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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
2 May 2018   #1201
@Dirk diggler
Exactly. Jewish scum has no honour (some excluded) and all they do is making business on holocaust of their ancestors. Cant imagine anything more inhumane than that.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 May 2018   #1202
It's mostly the zionists. Jewish professor Dr Finkelstein writes about this phenomenon in his book the holocaust industry. Taking all of Palestine, building illegal settlements, receiving tens of billions every year from eu and us (while refusing to extradite criminals to those countries) wasnt enough. They always want more.

This whole.war in Syria is just part of the greater israel Odin Yinon plan. Israel even treats al Qaeda and al.nusra fighters in its hospitals - that's a known fact. They wanted to destroy syria and iraq, cause a huge crisis so that a huge chunk of the people leave while the rest are totally demoralized and eventually conquer those lands. Just like hitler and his campaign in the east for living space, the zionists want to have living space in Lebanon and Syria. They wouldve succeeded had assad fallen but Putin and Iran said no ******* way. They knew what israel us and Saudi Arabia were up to. Why do you think that us didnt even bomb isis for the first few years and even once they starred it was a total half hearted effort. Pilots would complain that theyd fly over a legit military target and then constanrly be told to stand down and return to base. Well israel failed and now they must be contend with Iran and the shia axis closer to its doorstep than ever.

Like the polish saying goes, the greedy end up losing twice as much
Lyzko  44 | 9731
2 May 2018   #1203
While not a Zionist, but as a fellow Jew, I can well understand their zeal, even if misplaced at times! And NO, I never was a supporter, rather, a detractor of, and always reviled the likes of a Meier Kahan and his ilk, just in case you're wondering.

@NoToForeigners, your very moniker suggests a deep prejudice, quite unbecoming of you, either as a Pole, a modern, post-War European, above all, as a Christian!

This persistent myth that Jews are greedy by their very nature suggests a complete ignorance of history as well as gross double standard concerning human behavior

in general!!
Crow  155 | 9736
2 May 2018   #1204
I am for peace between Jews and Slavs. We have all reasons to cooperate.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
2 May 2018   #1205
I don't know how their minds work

It's really an interesting time if you like politics, because you also have to wonder if voters would tolerate Duda being pushed out for a PiS-approved candidate. On the other hand, it could be a genius electoral strategy - up against a common opposition figure in Tusk, you put a PiS candidate (say Szydło) up against Duda and Tusk, and hope that a moderate Duda who appears to have argued with Kaczyński will steal enough votes from the centrists to eliminate Tusk in the first round. Kaczyński is a master of these political games, and he knows that voters are stupid enough to believe such a thing. It wouldn't take much - Szydło as the PiS candidate would get a solid 30% of the vote in the first round, Tusk would get a solid 30% and then there's 40% left to divide between the three.

if the only viable opponent to Duda is Tusk or somebody from PO/Nowoczesna then they might be forced to vote for Duda just to keep them out.

That's the most likely scenario in my book. Duda has a huge fight on his hands against Tusk (assuming he doesn't come back in time for the 2019 elections), not least because the tactics he used against a lazy, unmotivated and unwilling to fight Komorowski have no chance of working against Tusk. For that reason, I don't think there's much alternative for them than to rely on Duda. If they decide that they hate Duda and won't vote at all, Tusk has the upper hand.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 May 2018   #1206
This persistent myth that Jews are greedy

Although greed is criticized and Jews are told to be happy with their lot, Jews are nonetheless encouraged to usurp goys. It's a religious command in the Talmud.

And I don't mean greedy for money - Zionists are greedy for everything - land, resources, money, weapons, political clout, attention... Just take land for example - if Zionists weren't greedy for land then they wouldn't subsidize Jews making Aliyah and put them in settlements deemed to be illegal by the United Nations just so they can change the demographics of parts of Palestine they haven't yet totally occupied.

Well, their involvement in Syria - driven by greed for more land, clout, resources - ended up costing them as now they have more Shia than ever right at their doorstep.

Israel will end up dragging the US into a war with Iran sooner or later - and it won't be a limited proxy war like Syria.

I am for peace between Jews and Slavs

Poles have reached a reconciliatory hand to Israel numerous times - and each time it has been rejected. Especially now with the Holocaust law. Even after Poles said they would work with Israel to get their opinion and amend the law it didn't change anything. Rivlin even had the gall to criticize Poles as he was standing right next to Duda on Polish soil during a commemoration.
G (undercover)
3 May 2018   #1207
Jewish professor Dr Finkelstein writes about this phenomenon in his book the holocaust industry.

Lyzko  44 | 9731
3 May 2018   #1208
Finkelstein is not only neither a survivor himself, nor even the offspring of survivors, he has been reviled by nearly every survivor as well as non-survivor group in the country!!

Be wary of the rogue historian trying to play into the hands of the Irvings, Leuchtners and the rest of the deniers:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 May 2018   #1209
No one is denying the holocaust happened. The 6 million claimed (use to be 9 million in the 50s and has been adjusted numerous times since) does not add up as world/us census records show as well as the reduction of auschwitz fatalities by million make that number impossible, but thats another story.

It doesn't take a ww2 survivor to see the holocaust extortion racket perpetuated by zionists and their lobbyists.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
3 May 2018   #1210
you put a PiS candidate (say Szydło) up against Duda and Tusk

Might not be a bad idea to put Szydlo in there. It would certainly give people disgruntled with Duda, who could never bring themselves to vote for Tusk, a serious candidate to vote for.

Finkelstein is not only neither a survivor himself, nor even the offspring of survivors

Yes he is.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
3 May 2018   #1211
Nonetheless, post-War American, US-born. There's a difference.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 May 2018   #1212
He's not the only relatively famous person to call out the holocaust industry and the aggressive supremacist nature of Zionism. Jimmy Carter is another example and writes about these topics in 'Peace, Not Apartheid' Oh did the accusations of anti-Semitism start flying after that book was published lol. Natalie Portman called out Israel recently too. George Soros also despises the Zionist regime of Israel as well as Israeli laws. The one thing that the far left and far right have in common is they both despise Zionism.

It's funny how the MSM constantly criticizes Poland and Hungary for not taking in muslim/African migrants, that the people are against homosexuality and hetero marriage is protected by the constitution, etc. Yet no one tells Israel to take in refugees. No one is telling Israel to change it's laws so gay people can get married. You can't even get a marriage certificate unless both parties are Jewish. Meaning if you're a Christian citizen of Israel and want to marry say a Palestinian Muslim who also has citizenship you can forget about get married. Yet where's the outrage from the MSM? Well, most of the outlets and conglomerates are owned by Jews - 4/5 of the major networks are Jewish owned with Murdoch being the exception.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
3 May 2018   #1213
I'm not crazy about Zionism either, although one, that is, any thinking person (Jew or gentile) can readily appreciate why ZIonists feel as adamantly about their cause as they do! Why ought the Israelis be the only nation on earth without a bona fide homeland of their own?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 May 2018   #1214
although one, that is, any thinking person (Jew or gentile) can readily appreciate why ZIonists feel as adamantly about their cause as they do!

Absolutely. I totally agree - 100% Yet it is utter hypocrisy that Israel can say we don't want Muslims, we don't want gay marriage, we want to preserve the Jewish state. Yet when a country like Poland or Hungary wants the same thing they're criticized nonstop, sanctioned, chastised....

Why ought the Israelis be the only nation on earth without a bona fide homeland of their own?

No one is saying that Israelis shouldn't have their own homeland. However, if they want to have their own homeland, a Jewish state, they ought to be understanding of Poles, Hungarians, etc. that want the same. No one criticizes the Israeli holocaust law - which by the way also limits free speech (the main argument against it) and has far more severe penalties. Why? Because Israel is given a free pass to enact whatever laws, customs, etc it wants in its own country. Yet when another country does the exact same thing that Israel has been doing for decades - they're immediately criticized by numerous Zionist owned media outlets.

There's a famous book (forgot the name) where at the end a couple ends up like splitting up and plans on moving away from France. The girl says 'I want to return to Israel - France is too much for me, I can't deal with all the anti-Semitism, attacks, ridicule, etc from the people (Muslims). The man says 'I wish I had an Israel to go to'
Lyzko  44 | 9731
3 May 2018   #1215
Here I agree! Their stand on the Falashas is ambivalent too, to say the very least:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 May 2018   #1216
Many Israelis don't view Ethiopians as real Jews. The Zionist government wants to get rid of all the Africans in Israel - even people of their own faith!

And yet we're going to allow Zionists to lecture us about being open to taking in migrants/refugees and being more open to homosexuality? FTS! Sounds like a case of do as I say, not as I do.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 May 2018   #1217
Why ought the Israelis be the only nation on earth without a bona fide homeland of their own?

Because Israel was never a nation.
Now that they call themselves a nation they are stealing land that does not belong to them forcibly by killing innocent people to become a self proclaimed nation.

Notice that there are no border lines for what is now Israel.
That's why.
Things are tinderbox between Israel and Iran so the problem may be solved real soon.
Back on topic though................

I have been reading this thread for weeks without replying.
I have IMO come to the conclusion that making it a law to give a five year sentence for ignorance is just the wrong way to go about it.

Education with a hefty fine$$$ would be much more effective then jail time.
Suggesting that Poles were responsible for the camps is both false and deeply offensive, given that they were, after Jews, the primary victims of the camps.

I have learned so much from this thread, that was never introduced to me throughout my education in America, and just wanted to thank everyone for their sincere posts.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
4 May 2018   #1218
Here you merely show your deep seated anti-Semitic prejudice!! America wasn't a nation either until declared one by the white man, purely for political reasons.

WE were the interlopers, after all, NOT the Native Americans whose land we in point of fact stole outright from under their noses!!!

You're merely rationalizing, as all bigots do, unconcerned with facts, merely with facile justifications to satisfy your own bias.

According to the Bible, ancient Judaea was to be the land of the Judaeens, present day Jews.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 May 2018   #1219
Off - Topic Lyzko goes again................I'll bite
I come by my deep seated bigotry honestly.
A bigot is just another word that people use for people who disagree with them.

purely for political reasons

This just shows your bigotry unconcerned with facts.
Purely for religious freedoms is the correct answer.

in point of fact stole outright from under their noses!!!

The Native Americans share their land with interlopers and now have it better then any other time in history which just shows your justification for your own bias.

According to the Bible,

Interpretations of the Bible widely vary.
It also says that all men are created equal yet you Jews interpret it as the Jews are the chosen people.
Can't have it both ways unless you are a hypocrite.
Now may I suggest you stay on topic or do you want the Mods to close this thread too ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 May 2018   #1220
So a book written thousands of years ago by people who thought the world was flat is suppose to.dictate modern day borders? The bible also says you're not suppose to wear two different cloths - so no more jeans and t shirts for you - or do we only follow the things in the bible when they suit us?

No one is disputing that jews shouldnt have their homeland. What irks much of the world is the nonstop aggressive manner of gobbling up other territories meter by meter, house by house. Israel does this through intimidation of Christians and Muslims, vandalizing their homes, refusing building permits to non jews, building settlements declared by the UN to be illegal, and so on. The jews even have the gall to levy taxes on christian churches - well the christians wisely decided theyd rather close the doors than have the zionists extort money from a church. You cant get any lower than that....

Now jews are using 'price tag' attacks to further vandalize properties esp in Jerusalem. And the Israeli police and state do nothing to stop them in fact the police protect the ones instigating the violence and causing vandalism. They slash peoples tires, set their homes on fire, destroy their orchards, and spray paint price tag so they know it's a message from the jews to leave... or else..

So it's no wonder that palestians resist whatever way they can. Theyre totally outmatched yet their fighting spirit never dies down. Theyre up against an enemy that shoots teenagers for throwing rocks at tanks. Then the israelis are all sobbing wjen a soldier gets stabbed or a checkpoint blown up.

How would you like it if your parents home was seized with ZERO compensation and then for decades afterward you have to put up with bs like that? How would you like going through a dozen checkpoints every day just because of your nationality or religion? How would you like it if your new home - basically a shack, which can be bulldozed at any moment as Israel doesnt give building permits to non jews to make way for an illegal settlement , is constantly vandalized, set on fire, spray painted and you can't even call the police because not only will they do nothing they might make your life even harder and arrest and you for no reason and even torture you for a month? Its no wonder that Palestinians stab israelis and put on suicide vests. If you and your entire family were living in such a system that makes apartheid south africa look like merkels germany youd probably get fed up after a while and not care whether you live or die as death is better than living in such indignity.

And it's not just muslims that are treated this way by jews, christians receive just as bad treatment. To the zionists whether muslim or Christian you are goys - beasts whos purpose is only to serve the jews and to do with as they please. There's a significant minority of Palestinian christians and greek orthodox and they face all the same mistreatment.

So please lyzko, dont say that someone is unconcerned with the facts
G (undercover)
4 May 2018   #1221
Another Jewish psycho "in action":

We must finally start treating by far the most Polonophobic people in the world as they deserve.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 May 2018   #1222
Would you expect any different from a Jewish democrat? Every Polish person is considered an 'anti-semite' by Zionists and Jewish democrats/socialists. It's high time for Poles to stand up for ourselves and refuse to be bullied by Israel and Zionists any further. No more explaining the holocaust law, no more ass kissing, no more apologizing for what USSR puppet commies did in 67-68 - that's it, it's over. This is our country and we'll decide what laws we want and who we want to take in. This is why I am a nationalist - I will never agree to have my motherland bullied by outside forces whether it's the EU, Germany, or Israel. Poland won't even condemn the behavior of Israelis whenever they come to Poland on their little trips. They always act rude as hell, shouting in the streets, taunting Polish people and acting like the own the freakin place and Poles owe them something. Well fts! Perhaps the nationalists groups can finally mobilize and do something about this Israeli aggression towards Poland. Kazimierz Wielki should've never let them in in the first place! Thanks to his decision, Poland ended up having concentration camps in which its own people were killed alongside Jews. And now we can't even make our own laws without Israel and Zionists throwing a hissy fit.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
4 May 2018   #1223

Well, how convenient that "interpretations vary" when YOU'RE trying to push YOUR agenda through regarding YOUR version of historical accuracy!
America was taken from the Natives and indeed formed into the United States of America for political reasons, religion only entering the equation as
we all know that our Founding Male W.A.S.P. Fathers were themselves deeply religious (although perhaps not always exactly 'spiritual') men.
Much might also be said about the Puritans who either desired religious freedom or were pushed out of England because they were troublemakers there too:-)

Concerning the original thread topic of the criminalization of anybody who refers openly to Polish Death Camps, there is something to be said for
those Poles who did in fact collaborate with the enemy as well as those who valiantly resisted the Nazis, many of whom paid for it with their lives!

Poland has no fewer saints vs. sinners than any other country, so let's not put them on some sort of moral pedestal.

Same for the Jews.
G (undercover)
4 May 2018   #1224
Same for the Jews.

So why many of your psychos behave as If they were 8th wonder of the world ?
Crow  155 | 9736
4 May 2018   #1225
I understand Jews. They greatly suffered in history. Its people deeply harmed. True, they took part in era of Slavic slavery and they never apologized to Slavs (ie Sarmats), for that issue in history. Still, as a Serbian, aware of very challenging history of my own people that was often exposed to genocide, I do feel empathy for Jews. But Jews too have to be aware of Slavic suffering and if we speak here particularity of Polish historical suffering. So, I urge on Poles and Jews to show mutual understanding.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 May 2018   #1226
Poland has no fewer saints vs. sinners than any other country, so let's not put them on some sort of moral pedestal.Same for the Jews.

The difference is that Poland as a state or even Poles as a people are not illegally taking over people's lands, bulldozing the homes of people they don't like, building nuclear weapons in secret, etc. Zionism is the official policy of Israel and it has been since it formed. In fact, it's gradually become more and more violent and aggressive. Does Poland force Ukrainian workers to go through 10 checkpoints everyday? Does Poland have more UN resolutions against it than North Korea, Cuba, and Iran combined? Do Poles vandalize Ukrainian people's homes and Polish police do nothing about it? Do Polish soldiers/police shoot at teenagers because someone threw a rock or bottle at their armored car? Of course not....

If you are a Jew and support the Israeli government, Netanyahu and his ilk or Zionism you are just as guilty as the IDF soldiers who bulldoze people's home to make way for illegal settlements and shoot teenagers - even unarmed journalists that clearly have a vest that says 'PRESS' on it...

I do feel empathy for Jews.

I don't - at least not for Zionists.

But Jews too have to be aware of Slavic suffering and if we speak here particularity of Polish historical suffering.

Except they never will. Even right now they're adding to Poland's suffering by complaining to their sugar daddy, the USA, that they don't like one of our laws.... too bad the US said too bad - cool it because Poland's an important partner. It's a shame that Americans elected a president on the promise that he wouldn't get us involved in the middle east and stop all the foreign aid just for tens of billions to keep flowing to Israel. The average Israeli family receives the equivalent of $200,000 over their lifetimes from the US according to one study. The US has no free colleges and no free health care yet we support these programs for Israel. Our fighter jets are rotting while you have people like Rabbi Dov Zakheim who sells US planes for scrap prices to Israel and makes $2 TRILLION, yes TRILLION, suddenly disappear from the pentagon. We could've rebuilt all our infrastructure with all that money yet almost all of it went to Israel. And what do we get in return? NOTHING! We get dead American soldiers fighting Zionists' wars, trillions spent promoting the Odin Yinon/Greater Isreal plan, an angry Iran/Russia/Syria that we now have to fight against because sugar babby Israel is whining again, and even more of a budget deficit.

And Israel won't even extradite criminals who have stolen and defrauded American citizens...

Americans need to hold a referendum to end dual citizenship for congressmen and senators. We have enough Zionists in politics as it is who always put Israel and their fellow Jew's needs ahead of American citizens.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
5 May 2018   #1227
Poland has a naturally bordered territory, something Israel never had. If you also remember, Germany was always known up through the early 19th century as the "land in the middle", because her borders were always shifting. How ironic that you and various others accuse Israel of "illegally" taking over other people's territories, whereby the latter became the Nazis' stock and trade.

Talk about double standards!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 May 2018   #1228
No double standards at all.

naturally bordered territory, something Israel never had.

And still doesn't.
That is what the problem is, Israel forcibly taking land inch by inch (by killing innocent unarmed people) that does not belong to them.
Like I said before though, It is a tinderbox right now between Israel and Iran with Iran having 100,000 missiles pointed at Israel.
Israel might be getting their nose bloodied real soon themselves by having many of their innocent unarmed citizens being killed and maimed which might just slow down Israel's bulldozers from destroying 1000 year old olive groves that do not belong to them.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
5 May 2018   #1229
Yet Germany after the War was lauded as the great country for the best beer, machinery, beautiful women, the most dynamic economy on the Continent (and still is!), the best socialized society, where former top as well as lower-level Nazis continue to receive generous pensions while survivors in Israel continue to languish.

That sure is a double standard, whereby the US praises the same country which nearly wiped out an entire people who helped to contribute to Germany's greatness.

See something wrong with this picture??

Things will get a lot worse if somebody doesn't, and soon!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 May 2018   #1230
Oh please survivors in Israel are not languishing.. Idk if you've ever been to tel Aviv but it looks nicer and more modern than any city in the US. Their entire existence is subsidized including housing. Not to mention israelis have free health care and free education. Go to Jerusalems border wall and you'll see languishing. On one side modern homes and apartments along with villas with big green yards, on the other dusty roads connecting shacks built one on top of another.

What saddens me most is all the dumb american young men who think theyre fighting for freedom when they're just cheap cannon fodder whos lives are worth less than a proper bullet proof vest. Theyre not fighting for freedom, theyre fighting for zionism and the military industrial complex. Russia pays more to the families of its dead soldiers than America does, that's quite sad...

Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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