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Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Jan 2019   #241
Gdansk, which we're talking about here, was a shi before EU funding came to the rescue,

And that is why Poland is one EU vote away from a refugee disaster. Then, it will be sh vs shitheads.
mafketis  38 | 11077
21 Jan 2019   #242
Latest news on the killing of Adamowicz (since the mods closed that thread.....)

The organizer of security is now being held by police under charges of... wprowadzenie policji w błąd (misleading the police).

He apparently was not entirely honest when he said Stefan W had a press pass (many noticed there was no such 'plakietka' in the film footage from the incident).
gregy741  5 | 1226
21 Jan 2019   #243
lot more in this story.
unconfirmed ,ppl say this arrested director Dariusz S ,the one that lied about "media pass",was son of former police chief,with town hall connections.looks like they got this job cus they had connection with adamowicz ppl.we see if thats true

scale of neglection and braking the law is shocking..including recruiting underage ppl. letting ppl use their own equipment,no security badges,licences or criminal check of employees.they got the fkin nerve blaming kaczynski for that.

owsiak should be locked
jon357  72 | 23349
21 Jan 2019   #244
ect..ppl on online forums .

That's hardly an authoritative source.

The founder of WOŚP is a highly respected Pole, as I recall, he won the most recent Polonicus Award.
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
21 Jan 2019   #245
It's actually a fascinating insight into how PiS supporters think.

I don't see what PiS has to do with this Akt Zgonu Politycznego... It wasn't PiS which issued it, it was Młodzież Wszechpolski.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Jan 2019   #246
PiS have plenty to do with it, because it was their politically appointed prosecutors that discontinued the case.

Again, ask yourself, what would you do if someone made such a thing of you?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Jan 2019   #247
Jews crying about losing their polish sabbath goy

Now they'll have to find a new leftist to push their globo-homo run by shlomo agenda
April, he personally organized an anti-fascist march.

"He was a true friend & ally in countering xenophobia. We must confront hatred in the public sphere," AJC Central Europe tweeted.

Adamowicz also criticized last year's Polish law on Holocaust speech, calling it "idiotic and evil.

gregy741  5 | 1226
21 Jan 2019   #249
That's hardly an authoritative source.

in that case ,we can also dismiss rubbish you post here..hehe
as for the facts..this guy was policeman himself,but was kicked out of policeforce for some brutal assault.i am talking about director of this security company.

why would wosp or city authorities let this company take care of security is beyond me.dont they check ,who are they working with?

.i am talking about director of this security company.

more interesting is that this assault took place a year ago,but hes case hasn't been started yet by the court.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Jan 2019   #250
More facts.... lot of these far left pro gay pro migrant anti nationalist organizations pretending to be polish are run by foreigners, usually its the eu, germans, or jews like soros and bathory foundation, etc... stefan bathory is rolling in his grave knowing his name is being used by the same people he protected during his reign to undermine a democratically elected government and flood poles with the muslim he fought to keep out..

The jews lost a person that sought to transform poland into a multikulti place like germany, uk, sweden, etc where there's regular terror attacks, thousands upon thousands of rapes, and make poles a minority in our own land thereby making it easier to control us. That is why the American Jewish congress, world Jewish congress, and other zionist groups are kvetching because now they have to find another good sabbath goy to act on their behalf
jon357  72 | 23349
21 Jan 2019   #251
it was their politically appointed prosecutors that discontinued the case.

That was certainly a political decision.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Jan 2019   #252
I wonder if all those properties adamowicz had and several million zloty will be donated to wosp or another charity. Somehow I highly doubt it...

I'm sure there'll be even more uncovered about the hundreds of thousands he owed in taxes, money laundering scheme, hidden accounts, etc.

Ironic that a person who leads a charity supposedly helping provide medical supplies regularly wouldn't pay his taxes which would've in part gone to such purchases
jon357  72 | 23349
21 Jan 2019   #253
dont they check

Do you check whether the director of any company you use has been accused (though not convicted) of a crime. Where are they supposed to check?

And none of your bluster shifts any of the blame away from the guilty party, the thug who stabbed the Mayor to death. Him and any 'influences' he had for his terrible crime.
jon357  72 | 23349
21 Jan 2019   #254
He evidently thinks that either the good Mayor died intestate (he had a wife and children) and had nobody to bequeath his estate to. Either that or he thinks that politicians shouldn't be allowed to have savings and investments.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Jan 2019   #255
They can have all the investments they want provided they pay the appropriate tax and reveal assets accordingly which adamowicz did not. Po has a track record of that especially with real estate. Guess he learned from the masters.

I wonder how much adamowicz gave to his own charity seeing as he was wealthy by polish standards. My guess very little to none.
jon357  72 | 23349
21 Jan 2019   #256
reveal assets accordingly which Adamowicz did not. Funny how

Funnier how it's a) public knowledge, and b) not outstanding.

Even funnier how despite your so-called "appropriate tax", the good Mayor was re-elected again and again for 20 years. The voters in Gdańsk liked him.

criticize trump

Easy to do, and getting easier by the day.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jan 2019   #257
Well guess they won't be able to reelect him again. They'll have to find a new ass kissing crooked taxdodger who doesn't even donate to his own charities
jon357  72 | 23349
22 Jan 2019   #258
Plenty of those, however they didn't have one before, since for the last 20 years they've re-elected a popular and decant Mayor and hopefully they won't choose a PiS ciemnogród merchant as his successor.
mafketis  38 | 11077
22 Jan 2019   #259
they won't be able to reelect him agai

It says something for you that you hate an enemy your political masters tell you to more than you care about medical equipment for sick children... keep on PiSing.
jon357  72 | 23349
22 Jan 2019   #260
Especially if you read the made up stories on Buzzfeed.

I've never seen Buzzfeed.

Erm...are you kidding me?

Gemany did start WWII. With some Soviet help and collusion.There isn't any doubt about that, though it's at best marginally relevant to the tragic loss of Mayor Adamowicz.
mafketis  38 | 11077
22 Jan 2019   #261
Wanna re-fight the war

No. I'm completely over WWII, let the dead past remain the dead past.

or concentrate on the topic

The topic is the mayor of Gdańsk, killed by a psychotic criminal and
-how his self-styled political enemies cannot let go of the hate -
-Polish reactions to the heinous crime (one online campaign hoping to raise 1000 has now raised four million which is very, very good except for a few numbskulls who can't let go of their hate

Overall though most Polish people have reacted in a very civic-minded way, concentrating on the good and working to shore up private citizen initiatives. The main enemies of this are pro-Russian who dislike the idea of civic mindedness.

The German past of Gdańsk is very much irrelevant - if his post-mortem enemies didn't have Germany to drag up they'd find something else, that's how they think
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11853
22 Jan 2019   #262
It was Hansa, and like several of the Hanseatic Cities and their former outposts/partner cities today, are special cases economically and culturally.

I would like to see something like that would be great for these lands.

The German past of Gdańsk is very much irrelevant I said, in your mind only!

The german past of Danzig is very much alive and the last minutes here in this very thread just proved! It even influenced if you were sad or happy about a murder!

I fear nobody is really "over it"! Or the temper/fear/anger/accusations wouldn't fly that high that quickly...
mafketis  38 | 11077
22 Jan 2019   #263
The german past of Danzig is very much alive and kicking..

PiS and its supporters only care about the German past as a way of riling up supporters and keeping them angry and nervous - normal people don't care (beyond historical interest). As I said, they only bring up Germany in the Adamowicz case to play to their low-information base.
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
22 Jan 2019   #264
There isn't any doubt about that, though it's at best marginally relevant to the tragic loss of Mayor Adamowicz.

Why is one man more important than the millions of Poles who were murdered by the Germans and Russians in WWII.

Get some perspective!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11853
22 Jan 2019   #265
one online campaign hoping to raise 1000 has now raised four million which is very, very good

What is that online campaign about?
mafketis  38 | 11077
22 Jan 2019   #266
What is that online campaign about?

It was an online collection for WOSP originally between a circle of acquaintances that spread - now the total is almost 5 million,3/ostatnia-puszka-prezydenta-adamowicza-zbiorka-na-facebooku,902389.html

Only after Poland lost it to Prussia during partition

The thing is I really don't care about anything that happened for 1800 (or better 1900) in terms of relevance for modern political issues. So... in recent history let's say.

Why is one man more important than the millions of Poles

Who is saying anything of the kind you silly, silly plastic...
22 Jan 2019   #267

So apparently the killer in Gdansk was a gang prospect and an admirerer of Gdansk gangsters

Funny stuff so he wasnt so crazy after all that he was just an aspiring gangster.

Dirk what do you think? What is your opinion? Also, what is your opinion of this article?
mafketis  38 | 11077
22 Jan 2019   #268
Funny stuff so he wasnt so crazy after all

So this is who you are now? An admirer of a mentally ill common criminal who's probably the most hated person in the country? I know you have a death wish, but I didn't realize it was that bad.....
22 Jan 2019   #269
You can read the article above if you speak Polish just to see how much lighter and more human and different polish law is to Amerikkka and if you are good at playing the system you can literally do anything and get taken for crazy and do five or less years then get out plus Gdansk is much different than Warsaw (which is literally west now and super copped out or cops everywhere and even praga is getting soft or less hood these days). IN gdansk if you have the right connections it seems you could even get away with murder or could have if the case didnt involve a politician or something.

I am sure a turk or pakistani would have less success assimilating in Gdansk or talking crap while running some kebab place than warsaw where I know one in particular for instance on parkowa street that started talking trash to me and I almost beat up in his own shop that show cocky they are here. He tried tot ell me I cant grab a baklava with my fingers that I paid for and started insulting me and I asked why he was making my kebab with his bare hands. In Gdansk I ams ure hed be done for by now if he had a **** talking shop set up like that.
jon357  72 | 23349
22 Jan 2019   #270
It was an online collection for WOSP originally between a circle of acquaintances that spread - now the total is almost 5 million

That's good. Donating to Poland's favourite charity is a fitting tribute to someone whose career was always about helping others and making the world a better place. Much better to have a living memorial to someone rather than a Kaczynski-type statue, with the face gurning at passers by and the stone heart as cold as his real one.

Why is one man more important than

Who said "important" except for you? The word is "relevant" (to the thread) A different thing altogether. It's best to read before commenting. If you make such a simple and obvious cognitive mistake here, it does explain a lot...

Home / News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing

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