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Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

Paulina  19 | 4464
14 Dec 2023   #181
Your reference the US and its First Amendment

I don't reference the US and its First Amendment. You keep banging on about them :)

You can't have it both ways

Neither can you. You can't call Poland and EU or Western countries "a cruel joke" and conveniently "forget" about your beloooved RuSSia and Putin, which is much worse in terms of freedom of speech, democracy, etc. :))) So, I'll keep reminding you about your beloooooved RuSSia and Putin :)))))
Bobko  27 | 2081
14 Dec 2023   #182
Congress shall make no law

Gotta hand it to Madison....

The way he wrote the Bill of Rights is simply stupendous.

The entire logic of democracy is spelled out in sequential order:

1) Religion - the government cannot control what is in your head. That is, it can't tell you what to believe or what to think.

2) Speech - once you are thinking something in your head, you should be able to talk about it as well without fear of punishment.

3) Press - now that you're talking, you should also be able to get your message to as many people as you possibly can.

4) Assemble - now that you got everybody riled up, it's your right to gather with other likeminded people to draft wider plans.

5) Petition - the government cannot ignore you and your group of peers, and has to provide a response to your demands.

All of that, in just one single Amendment! The whole anatomy of democracy, within a single paragraph.

Paulina  19 | 4464
14 Dec 2023   #183
@Bobko, would you like something like that in RuSSia? :D
Bobko  27 | 2081
14 Dec 2023   #184
would you like something like that in RuSSia? :D

Well, we have it on paper. Everyone copies the US constitution, in one way or another. Except for the British.

I personally have a big hard on for the Bill of Rights.

The second and third amendments are kinda boring (the third is completely useless).

But the 4th through the 8th, just like the 1st, spell out perfectly the sequence of a person's interaction with law enforcement.

1) The 4th - The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.

2) The 5th - now that you got booked by the cops, after you have been arrested - you cannot be charged with the same crime twice, or be forced to testify against yourself.

3) The 6th - the government cannot keep you locked up forever without a day in court. You have a right to a fair and speedy trial, in a court not far from your home or where you committed the crime, and you have a right to know what you are being accused of.

4) The 7th - you have the right to be judged by a jury of people like you.

5) The 8th - if they still decided to punish you, they can't punish you in cruel or unusual ways.

So here we have, just like in the 1st Amendment, an entire logical process described from start to finish. From the moment your house is searched, to the time when you are already in prison.

A genius this Madison, I tell you.

I could create a whole thread dedicated to all 27 amendments, and write a 2,000 word post every day about just a single amendment. In 27 days, we would be done.
cms neuf  2 | 1854
14 Dec 2023   #185
Interesting that in Udmurtia there is no free press, free speech, free assembly, right to trial and yet the paid trolls come here to lecture us about democracy
Bobko  27 | 2081
14 Dec 2023   #186
Interesting that in Udmurtia there is no free press, free speech, free assembly, right to trial

Guess what? We have all those things on paper.

It turns out, that that's not all that matters.

250 year old institutions vs 30 year old institutions and all that...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 550
14 Dec 2023   #187
A Christmas tree?????

Amassing. How effortlessly you switch between all-knowing expert and ignoramus
A Christmas tree is only a religious display if it includes a manger and Jesus. In any other instance, it is a joyous decoration.
Bobko  27 | 2081
14 Dec 2023   #188
Kania creates the best damn threads.

I simply cannot compete.

He created this "Grzegorz Braun Extinguishes Candles" (by the way, excellent title for a novel) thread two days ago, and now it is on page 7 of discussion.

How did he know that it would be exactly this combination of terms that would guarantee the maximum result?
Novichok  4 | 8509
14 Dec 2023   #189
I personally have a big hard on for the Bill of Rights.

I hereby nominate your posts #182 and 184 for the Post of the Year. With your permission, I will combine them into one for future generations to read and memorize.

Interesting that in Udmurtia there is no free press,

...and yours as a mental fart to ruin the moment.
Bobko  27 | 2081
14 Dec 2023   #190
I hereby nominate your posts #182 and 184 for the Post of the Year.

Thank you, thank you - I'm here all week.

I was supposed to be a lawyer, but then I decided that making money is more important.

Now that ChatGPT exists, lawyers will all be dead anyways.

Doesn't mean one can't still marvel at the beauty of the US Constitution.

Sad that I could probably write a poem dedicated to each constitutional amendment, but won't be granted residency (not citizenship). Meanwhile, South America is moving to North America.
jon357  72 | 23487
14 Dec 2023   #191
A Christmas tree is only a religious display

This one wasn't.

A Christmas tree is only a religious display if it includes a manger and Jesus

Not many of those...
amiga500  5 | 1495
14 Dec 2023   #192
don't worry my smart and off the wall jewish friends find this polish sh*t hilarious. :) :)
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Dec 2023   #193
@Maf, reviled or not, it's nearly the same as with the Jenninger speech before
the German Parliament; his colleagues uniformly shook their heads in shock, yet
the questionable impression remained for years!
mafketis  38 | 11156
14 Dec 2023   #194
We have all those things on paper.
It turns out, that that's not all that matters.

Indeed, laws, even the most beautifully conceived and written are not worth the paper they're written on.

What matters:

a culture of rule of law (and not rule of personality or trendy cause or anything else).

non-extractive elites that don't regard the citizenry as a bunch of sheep to sheer and then turn into mutton stew
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Dec 2023   #195
Couldn't agree more. Sounds a lot like an op-ed I read in this morning's NYT about
how US-college campuses free speech codes are essentially meaningless.
Joker  2 | 2378
14 Dec 2023   #196

Fake News! How about Salon or Huffpo:):)
Lyzko  44 | 9713
14 Dec 2023   #197
You must be a Trump supporter.
Bobko  27 | 2081
14 Dec 2023   #198
Following the amazing 1st Amendment, and then the equally spectacular 4-8th... we have the very mysterious 9th.

Though it may seem impenetrable in its meaning, some legal scholars argue that it's the most important of all amendments in the Bill of Rights.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

In other words, just because we listed all these other rights in the first 8 amendments, does not mean there do not exist other rights.

The Founding Fathers were trying to cover their as$, for any omissions they made elsewhere.

The 9th Amendment has since been invoked in Supreme Court cases that defended the right to privacy.

It will probably be invoked in 25th century for some other right. Simply, an amazing document.
pawian  226 | 27510
14 Dec 2023   #199
When the teacher enters the school loo on the long break:

  • 4110882.jpg
pawian  226 | 27510
14 Dec 2023   #201
Korvinus, translate your memes into English. Otherwise, they are useless on foreigners.


Nie śmiej się dziadku z cudzego wypadku! :):):)
Alien  25 | 6409
14 Dec 2023   #202
As I know life, in 1000 years Jews will celebrate Hanukkah for 3 days, extinguishing candles with a fire extinguisher at the end as a reminder of the history from 1000 years ago.
pawian  226 | 27510
14 Dec 2023   #203
as a reminder of the history from 1000 years ago.

Poland makes history again. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8509
14 Dec 2023   #204
in 10

Does Knesset have the Holy Cross on display?
Alien  25 | 6409
14 Dec 2023   #205
Does Knesset have the Holy Cross

Probably not, but they have a six-pointed star.
jon357  72 | 23487
14 Dec 2023   #206
in 1000 years Jews will celebrate Hanukkah for 3 days, extinguishing candles with a fire extinguisher

Given everything that they've survived, nothing that turd Braun could ever do would hurt them. Stunts like that are so trivial to them that they aren't even water off a duck's back.

In any case, Braun's stunt was pure PR. Who it was intended for is less clear since it was a 2 minute wonder outside Poland and damaging to his party's interested within it.
Novichok  4 | 8509
14 Dec 2023   #207
Probably not, but they have a six-pointed star.

Good. Then Poland can do the same and feel good at the end of the day, as they say...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 550
14 Dec 2023   #208
You must be a Trump supporter.

In other words, a person with a functioning brain.
OP Torq  8 | 1027
15 Dec 2023   #209


- And, on top of it all, you sprayed it right into her face?
- You're crazy, man. Yes - God bless, God bless.

Barney  19 | 1729
15 Dec 2023   #210
Simply, an amazing document

If you are the right sort of person...

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