per hour for use in the sex trade.,3/dluzsze-kolejki-do-lekarzy-jak-pis-wywiazal-sie-z-obietnic-wyborczych,973953.html

The data doesn't lie: you now have to wait 1.5 months longer than in 2015 to see a specialist.

Let's also remember how PiS awarded themselves huge bonuses while forcing people after transplants to pay 1000's of złoty for medicine.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
2 Oct 2019   #38
that raising the retirement age would ruin the country,

We shall see the results of it in a few years` time. ZUS (Social Security) increases its debt every year and the government has to cover it. One day it is going to turn out that the duvet is too short.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
2 Oct 2019   #39
Of course I forgot that Anthrax's lives in Aus and this has got sweet fukk all to do with him.
Scum Polonia.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 Oct 2019   #40
We shall see the results of it in a few years` time.

You can see the results now:
antheads  13 | 340
3 Oct 2019   #41
The situation with medicine shortages

Mafia lekowa , the same people who were behind amber gold and the vat frauds are behind it, ie your PO mates.
antheads  13 | 340
3 Oct 2019   #42
Re health and education system, i am not denying that the govement had other priotrities over the last 3 years. But that is about to radically change in a big way. But the critics will condem it as buying votes for babcias in the village...
cms neuf  2 | 1810
3 Oct 2019   #43
But giving money away can be done at the stroke of a pen. Reforming hospitals and schools takes years of expertise and effort and the problem is that PiS does not have a lot of smart people in its ranks who are able to do that

. Health and education have not stood still in the last 4 years, they have gone backwards - probably not easy to perceive if you live in Australia, so the government should present concrete plans for them
OP pawian  226 | 27364
4 Oct 2019   #44
that PiS does not have a lot of smart people in its ranks who are able to do that

Sad but true. Somehow this party attracts mainly morons and puts off intelligent guys.

they have gone backwards -

Still sadder but truer.
Ironside  50 | 12928
5 Oct 2019   #45
The situation with medicine shortages

Is a result of a previous faulty policy. Not everything can be fixed outright. Putting a blame on a one party is a stretch.

Same with queues to specialist - that is nothing new. If you don't want to pay for it and go off the public health sector yo wait. It is a problem not only in Poland. Everywhere where you have so called free health service there are lines to specialists.

PiS is infecting into infrastructure and it shows.
Facts not propaganda Delph.

party attracts mainly morons a

Still better than PO that attracts criminals, conmen and crazy people.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
5 Oct 2019   #46
Is a result of a previous faulty policy. Not everything can be fixed outright. Putting a blame on a one party is a stretch.

hahaha you are a funny guy.
But it is obvious you still can`t cope with basic maths. Don`t give up though. Here is an easy exercise for you:
The Parliament term lasts 4 years and finishes with new elections. The nearest elections are in Ocotber 2019. Count how many years the current party which won the elections in 2015 has been in power.

PiS is infecting into infrastructure and it shows.

Yes, they are infecting everything and repairing it will take years.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
5 Oct 2019   #47
Lots of people do go private Ironside, but part of the reason I pay my taxes on time and our very high ZUS is to have a health service that my family can use. If that is getting worse because the money has been given away to bribe voters then it will erode people's belief in the system.
Ironside  50 | 12928
5 Oct 2019   #48
they are infecting everything

Investing into infrastructure and that shows. Unless you are a dumb partisan agitator.

If that is getting worse because the money has been given away to bribe voters t

Well, IF....
Could be worse because even thought money are the same there are like three million newcomers to Poland. who I believe, if legal are entailed to an access to health services for "free'.
Lenka  5 | 3526
5 Oct 2019   #49
if legal are entailed to an access to health services for "free'.

And paying taxes so...And they are mostly in 'wiek produkcyjny' so the least medically demanding group.
mafketis  38 | 11127
5 Oct 2019   #50
PiS is infecting into infrastructure and it shows.

Not quite exactly how I'd put it... I'd leave off the 'into' but yeah, it's infecting infrastructure with the many hundreds of kilometers of roads they've built and all the apartments they've built...

They've not gotten themselves in a position with almost no checks and balances and the only legal oversight is from party loyalists and PRL fans like you are fully behind them...
Ironside  50 | 12928
5 Oct 2019   #51
And paying taxes so..

Has anyone implied otherwise?

And they are mostly in 'wiek produkcyjny' so

the working age population?
From what I have seen on youtube there are plenty of people with their families. I specifically mean children. Although I have nothing against children as research indicate they belong to a group along with the elderly that use health services the most. So it is not that simply as you imply.

Nevertheless I'm only presenting a plausible if not a real one explanation of the issue. As an alternative to the political and partisan take that is overrepresented here and elsewhere.

They've not gotten themselves in a position with almost no checks and balances

That is a reality on the ground for any force that is in charge That goes for PO and any other party too. The only requirement - they need to win an election first/

it's infecting infrastructure

They are investing into infrastructure and that is a fact you cannot deny unless you are in denial altogether.

PRL fans like you

I see you have no arguments or facts to support your views so you go for personal digs. Good for you. It taints whatever you say with 'oh I'm so lame' theme but that is your right.
mafketis  38 | 11127
5 Oct 2019   #52
They are investing into infrastructure

Bardzo uprzejmie proszę o przykłady....
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
5 Oct 2019   #53
he many hundreds of kilometers of roads they've built

Actually most of the highway projects in central and northern Poland have been put on hold, due to budget restraints while PIS continue with their social handouts. One might not know much about these things, but I do know from history that the state giving out billions to it's citizens for zero productivity leads to only one thing.

It's called austerity. And it damages livelihoods and kills people. But by then PIS will argue that their socially caring catholic state was complete - and it is the evil capitalist money markets that are hell bent on destroying their "utopia."
Ironside  50 | 12928
5 Oct 2019   #54
Actually most of the highway projects in central and northern Poland have been put on hold

Ongoing - building a road from Warsaw to Gdansk, From Warsaw to Lublin and further south, that includes a ring road around Warsaw and Lublin not to mention other improvements of infrastructure. Also so called via Baltica is an outgoing project. From the top of my head, sure there is more if you search for it.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
5 Oct 2019   #55
From the top of my head,

I don't need to search for it, as you put it Ironside. Some of us are affected one way or another every day of the week. The S7 Warsaw -Gdansk road, an extremely expensive project as you would know, if you lived in Poland, due to the wetland environment, was a work in progress from before PIS came on the scene, and the S6 from Gdansk to Slupsk and all points west was tendered for 2 years ago. PIS did all they could to obstruct it, and put it off until 2022, but were handed a fait d'accompli and construction was finally signed off on 3 weeks ago
OP pawian  226 | 27364
5 Oct 2019   #56
They are investing into infrastructure and that is a fact you cannot deny unless you are in denial altogether.

You are either daydreaming or repeating BS after PiS propagandists. Most projects finalised today were started years ago. PiS invest much less than previous government for one main reason: they have no money to do their OWN investment due to their social benefits policy.
Ironside  50 | 12928
5 Oct 2019   #57
invest much less than previous government for one main reason:

They do not steal that much hence for less money they build/building more roads.

You are either daydreaming or repeating BS after PiS propagandist

Nice, you confirmed that your are in denial. Nothing new here. Anything else to add?

PIS did all they could to obstruct it

So you say. How about evidence ?
OP pawian  226 | 27364
5 Oct 2019   #58
hence for less money they build/building more roads.

Unfortunately, you are spreading lies. PiS builds much less than the previous governments - they only continue old projects and practically ceased starting new ones.

How about doing some serious reading before you take voice on such topics? Or you do it on purpose? Kremlin trolling before elections again? :):)

I recommend a few articles. The title of one of them: Road failure. Why does PiS not build new roads? :,wiemy-dokladnie-ile-drog-zbudowano-za-rzadow-pis-kierowcy-zatesknia-za-po
Ironside  50 | 12928
5 Oct 2019   #59
they only continue old projects

Don't they cost money? Are they building themselves? What BS are you spewing now.

you are spreading lies.

No, I'm talking to people with brains. If you don't understand it is not my fault. Spending less money doesn't equal less roads. Guess what if you don't steal it cost less. We are not talking kilometers we are talking money. Now as usual you move goalpost as soon as you notice that you have been busted once again. You so ingenuine that debating with you is pointless. You don't care about facts or reality all you want to do is to make an impression that you are right and to pile on some more BS partisan propaganda.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
5 Oct 2019   #60
You don't care about facts or reality

Sorry, but it is getting tiring how you are constantly ascribing your own actions to other people. It is pathetic behaviour. Why are you doing it? Is it only personal, namely the hatred towards my person, or are you really paid for that? :):)

Home / News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ?

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