@WielkiPolak, you're correct! I ought to have written/said "certain Poles..." That is historically more accurate.
Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'
dolnoslask 5 | 2805
6 Jul 2018 #1472
Correct agreed.
Perhaps it was a 5 star celllar or attic they wanted and expected free food in a place with no food where the death penalty for aiding them was carried out several times a day in any given region?
Why do we even talk about it? No business should be conducted with them. Good they stay out of Poland. Shouldn't have anything to do with them.
OP WielkiPolak 54 | 988
7 Jul 2018 #1475
I ought to have written/said "certain Poles..."
Yep. I would also avoid using terminology like 'responsible for.' Certain Polish people were not responsible for the holocaust. I mean If the Germans had not invaded Poland, there would be no holocaust and no opportunity for these people to do what they did.
I think a more accurate thing to say would be 'some Polish people had a role in the holocaust.' Of course, the same could be said for some Jewish people, but I won't get in to that, as I now that you are not likely to admit it.
Quite, WielkiPolak! No argument with ya there.
Official Poland should coordinate with Serbia in approach to Israel and Jews. Let me tell you one thing- one, if sane, can struck the deal with Jews. But no, Duda repeating mistakes. Plus for stance on EU, minus for stance on Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
Today in Belgrade >

Israely President Reuven Rivlin and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic
Today in Belgrade >

Israely President Reuven Rivlin and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic
Well, Morawiecki apparently has relaxed the restrictions of this new law....somewhat!
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
26 Jul 2018 #1479
Yup.... after much typical whining from the Zionists... kind of hypocritical because Israel has very similar laws regarding the holocaust with even longer jail terms that most Americans would view as restricting free speech. I doubt the public will be made aware of Jewish collaboration with the Nazis anytime soon.
. kind of hypocritical because Israel has very similar laws regarding the holocaust
Its is not about those laws. It is about historical narrative in which Jews are the only sole victims the likes history doesn't know. All the nation owe them and especially Catholics. So, they can shove it all in their unwashed behinds. why are you people still yapp about it. There is noting to talk about - just boycott everything kosher.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
27 Jul 2018 #1481
Well of course. Poles never got to tell their version of events since the West had their version and the soviets wrote the poles version and suppressed the way poles view ww2, the holocaust, etc. It wasn't until the 90s that Russia even admitted to Katyn and even now they don't recognize it as like a genocide or war crime.
The jews had a monopoly on ww2 victimhood, now that's being challenged and they're not happy about it. The entire state of Israel was founded on their victimhood, as were the billions they received from guilt tripping and telling their version of events. But when the pm says there were Jewish collaborators all the msm outlets label him an anti Semite and talk about how antisemitic Poland is, how Jews are constantly threatened in Poland... the usual bullsh1t...
The jews had a monopoly on ww2 victimhood, now that's being challenged and they're not happy about it. The entire state of Israel was founded on their victimhood, as were the billions they received from guilt tripping and telling their version of events. But when the pm says there were Jewish collaborators all the msm outlets label him an anti Semite and talk about how antisemitic Poland is, how Jews are constantly threatened in Poland... the usual bullsh1t...
True. Maybe that is main Polish problem. Complexes as result of foreign writing of history.
How could Poles establish normal relations with Jews if Poles can`t express themselves? Take this example.... How tell to Jews next thing... ``You Jews harmed us Poles and all Slavs during era of slavery and now we Poles expect you Jews to apologize to us.`` How could Pole tell it to a Jew? Really, how? To be able to tell it to a Jew and be able to comprehend whole enormity of that what he telling, Pole must be:
1. aware of Polish history
2. feel itself as Slavic
3. feel itself as Polish
4. aware that before Jews harmed Poles, Romans did harm both- the Jews and Slavs (ie Sarmatians). Romans are those who created world where was profitable to hunt Slavs. Jews, Arabs,... only founded itself in that world.
But, how to accept fact that Rome harmed Poles? Simple fact. How? Rome as Rome, Roman Rome and also later Catholic Rome. But without accepting that fact, how then to look in the eyes of others who harmed Poles? What to tell to Jews? To Germans? To Russians? Is Polish sensitivity selective? Rome can harm Poles and others can`t?
There is something what is called `universal human values`. One should behave in accordance with those values and one can always easily found way to talk to anybody. That goes for Poles, too. Poles don`t have equal standards. Poles must establish standards. They alone. Then accuse and then forgive. But not before you have standards. Honest standards.
Gavrilo shot the Ferdinand and Poland founded itself independent. Independent and confused.
How could Poles establish normal relations with Jews if Poles can`t express themselves? Take this example.... How tell to Jews next thing... ``You Jews harmed us Poles and all Slavs during era of slavery and now we Poles expect you Jews to apologize to us.`` How could Pole tell it to a Jew? Really, how? To be able to tell it to a Jew and be able to comprehend whole enormity of that what he telling, Pole must be:
1. aware of Polish history
2. feel itself as Slavic
3. feel itself as Polish
4. aware that before Jews harmed Poles, Romans did harm both- the Jews and Slavs (ie Sarmatians). Romans are those who created world where was profitable to hunt Slavs. Jews, Arabs,... only founded itself in that world.
But, how to accept fact that Rome harmed Poles? Simple fact. How? Rome as Rome, Roman Rome and also later Catholic Rome. But without accepting that fact, how then to look in the eyes of others who harmed Poles? What to tell to Jews? To Germans? To Russians? Is Polish sensitivity selective? Rome can harm Poles and others can`t?
There is something what is called `universal human values`. One should behave in accordance with those values and one can always easily found way to talk to anybody. That goes for Poles, too. Poles don`t have equal standards. Poles must establish standards. They alone. Then accuse and then forgive. But not before you have standards. Honest standards.
Gavrilo shot the Ferdinand and Poland founded itself independent. Independent and confused.
Be careful please, with that "Jews had a monopoly on victimhood?" stuff, Dirk, you're playing with fire and might get burned.
Such dodgy rhetoric makes it sound as if the Jews actually "planned" their status as Nazi pawns.
Believe me, if we could've done things differently over the millenia, we'd have done it!
Such dodgy rhetoric makes it sound as if the Jews actually "planned" their status as Nazi pawns.
Believe me, if we could've done things differently over the millenia, we'd have done it!
Now we listen something Jewish, to give respect to this brave and noble people. Sarmatians (ie Slavs) and Jews deserve chance to live in peace and prosper in cooperation.
Rika Zaraï - Hava Nagila
Thank you Jews. You are the first in this part of the world to have politicians that openly speak how are Slavs natives to Europe (and not only Europe). How are Slavs on their own and not some backward newcomers. You ending that cruel ruination of Slavs that was by Romans and Roman western European satellites imposed on us Sarmats. Minimum I can give you for that is my respect.
Let us learn to criticized and correct each others, on behalf of all our children. For peace!
Rika Zaraï - Hava Nagila
Thank you Jews. You are the first in this part of the world to have politicians that openly speak how are Slavs natives to Europe (and not only Europe). How are Slavs on their own and not some backward newcomers. You ending that cruel ruination of Slavs that was by Romans and Roman western European satellites imposed on us Sarmats. Minimum I can give you for that is my respect.
Let us learn to criticized and correct each others, on behalf of all our children. For peace!
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
27 Jul 2018 #1485
Be careful please, with that "Jews had a monopoly on victimhood?" stuff, Dirk, you're playing with fire and might get burned.
Might get burned lol the only thing im worried about is getting a sunburn. Im not concerned lyzko, for one im not saying anythinf that isnt true and cant be backed up. And they did have a monopoly on ww2 victimhood in the West for the longest time. One example - there's countless holocaust memorials all over the us and Europe. But outside of Poland there's basically none for poles, outside of Russia there's none for Russians and for german citizens that were. Omce theres the same amount of memorials for poles, Russians, Germans, etc and all those nations receiebe billions of dollars than I'll retract my statement that Jews have a monopoly on ww2 victimhood in the West especially the us.
I'm for fairness and objectivity. If poles are expected to be honest, open and play with open cards so should jews. Now that Jewish privilege and monopoly on ww2 victimhood is coming to a close as there is far easier access to information and people are able to conduct their own research and form their own opinions rather than just going by the brainwashing of MSM and Zionist groups who have wrote the ww2 narrative and pushed their version for decades. It's over now - especially in Poland. And even in the us a third of young people don't even know what the holocaust is. Plus a huge chunk of both the left and right are putting Israel on notice and saying enough is enough. It's only a couple neo con dinosaurs and aipac ass kissers that remain - and in future generations that'll pass too.
Such dodgy rhetoric makes it sound as if the Jews actually "planned" their status as Nazi pawns.
Well certain Zionist groups like Lehi openly sought an alliance with Nazi Germany and fascist Italy and fought against the allies especially Britain. They even assassinated key British politicians. But no one talks about that or the deir yassin massacre and how a member of said group became a pm of Israel.
Oh and there were the collaborators like rumkowski, the ghetto police, jakub lejkin, judenrat, etc. But the mere mention of Jewish nazi collaborators received tons of bad press from msm for morawiecki. No one reported that what he said is FACT. No brainwashed people think automatically there could never be such a thing as Jewish Nazi collaborators and don't even bother finding out the facts and MSM uses that ignorance and lazinsss to push specific agendas
Believe me, if we could've done things differently over the millenia, we'd have done it!
Suuuuuuure you would've. Well it's never too late to stop supporting a supremacist entity founded on two timing, massacres, genocide and other ethnic cleansing activities. Yet very few Jews aside from a few orthodox and liberal reform will voice their disdain for current israeli policies. That was one thing atleast Obama did he was far more objective than anyone when it came to Israel and even then he spent 10 bil a year in military aid. They get free weapons, free education, free healthcare all on American taxpayers dime. But few politicians will ever say no more because they don't have the balls to stand up to aipac and shake off the accusations of antisemitism
I see you're switching stuff around, making it seem as though the aggressor were in truth the victim instead of the victim as victim.
Were someone to get attacked who is able to defend themselves valiantly, bully for them. However, as I've often reiterated, one size doesn't fit all and why should the healthy six-footer with broad shoulders and a pair of biceps as big as ham hocks necessarily be deemed both "less" of a victim than another person 5ft. 4in. with a weak constitution and who doesn't pump iron every day, not to mention more worthy of being defended by virtue of his size and strength?
Most Jews were indeed more than wanting in physical exercise, having a poor diet and almost complete unfamiliarity with the daily use of firearms, not to mention skilled armed conflict, above all in the shtettl.
The latter scarcely chose their role as victims vs. the former more self-sufficient group.
All I get from many on this Forum is the perennial "empathy fatigue" and please bear in mind that once the conscience goes, so too the soul and humanity has traded her specialness, distinct from the animal kingdom, in exchange for a ring side seat before the Gates of Hell.
Were someone to get attacked who is able to defend themselves valiantly, bully for them. However, as I've often reiterated, one size doesn't fit all and why should the healthy six-footer with broad shoulders and a pair of biceps as big as ham hocks necessarily be deemed both "less" of a victim than another person 5ft. 4in. with a weak constitution and who doesn't pump iron every day, not to mention more worthy of being defended by virtue of his size and strength?
Most Jews were indeed more than wanting in physical exercise, having a poor diet and almost complete unfamiliarity with the daily use of firearms, not to mention skilled armed conflict, above all in the shtettl.
The latter scarcely chose their role as victims vs. the former more self-sufficient group.
All I get from many on this Forum is the perennial "empathy fatigue" and please bear in mind that once the conscience goes, so too the soul and humanity has traded her specialness, distinct from the animal kingdom, in exchange for a ring side seat before the Gates of Hell.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
27 Jul 2018 #1487
I see you're switching stuff around, making it seem as though the aggressor were in truth the victim instead of the victim as victim.
I never made them seem as anything. I simply stated the facts. Obviously most were victims, nonetheless like many people living during ww2, there were collaborators and allies of Nazis, Soviets and a few with the AK (although most deserted)
having a poor diet and almost complete unfamiliarity with the daily use of firearms, not to mention skilled armed conflict, above all in the shtettl.
There you go with that tired victimhood line... Almost everyone was malnourished from GIs in the Pacific down to peasants in the east - not just jews. The average pole or ukranian was no better off. Also it was the jews decision to excluse themselves and live in shtettls. Furthermore, a bad diet or having no formal training didn't stop opportunists from collaborating with nazis and a hell of a lot of Jews allying with invading Soviets and murdering and stealing whatever they could. There were numerous Jewish guerilla groups all with different allegiances, ideologies and allies.
I merely wish to set the record straight once and for all. Those who were victims came by that regrettable status honestly. Look up the meaning of the word and I trust you'll see what I mean.
The Jews didn't all wish to exclude themselves and live in hermetically sealed isolation. The Christians wanted that and set up laws that it be so.
The Jews didn't all wish to exclude themselves and live in hermetically sealed isolation. The Christians wanted that and set up laws that it be so.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
28 Jul 2018 #1489
merely wish to set the record straight once and for all.
Same. And I can back up everything with facts while msm and Zionists cannot and constantly suppress facts i.e. Jewish collaboration with nazis.
The Jews didn't all wish to exclude themselves and live in hermetically sealed isolation.
Not in pre ww2 Poland. That line could be used in the middle ages (and even then poles took in jews when they were kicked out of every other european countrh and literally had nowhere else to go... And this is the thanks poles get...) not 20th century Poland.
Jewish specifically Talmudic law is very specific on how Jews should interact with goys. If a jew wante s to live in a non jewish area and associate with goys theyd ve effectively banished. And it's still like that in the orthodox community which is one of the reasons my gf left it, oh and a rabbi trying to marry her to a dude 20 plus yesrs her senior at 16.
Other people might buy that bs that polish Christians forced Jews to live in certain areas b4 ww2 but I sure as sh1t wont.
Can you really believe any human group would masochistically prefer the nightmare of eternal isolation to the ideal of harmony and peaceful cohabitation?
Y'all must be either cracked or some type of political provocateurs!
Y'all must be either cracked or some type of political provocateurs!
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
28 Jul 2018 #1491
any human group would masochistically prefer the nightmare of eternal isolation to the ideal of harmony and peaceful cohabitation
Yes There are many tribes in Africa Amazon Indian ocean who want no outside contact and are allowed to kill anyone who messes with them and goes on their turf.
But a less extreme version are the current events in eastern europe where more and more countries are responding to the forced multiculturalism and migrant invasion by posting up wire fences, voting in nationalists and adopting a fort like mentality.
But that's besides the point... the ultra religious Jews to this day live in their own areas, mostly hang out with their own people and banish those who challenge the almost cult like atmosphere in the community. Some orthodox women have been chastised and threatened to be kicked out for something as simple as having Wi-Fi in their house and allowing their kids to look stuff up on the web. During ww2 and beforehand the Jewish community was far more religious and their lives were centered around rabbis temple Talmud/Torah etc much more so than now. So yes most jews absolutely chose to live in their own neighborhoods which were dominated and controlled with rabbis and religious laws.
Now there's a rationalization for indifference on the part of the West if I've ever heard one! Can't you do better than that, Dirk?
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
30 Jul 2018 #1493
I've already explained this - unless you sell all your worldly possessions and live like mother Theresa in India or buddha in the forest or Jesus in the desert, you are abetting suffering - wars, sick elderly people who can't afford their meds, people being shot left and right in my city, all sorts of sh1t.
Best a person can do short of not paying taxes that go for bombing civilians and living like a holy hermit is trying to live a good life THEMSELVES and being a half decent person. You can't control jack that happens all around the world.
Personally, I worry about my family, friends and myself. The rest can go **** themselves - no one did sh1t to ever help me and neither would they ever. So why should I go out of my way to help them? And when you do help people they take advantage of it and abuse a person's kindness and genorisity - best example is the hoodrats living off taxpayers funded welfare for generations - popping out kids just so section 8 can give them a bigger apartment.... 99% of people would sooner film with their iPhone a dude on fire rolling around the ground, screaming in agony and getting 3rd degree burns rather than throw water on it.. And that's where our society is.
Best a person can do short of not paying taxes that go for bombing civilians and living like a holy hermit is trying to live a good life THEMSELVES and being a half decent person. You can't control jack that happens all around the world.
Personally, I worry about my family, friends and myself. The rest can go **** themselves - no one did sh1t to ever help me and neither would they ever. So why should I go out of my way to help them? And when you do help people they take advantage of it and abuse a person's kindness and genorisity - best example is the hoodrats living off taxpayers funded welfare for generations - popping out kids just so section 8 can give them a bigger apartment.... 99% of people would sooner film with their iPhone a dude on fire rolling around the ground, screaming in agony and getting 3rd degree burns rather than throw water on it.. And that's where our society is.
As far as having a good life, how in G-d's name can one truly enjoy such a life if it's built solely, or mostly, on the unhappiness/suffering of others?
The answer is one can't.
Never too late to repent for one's sins ON EARTH!
The answer is one can't.
Never too late to repent for one's sins ON EARTH!
Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
30 Jul 2018 #1495
Never too late to repent for one's sins ON EARTH!
Last time I sinned I was 12. I stole 2zl from my mom's purse and I bought a bottle of cheap wine. It was gone before sundown. Still no regrets.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
30 Jul 2018 #1496
how in G-d's name can one truly enjoy such a life if it's built solely, or mostly, on the unhappiness/suffering of others?
Well most people either don't understand or don't care about others suffering. No one wants to pay taxes because they want more money for themselves, not because it funds wars
The answer is one can't.
Again depends if a person cares or is ignorant of suffering he or she causes others. But even if a person realizes it and does care, 99.99999% of people aren't going to do anything about it and keep d9ing the same sh1t. No one's going to quit their job, stop paying taxes or even stop buying Chinese goods made with basically slave labor.
Never too late to repent for one's sins ON EARTH!
That same 99.999999% though isn't going to become mother theresa or Ghandi, who was actually quite racist. And even then there's so many things they can't change as individuals.
That's why I believe the 99.99999% who aren't holy people should just look out for themselves and their loved ones and live a good life and use their conscience in everyday decisions.
Rich Mazur 4 | 2894
30 Jul 2018 #1497
That's why I believe the 99.99999% who aren't holy people should just look out for themselves and their loved ones ...
...or you go nuts. That is why I have a short list of ten I care about and that is where my caring ends.
Did you know that the 250,000 who died in the 2004 tsunami were replaced within the next 24 hours?
But have you considered the reasons behind societies that have higher living standards, more wealth, less violence and inequality and longer lifespans than Chicago ? Places that you mock like Sweden, Switzerland, Holland, Japan, Australia.
People there do seem to accept higher taxes as the price of a safety net and a fair deal and they have a greater level of empathy than US or Russian society.
Some bingo words that will be in your reply. Migrant scum, rape gangs, Merkel, Soy Boy, Londonistan, cucks.
People there do seem to accept higher taxes as the price of a safety net and a fair deal and they have a greater level of empathy than US or Russian society.
Some bingo words that will be in your reply. Migrant scum, rape gangs, Merkel, Soy Boy, Londonistan, cucks.
Obviously nobody's perfect, "to err is human, to forgive divine" etc. ad infinitum...
Problem is that these days, folks don't even try, certainly not to the degree we once did, say fifty-odd years ago and before.
Mankind's lost the way, and BADLY!
Ought to have known we were heading for a social Armageddon when around the early '90's I remember reading a longish op-ed piece
in the NYT entitled "Sometimes, even G-d needs a vacation", wherein the pastor, the author of the article, remarked he was actually trying to
use whatever legal tactics he and his staff possibly could to discourage "problem parishioners" from bothering the church office on the
minister's "day off".
Hmmm, "minister's day off"?? Last time I consulted the Good Book, a clergyman's duty, bound by their calling, was to be there for whomever required
the requisite soul tending, a soldier in vestments, fighting the good fight against evil of a suffering humanity.
Recently, my spirit still stuck in more halcyon days, I attended the informal memorial of an elderly colleague who'd passed on and we were all gathered
in the Dean's office. I arrived a few minutes after people started gathering, saying, "I wish to extend my condolences on Dr. Luehrmann's untimely passing!", upon which
the priest in his robes seated near to me, looking rather dispeptic, blurts out "GLAD THE OLD FART'S DEAD!", to chuckles and quortles inside the anteroom.
Isn't that lovely.
Problem is that these days, folks don't even try, certainly not to the degree we once did, say fifty-odd years ago and before.
Mankind's lost the way, and BADLY!
Ought to have known we were heading for a social Armageddon when around the early '90's I remember reading a longish op-ed piece
in the NYT entitled "Sometimes, even G-d needs a vacation", wherein the pastor, the author of the article, remarked he was actually trying to
use whatever legal tactics he and his staff possibly could to discourage "problem parishioners" from bothering the church office on the
minister's "day off".
Hmmm, "minister's day off"?? Last time I consulted the Good Book, a clergyman's duty, bound by their calling, was to be there for whomever required
the requisite soul tending, a soldier in vestments, fighting the good fight against evil of a suffering humanity.
Recently, my spirit still stuck in more halcyon days, I attended the informal memorial of an elderly colleague who'd passed on and we were all gathered
in the Dean's office. I arrived a few minutes after people started gathering, saying, "I wish to extend my condolences on Dr. Luehrmann's untimely passing!", upon which
the priest in his robes seated near to me, looking rather dispeptic, blurts out "GLAD THE OLD FART'S DEAD!", to chuckles and quortles inside the anteroom.
Isn't that lovely.
Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
30 Jul 2018 #1500
@cms neuf
Good for them. And I never poked fun at Japan. I respect Japan because they want to keep their society homogenous. And no one's forcing Japan to embrace multiculturalism and take in a bunch of third worlders. And if they did Japanese people probably wouldn't accept them as Asians are among the most racist people.
Inequality imo is a good thing. It separates the cream from the rest. If everyone was earning the same wages we'd be in a system like the prl where doctors make the same as laborers and being a taxi driver is one of the best jobs bc of cash tips - a system poles do not want.
And the lifespan of people in the US is almost identical to that in europe. They are all in the 70s with japan being in the low 80s from what i recall. The difference is a year or two or so between us and other nations.. basically nothing.. Japan has the longest lifespan of any nation - and they're not a bunch of cuck losers who allow migrants to rape and pillage and prefer to be a homogenous society. Maybe that's why they live so long - they aren't stressed out by all the problems multiculturalism has caused.
And personally I'd rather live a shorter life on my terms and live how I want amongst my own people than work even more years to support migrants and their 4 ninja wives and soccer team of kids.
Good for them. And I never poked fun at Japan. I respect Japan because they want to keep their society homogenous. And no one's forcing Japan to embrace multiculturalism and take in a bunch of third worlders. And if they did Japanese people probably wouldn't accept them as Asians are among the most racist people.
higher living standards, more wealth, less violence and inequality and longer lifespans than Chicago ?
Inequality imo is a good thing. It separates the cream from the rest. If everyone was earning the same wages we'd be in a system like the prl where doctors make the same as laborers and being a taxi driver is one of the best jobs bc of cash tips - a system poles do not want.
And the lifespan of people in the US is almost identical to that in europe. They are all in the 70s with japan being in the low 80s from what i recall. The difference is a year or two or so between us and other nations.. basically nothing.. Japan has the longest lifespan of any nation - and they're not a bunch of cuck losers who allow migrants to rape and pillage and prefer to be a homogenous society. Maybe that's why they live so long - they aren't stressed out by all the problems multiculturalism has caused.
And personally I'd rather live a shorter life on my terms and live how I want amongst my own people than work even more years to support migrants and their 4 ninja wives and soccer team of kids.