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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Feb 2018   #151
Thats only bc putin isnt a big fan of the west and israel. Putin said himself jews are basically like insurance to him and why he keeps them around. Apparently its a soviet/russian proverb

Well its passed in senate, i just hope that duda doesnt cuck out. Its not even about the phrase in all honestyl. Its a statement along with nationalizing banks media etc that tells western jewry hands off poland. Yes there were pogroms in poland, so have tthere been in every country which the jews have been esp europe. However poland never established a death camp for jews
Crow  154 | 9207
1 Feb 2018   #152
Neither Jews were perfect to Slavs, neither Slavs were perfect to Jews. Still, its glad to me that we Slavs have absolutely nothing with such a sick ideology that is Nazism and ideas about `final solution` (no matter that some Slavs more or less exploited sickens of Nazism but, still, bottom line is that Slavs didn`t develop it). So, I don`t see any reason why Slavs and Jews wouldn`t solve their problems from past and turn to prosperity in the future.
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Feb 2018   #153
Let's give the Catholics their fair share of the blame for the Gulags

are you suggesting that merely being a member to any religious group shouldn't be taken into consideration in this regard?
hold on..then there was no jewish holocoust,since they were all polish citizens.merely of different religion.
or you suggest that jew is only a jew when is a victim.
but when hes a criminal then it not matter religion but citizenship..please explain am abit confused here
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Feb 2018   #154
Because zionists are supremacist and will never allow it. Theyll always seek to undermine polands sovereignty, wealth, conservative society etc.
Atch  21 | 4139
1 Feb 2018   #155
merely being a member to any religious group shouldn't be taken into consideration in this regard?

All religions should be acknowledged, respected and vilified equally in a fair and just society :)
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Feb 2018   #156
All religions should be acknowledged

beside mummy,Stalin wanst responsible for creating gulag system...but Trocky was...errrr a jew
but good try,doesnt work on inteligent ppl like glorious myself
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Feb 2018   #157
i guess,i must have confuse you with my brilliant mind i throw too much truth and facts at you..slow to digest i understand
Atch  21 | 4139
1 Feb 2018   #158
Ok Gregy, here's an example from Stalin's own personal notes on the subject, written in his hand with blue pencil:

"Who can do the arrests?
What to do with the ex-White military in our industrial factories?
Prisons must be emptied of prisoners.
What to do with different groups arrested.
To allow .........deportations, Ukraine 145,000, N. Caucasus 71,00, Lower Volga 50,000 ( alot!),"

I'd say he was quite hands on with the Gulags.

Read a few books.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
1 Feb 2018   #159
Because zionists are supremacist and will never allow it.

So true as the Zionist Jews on this forum have shown their true colors to that statement with the hate they show in their posts towards Poland.

I don't think it can be denied anymore.

beside mummy,Stalin wanst responsible for creating gulag system...

He may not have created gulag but he was responsible for running them for 20 YEARS when thousands of Poles died in them.
Does that FACT confuse your brilliant mind to digest ?
1 Feb 2018   #160
Polak people are responsible for the deaths of poor unarmed jewish people.
The fact that your goverment actually approved such law , it makes us israeli's hard to believe. boycott poland.
( Now take me in for jail , I'm waiting :) )
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Feb 2018   #161
no need,your small close to knowledge mind is your jail
Michael Aduski  - | 9
1 Feb 2018   #162
Peace and love all please. Remember love will always conquer hate. Let us all give each other a big hug here ok? ..... Now that was nice huh? But back to my comment again "Polish concentration camps" in English does not mean that the camps were Setup and run by Poles. It can perfectly well "simply" mean they were geographically located in Poland. @Gregy I take your Point re: 70% of Americans and really this is a shocking statistic. Well actually not so shocking coming from Americans. Seriously this is all such Basic Basic history that I am quite astounded that some People still Need to be told that concentration/Extermination camps sited in Poland were Setup and run by Germans and not Poles. It is really so painfully painfully obvious. That is why some may use the term "Polish concentration camps" because they assume a certain Basic fundamental level of historical awareness, intelligence and English proficiency in their audience.
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Feb 2018   #163
well "simply" mean they were geographically located in Poland.

do english also call hiroshima bomb ,Japanese? was on japaneese teritory during explosion
err wasnt best example
but death camps in south africa are called British mean the one with boers inside
Crow  154 | 9207
1 Feb 2018   #164
Good point.
Atch  21 | 4139
1 Feb 2018   #165
death camps in south africa are called British

Concentration camps, not death camps.
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Feb 2018   #166
Concentration camps, not death camps

yes,...nazis also used concentration camp name for places where they were killing people.
eisenhover murdered 1.5 million germans in resettlement camp..i believe it was its name.
some other "humanitarian bombings" or "moderates" rebels names are also funny
Lyzko  41 | 9545
1 Feb 2018   #167
Precisely! Let's be exact. There were "KZs" or "Concentration Camps" for numerous others, not exclusively Jews at all, used to warehouse, and of course kill or torture, millions of prisoners for the duration of the War. There were "Vernichtungslager" or "Extermination Camps", known in the vernacular as "Death Camps" or "Todeslager" whose sole purpose was the physical elimination of "undesirables", primarily (though not only) Jews, as well as homosexuals, not necessarily Jews, Sinti-Roma as well as the mentally or terminally ill. Finally, there were "Sammellager" or "Internment Camps" where so-called "Enemies of the Reich" along with other miscellaneous foreign prisoners, were housed during the War.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
1 Feb 2018   #168
It can perfectly well "simply" mean they were geographically located in Poland.

No, I don't buy this. If there is a Nike store in Poland, would you say it's Polish? You wouldn't, because it isn't. You wouldn't say, the Polish Nike store, just because it has a branch in Poland.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
1 Feb 2018   #169
I agree here. The Death Camps were physically located in what is now Poland, yet they were manned, that is, run, and conceived by, Germans. NOT Poles!

In addition, the area where they were erected was considered Deutsches Reich, and not independent Polish territory.
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Feb 2018   #170
soon we learn that wermach present in Poland was polish army cus it stationed,located in Poland
"in 1939 polish wermacht army attacked Poland starting 2 world war."- "new York times"
mafketis  38 | 10867
1 Feb 2018   #171
It can perfectly well "simply" mean they were geographically located in Poland

Except there was no real Polish state at the time (since the nazis and soviets had carved it up between them). And the Soviets (true to form) kept a big chunk of pre-war Poland for themselves afterward.

I'm not in favor of the law in question but 'Polish death camps' is intellectually lazy by people who don't (and/or don't want to) understand the situation at the time.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
1 Feb 2018   #172
Looks like some in the Israeli government are so offended by this Polish law being passed in the senate, they are calling for Israeli ambassador in Poland Anna Azari, to be recalled.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest - she was useless anyway. Also, Poland doesn't currently have an ambassador in Israel either I believe.
gregy741  5 | 1226
1 Feb 2018   #173
Doesn't bother me in the slightest - she was useless anyway.

i feel sorry for her.
watched Mazureks from RMF interview with her .she said she didnt want to say what she did and escalate this problem,but she was ordered by Netanyachu.

she also said that this attack on Poland is a result of election campaign in Israel.for that they got angry at her in Israel.cus it looks like Israeli politicians uses bashing of Poland for their political gains
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
1 Feb 2018   #174
Israel are behaving like a baby throwing its toys out of the pram in anger. Now they are just doing things to be nasty to Poland - first they slam Poland's law publicly, then make a counter law to that and now they want to get their ambassador out of Poland. It's pathetic.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Feb 2018   #175
And yet again, israel too weak to stand up to poland alone asks us zionists for help
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Feb 2018   #176
This smells like a distraction (so that people wouldn't notice the terrible election 'reform') or other terrible PiS ideas waiting in the wings....

I thought that to begin with, but surely someone would have pointed out that the Israeli reaction would be so overwhelming in return?

And yet again, israel too weak to stand up to poland alone asks us zionists for help

Doesn't matter how weak you are if you've got a very powerful friend to help.

Either way, this is a mess that PiS really need to get themselves out of one way or another.
1 Feb 2018   #177
It can perfectly well "simply" mean they were geographically located in Poland

Of course thats true, but numerous Israeli commentators have made it clear that they mean that the Polish state was in joint enterprise with the Nazi's and the Nation/State is guilty as much as the German Nazi's.

The evidence is the Israeli objection to this law on the basis that Poland is guilty.

And it does matter, I have a Scottish friend who declared Poland's guilt based on 'there is no smoke without fire'
1 Feb 2018   #178
Either way, this is a mess that PiS really need to get themselves out of one way or another.

Pass the Law, prosecute anyone who violates it.

The son of a KKK member is unlikely to have any influence on Poland.

You have to understand that Israel is attempting to apportion blame for the invasion, destruction and death of 6 million Poles on... Poland. There is No ******* way that will stand with Poles.
mafketis  38 | 10867
1 Feb 2018   #179
surely someone would have pointed out that the Israeli reaction would be so overwhelming in return?

Because KaczyƄski and Nethanyahu(sp?) are birds of a feather, xenophobes who want to induce a siege mentality among the populace.

they mean that the Polish state was in joint enterprise with the Nazi's

They never say that openly do they? they just can't stand the idea of someone, anyone, anywhere not feeling personally guilty about the holocaust. Poland doesn't feel guilty about (despite the participation of some Poles) and that enrages them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Feb 2018   #180
Pass the Law, prosecute anyone who violates it.

And risk a significant cooling of Polish-American relations at a time when Poland is lacking in international allies? Be careful for what you wish for.

The son of a KKK member is unlikely to have any influence on Poland.

Who are you referring to?

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