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Polish military contingent in Lebanon.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
20 hrs ago   #31
Even the German Spiegel


The SPIEGEL belongs together with the SÜDDEUTSCHE, the ZEIT, STERN, TAGESSPIEGEL and others to the very pro-pali know the german lefties who wrap themselves in Pali-Shawls and demand "from the river to the see"....the ones who want to stop weapons deliveries to support Israel, but spend millions for HAMAS-UNRWA....the whole works.

Jews can't depend on Germany anymore thanks to this mainly green-leftist media, Jews are no longer safe on german streets....but on the other hand these leftists are the loudest to demand from the AfD to "remember the past" aka "NIE WIEDER".... that's all so incredible embarassing for a German!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2121
15 hrs ago   #32
@Bratwurst Boy
Very similar situation in Norway, almost all journalists vote leftist (not just to the left of centre).

It is worrying however if it's true that IDF sabotages UN peacekeepers
jon357  72 | 22950
15 hrs ago   #33
almost all journalists vote leftist (not just to the left of centre).

Intelligent people generally do.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2121
15 hrs ago   #34
Educated people generally do*

Intelligent people know that either extreme is bad, a heartless brain or a stupid heart makes no sense to pursue. Yet we need our hearts and brains.

Which make it difficult in reporting anything in the Middle East if those reporting it are one sided
Barney  17 | 1637
15 hrs ago   #35
It is worrying however if it's true that IDF sabotages UN peacekeepers

No ifs about it, Israeli invaders are attacking the UN.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
13 hrs ago   #36
Intelligent people generally do.

It's truly hard to understand Hamas supporting people, especially left, self declared feminists and or queer/trans etc., knowing they will torture them to death as if they were Jews should they get hold of them in Gaza, Teheran or elsewhere!

This special kind of western leftist support/alliance of/with muslim fanatics is absolutely senseless and hardly intelligent!

I would even go so far to state that is this unimaginable alliance which leads to the steadily downfall of the western Left in all our countries....who wants to vote for these crazies!
jon357  72 | 22950
13 hrs ago   #37
left, self declared feminists and or queer/trans etc., knowing they will torture them to death as

They don't, but never mind.

Have you spent much time in Muslim countries?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
13 hrs ago   #38
They don't, but never mind.

Why are you saying that? You must know its not true....

"Living as a Queer person in Gaza is punishable by torture and death by Hamas, the rulers of Gaza" the campaign notes.

It's not a new thing:

Persecution of homosexuals in the Palestinian autonomous areas
jon357  72 | 22950
12 hrs ago   #39
the campaign

There you go. And the tiny place that is Gaza is hardly representative of the Islamic world.

Btw, that group you linked to is a propaganda site launched as PR by Israel.

I remember once seeing a map of countries where ones that allegedly had the death penalty were coloured red. It was laughable. I was in one of those countries in West Africa at the time (for three years) and nobody in the country's history had even ever been arrested for it, never mind anything else.

How much time have you spent in Islamic countries or do you just rely on the internet?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
12 hrs ago   #40
There you go. And the tiny place that is Gaza is hardly representative of the Islamic world.'s about the Hamas supporter....the left "Queer for Palestine" crazies.....and alot of that is about and even in Gaza right now, isn't it!

It's not about the whole "islamic world"....some in the islamic world even support Israel or are's about the muslim fanatics, which are as big a burden to their own people wherever they rule as they are for Jews...not that this is a problem for the left crazies.

And I don't plan to set a foot in there anytime soon....

Why don't you make me understand this unholy alliance? Why do these leftists support the same people which would terrorize and kill them gladly given only the smallest chance?
jon357  72 | 22950
12 hrs ago   #41
alot of that is about

Very little.

fanatics, which are as big a burden to their own people wherever they rule

Wherever? There's only Afghanistan and arguably Iran.

And I don't plan to set a foot in there anytime soon

Most of the Islamic world is fine. Usually nice places to be. I'm in a majority Muslim country now, quite close to the equator in central Africa and it doesn't feel oppressive. You can buy booze, pork and weed and there are plenty of churches.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
12 hrs ago   #42
Maybe that report is more acceptable?

Human Rights Council
Fifty-third session
19 June-14 July 2023

Violations Against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender Community by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas

United Nations Watch submits the following report for the Interactive Dialogue with the
Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. This report documents
egregious violations by the Palestinian Authority ("PA") in the West Bank, and by Hamas in
Gaza against the LGBT community,
in grave breach of international law including the
International Convention on Civil and Political Rights ("ICCPR") and the Convention
Against Torture ("CAT"). We call on the Human Rights Council and all United Nations
stakeholders to stop ignoring these Palestinian victims of Palestinian violations, and to take
immediate action to protect them....
Barney  17 | 1637
12 hrs ago   #43
Why do these leftists support the same people which would terrorize and kill them given only the smallest chance?

They don't, supporters of Palestine want to see a just settlement including the right of return.

Taking the worst aspects of a minority, in this case those representing an extremist ideology and applying it to the whole is something something to be avoided.

Repeating the results of demonstrably flawed logic isnt the smartest thing to do.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
12 hrs ago   #44
I'm in a majority Muslim country now,

You are very probably not behaving gay or queer, I gather?

It's the same in western long as you don't look or act like it they let you be....but beware if not!

People say Berlin was alot more liberal a decade there are districts where you have to be very cautious if you don't want to get attacked, beaten or even murdered! And no, it's not because of the AfD, but because of the rising numbers of these "nice" guests from islamic regions, who of course gather in certain districts.

Taking the worst aspects of a minority, in this case those representing an extremist ideology and applying it to the whole is something something to be avoided

Which worst aspects of which minority do you speak? The stupidity of trans or queer people? Or the murderous fanatism of muslims?

Not a nice, sympathetic alliance in any way....nothing good will come out of it!

....LGBTI people's rights

Consensual same-sex sexual conduct continued to be banned in Gaza on the basis of a 1936 British Mandate ordinance.

In September, after the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) published guidance to staff regarding treating all genders and LGBTI people equally, the Hamas authorities condemned the guidance for promoting "deviance and moral decay".....
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
12 hrs ago   #45
Rights Group Exposes Palestinian Torture Ahead of First UN Review

....GENEVA, July 14, 2022 - The Palestinian Authority and Hamas routinely torture human rights activists, women, LGBT persons, political opponents, so-called "collaborators," and Palestinians who sell land to Jews, the non-governmental group UN Watch charged Thursday.

The Geneva-based human rights organization made its criticism in a major new report to the UN Committee Against Torture, which will meet next week for two days, on July 19-20, to consider Palestinian compliance with the UN convention against torture and other cruel forms of punishment. The UN panel published the submission on its website.

"Evidence continues to emerge of widespread torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees held in Palestinian custody in the West Bank and Gaza," said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.....

Barney  17 | 1637
12 hrs ago   #46
@Bratwurst Boy
Let me be clear I was talking about the religious nutters in Hamas and Hezbollah who came into existence when the PLO got nowhere in talks even after they recognised Israel

You seem to be very confused about which values you support. If Israel were an outpost supporting woke western values as you are trying to claim above, why do you want to move the goalposts now? You posted Israeli propaganda memes about the UN and other NGOs yet now want to use the same organisations to support your sweeping assumptions about a whole people.
jon357  72 | 22950
12 hrs ago   #47
It's the same in western cities..

Exactly, It's much the same in any conservative society, especially those plagued by right wing governments that look to the past rather than the future.

The stupidity of trans or queer people?

Stupid how exactly?

condemned the guidance for promoting "deviance and moral decay".....

Sounds like trumpists, European conservatives or a fair few people on here, some who obsess about it.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
12 hrs ago   #48
You seem to be very confused about which values you support.

I'm very clear about MY values...I'm confused about the western left and their values....but I am not alone in's mind boggling....not even you can explain it to me understandably.
But may there is nothing to explain, it's crazy and just wrong and I should stop trying to understand....

PS: If Israel were woke they would be dead and destroyed by now....wokists are no soldiers!

Stupid how exactly?

Supporting their would be-murderers? It's the utmost

Minks for fur coats!
Chicken for KFC!
or my favourite: Blacks for the KKK
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
12 hrs ago   #49
That's the thing, Jon.....leftists usually fight these conservative societies, don't they? At least in the West....for womens rights, for homosexuality, for more liberalization and what not....what is so great about muslim hard core conservatives/right winger that you support them instead?

jon357  72 | 22950
12 hrs ago   #50
.leftists usually fight these conservative societies

No. Decent people on the left of politics seek to make a better world for the many rather than the few.

: If Israel were woke

Aside from the word 'woke' not actually meaning anything except politically aware, you did post a link to a PR site that claims Israel is better because it is 'woke'.

Supporting their would be-murderers? It's the utmost

Do they/we? LGBT+ people exist right across the political spectrum. It is not a homogenous group for you to 'other'.

you support them

There was me thinking I was broadly pro-Israel and the western alliance.
Barney  17 | 1637
12 hrs ago   #51
I'm very clear about MY values

I dont think you are.
So called western valuse of tolerance, respect for private property, democratic accountability, respect for international treaties etc are all lacking in Israel.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
12 hrs ago   #52
It is not a homogenous group for you to 'other'.

So....does that mean you don't belong to the "Queers for Palestine" nutters? And that you don't have an explanation either?

Why not just say it!

So called ....

As long as they have regular democratic elections were the people can vote about their rulers including free press it's better than most.....

Not to mention that:

Israeli court rules in favour of LGBTQ+ Palestinian asylum seekers
Barney  17 | 1637
11 hrs ago   #53
@Bratwurst Boy
Again you are very imprecise in explaining your values, from your link I assume you are in favour of LGBTQ Palestinians being granted asylum in Germany?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
11 hrs ago   #54
Oh, definitely!

I also favour anti-muslim refugees....they deserve our support....not these radical nutters who go demostrate for a "Khalifat" here in Germany on our streets.

I know two of them openly gay, the other a well known critic of Islamism (both supporters of Israel btw)...they have to be guarded and protected every day, nobody hates them as much as their own people, these muslim "refugees", which should all expelled again, IMHO!

They just chose the wrong country to go to, Germany will never be the right place for muslims....there are about 50 muslimic countries, I believe....every one of them would be a much better fit!
jon357  72 | 22950
11 hrs ago   #55
does that mean you don't belong to the "Queers for Palestine" nutters?

How many do belong to your group that I've never heard of? Why would I feel the need to explain the views of other people?

Germany will never be the right place for muslims

They once said that about Jews, Roma and Communists.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
11 hrs ago   #56
Why would I feel the need to explain the views of other people?

I wouldn't even have asked you.....

They once said that about Jews, Roma and Communists.

And now?

Just accepting and letting them walk all over us? Changing the country for the worse? Is that it?

What I don't get is why they left their countries in the first place? Islam is often enough a huge reason why these countries so horrible, why people need to look elsewhere to have chance at a life worth living. But when they have reached that, got a new chance for a better life they chose to become religious fanatics...trying to change their new home to something islamic...even if that means of course conflicts with the natives, their new host nation!

If they truly can't live without their stone age religion, they really schould stay at home!
jon357  72 | 22950
11 hrs ago   #57
I wouldn't even have asked you.....

Yet you did..,

So you want me to "EXPLAIN!!!" the views of the Clitheroe Women's Institute or Meibion Glyndwr as well? I'm not a member of those either.


Atch  21 | 4147
11 hrs ago   #59
the views of the Clitheroe Women's Institute

You'll find that their nearest branch is Waddington ;)
OP Alien  23 | 5533
4 hrs ago   #60
Clitheroe Women's Institute


Does this have a double meaning?

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