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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Feb 2018   #631
by my kin,

Your immediate "kin" lived in Scotland so you use the word "kin" very loosely here.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Feb 2018   #632
Largely irrelevant, as the Jewish nation is one and indivisible.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Feb 2018   #633
How convenient for an opportunist.
mafketis  38 | 11284
11 Feb 2018   #634
the Jewish nation is one and indivisible

then you accept collective guilt for the expulsion of the palestinians? Or do you support the right of return?
Bieganski  17 | 888
11 Feb 2018   #635
Largely irrelevant, as the Jewish nation is one and indivisible.

That's so racist and absurd too since if it weren't for the English language (not Hebrew or Yiddish) most Jews around the world wouldn't even be able to hold a conversation with each other and that's assuming they even have anything in common with each other to begin with beyond racist Talmudic attitudes towards non-Jews.

But I'd love to see you the lowly kindergarten commissar try to get into the same room with the likes of Soros, Abramovich, Polanski, Foxman, Zuckerberg and Netanyahoo. It's certain you would be the one to be immediately shown the door before any conversation even got started.

So much for being part of the one and indivisible Jewish nation, eh?

Anyway, your fellow Zionist poster cms (who claims to have no strong opinions about Poles or Jews) emphatically stated that Jews (a social construct by the way) are "true Poles".

So would reparations to be paid then by such characters with dubious and mischaracterized identities?

Do they symbolically move money from their right side pocket to the left? Or is it the other way around?
cms  9 | 1253
11 Feb 2018   #636
No mental gymnastics required - I visited Polin because I had some spare time and I felt like it. Just like today I fancied taking my kids to the mall and doing some shopping andd visiting Pizza Hut - I know that will shortly be on the list of proscribed activities too.

As for what Polish Jewish acquaintances are doing or think about this law, I have no idea and I am not going to ask them because I don't care. One for example is a tax lawyer, another works in real estate and my interactions normally start with some chit chat about family and holidays and move on to whatever business we have to cover. It's called normal life and I recommend more people try it..
Bieganski  17 | 888
11 Feb 2018   #637
You are not convincing at all. Your statements on here show that you are not indifferent or impartial when it comes to Poles and Jews.

You went to the POLIN museum to support it because of what it represents.

Your admission to having short and shallow encounters with Jews in Poland (but then coming on here and confidently posting to the world your assertion that they are the "true Poles") makes you unqualified to speak on this matter. You should just come out and say then that you either don't know what you are talking about or are indeed irrationally biased in favor of Jews and just hoping no one will call you out on it.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
11 Feb 2018   #638
Could just be that Germany doesn't want to get involved, nothing more.

Yeah but they're not really remaining neutral, are they? Merkel responded to the question by stating that Germans were responsible for the Holocaust. That is what Poland's law is getting at too. The very fact she isn't criticising the law means she doesn't have a problem with it. Believe me, if she did, she would give her opinion on the issue. The reason Israel and the Jewish lobby in the USA is upset with the law, is because they want to narrative to be that Germany and Poland together were responsible for the Holocaust. So her and her foreign minister basically saying the Germans are the ones responsible, is taking a side in the argument, by putting the blame squarely on her country.

By the way why are you pretending to be Jewish and calling people goyim just to wind them up?
cms  9 | 1253
11 Feb 2018   #639
Ok bang to rights. Here it is......the admission

- i dont know what i am talking about
- i am irrationally biased in favor of Jews
- i hope nobody calls me out

Should i sew a star to my coat ?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Feb 2018   #640
The reason Israel and the Jewish lobby in the USA is upset with the law

Add France in there also as they support Israel's view of the law.

why are you pretending to be Jewish

I was wondering that too.
SigSauer  4 | 377
11 Feb 2018   #641

as the Jewish nation is one and indivisible.

I'm really confused now delph. From the tone of most of your previous posts on this forum, and how I interpret your political position (left of center), I thought we'd all be in agreement that theocracies have no place in the 21st century. Is this somehow an exception? I thought that Israel was a secular state, like other 1st world modern democratic states? Is that not the case, and it is instead masquerading as a democracy and in fact a theocracy using democracy as a front like other despotic theocracies? Please explain.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
11 Feb 2018   #642
By the way, in reference to a previous discussion we were having on general Anders, I have attached a screenshot from his book 'Bez ostatniego rozdziału.'

It appears [as I mentioned before], depending on how you read it, that there were two Jews who were very keen to form separate armys or separate divisions in the army, including an only Jewish one.

The plan one would assume, once the army/s were put together by Anders and he managed to get his men out of Russia, would be for them to desert and sod off to Palestine. Anders didn't allow for a Jewish only division to the army, as he didn't feel it would be fair to separate his men.

[edit] Ok it appears, despite the screenshot being less than 100kb, for some reason it doesn't show. This forum really needs some damn sorting out. It's so hard to do the most basic tasks, like even post a screenshot from your computer.
Bieganski  17 | 888
11 Feb 2018   #643
Should i sew a star to my coat?

Yawn, trying to play the victim card. Face it, you have biased views on events and people with which you claim to be indifferent, impartial and have no personal connection.

But hey, if you need a fashion makeover and want to show your Zionism off to the world and with pride here are some trendy style cues to take:

SigSauer  4 | 377
11 Feb 2018   #644
I need to also point out the irony here, that many of our left leaning members posting in this thread who are vociferously defending the State of Israel, have in many previous threads decried and denigrated many of us who expressed patriotism or nationalism toward Poland or our respective countries. The irony certainly isn't lost on me in this thread, nor the rank hypocrisy.
Bieganski  17 | 888
11 Feb 2018   #645
They are all unapologetic, racist hypocrites.

Just look at what happens when Zionists are actually confronted in public by others whom they would smugly accuse of being racists:

'Alt Right' Leader Ties White Supremacy to Zionism - Leaves Rabbi Speechless

"My tradition teaches a message of radical inclusion and love," Rosenberg said. "Will you sit town and learn Torah with me, and learn love?"

"Do you really want radical inclusion into the State of Israel?" Spencer said. "And by that I mean radical inclusion. Maybe all of the Middle East could go move in to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Would you really want that?"

Rosenberg, who later admitted he is not a good debater, stood silent.

"You're not answering," Spencer said.

"I'm not answering," Rosenberg said.
Bieganski  17 | 888
11 Feb 2018   #646
Jews who were very keen to form separate armys or separate divisions in the army, including an only Jewish one.

It's very telling, isn't it? Why would Jews (so-called "true Poles" according to the Zionist troll army on here) insist on not fighting alongside Poles in defending Poland?

Apart from wanting no accountability to Polish superiors (along with the option to desert to Palestine if the opportunity presented itself) it would also indicate that Jews in Poland were only willing to take up arms in order to defend themselves and their separate Jewish communities and not their Polish neighbors and all of Poland.
cms  9 | 1253
11 Feb 2018   #647
All this abuse because I once visited a popular Warsaw museum and I stated that people born in Poland, with Polish citizenship,are Polish ?
Bieganski  17 | 888
11 Feb 2018   #648
And the victim card continues to get played by you.

"I can't defend my Zionism. I'm being abused!"


So, Zionist, why in your earlier posts you freely engaged in identity politics and had no reservations about how in your view Jews are "true Poles"; then you proudly went to a museum dedicated to Jewish history and culture (where in your other post you absurdly compared 1930s posters on display which Jews disliked as resonating with today's social and political climate in Poland); and then you went even further to make a sanctimonious historical reference of needing to sew a star on your coat?

But all that gets conveniently brushed aside and you now only refer to Jews as "people born in Poland" and the POLIN museum dedicated exclusively to Jewish history and culture becomes a "popular Warsaw museum".

Nice try Shlomo. Like the aforementioned Rabbi Rosenberg you too are not a good debater.
cms  9 | 1253
11 Feb 2018   #649
Because I have no reservations about saying Polish born Jews are Poles.

Because Polin is a popular attraction and well worth a visit if you are in Warsaw.


I wouldnt call myself a zionist by the way.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Feb 2018   #650
All this abuse because I once visited a popular Warsaw museum and I stated that people born in Poland, with Polish citizenship,are Polish ?

Bieganski in particular has a huge complex. He's Canadian, with only a very distant link to Poland (his inability to post a single message in Polish on this forum rather gives the game away), and he's got a never-ending obsession with Jewish people in Poland, probably because he's jealous of the fact that they a) are successful and b) speak Polish, neither of which he is.

As you and I both know, the Jewish community is Polish too, and they are valued Polish citizens.

Anders didn't allow for a Jewish only division to the army, as he didn't feel it would be fair to separate his men.

Quite sensible. The ideals of Piłsudski were that everyone could be what they were, with a common cause linking them - Poland. The idea of separate armies would be completely against those ideals, as everyone was supposed to work together to build a multicultural Poland, open to all. Anders was also a far more enlightened man than that idiot Rydz-Śmigły.
Bieganski  17 | 888
11 Feb 2018   #651
he's jealous of the fact that they a) are successful and b) speak Polish, neither of which he is.

Someone's most certainly projecting his insecurities and knowing failures onto me.

You know that no one would ever regard being a mere classroom teacher's aide in a school for little children as being on a path to a successful career. Especially after failing to garner enough business to teach English independently and then leaving abruptly under a cloud from a first job at another school.

But hey, you are the one who boasts of living in Poland and is yet to post anything in Polish after 10 years on PF and 16 thousand posts later.

I recall your cohort was similarly challenged about this only a year or so ago and he, like Rabbi Rosenberg, went silent instead.
Ironside  51 | 13124
11 Feb 2018   #652
his inability to post a single message in Polish on this forum rather gives the game away

Look who is talking? You haven't posted a single message in Polish on this forum either.
By t he way why are you pretending to be Jewish? You see things like that are what makes people think that your are not quite sane.

Because Polin is a popular attraction and well worth a visit if you are in Warsaw

you're a foreigner in Poland aren't you? that Museum is popular with foreign crowd.
Why you falsely claim to be a Pole?

the Jewish community

What Jewish community? There is no Jewish community. They are fragmented.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
11 Feb 2018   #653
Spot on, cms:-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Feb 2018   #654
Someone's most certainly projecting his insecurities and knowing failures onto me.

Don't worry, we all know that you always attack others. You're the one claiming to be Polish, so it's your time to prove it.

Of course, we all know that the closest you've ever been to Poland is the map on your basement wall.

By the way, if you had half a brain, you'd know that it's a good idea to have a cover story. 18 hours a week work in a school leaves 20-30 hours a week for more profitable activities of which you know nothing. Property restitution is big business these days, don't you know.
Ironside  51 | 13124
11 Feb 2018   #655

Well He was an orphan or half-orphan from a poor background, who was educated due to some rich folks whim.

Andres on the other hand came from Kurland nobility or such.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Feb 2018   #656
And it shows. Anders didn't need stupid propaganda cults, for a start.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Feb 2018   #657

Yes the majority modern jews are normal people.and well intgrated into polish society. However, the commie traitor scum and their descendants who later changed their names to more polosh sounding ones are frauds traitors and not true poles... perhaos at best citizens like me but certainly not blood like the 38 million poles and tens of millions around the world

Anyone who studied polish history from the interwar period polish soviet war ww2 and prl era would know that esp someone whos family lived in all those times. Unlike the vast majority of the libtards here =P

Facts are facts. At most poles killed several hundred to a max of 2k 3k jews following the ala civil war that followed according to nunerous historians. Jewish commoes killed far far more poles then tried to hide their deeds. The polish commie parties alone i believe puk amd pzpr alone were 70% jewish in the early days. Not to mentoon the security ministry, organs like ub and the prison admins, government ministers, etc... all this info is easily accessible online via wiki and essays of numerous historians, books, etc. Have u ever even read jan gross' fear? I have.
cms  9 | 1253
11 Feb 2018   #658
Even if someones Grandfather was hanging AK soldiers why does that matter now ? Im sure i have some ancestors who have done bad things but its nothing to do with me.

For the same reason i dont care what Kaczynskis dad was doing - all in the past.

No i have not read Fear. I read Neighbors and was not sure about it - i have family from that part of Poland and kbow relations between the communities were very difficult.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Feb 2018   #659
The problem isnt their grandparents.. the problem is that this system has passed from generation to generation to create fhe class of commies, sells outs, eu bootlickers etc who have sold polands vital interests first to the soviets now to the eu. Theyve resisted the lustration and commie purging of officials ever since the 90s when the prl fell. Now theyre in po and various other parties... even a few in pis

Many modern polish jews even defend the polish line that pogroms againat jewz by poles were nainly limited to two somewhat large incidents in kielce and jedwabne. The other isolated incidents wrre opportunistic poles who stole stuff from jews during war and preferred to kill their victims if they survived ww2 and came home. Jews did the same to poles who were caught up in commie courts prisons etc. And in far greater numbers than poles did to jews. There was part banditry part opportuniam but there was no major antisemtitic movement aside from 2 incidents which resulted in a few dozen dead per pogrom - not thousands.
SigSauer  4 | 377
12 Feb 2018   #660

Still waiting on an answer....You do in fact support monoethnic theocratic states in the 21st century? Or is it just this one exception? You also seem to support nationalism in this case as well.................If Europe is for the world, why isn't Israel for the world as well? We should increase the diversity in Israel with migrants from MENA countries, shouldn't we?

From the tone of most of your previous posts on this forum, and how I interpret your political position (left of center), I thought we'd all be in agreement that theocracies have no place in the 21st century. Is this somehow an exception? I thought that Israel was a secular state, like other 1st world modern democratic states? Is that not the case, and it is instead masquerading as a democracy and in fact a theocracy using democracy as a front like other despotic theocracies? Please explain.

Home / News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

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