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Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women

Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #91
Oh and one more thing. Let's not underestimate the importance of emotional intelligence and social skills at both of which women tend to outstrip men. From my own personal observations of children during my teaching years, you see this gap begin to emerge very early on. At the age of three boys and girls are very similar, by the time they reach their fourth birthday it's a different story. The girls are far more verbal and use their words to communicate with each other. The boys are still very physical and often play together with hardly a word exchanged but lots of body contact. If two or three girls are working together for example to build something from Lego, they will discuss what they're doing 'Let's put the big red one on top' 'No, leave it, it's going to fall over' etc The boys will work in silence with an occasional yell of protest, grabbing from each other and squeals of joy when something has gone well. Very basic, caveman stuff.

The girls also begin to show empathy. They're still too young to really be genuinely empathic but they are much quicker to imitate the behaviour of their mothers. So, watch four year old children at play in the school yard. Somebody falls over, the boys generally either don't notice at all, or simply stop for a moment, stare and move on. But with the girls there will always be a few who go over straight away 'are you ok?' Then they help the other child up and very often put an arm around them, pat their shoulder, stroke their head and make sympathetic noises.

The girls are so much quicker too, to read other people's moods and in particular to read the teacher's mood! They understand a whole set of unwritten rules that go right over the heads of boys of that age. Here's a typical example. I was on yard supervision duty, there was an incident and I was scolding a boy of about five for his part in it. An interested girl, from the year below him (so four years old) was watching. When I'd finished reading the riot act, I concluded in a very stern voice 'Now I don't want to see that behaviour again. Do you understand?' The boy just stared at me with open mouth, clearly still having no real idea of what he's done wrong. Girl steps forward, digs him in the ribs with her elbow and mutters 'Say yes!' :D

Now fast forward twenty years to the workplace and the story is the same ;)
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Mar 2017   #92
So why do so few of those girls go on to take a maths based degree when they're clearly capable of it:

the importance of emotional intelligence and social skills at both of which women tend to outstrip men

Don't you think there's a connection? Math, especially higher math tends to be a people free zone where individuals need to be by themselves a lot.

Proportionatley, that will appeal to fewer women than men.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #93
Oh absolutely. If you read the article about third level degree choices that's exactly what one of the teachers says:

"As regards technology or engineering I can talk about it 'til I'm blue in the face because girls want to 'work with people.' "They think if they do science or engineering it will not be as people-centred."
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #94
"They think if they do science or engineering it will not be as people-centred."

yea about art,music,philisophy,writting,engineering,computing,science,construction,vehicle designing,robotic,programing and even fokin cooking?
name one discipline where women are better at? errr i think -shoping
Marsupial  - | 871
9 Mar 2017   #95
Woman are not better at shoppimg they are runbish at it. That's why companies such as those who make shampoo make black bottles for men and pink ones for ladies and charge 50% more. And fill it with identical product. Old trick applies to a whole raft of products.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #96
name one discipline where women are better at?

Did you read either of the links about exam results? With your IQ of 119 you are capable of understanding more than you appear to. That's 19 points above average so you clearly have the capability to think logically but your posts would suggest otherwise.

It's not a question of either women or men being 'better' than each other. It's just recognising that each sex is equally capable. Having said that nature has designed us over time to fulfil certain roles and we undoubtedly still show that in certain innate qualities that we posess.



Those things are to some degree subjective and can't always be judged in terms of good, better and best. Obviously there are a number of women in the modern world who are successful in these areas but come on Gregy you can't be that ignorant surely?? Women writers?? The list is too long to catalogue here. As for other art and music there have always been women artists and musicians. They just didn't receive the publicity that men have so unless you're a very widely read person you won't know about them. Also there were many gifted women who could not publicly carry out those professions because it wasn't considered respectable for women to to do anything other than sit at home and sew a fine seam. If you bother to do a quick Google (which of course you won't, because like so many you are a genuine ignoramus having little or no knowledge and not wanting to acquire any) then you'll find a very long list of such women going back centuries.

As for computer science, one word - ADA. Look it up as once again you obviously know nothing about it. As a matter of interest, what DO you actually know about? I mean, do you know anything of substance about anything at all?

pink ones for ladies and charge 50% more

Ah yes now that's interesting. I'm afraid that both sexes are equally susceptible to marketing and advertising. Did you know there's no such thing as bisexual? It's just something that was invented to sell more hair products :) Personally price pre litre/kilo would influence me far more than the colour of the bottle.
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Mar 2017   #97
name one discipline where women are better at?

giving birth?

An old ethnography (of an African group I think) quotes an old woman (approximately) "Men can't have babies and so they have politics and wars, women can have babies so they don't care about that other stuff..."

The more a man crows about male "superiority" the more he's jealous of the female ability to create sentient life...
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #98
name one discipline where women are better at?

Here you go:

And I quote from the above as you clearly won't bother to read it:

Among 32 Leaving Certificate higher-level subjects, girls produced proportionately more As in 25 of them.
Even in subjects such as engineering, which might be considered traditionally 'male', female candidates edged ahead.
Technology is one of the subjects where the gap in A grades was most pronounced, with 16pc of girls getting the top mark, compared with 12pc of boys.

So in Ireland anyway girls are 'better' at almost everything. But as the article points out it's not just Ireland, it's a worldwide phenomenon.
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #99
And I quote from the above as you clearly won't bother to read it:

funny.when presented with iq tests,them libtards refute them as intelligence measure and saying that iq tests only prove that person is better at scoring tests

and i asked about discipline,you provided me with some data about girls scoring better on college

listening tests are required to have good memoraizing abilities.not inteligency-since inteligency is ability to resolve and analyzing
school provide with learning materials who even an idiot can memorise
for this, you need more self discipline and comitement rather than intiligency
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #100
At the age of three boys and girls are very similar, by the time they reach their fourth birthday it's a different story.

maybe you should check about Language-Associated Cortical Regions,and see proportions and differences between male and will know why.they talk alot.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #101
college tests

The Leaving Certificate is not a college test. It's a culmination of your five or six years of secondary education and most students in Ireland take around ten subjects at either ordinary of advanced level so it's quite demanding. I agree however that these kinds of exams only paint part of a picture but the reasons that girls excel are worth looking at: more self-disciplined, better organised, more widely read and with better language skills giving them the edge in subjects such as English, History, Geography etc

refute them

And refuting is precisely what you're doing yourself. Refuting results that don't support your theory but unable to come up with any concrete evidence to support your own views.

However much you dislike it Gregy, we need some measure of determining at least, an individual's potential, and formal testing is used to decide that when it comes to allocating university places.

Now back to the stats. In Ireland in 2006,of those accepted for study on an Honours Bachelor Degree, 61 per cent of females had scored at least 450 entry points in comparison to 39 per cent of males. So we can say that undoubtedly girls are more studious and are going on to further education with more knowledge of their subjects than the boys entering the same degree courses.

Humanites and the arts remain the most popular subject choice for both sexes which indicates that though men outnumber women in the the sciences they are still more likely to choose the arts. In the UK and Ireland stats show that there is no significant difference in terms of those graduating with First Class Honours or Upper Seconds, some years it's slightly more men, sometimes more women. In the UK in 2009 for example 88% of female students on the Masters in Physics received a First compared to 87% of males so virtually equal.

You're trying to create an artificial intelligence gap between men and women that simply doesn't exist. There is no solid evidence to support your theory and plenty of evidence to contradict it.

Now, did you read up about Ada Lovelace? 'Oh yeah, big deal, she was just one woman, blah, blah'. One woman who might be described as the mother of computer science.
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #102
There is no solid evidence to support your theory and plenty of evidence to contradict it.

no evidence? about 27 bazylion written,build,constructed ,composed and designed evidences around your ears .all since we came out of cave(i bet my balls,them paintings in france cave were made by man)..just open your eyes.

from 25000 bc till very yesterday.or even today morning.evidence are punching you in the face,you stupid "being nice" ideology prevent you from seeing.

but unable to come up with any concrete evidence to support your own views.

99.999999999999999999999% of all inventions since the very beginning.of mankind.not enough evidence?
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #103
Ada Lovelace

errr..and what she invented again?i read wiki and dint find anything...something about ""poetical science"hahahaha
whats that?:
"All but one of the programs cited in her notes had been prepared by Babbage from three to seven years earlier." but there is no evidence that she advanced the design or theory of it in any way"

Dorothy K. Stein regards Lovelace's notes as "more a reflection of the mathematical uncertainty of the author, the political purposes of the inventor, and, above all, of the social and cultural context in which it was written, than a blueprint for a scientific development

looks like she was nothing but crook.trying to take credits from someones work....errr males work,-for political porpouse. stink of feminism i sense
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #104
Dorothy K. Stein regards Ada Lovelace as...

You do see the irony don't you? Anyway shouldn't you be out turning the wheels of industry and enterprise in a manly kind of a way?
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Mar 2017   #105
tweet of brat Mikke >>>

Yes Mikke! F*** them!

Prez. Kosowa oznajmił: "Serbia chce zaanektować część naszego kraju". Jakby CAŁE Kosowo nie zaanektowało części Serbii!

Eh, brat Mikke reminds me on time when Poland was proud and free country and that Poland again can be free.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #106
Gregy, I really don't like to say this but you actually appear to be not the brightest.

However, I am putting some faith in the 119 IQ score and I will persevere for a little longer.

Once upon a time, men and women had distinct roles and nature fitted them for such. Man was the hunter and provider which enabled the family to survive, woman was the bearer and carer of the children and the keeper of the home while the man was away. Gradually over time, society changed and we moved from that very basic way of life and began to develop in many different ways. Women were often not given the same opportunities as men for education but those who were all showed themselves equally capable.

Still, whatever they achieved in private, women were barred from pursuing those things publicly. For example until quite recently, about a hundred years ago women were allowed to study at Oxford or Cambridge and took the same courses as the men, but were not allowed to graduate with a degree. Maria Montessori (I'm a Montessori trained teacher) born in 1870 was the first woman in Italy to qualify as a medical doctor. Originally she wanted to do engineering and had to attend a boy's school to get access to the maths she needed. She was refused admittance to university to study medicine and her father forbade it any case but she kept on and on until they finally agreed and she graduated with the highest honours of all the students. Have you ever heard the term 'bluestocking'? It was a derisive term used contemptously about intellecutal women who were seen as unnatural and an affront to nature. Women were actively discouraged from showing or developing their intelligence.

Your argument is that women are a bit thick so they can't do anything and that history proves it whereas history proves nothing of the kind. It merely proves that women did not have the opportunities to do things to the same extent as men and that those who did were not widely written about or publicised. But, as I say, if you want to, you can find a very long list of educated and gifted women throughout history who managed to rise above the limitations imposed on them by society. But you don't want to, do you?
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #107
You do see the irony don't you?

i see fraud only.who take advantage of someones work and publicised it.and i see hordes of leftist trying hard to prove un provable.

you will never take OUR Kopernik away!!!! you feminist hordes!!! hehehe
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #108
oh OK I see you missed my point...
never mind.
Now if you will excuse me I have a job to be getting on with. Unlike you it seems..
Crow  154 | 9463
9 Mar 2017   #109
At a time when husband can`t punch his wife, while his wife have right to destroy him by her tongue, brat Mikke is quite a gentleman.
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #110
Once upon a time, men and women had distinct roles and nature fitted them for such

correct sir

were allowed to study at Oxford or Cambridge and took the same courses as the men, but were not allowed to graduate with a degree.

from what i remember,once they forced they way into them,those oxford and cambridge scores went down the that correct?

It merely proves that women did not have the opportunities

i could state otherwise for the sake of argument-. spending time at home gives you more opportunity to create and invent and write novels ,than working 16 hours in factory as wast majority of men did.

bottom line,you merely present some leaky theory to support and excuse woman under-performing..dont see any facts and evidence.all you gave me is some obscure name of some fraudulent woman
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #111
looks like she was nothing but crook.trying to take credits from someones work....errr males work

Well now according to the 'male' in question, Charles Babbage regarding the Analytical Engine:

"The notes of the Countess of Lovelace extend to about three times the length of the original memoir," Babbage wrote later. "Their author has entered fully into almost all the very difficult and abstract questions connected with the subject."
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #112
than working 16 hours in factory as wast majority of men

god you are stupid and ill informed - what do you think working class women did?
Why am I even arguing the toss with some little scrote who couldnt make it in Poland so came over to the UK for the unemployment benefits.

Get a life, get a job gregy. or go to English classes , whatever.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #113
,once they forced they way into them,those oxford and cambridge scores went down the that correct?

No. They're still two of the leading universities in the world. But during the men only days there was always a tradition of admitting dimwits from aristrocratic families, particularly with Cambridge. They were usually awarded third class honours, such classification becoming known derisively as 'a gentleman's degree'.

woman under-performing

Except the stats show the opposite and you haven't produced anything to show otherwise. Just a load of old jaw like a sheep's head.
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #114
god you are stupid and ill informed - what do you think working class women did?

hold on a sec...i though women under performed cus they were barred from economical activities and were chained to the kitchen in the we learn that woman were equally active..make up your mind woman..cus you talking idiocy now.

Get a life, get a job gregy. or go to English classes , whatever.

got job-thank as self employed whenever i want to.thanks for your concern.
no need to take it personal.i dont judge people on brain abilities criteria.women are as great as man but not on civilisation making.they were not evolutionary

design for it.

But during the men only days there was always a tradition of admitting dimwits from aristrocratic families, particularly with Cambridge.

sry caps.

Except the stats

whats stats...the one from irish college?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Mar 2017   #115
Do some reading Gregy, about the working classes and women in the workplace through history. Or just do some reading, full stop.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #116
Do you know something Gregy there is hope for you, but you really need to read, read, read and educate yourself. Decent books of social history now, not some old rubbish on the internet. You're obviously capable, remember that 119 IQ :)) And you can crank that up to 125 if you get yourself a book of MENSA puzzles, honestly they're great fun. As to the reading, you'll find that discovering the complex layers of the truth, is much more interesting than your present state of mind.

.the one from irish college?

No pet, that wasn't one college, that was for the whole country.
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Mar 2017   #117
stink of feminism

I hate to be the one to break this to you.... but you will never have a uterus.

Accept it.
gregy741  5 | 1226
9 Mar 2017   #118
and whats that suppose to mean?can you specify what you mean?why would i need or want uterus?
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Mar 2017   #119
why would i need or want uterus?

The more a man crows about male "superiority" the more he's jealous of the female ability to create sentient life...

Atch  22 | 4299
9 Mar 2017   #120
Gregy, here's a good starting point for you if you want to argue your points from a more knowledgeable position. There is a lot of rubbish on the internet but if you know where to look there are some good sources:

For example in Scotland in coal pits such as Loanhead in Midlothian in the 1680s or Bo'ness in West Lothian during the 1760s women outnumbered men by two to one.

Just read one short article from that site each day and you'll have a great many more facts at your fingertips than you do now, instead of just having opinions that you've picked up out of the ether, you'll have real knowledge and you can form an opinion based on facts which carries a lot more intellectual weight. Please give it a try, you'll find it interesting.

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