we have returned to Eastern Europe stereotype
Retain some sanity, you mean. Not going downhill with the rest of the Western Europe?
If the gay ideology had stopped with gay marriage, I would't have such a big problem with them. The main problem is that they wanna indoctrinate children into failed gender ideology, drag queen shows for children, taxpayer paid genital mutilation surgery, 4 yo children able to consent to genital mutilation surgery against the will of its parents(but a 17 yo 11 month can't go to a firing range), jail people for calling an man, an man, jail preachers who say that homossexuality is a sin, do public sex during pride parades(...)
Note : David Reimer was an man, which was born as an man but raised as an girl and suffered horrors. Not even Mengele did something so awful as this gender ideology wellnessbeam.org/the-cruelest-experiment-in-the-history-of-psychology/