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Polish military contingent in Lebanon.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11707
19 Oct 2024   #91
Does anyone still go on vacation to Israel?

Is Israel to blame for that or the murderers from the Hamas?
OP Alien  23 | 5572
2 days ago   #92
Is Israel to blame for that

is partly responsible for this. Israel wants to finish off Hamas and now Hesbollah too. This may take a few more years.
pawian  219 | 24885
2 days ago   #93

Down with genocidal Nazi Israel!

johnny reb  46 | 7667
2 days ago   #94
Israel wants to finish off Hamas and now Hesbollah

and the head of the terrorist snake Iran too
OP Alien  23 | 5572
2 days ago   #95
head of the terrorist snake Iran too

It won't be that easy with Iran. This isn't just some militia armed with light weapons. This is a real country with a large army with ballistic missiles and shortly before having nuclear weapons. In reality, for Israel it is untouchable.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11707
1 day ago   #96
....they should do it as the Mossad does....identify the main heads who are pulling the strings and take them by after the other....they should know that every action will cost them dearly....without having to invade and set army against army!
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #97
....they should do it as the Mossad does....

Send this idea to the FSB.

I am shocked that Z is still around.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11707
1 day ago   #98
I am shocked that Z is still around.

Frankly an important question!

If it would had been truly about liberation of the Ukrainians from Nazi rule....taking out the most important brains and supplanting them with more open ears (open to Moscow that is) should have proven alot less costly in men and material and probably faster successful too.

So why hadn't he used that lane? After all alot countries (Germany surely and now the US) are already blaming Putin with influencing their people's opinions, helping the opposition and trying to shove things his way in a rather more underhanded and subtle manner.

There is IMHO actually only one possible truly is about expand your borders and gain whole cities just isn't possible with pure "influencing"....for that you need an army, right?
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #99
I have a deal for Poland...

Since the US is protecting you, how about sending 10,000 Poles to protect "America" at its southern border...

We would supply immunity and ammo. I can't imagine a better way to train your sharpshooters.

You see, dear Poland, the DC scum is just too stupid to protect our border. They don't even know what "secure" means.
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #100
t truly is about territory...

Of course, it is. Replacing a foe with a friend goes a long way toward this objective.

Not that there is anything inherently wrong with grabbing what can be grabbed before the guys you don't like do it first.

I assume that the US is not about to leave Okinawa, Gitmo, and Syria any day soon...
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11707
1 day ago   #101
Na ja....lets see....Okinawa is like the german Ramstein, I guess....that doesn't count....Cuba is struggling and really don't doing well, we might see them shedding their dictatorship still during our lifetimes...that would make Gitmo then more like the cuban Okinawa/Ramstein...

Western troops in arab regions is a different beast altogether!
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #102
Okinawa is like the german Ramstein, I guess....that doesn't count....

It counts because the US will never give it up no matter what the Japs say.

For the record...I would take more, remove all Japs, and declare it as US property in perpetuity as reparations for the way these mother fvckers treated American POWs.

If Russia didn't react to NATO expansion...Can anyone say with a straight face that Sevastopol naval base would not be in NATO by now?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11707
1 day ago   #103
It counts because the US will never give it up no matter what the Japs say.

It doesn't count because they don't have to. The Japanese won't want them to leave, as don't want the Germans around Ramstein! :) They are not seen as occupants or enemies...

If Russia didn't react to NATO expansion...

I still can't get over the fact that the West/NATO/Germany seemingly convinced Ukraine to give up their sole weapon which would have hindered the russian invasion in the first place...any invasion from anybody actually...their nukes!

They did it because of the promise of safety, of support from the West....and maybe even a NATO membership, sometime later.

It now seems it was a bad deal...the other option would be an Ukraine with Nukes but out of NATO....with hindsight definitely better!
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #104
Can you say with a straight face that Sevastopol naval base would not be in NATO by now if Russia didn't let Crimea to join the RF?
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #105
It doesn't count because they don't have to. T

Today. You never know what future will bring. Nobody predicted in 1990 that NATO would expand all the way to Russia. The fact that Russia was stupid to take their verbal BS as good money is just an example how big fist is better than a handshake.

Both the US and Russia have big fists and all Paulina's "it's not legal" crap is a waste of time.

The US will keep Okinawa regardless what Japs will one day want.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11707
1 day ago   #106
You never know what future will bring.

johnny reb  46 | 7667
1 day ago   #107
for Israel it is untouchable.

I'll take that bet Allen.
Israel has between 75 to 400 nuclear warheads that can be delivered by aircraft, submarine lunched cruise missiles and ballistic and intercontinental missiles not to mention their suitcase nukes. that they have
And remember, Israel is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
They could take out Iran in twenty minutes tops in my opinion.
OP Alien  23 | 5572
1 day ago   #108
Israel has between 75 to 400 nuclear

Israel will not start a nuclear war.
Miloslaw  21 | 5050
1 day ago   #109
Down with genocidal Nazi Israel!

You are a pathetic imbecile with no knowledge of history!

and the head of the terrorist snake Iran too


In reality, for Israel it is untouchable.

Not true.Israel can really hurt Iran and push them to the revolution that they are on the verge of anyway.
And if a shooting war starts between Israel and Iran, America will be in there too.

.they should do it as the Mossad does....identify the main heads who are pulling the strings and take them out.

Which is what they will do.Never underestimate Israeli intelligence.

I still can't get over the fact that the West/NATO/Germany seemingly convinced Ukraine to give up their sole weapon which would have hindered the russian invasion in the first place

A great point!

They could take out Iran in twenty minutes tops in my opinion.

Very true, but they won't, unless it is a final option.

Israel will not start a nuclear war.

No, I don't think they will either, but it is always a "final option".
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #110
It is beyond moronic to discuss Israel and its actions while conveniently skipping over the Holocaust and 10/7.

Posts critical of Israel should start with:

My best advice to Israel on how to prevent another 10/7 is.....

Once you spell it out, feel free to bullshit all you want.

Did you get it, Barney?e

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