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Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #61
you don't know the difference between the government and the parliament (Sejm)? lol

Passing laws is governing. Duh!
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #62
He represents something that all decent people would fight against.

Let me guess ... you will be the one who defines "decent".
Are two faggots fvcking a public park during lunch break in San Francisco decent? Or should we just get over it?
cms neuf  2 | 1852
13 Dec 2023   #63
You probably should get over it - gay sex in the USA is taking up as much of your posts as Iraq and Vietnam

This is a thread about a violent act in the Polish parliament
OP Torq  8 | 1027
13 Dec 2023   #64
One thing that surprises me in all the drama is that there are no voices praising the band...

... they kept playing until the end, like on the Titanic.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Dec 2023   #65
That King of Poland aka Christ was Jewish


I never got that jew hate from (some) christians of all people....but then, what do I know as a pagan!
mafketis  38 | 11151
13 Dec 2023   #66
I'm not convinced this was a set up (probably by PiS)

Found out that lighting a menora has been an annual thing for many years now, including every previous year he's been an MP.

Yet he decides that this year is when he has an urgent need to be as disruptive as possible as a new government is being formed.... (followed by immediate motions from PiS to stop deliberations and resume them today...)


Wonder what he was paid....

Not only is he a crazy anti-semite, he's also adept at licking russian @ss.

And he hates protestants too.

He's an all round piece o' sh]t
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #67
I'm not convinced this was a set up (probably by PiS)

It's a publicity stunt. Nothing to do with Menorahs and everything to do with it being the day the new government took office.
mafketis  38 | 11151
13 Dec 2023   #68
everything to do with it being the day the new government took office

That's what I meant: for "was a set up" read "wasn't a set up" (damned typos!)

Being a casual fan of professional wrestling for years (and understanding how it works both as a business and how it engages fans) taught me more about politics than all the political science classes I took put together.

Braun is a jobber and the stunt was a work.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #69
Being a casual fan of professional wrestling for years

I usd to like Fit Finlay and Princess Paula.

Braun is a jobber and the stunt was a work.

If the lady who got a facefull of fire extinguisher gas is ill because of it, the stunt may well rebound on him.
mafketis  38 | 11151
13 Dec 2023   #70
the lady who got a facefull of fire extinguisher gas

Hopefully he's in for a world of legal hurt. And he deserves every bit of it.
mafketis  38 | 11151
13 Dec 2023   #71
usd to like Fit Finlay and Princess Paula

I think the UK's special contribution were fat wrestlers like Big Daddy and Klondyke Kate... in the US Adrian Street (w/Miss Linda) were always fun.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #72
Big Daddy

He (and Giant Haystacks) were very popular when I was a kid.

a world of legal hurt

It'll drag on for ages, however if he's seriously harmed a doctor it will be costly for him.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Dec 2023   #73
@Bratwurst Boy
It's all about having pact with God, for Jews (who are still in Judaism), it's via Moses and upholding traditions defined at that time.

For Christians it is by Jesus Christ, for many Christians. Upholding Jewish non-Christian traditions, is like publically claiming that Jesus Christ is not the messiah and Jews need to wait longer (which is a lie) but, also written... (it's complicated)

For Islam it is pact with God (who they use Allah for, which is a pagan Arabic word for multiple Gods, which creates a problem translating God for Christians in to Arabic...) via Mohammed, which was a lot stricter and had more to do with traditionalism, and rules and obedience to do.

Most conflicts between them is when one tries to uplift their pact at cost of the other two or both.

In this instance with Brain, Jarosław pointed out perfectly well that this was enabled by leftists walking in to sacred religious buildings (during rituals) protesting politics. Which just enables the thought "They can? So can we!"

To most religions, leftists or leftist ideology is tightly connected with "the bad guy" using them to his own gains.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Dec 2023   #74
....all this bruhaha because these new prophets....
Velund  1 | 490
13 Dec 2023   #75
She wasn't just a bystander but a Jewish doctor, Magdalena Gudzińska-Adamczyk, who tried to stop Braun from desecrating a relgious symbol that is important to her...

Why then nobody tried to stop those who removed Christmas tree and gifts that owner of local floral business installed near entry of kindergarten in Germany "because other confessions may be saddened by this religious symbol"?
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #76
Arabic word for multiple Gods

The same with the Hebrew cognate Elohim. That is also in the plural. Nevertheless, the Quran makes it clear that God is one, is indivisible and has no father or son.

The disgraceful stunt by Braun however happened at a community celebration. A festival with religious aspects that is celebrated by religious people and I religious people alike.

Jarosław pointed out perfectly well that this was enabled by leftists


And this is not the first time that the fascist moron Braun has carried out televised stunts prior to the holiday season.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Dec 2023   #77
As a comparison to what happened in Polish parliament, it was interesting that this happened in Turkish parliament in such a short span of time
cms neuf  2 | 1852
13 Dec 2023   #78
What does something in a German kindergarten have to do with violence in the Polish Sejm ?

Be off with you Udmurtian troll. In fact as we are getting close to day 700 of the special operation, isn't it time you went and served your country ? I don't wish you any harm but you could at least tell us first hand what it is like.
Velund  1 | 490
13 Dec 2023   #79
What does something in a German kindergarten have to do with violence in the Polish Sejm ?

1. Christian traditional religious symbol in public place is something that can offend other confessions and should be removed and discarded immediately.
2. Jewish traditional religious symbol (that present risk of fire as well) in public place is something sacred and cannot be touched.

isn't it time you went and served your country ?

It isn't your fcuking business. But if I will be summoned, I will take my backpack and will go to a military comissariate.
Alien  25 | 6408
13 Dec 2023   #80
But if I will be summoned, I will take my backpack and will go to a military comissariate.

cms neuf  2 | 1852
13 Dec 2023   #81
Oh - at the moment the military commissary seem to be picking poor kids from Siberia, not sure why.

What the Germans do about public religious symbols is their business. Here in Poland we can make our own rules. Braun could simply have complained or made his deranged speech on the floor of the Sejm
OP Torq  8 | 1027
13 Dec 2023   #82
removed Christmas tree and gifts that owner of local floral business installed near entry of kindergarten in Germany

About Germany you should ask either BB or Tacitus, I am not a specialist on German matters.

The demand to remove a nativity scene or a Christmas tree in Poland would be very unlikely to succeed.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #83
Passing laws is governing. Duh!

Passing laws is legislature. The Parliament (Sejm) is the legislative branch. The government is the executive branch. What we call in Poland "the government" (rząd) is the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers led by the Prime Minister. So, the Sejm and the government are two different bodies and Grzegorz Braun isn't a member of that other body - the government. He's a member of the Parliament.

that lighting a menora has been an annual thing for many years now (...)
Yet he decides that this year is when he has an urgent need to be as disruptive as possible

Yes, somehow it didn't bother him for all this time, but suddenly it does now? lol This is fishy.

Not only is he a crazy anti-semite, he's also adept at licking russian @ss.

At first I thought that he's not right in the head, but considering that this Hanukkah celebration happened before every year and he chose to do it only now, it did cross my mind that maybe he was paid by RuSSia to do this o_O (on the other hand - it doesn't exclude the possibility that he's also not right in the head, I guess lol).
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #84
The government is the executive branch

No. The executive branch is part of the government. Quoting:

...the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

The fact that Polish housewives are sloppy and use "rzad" improperly is not my problem.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #85
@Novichok, I don't care what you call stuff in the US - we're talking about Poland here and in Poland "rząd" (the government) means only one thing - the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers:

"rząd - aparat administracji albo organ sprawujący władzę wykonawczą (w Polsce: Rada Ministrów)"

Rada Ministrów - the Council of Ministers.

The demand to remove a nativity scene or a Christmas tree in Poland would be very unlikely to succeed.

Yes, Poland doesn't exactly do great at separating the state and the Church, so what does it have to do with some kindergarten in Germany... o_O

Oh - at the moment the military commissary seem to be picking poor kids from Siberia, not sure why.

That doesn't bother Velund - what bothers Velund is a lack of Christmas tree in some kindergarten in Germany lol RuSSists have their priorities, you know :)) 😂

Braun could simply have complained or made his deranged speech on the floor of the Sejm

Yes, exactly.
OP Torq  8 | 1027
13 Dec 2023   #86
maybe he was paid by RuSSia to do this o_O

I doubt it.

Imagine the scene...

"Russian intelligence officer: Gospodin Braun, here's one twatillion rubles. Now, go and put down Hanukkah candles in Knesejm (as some vicious people call it).

Braun: No problem, boss. Should I also assault a female Jewish doctor in the process?

RIO: Yes, please. That will help our war effort immensely, and you will be given another c*ntillion rubles for that.

Braun: Sweet. I'm on it."

... it just doesn't make sense.

We are looking for something deeper in this whilst the whole story is simply about Braun being an attention seeking twat. Nothing more to it. Only this time he took his antics a bit too far and opened himself to legal action. Serves him well.
Paulina  19 | 4464
13 Dec 2023   #87
whilst the whole story is simply about Braun being an attention seeking twat.

This could be, of course, but on the other hand:

... it just doesn't make sense.

We're talking about RuSSia here :))
And making Poland look bad on the world stage would make sense for the Kremlin, so why not...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Dec 2023   #88
I think it's more likely he exploded in frustration over the candles being lit in a Polish sejm, after KO+the rest for what they stand for wants more of in Poland. (As compared to less of something else)

To him it was a theological no go, he no longer wished to tolerate. Before he might have been less certain and more suspicious. I think he is now 100% certain that all to the left of PiS are legitimate targets.

I see this as first step to a possible civil war if Holownia sucessfully kicks out Konfederacja over this.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Dec 2023   #89
the whole story is simply about Braun being an attention seeking twat

My feeling too. He did something a bit like this once before, removing a Christmas tree while being filmed (and his stunt yesterday was filmed from start to finish).

Of course he chose the day carefully, one where people are watching the Sejm carefully.

I think it's more likely he exploded in frustration

With a camera a.ready filming him when he went to take rhe fire extinguisher of the wall.


Their alleged links to r*SSia will be under a lot of scrutiny...
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Dec 2023   #90
I don't care what you call stuff in the US

You should. Now that Poland is the 51st state, you should replace Polish with English, including your definitions.

Can somebody please explain who threw the first punch?

Home / News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

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