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Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023

Alien  25 | 6353
6 Aug 2023   #151
interesting (and very telling) cartoon in

Ho, ho, Poland under PiS rule in good company.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2023   #152
how the liberal western press views Poland and the current Polish government.

Not only. Among Poland there is Turkey, Russia etc. Countries which suppress freedom of speech and break democracy and the rule of law.

lush them down the toilet

High time. But it is up to Poles to do it, not Westerners.

Poland under PiS rule in good company.

Yes, it is so sad that after so many years when Poland was developing towards becoming a normal European country, under PiS we have returned to Eastern Europe stereotype. We lost 30 years. Thanks to those brainwashed homo sovieticus azholes who voted for PiS and its benefits.
Korvinus  4 | 600
6 Aug 2023   #153
we have returned to Eastern Europe stereotype

Retain some sanity, you mean. Not going downhill with the rest of the Western Europe?
If the gay ideology had stopped with gay marriage, I would't have such a big problem with them. The main problem is that they wanna indoctrinate children into failed gender ideology, drag queen shows for children, taxpayer paid genital mutilation surgery, 4 yo children able to consent to genital mutilation surgery against the will of its parents(but a 17 yo 11 month can't go to a firing range), jail people for calling an man, an man, jail preachers who say that homossexuality is a sin, do public sex during pride parades(...)

Note : David Reimer was an man, which was born as an man but raised as an girl and suffered horrors. Not even Mengele did something so awful as this gender ideology
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2023   #154
If the gay ideology had stopped with gay marriage

It is amasing how antiEuropeans are so obsessed with sexuality... They see only sex everywhere. :):):)
Korvinus  4 | 600
6 Aug 2023   #155
so obsessed with sexuality

There is also the matter of EU wanting to force everyone to take black and arabic mass migrants.
If you replace Poles with, I don't know, Somalians (since most other countries on Earth also have a declining population except virtually African nations, lets use one of them), then eventually Poland will be Somalian, with Somalian culture and history.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2023   #156
EU wanting to

That is the so called cooperation within the EU. The EU has been helping us for decades, Poland should reciprocate to the EU in return. Simple.

If you replace Poles with, I don't know, Somalians

38 million Somalians in Poland??? :):):)
Korvinus  4 | 600
6 Aug 2023   #157
The EU has been helping us for decades, Poland should reciprocate to the EU in return. Simple.

By destroying our own country? If you allow mass immigration, for any reason, this is what will happen.
Luke1410  - | 146
6 Aug 2023   #158
@pawian, Korvinus was referring to child abuse, the fact that you brush off his very legitimate concern as 'obsession with sexuality' is deeply worrying...
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2023   #159
his very legitimate concern as 'obsession with sexuality'

Most of his arguments and accusations were false and direct lies, anyway, that is why I brushed them off as an obsession.with sex, typical of rightists who protest and accuse enthusiastically but do much worse things when nobody is looking.
Korvinus  4 | 600
6 Aug 2023   #160
who protest and accuse enthusiastically but do much worse things when nobody is looking

Now, now, you should not judge everyone by your own standards.
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2023   #161

So tell us where you took this info about 4 yo kids and their genitals from? I claim it is a lie, prove me wrong and I will apologise.
Korvinus  4 | 600
6 Aug 2023   #162
I claim it is a lie

It is obvious you don't see progress in the same way that I do. IE - regular people having a better life.

For you, progress is bizarre social engineering projects to move the history "forward", you also see history as a endless class, gender, race, sexual orientation struggle that someday will end once humankind by some magical mutation develops hive mind and reach "the end of history". That is how leftist sees "progress"
pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2023   #163

I thought we are located in Europe. And you were also aware we are discussing Western Europe when you said: Not going downhill with the rest of the Western Europe?

So I was right, you were lying about those kids. And you are a typical rightist, obsessed with sexuality. Shame on you. Ha!

obsession with sexuality' is deeply worrying...

pawian  224 | 27236
6 Aug 2023   #164
There is sth much worse - PIS is using state assets to run their own campaign. E,g, they granted themselves 2.5 million PLN for promoting free highways, one of their campaign promises. The promotion of another promise, 800+ benefit, will cost 10 million PLN. All Poles will have to pay for it.

That is only one single example which shows how PiS is destroying democratic European standards in Poland.,143907,30016402,800-plus-i-darmowe-autostrady-wiadomo-skad-pis-bierze-miliony.html
Alien  25 | 6353
6 Aug 2023   #165
If you replace Poles with, I don't know, Somalians

Well, homo sapiens originally came from Africa. But don't worry, the distance is far and the mortality rate is high, and even in Western countries they live shorter lives.
Korvinus  4 | 600
6 Aug 2023   #166
You have a country, it is called Poland (or whatever the fu*ck you call it in your lingo). This is where Polish people live, and have lived, for a very long time. You have your language, culture, history and all that it entails. Polish people, born, lived and died, for many generations. They have fought many wars, for Polish people. They have suffered, they have risen up. They have fallen down. But through all that time, there they were, Polish people. Your ancestors.

But if you replace those Polish people, then you don't have Poland anymore. It will be something else. If you allow mass immigration, for any reason, this is what will happen. Poland isn't the land, it is the people there, that know their language, culture, traditions and so on. The land is merely the place the Polish people occupy and know as their home.
Bobko  27 | 2130
6 Aug 2023   #167
I seriously doubt Somalians will stay in Poland for longer than it takes them to receive in the mail their refugee documents from Germany or France.

As a Pole, it is of course normal that you imagine the country as some Garden of Eden. However, Somalians are not stupid.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
9 Aug 2023   #168
I am so annoyed with PSL these days. They had unique chance to break the alliance with this weirdo Hołownia and take in Agrounia. It would win them immense number of votes in the countryside and incorporate the new peasant movement (similar somewhat to Samoobrona). They would easily get over the 5% treshold for single party this way; with Hołownia, the 8% for coalition is doubtful.

Thanks to this, PiS will again win in the countryside. What was Kosiniak-Kamysz thinking of??? :-/
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Aug 2023   #169
this weirdo Hołownia

I don't understand what he even thinks he's doing....

I liked K-K and he was my preferred candidate for president last time but PSL is PSL they'll align with anyone for a small taste of power.....
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
9 Aug 2023   #170
PSL is PSL they'll align with anyone for a small taste of power

Yes, this hunger for power is ever more evident with PSL. But still, they are peasants: commonsensical, down to earth, never leaning towards any extremes - a decent centrist party. Whom else to vote for in these crazy times?

But I can't get over their alliance with Hołownia... there is something seriously dodgy about this guy.
Bobko  27 | 2130
9 Aug 2023   #171
they are peasants: commonsensical, down to earth, never leaning towards any extremes

Interesting characterization. A sort of Russian interpretation, versus a Chinese one - if one is to think of it in terms of Communist philosophy.

Though Lenin sometimes argued that peasants can be a revolutionary force, he really thought of them as one of the main enemies of the proletariat. Exactly for the reasons described above - he viewed them as a reactionary force.

Mao, of course, thought the Revolution could and should be built on the peasants. Guess he didn't have much choice, since there existed practically no proletariat.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
9 Aug 2023   #172
he viewed them as a reactionary force

The most reactionary ever. Deeply religious, ferociously stubborn (if that even collocates), distrustful of change, ostracizing anyone trying to "do things in a different way". But also humble, tough and long-suffering.

In other words, the best choice for difficult times.
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Aug 2023   #173
They would easily get over the 5% treshold for single party this way; with Hołownia, the 8% for coalition is doubtful.

Send a message to their leader, warning him of the dire consequences of such an alliance. :):):)

What is they know sth that we dont`???
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
9 Aug 2023   #174
What is they know sth that we dont`?

They have their cherished opinion polls and act accordingly.

The problem is that I bet Agrounia is severely undervalued in those polls, as opposed to Polska 2050. Besides, what does Hołownia (he is neither a peasant nor a member of intelligentsia) have to do with traditional folk party?
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Aug 2023   #175
with traditional folk party?

Which has also ceased to be such. They had the biggest support in last elections in cities, not the countryside.
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
9 Aug 2023   #176
They had the biggest support in last elections in cities, not the countryside.

Which Kosiniak-Kamysz described as intentional shift of the party towards a "broader voter base". The sad reality, however, is that PiS simply owned them in the countryside.

The alliance with Agrounia was their only chance to win the peasants back. It's now gone. :-/
Bobko  27 | 2130
9 Aug 2023   #177
Agrounia is severely undervalued in those polls, as opposed to Polska 2050

What is with these names?

Why so many bloody parties?

Does it really further democracy, when every voter can basically have his own party? To me, this type of fracturing indicates an intellectual vacuum and absence of substance.

The problems facing Poland are simple. The top list consists of maybe 5 items. There are maybe three different ways to approach each of them. This is enough for 3-4 parties to really chew and digest. What the hell do the other parties do?
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Aug 2023   #178
Why so many bloody parties?

And why do so many Polish politicians have handlebar moustaches?
OP GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
9 Aug 2023   #179
Why so many bloody parties?

Such a specialist in Polish matters as you should now that "where there are two Poles, there are three opinions", and four political parties. :)
Bobko  27 | 2130
9 Aug 2023   #180
where there are two Poles, there are three opinions

Another worrying sign of Polish-Ukrainian closeness.

Famous Ukrainian saying is: "where there are two Ukrainians, there are three hetmans".

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