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Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people

Velund  1 | 489
14 Jul 2022   #91
then why doesn't putin call for full mobilization?

I always wonder why so many strategic geniuses and industrial telepaths, digging into the brains of the powers that be, have not yet taken their proper place as leaders of countries and are talking bullsh*t on the expat forum of a country that is constantly at the extremes in the squabbles of its neighbors?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
15 Jul 2022   #92
One doesn't change the world by control, as human beings it won't help to deceive one's self that oneself is a God. No matter how hard a guy tries, God is God, humans are humans. A guy has no chance of achieving anything without God
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #93
I always wonder

In other words.... yes, he's afraid. Which is why he's recruiting prisoners and ordering up 'volunteer batallions'....

When is the last time he came within 5 meters of another person?

Everything he does is based on fear and paranoia....

He's a snivelling little coward and russians worship him like a god..... what does that make the country?

It's a very good thing that all russians completely agree with putin and whatever the russian government does... 'cause they have no way of expressing any opposition anymore...

And working with investigative journalists has also been criminalized

Good thing for the russians that they totally agree with Simonyan here about the need for censorship....
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #94
Good news!

russians wanted the USSR back!

They're getting it!

A husband denounces his wife to the authorities for being against the government!

russians love informing on each other so.... happy days!
OP Crow  154 | 9463
15 Jul 2022   #95
Lech Walesa is a relic of past times when Slavs lived subjugated, enslaved and humiliated. Who is he to propose reduction of Russia and Russians, and publicly, all people to recognize his stupidity and work for foreign masters. No, Poland deserve better then Lech Walesa suggests. Much better in incoming era in which we get rid ourselves from western European dominance.

We can work with Russians as partners and brethren, so all Slavs profit on Russia`s resources, and rightfully so. For all Slavs suffered from Drang Nach Osten. This way or another we bought maneuverable space and time to Russia to become huge.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #96
mafketis- all Russians completely agree with Putin and whatever the Russian government does

I "advise" you to never say that.

mafketis- everything he does is based on fear and paranooa

Everything? You're forgetting an over large ego. Russia is the largest country in the world but it's smaller than his ego, somehow.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #97
I "advise" you to never say that.

Prove me wrong.... speak out publicly against him, gather everyone you know who disagrees with him to speak out publicly!

Being afraid to say you don't agree with him in public..... is, objectively speaking, supporting him.

forgetting an over large ego

He's a chicken... a coward... a fraud... and the russian people are even bigger cowards for not seeing through him....
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #98
mafketis- speak publicly against him

Go out and tell people you're a Nazi. Obviously, being a non supporter of Putin is extremely opposite from Nazi, but it's both kind of suicidal idiocy.

Actually, there have been Russian people criticising publicly, though a lot left Russia right after, not all.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #99
there have been Russian people criticising publicly

'have been' is the operative word....

ultimately if the people of russia can't/won't stand up for their country... then maybe they don't deserve a country....

Poles stood up for Poland (at tremendous cost)

Uktainians are standing up for Ukraine (at even greater cost)

russians are just kind of sitting there.....
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #100
Russia is different. It's easy to judge, not so easy to be in the situation where nothing can be done, only it's better just to not think about.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #101
only it's better just to not think about

then russians will never be free.... they will continue to be sheep, herded by the tsar who regularly fleeces them and occasionally leads them to the slaughter.... it's what they want....
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #102
There is no tsar. A president dictator, but not tsar.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #103
There is no tsar.

Of course there is. The title may be different (apparently now he wants to be "pravitel"....) but russia has always been ruled by tsars - despots with absolute power who hold the population in contempt (but who are worshipped by the people).

Think in terms of structures - russian society isn't much different now (in structure) than in the 19th century....

In other news, they've gone after universities so that a degree from a russian university will be absolutely worthless...
OP Crow  154 | 9463
15 Jul 2022   #104

Why not `Pravitel` or anything else Slavic? Why foreign `President`?
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #105
A tsar is royal. Putin is not. That is the difference.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #106
You're focusing on the least important part so that you can ignore the entire message...

The _function_ of some rando Tsar, Stalin and Putin is _identical_ all are absolute, despotic and immoral rulers who brook no slightest dissent and who are worshipped by the people (whom the Tsar or Stalin or Puint) absolutely despises....

Why hasn't russia been able to evolve to some different system of government? because that's what the russian people want - an absolute ruler who will make all decisions so they can excuse themselves from any kind of responsibility.

That is why I despise the russian people _far_ more than I despise the latest tsar.

Worthless culture.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
15 Jul 2022   #107
I just read. Moldavia prepares to follow suggestion of Lech Walesa. They preparing themselves for war with Russia.

Who gives a sh*t, only non-inventive people wants to live forever!
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Jul 2022   #108
Why hasn't russia been able to evolve to some different system of government?

A very important question.

that's what the russian people want - an absolute ruler who will make all decisions so they can excuse themselves from any kind of responsibility


Russians are pathetically weak and frightened.
Sure, they have good reasons to be scared, but surely, enough is enough!
How much can the poor Russians take?
Time to be brave.
Time to rise up!
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #109
mafketis- ignore

No, I see your point of view. By principal, I agree, but I'm not 100% sure about.

mafketis- Why hasn't Russia been able to evolve to some different system of government

Fear, not putting a fair system first, other reasons. It's complicated.

mafketis- Worthless culture

You really think so? With no thought to the achievements even in art forms not mentioning the many other fields. What about the ballet, writings, music, painters? Russia is in purity a country of art, not flourishing as it could under censorship. It's sad really that the government destroys Russia in purity, but I guess it can help art in a way, many Russian people have always used art forms to escape from unpleasant lives.

Crow- They preparing themselves for war with Russia

More war is more destruction, which leads to unfixable evil which leads to permanent misery. Everyone is just in a constant cycle of misery, happiness is just a small escape which has to end quickly. Why won't this horror just end?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Jul 2022   #110

That is it!

. It's complicated

It really isn't .

All of Russia's artistic achievements are worthless if you have so much fear instilled in you that you cannot really and fully express yourself freely!

Can you not see that?

Why won't this horror just end?

Because of Putin and the weakness and fear of Russian people.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #111
Miloslaw- How much more can the poor Russians take?

Death. It's preferable to this hellhole that is called "life". No one has it better, not even if they think so. Life = misery.
Probably something might be done when people are starving to death and there are dead people in the streets.

Miloslaw- Can you not see that?

Of course. There is a way in art, but it must be kept hidden anything that goes against the rules of the leaders. Not worthless though, it's beautiful.

It goes beyond politics. This is a question of worthlessness... A fair and peaceful world might be worth living in.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Jul 2022   #112


If death is preferable to life in Russia, then it must be worth risking death in an attempt to improving life....logical?
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #113
Not just Russia. Existence anywhere at this time. It will always be the same. Just misery, everywhere. Nothing is better or worse, everything is misery. Who can someone be to complain about life in Russia, they could be shot in Ukraine by horror, just pure evil governs the entirety of the world.

Life is meant to be misery and suffering. There is no true happiness.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Jul 2022   #114
. Just misery, everywhere

I beg to differ.

Nothing is better or worse, everything is misery

You have a very negative outlook.

, just pure evil governs the entirety of the world.

But it doesnt.

I live a very happy and comfortable life as do Joker, Novichuk, and many other posters on this forum.
I am sure that they would also want you to enjoy our lifestyle.
But you are not entitled to it.
You have to work hard for it.
And in the case of countries like Russia, you have to fight for it.
Stop being so more positive.
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #115
With no thought to the achievements even in art forms not mentioning the many other fields. What about the ballet, writings, music, painters?

I'm not talking about culture in the artistic sense but in the anthropological sense - the values of the majority of the population...

though if we're here... I'm not that crazy about russian arts either

lady macbeth of mtsensk - probably the greatest russian opera ever, an amazing work and ruthlessly suppressed (the theme is revolt against the suffocating oppressiveness of russian society in general - her crimes are understandable as doomed rebellion against primitive social norms).

some songs of rachmaninoff are pretty good (when I posted a link... a russian made a dirty joke, so.... yeah, there's that)

bits and pieces of mussorgskij are fine but they tend to be tiresome in their complete form

could never stomach tolstoy or dostoevsky (tried... couldn't finish) and pushkin (the russian 'everything' doesn't translate well which means he's a second rate talent)

I enjoyed the master and margarita but I think it's generally over-rated....

Andrei Rubleev (another supressed work) is in my top ten favorite movies of all time (but again the picture of russian society is paints is pretty depressing)

How much can the poor Russians take?

the're not "taking" anything... the current system (an absolute dictator who relieves them of the responsibility of making choices) is exactly what they want.

in developmental terms russian (anthropological) culture is very infantile - the ideal state is helplessness where all important decisions are made by a mysterious all-powerful figure).
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #116
Miloslaw- happy

Happy is fake. Only misery is real.

Miloslaw- You have a very negative outlook

I know. It's just a matter of realising happiness is fake. Most never do, living whole lives not knowing the truth. Maybe not knowing is better.... What is truth? That turns to a paradox, it can't be known what is without truth. Does it even exist?

Miloslaw- be more positive

Whenever I did that I was even less happy thinking I was alone in misery... Which isn't true, everyone is ultimately just waiting to die, it makes no difference how, it's all just pointless misery.

A lot of Russian art is suppressed. Who knows what geniuses have never been seen because of supression...
mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #117
Only misery is real.

infantile immature excuse.... honestly russians are mostly giant babies....

meanwhile in the real world ukrainian civilians are dying by the thousand while russians whine that nobody is changing their diapers...

as a country, russia is worse than useless, it's a burden on humanity
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
15 Jul 2022   #118
mafketis- russians

Most do not think so strangely. Russians are and have always been not much worse at imagining "happiness" as any others.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
15 Jul 2022   #119
happiness is fake

An absolutely pathetic and childish comment.

as a country, russia is worse than useless, it's a burden on humanity

I am not ignorant and I accept the inquality of life on this planet, despite disliking it.
But your attitude is very "Surrender Monkey".


You need to read Mafs comment here;

as a country, russia is worse than useless, it's a burden on humanity

mafketis  38 | 11137
15 Jul 2022   #120
Happy is fake. Only misery is real.

Oh come offf it! that is sooooooooo boring.

That's the kind of thing children think is deep and profound (and adults find tedious and boring).

russians need to stop being whiny infants and become adults

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