Ok, Torq, please, explain me the following:
No problem - see below.
So, why do you still demand some ridiculous reparations?
Nathan - your profile says that you know Polish, but apparently you weren't able to read
the article that you quoted with even a slight degree of comprehension.
Oh, well, maybe you were just bragging. I understand - I bragged once that I knew
Chinese when I was a kid. Same thing with your Polish, I guess.
For those of you who can't read Polish (just like Nathan can't): the article is about
reparations that
POLISH government is paying to
POLISH citizens,
living in
POLAND, who lost their property as a result of borders' shift after WW2.
The reparations are paid with
POLISH money (to be precise - with the money that
comes from selling
POLISH state owned property in
So, you might think, why does Nathan ask "Why do
YOU still demand reparations?".
You might think - "who does he mean by saying
you"? From whom does Nathan imagine
"we" demand reparations, you may be wondering. Well, maybe he can explain sensibly
what he meant (I wouldn't hold my breath though.)
Mind boggles.
You see?!
What I see is that you haven't a slightest idea of what you're talking about (it's not the first
time that it happens, anyway.)
So, when the war has ended again? almost a century ago?
Yes, exactly.
Almost a century ago...
...and you are using it to justify the persecution of Polish minority in Lithuania today,
almost a century later.Unbelievable...
living in POLAND, who lost their property as a result of borders' shift after WW2.
It should be: "who were living in POLAND and lost their property as a result of borders' shift
after WW2." It didn't let me edit the original post, when I noticed it.
Anyway, how about Poland starts persecuting its German minority in the year
2030and justifies it with the nazi invasion of 1939? Hey - it would have only been a century...
almost :)