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John Paul II's Beatification

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
1 May 2011   #61
German one is even better!


PennBoy  76 | 2429
1 May 2011   #62
Eyewitness: How John Paul made an Italian-American "part Polish"
rybnik  18 | 1444
1 May 2011   #63
Eyewitness: How John Paul made an Italian-American “part Polish”

Nice article..
1 May 2011   #64

"Although he was magical with everybody, there was a certain sparkle that shone in his eyes when he was looking at a Pole"

When I was a child my mother used to drag me to those Corpus Christi processions in Kraków every year. Wojtyła was leading them as an Archbishop of Kraków, and even though back then I thought it's colossal waste of my time, I always enjoyed listening to his voice and his homilies. No one deserves the title of Blessed more than he does, as he was a great man and a great leader of the Catholic Church.
2 May 2011   #65
As a lover of Poland and the Polish people, I know that there's a great degree of Emotion attached to this whole thing... but faithful Catholics around the world and IN Poland also, are all berieved by these events...

We all know that Gorbachev and John Paul 2 had enormous impact in the fall of Communism -- but it was the fall of Communism AS IT WAS, not as it IS. And even Gorbachev admitted that this was the time of the metamorphosis of Soviet style Communism.

Every faithful Catholic around the world knows the Errors of Russia are alive and well today. And they are alive most especially within the precincts of the church, and of the Vatican.

This is in no small part due to the deleterious influence of John Paul 2.

When seen from a political/social perspective, this may seem like a great thing that happened today -- but it was a very brazen act, and I think May Day was an interesting choice, by the way...

This act has plunged a sword into the heart of the Church, and I fear God will not be mocked for long...

Being Faithful Catholics does not mean being papolaters. Remember what this man did -- Communion in the hand, a rampant ordination of truly evil bishops and consecration of anti-catholic cardinals, kissing the koran, claiming that jews have no need to convert to achieve salvation, holding Assisi 1 AND 2, and via his "cultural center", proliferated COMMON prayer with pagans, heathen, and all manner of reprobates and protestants and polytheists...

This is a very sad day for those of us who love Poland AND the Church. But even then, the Church must always come first -- as it always did for the Glorious Polish people...

Long Live the Pope

Sokrates... we do not believe in "equality"... *shakes head*

and NO. Being "famous" like Ghandi does NOT make you even close to being a candidate for Canonization.

Sokrates, I am beginning to doubt your "catholic" credentials... just a thought, no offense...
rybnik  18 | 1444
2 May 2011   #66
claiming that jews have no need to convert to achieve salvation, holding Assisi 1 AND 2, and via his "cultural center", proliferated COMMON prayer with pagans, heathen, and all manner of reprobates and protestants and polytheists...

Enzo, you're a fanatic and you scare me.
Crow  154 | 9463
2 May 2011   #67
John Paul II's Beatification

good news

In time when NATO machinery moved against Serbians, Pope John Paul II defended us. One who dared to confront NATO hypocrites for the sake of peace and justice for sure deserve to be saint. John Paul II, true saint

We Serbians would remember and respect
Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 May 2011   #68
Pope John Paul II will go down in history as one of Christendom’s greatest popes, whose intense spirituality, intellectual brilliance and physical stamina were beyond dispute. Although a profound thinker, he never lost the common touch, brought the papacy to the people and earned the nickname ‘Pilgrim Pope’.

The Polish-born Pontiff has been acclaimed by many as one of the leading moral authorities of recent centuries. He was the first pope to enter a Jewish synagogue and a Muslim mosque, asking forgiveness for the transgressions Christians had committed over the centuries. He constantly stressed that Jewish, Christians and Muslims ‘all worship the same God, but we are moving towards him along somewhat different roads.’

A great promoter of ecumenism, John Paul II gathered the leaders of all the world’s major religions in Assisi, Italy, to pray together for world peace. His moral authority was a major spiritual force driving Poland’s peaceful Solidarity revolution which ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet bloc and put an end to the cold war and arms race.

Always concerned with human dignity and the sanctity of life, he opposed all forms of killing: capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia and war. When asked to bless the American-led invasion of Iraq, he only replied: I will pray for the children and others who will die and suffer in the war. John Paul pioneered World Youth Day which attracted crowds of up to a million and more around the globe.

He developed easy rapport with young people, because he did not talk down to them but tried to understand and empathize with their cares and problems. He warned them against the propaganda of cheap commercialism and passing fads, urging them to seek higher values. The night before he died, thousands of young people filled St. Peter’s Square, chanting SANTO SUBITO (instant sainthood) demanding his immediate canonization. His fast-track beatification, as Pope Benedict XVI himself admitted, in part came as a response to that grass-roots yearning.
OP sobieski  106 | 2111
3 May 2011   #69
He developed easy rapport with young people,

Like that he decided that all cases of child abuse by priests should be directly refered to the Vatican - and getting buried?
I just wonder when he will be canonised. That has to be in the plan and a timetsble already decided. The Vatican is doing beatifications and canonisations according to their strategy and need.

The fact that Benedict decided that the fast-tract treatment should be applied is logical. After all he was JP's assistant, so when he glorifies his boss it also makes him looking better.
3 May 2011   #70
In my opinion, the beatification of Jan Paweł is long overdue! I can still recall the chants by Polish pilgrims of "Natychmiast święto, natychmiast święto!" in front of the Vatican hours following his death. Few scenes have moved me more, even though not a gentile, i.e. a Roman Catholic.
rybnik  18 | 1444
4 May 2011   #71

In my opinion, the beatification of Jan Paweł is long overdue!

long overdue? it's the fastest beatification on record!
Olaf  6 | 955
4 May 2011   #72
He's a necromant level 80 now.
gumishu  15 | 6227
4 May 2011   #73
long overdue? it's the fastest beatification on record!

a purely political/PR stunt to keep Poles attached to the RCC - and an attempt at creating personality cult (on the side of Polish media)- it will backfire sooner or later (it already does actually - young people are unmoved and even fed up with feeding them pope JP2 on every corner - I am fed up too)
4 May 2011   #74
JP2 was a good man. better than you all here together
Skrymcz  - | 30
4 May 2011   #75
A good man???
You can't be serious. He oversaw a total cover-up of child abuse, single-handedly caused more deaths through HIV than anyone in history, and actually increased poverty in the third world through his no-condom idiocy.

He was one of the least "good" men we've seen in the last century and Poles should be ashamed of him.
gumishu  15 | 6227
4 May 2011   #76
single-handedly caused more deaths through HIV than anyone in history, and actually increased poverty in the third world through his no-condom idiocy.

you seriously overestimate JP2 or RCC influence on the lives of Africans (or for that matter Poles for example - ask how many Polish couples never use condoms) - Africans simply do not like it with condoms (see Simon Mol case) - some even believe(d) that having sex with a healthy person will cure their diseases (including STD) and that a condom is an obstacle in the process - this is not RCC or Christian legacy - other peoples though often equally exposed to RCC 'teaching' on condoms were not that affected because they had no such specific preferences or believes
Ironside  50 | 12916
4 May 2011   #77
You can't be serious. He oversaw a total cover-up of child abuse, single-handedly caused more deaths through HIV than anyone in history, and actually increased poverty in the third world through his no-condom idiocy.

What a chump :D Are yo new around here ? Where you are from?
Do you actually believe that crap you wrote or you just did it to stir a shite ?
4 May 2011   #78
He oversaw a total cover-up of child abuse, single-handedly caused more deaths through HIV than anyone in history, and actually increased poverty in the third world through his no-condom idiocy.

aren't there any non-religious charities and rich western companies which could provide condoms and medicines to Africa?? you think the pope decides about it all and that they actually care about what he says?? interesting people in Africa do not use condoms because the pope says NO?
it'd mean people in Poland (majority of them are Catholics and loved the pope) have never used condoms,never watched pûrn, never had sex just for pleasure etc.

western pharmaceutical companies and the western countries which've exploited Africa for so much time are responsible for HIV victims and poverty in Africa.
maybe if the rich world didn't spend billions $ on pointless wars, on stupid royal weddings and other meaningless things there wouldn't be so much poverty in the world.

you don't need pope's agreement to help Africa. you know?
4 May 2011   #79
Nobody's perfect-:)

I'll say this much; he's a whole lot better than Benedikt! The latter was damaged goods from before he was even Pope. Didn't know about the Hitler Youth's agenda 'cuz he was only twelve???! Oh, come one people, that's old enough!
OP sobieski  106 | 2111
4 May 2011   #80
I am just waiting for the canonisation to come along - no doubt a suitable miracle will be found.
4 May 2011   #81
you don't need pope's agreement to help Africa. you know?

YeaH? so what have you done lately?
czar  1 | 143
4 May 2011   #82
i find it ironic the a nun was cured of parkinsons by praying to a pope who died of it.

but i am all in on team SJP2
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 May 2011   #83

i find it ironic the a nun was cured of parkinsons by praying to a pope who died of it.

Maybe he took it from her....?
4 May 2011   #84
He was one of the least "good" men we've seen in the last century and Poles should be ashamed of him.

You are deluded, and the fairies live at the bottom of your garden.
czar  1 | 143
4 May 2011   #85
so will he take from others? is there a queue?
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 May 2011   #86
I am sure there is a very long que of people wanting to be cured of something....
rybnik  18 | 1444
7 May 2011   #87
I am just waiting for the canonisation to come along - no doubt a suitable miracle will be found.

What do you mean by suitable? If you mean contrived, I'm sure they're working on it. ;)

i find it ironic the a nun was cured of parkinsons by praying to a pope who died of it.

or maybe the diagnosis was wrong?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
7 May 2011   #88
or maybe the diagnosis was wrong?

sounds more like it.
Sr. Bernadette
8 Aug 2011   #89
I am a John Paul II Sister from Australia ( I have given up everything to follow Christ in the footsteps of John Paul II. One of the greatest things that Bl. John Paul II taught me was to look beyond a person's external features, past decisions etc. Each person has an interior life that is so rich and deep and at some level is a mystery even to himself. I look forward to getting to know people now, even if they don't think much of me, even if we disagree on things, because I trust that they are a gift to me and the only proper response to them, is love.

I was blessed to do the second reading at the beatification of JPII, and like many others, I felt like he was right there present with us, praying with us and celebrating the marvels the Lord had done. His presence was so tangible it was overwhelming.

Bl. JPII pray for us, that we might learn from all that God is saying to us through you, even if we are upset, help us to hear what the Spirit is saying to us. Help us to see you and everyone in our life as a gift for whom the only adequate response... is love.
smurf  38 | 1940
8 Aug 2011   #90
I am a John Paul II Sister from Australia ( I have given up everything to follow Christ in the footsteps of John Paul II

then you have wasted your life.
we all know that he helped cover up paedophilia and he did nothing to help AIDS victim in Africa.

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