@Novichok, I don't care what you call stuff in the US - we're talking about Poland here and in Poland "rząd" (the government) means only one thing - the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers:
rząd - aparat administracji albo organ sprawujący władzę wykonawczą (
w Polsce: Rada Ministrów)"
Rada Ministrów - the Council of Ministers.
The demand to remove a nativity scene or a Christmas tree in Poland would be very unlikely to succeed.
Yes, Poland doesn't exactly do great at separating the state and the Church, so what does it have to do with some kindergarten in Germany... o_O
Oh - at the moment the military commissary seem to be picking poor kids from Siberia, not sure why.
That doesn't bother Velund - what bothers Velund is a lack of Christmas tree in some kindergarten in Germany lol RuSSists have their priorities, you know :)) 😂
Braun could simply have complained or made his deranged speech on the floor of the Sejm
Yes, exactly.