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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps'

gregy741  5 | 1226
4 Feb 2018   #331
can we move forward to build better relations for the future

Never!!!! ,the honor is lost..we demand satisfaction in the ring,no gloves!
Crow  155 | 9736
4 Feb 2018   #332
Israel fear. We must explain them and they won`t fear. Use brain not brown and talk to them. Its misunderstanding.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Feb 2018   #333
we demand satisfaction in the ring,no gloves!

The violence of combat usually appeals to those who have never had to fight, It takes far more effort to engage in dialogue to achieve an agreed peaceful settlement to any argument
gregy741  5 | 1226
4 Feb 2018   #334
okey..lets toss a coin.the winner is right and get all them compensations
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Feb 2018   #335
Better that we look at agreed facts that are still available and reach a joint conclusion.
TheOther  6 | 3596
4 Feb 2018   #336
So now you even doubt Wiki, eh

You really need to work on your reading comprehension, my friend. I didn't question that Gabriel's father was a Nazi sympathizer, I questioned whether his dad was the reason for his statement regarding Poland. Maybe in this particular case the father was really the reason for his position, but Gabriel is known for being a leftist do-gooder. The "mea maxima culpa" type, if you know what I mean. So I still have my doubts about his sincerity.

what's self-flagelatory about coming clean about one's familiy's Nazi ties, however faded, however distant?

I wasn't talking about Gabriel, I was talking about the Germans in general. There's been a change in attitude amongst the younger generations, and they rightfully do not accept the blame for a crime their great grandparents committed some 75 years ago. Never forget, of course, but move on. It's time. The Holocaust has been turned into a political weapon that is used by some countries and by other interested parties at every opportunity. In Germany there is even a word for it: "Nazikeule". You smash any opposing view by calling someone a Nazi or by indicating that his or her view is close to the fascist ideology. Works every time. Israel is now trying the same blame game and public shaming with Poland.
Casual Observer
4 Feb 2018   #337
In Germany there is even a word for it: "Nazikeule".

And in English there is Godwin's Law
Bieganski  17 | 888
4 Feb 2018   #338
At least they were in Poland, unlike your ancestors.

Oh dear, there you go again, the non-binary Jewish kindergarten commissar from Scotland with English as a first and only language and no familial connection to Poland laughably lecturing others about who is Polish.

Certainly building a democratic Israel was a far better choice than staying in Stalinist Poland.

Thanks for the admission that Jews always lived a parallel existence. It certainly explains why it was so easy for the Nazis to invade Poland and why millions of their Polish neighbors suffered and died.

And when the hard work of post-war reconstruction in Poland came about the Jews were not about to stick around and get their hands dirty.

As far as your claim that they "built" Israel that's certainly isn't true. The Palestinians were already there for centuries. The Jews flooding in merely had to point at a Palestinian's home they wanted. The Palestinian family would be thrown out in the dead of night and the Jews would move in the following morning.

As far as Israel being democratic that is complete drivel. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea makes a similar claim and their country and ruling regime are just as racially homogenous and mafia-like as Israel in how they conduct their affairs and avoid taking responsibility when faced with international condemnation for human rights abuses (past and present).
Casual Observer
4 Feb 2018   #339
And when the hard work of post-war reconstruction in Poland came about the Jews were not about to stick around and get their hands dirty

Excuse me, for the second time of asking, care to comment on the Kielce massacre as a possible cause for 'not sticking around'?
Bieganski  17 | 888
4 Feb 2018   #340

A Huge Lie Revealed! The Truth about the Kielce Pogrom Comes to Light

Anatol Fejgin - a high-ranking functionary of the Communist Polish People's Army [and] Stalinist criminal of Jewish extraction said on the subject of the Kielce pogrom: "No holds are barred when you want to win...Hence, the pogroms and other stratagems."
G (undercover)
4 Feb 2018   #341
Given that the whole thing was triggered off by MO/UB, one can wonder who benefited more out of it. Commies blaming it on "pro-London fascists" or Zionists who needed to bring more people to Palestine.

Poland and Israel need to act together now

Screw them. Just go on with the law and ignore their pathetic screams.
4 Feb 2018   #342
Kielce massacre as a possible cause for 'not sticking around'?

This is quite interesting:
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Feb 2018   #343
the non-binary Jewish kindergarten commissar from Scotland with English as a first and only language and no familial connection to Poland laughably lecturing others about who is Polish.

One can only question why you fail to address the issue of your ancestors not returning to Poland to help in the time of her greatest need.

I'm sorry that you aren't old enough to participate in the democratic process.
texas  1 | 21
5 Feb 2018   #344
It was incidental that a person in a camp was Polish, it was DELIBERATE that they were Jewish.

Not quite.

There were two plans: 1) to murder all of Europe's Jews, 2) to expand German territories, and thereby exterminate the Polish nation and culture; first murdering the intelligentsia, enslaving the rest of Poles, and forcefully assimilating Ayran-looking Polish children into German families:

Germany planned to completely remove the indigenous population of Poland beginning with the newly created Reichsgau Wartheland territory in 1939.

According to the Lebensraum aim and ideology, formerly Polish lands were to be taken over by the German military and civilian settlers including Eastern European Volksdeutsche.

During the occupation of Poland, the number of Poles evicted by the German authorities from their homes is estimated at 2,478,000.[78][79] Up to 928,000 Poles were ethnically cleansed to make way for the foreign colonists.[80]

Ironside  51 | 13124
5 Feb 2018   #345
the non-binary Jewish kindergarten commissar from Scotland

It is too funny, it gave me laugh.

are to comment on the Kielce massacre

Could you all stick to the topic, please. Which is to remind you outrageous claims made by Israeli officials blaming Poland and Polish nation for the Holocaust.. I think we are witnessing the end of a golden wave Jews were surfing for the last 30- 40 years.

No-one is gonna give a rat ass about their rants, anymore.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Feb 2018   #346
I think we are witnessing the end of a golden wave Jews were surfing for the last 30- 40 years.

I hope so. They sure as hell don't deserve it for all the problems Israel caused in the middle east and the defrauding of US citizens to wage their war on terror via oded yinon plan. Israel receives approximately $200k a year per family thanks to the US. This madness must end. America and Western Europe's clout has been greatly diminished. Trump's reviving US to an extent but Western Europe is becoming less and less unit and relevant on the world stage. They've brought it all upon themselves. Now, we're at the point we're Poland can tell Israel and the West we're not going to keep being bullied by Israel and the holocaust industry. This would've been unthinkable decades ago or during any of the cuck po regimes. I think this law is pretty stupid personally but I'm a fan of anything that upsets Israel and this is doing a fantastic job.
Lyzko  44 | 9731
5 Feb 2018   #347
Fair enough, TheOther. I take your point.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
6 Feb 2018   #348
This guy wins the a--hole of the day award.

The comments he made is really going to calm the situation down.
cms  9 | 1253
6 Feb 2018   #349
Shocking language by that guy. Again however shows what a waste of time this law was i- it has created problems where none existed before.
Casual Observer
6 Feb 2018   #350
Open letter in the UK Guardian, includes Agnieska Holland (among many other Poles) as signatories:
Ironside  51 | 13124
6 Feb 2018   #351
Agnieska Holland is Soviet and Jewish not Polish. Others Poles are most likely some soviet scum. I won't even deign to check that link.
mafketis  38 | 11284
6 Feb 2018   #352
Soviet and Jewish not Polish

So says the ultimate arbiter of Polskości? You can't even be bothered to live in Poland and have less than zero credibility in determining the Polishness of other people.

Stay in Noreg...
Ironside  51 | 13124
6 Feb 2018   #353
So says the ultimate arbiter of Polskości?

Listen smartass, I know what I'm talking about, you don't!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #354
Right because the name 'holland' just spews polishness. She is a zionist soros operative through and through

Eat it israeli ******* - dudas gonna sign. No more holocaust industry in pl
cms  9 | 1253
6 Feb 2018   #355
Well she was born in Poland but now lives abroad so i think we should question her right to comment on Polish matters....
Ironside  51 | 13124
6 Feb 2018   #356
Well she was born in Poland

She was born in Poland occupied by Soviets. Her Father was a commie Jews and a traitor to Poland. Her standing has been consequently anti-Polish or at the very least ambivalent.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #357
Polish born Jews are not Poles. Never have been. Theyre not even of the same race or nationality as poles are slavs who occupied poland for the past 1k years while jews were bouncing around from place to place all over europe africa me asia getting kicked out of one place to go to anotger and interbreeding in the mix. That is why theres so many different looking jews today from damn near arab looking to european and hair that ranges from curly to straight, red to brown but almost never blonde like poles. Up until after ww2 most of the jews in pl didnt even speak polish or any european language but rather yiddish. This is one of the reasons why it was so hard for poles to hide jews as their looks and yiddish would give them away immediately. They are merely the result of a generous king, i believe kazimierz i, who granted jews entry to poland after over 100 different cities, countries, etc all over europe because no one wanted them and they were kicked out of every country i mean literally. Its like the moocher friend who crashes on peoples couches one after another till the gracious host kicks em out. Well thanks to this foolish decision, centuries later jews would number in the millions and hencr poles and the polish people drew hitlers rage. Now theyre going to tell poles that were complicit as a nation after we took them in, let them set up their ghettos and yeshivas, protected them and now theyre gonna tell us we cant outlaw a phrase? Fts!!!
cms  9 | 1253
6 Feb 2018   #358
Ok - thats all clear now.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Feb 2018   #359
Oh but dont epect israel to reveal that little bit of info. They wont mention anything about how poland let the jews in after literally they had nowhere else to go in europe. By then they were literally banned from just about every major country, principality, city, etc. Poland was their last choice and yet we still took them in. Its not like they wanted to go there they literally had no where else to go in europe and they started moving eastward again toward pl russia ukraine etc. They set up their hoods amd schools and the majority did not integrate into polish society. Most didnt even know polish they usually only knew yiddish/hebrew and later whatever language the partition powers forced some to learn esp if they wanted to be a clerk or have another government job. Were there any jewish battalions or regiments fighting for poland in the uprisings or ww1? How about famous jewish commanders fighting on behalf of poland? None that i can think of. There were tatars though. The way i see it tatars are a better ally as theyve actually willingly shed blood and bled for poland. They were quite a few jews fighting on german side in ww1 but not poland.
Crow  155 | 9736
6 Feb 2018   #360
I was in my car some few hour ago when I heard on radio that president Duda confirmed his readiness to sign law that forbidding use of term 'Polish death camps', while Israel and Germany complaints.

Let me tell you how I feel. I am proud. Proud to be Slavic, to be able to share ancestry with noble Polish people. Nobody have to think how is easy to humiliate and molest Slavs. That is Duda`s message.

Go Poland!

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