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Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Dec 2023   #31
You can breathe a sigh of relief, BB. ;)


...thanks for checking!
mafketis  38 | 11151
12 Dec 2023   #32
It's the bystander who committed an assault by stopping him.

Is that the stupidest thing you've ever written? It's gotta be in the top 5....

In civilized countries, one does not have a right not to be offended.

True. He could have how horrible the menorah was all he wanted and no one would care. Taking the fire extinguisher and interfering in a government sanctioned event and possibly harming a bystander.... he's in trouble. He'd better hope the check from PiS and/or russia cleared....
cms neuf  2 | 1852
12 Dec 2023   #33
This and JK's deranged comments yesterday are a fitting coda to 8 years of idiocy.

Approve the new government, send Tusk to Brussels and let the world know that we are back under adult supervision
OP Torq  8 | 1027
12 Dec 2023   #34
...thanks for checking!

Not at all. :)

Polish Sejm is a veritable menagerie of oddities. The fact that this country is still working with such geniuses at helm is a proof of God's existence.


... and I don't envy this guy's job. He will have a lot of mess to clean in the coming years.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Dec 2023   #35
Taking the fire extinguisher and interfering in a government sanctioned event and possibly harming a bystander

Carrying out such an extreme symbolic stunt cries out for the strongest punishment.

It's front age news around the world now. However he's failed in his attempt to distract from the new government.
Alien  25 | 6408
12 Dec 2023   #36
It's front age news around the world now

I haven't found anything in German yet.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
12 Dec 2023   #37
....sadly, there is:

...and so on!
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Dec 2023   #38
There's plenty in English from two continents. Three when Australia wakes up in an hour or so.
Novichok  4 | 8508
12 Dec 2023   #39
harming a bystander.... he's in trouble

BS. Who applied force to whom first?
She didn't act to stop an act of violence against herself or another person. She applied force to him because her feeeeelings were hurt.

Carrying out such an extreme symbolic stunt cries out for the strongest punishment.

What a moron...Symbolic stunt...the strongest punishment...Would that be life no parole? How about the strongest symbolic punishment?

Please notice that the weasel didn't say what that "strongest punishment" should be. Weasels never do.

BTW, do you even read your own crap before pressing POST?
Reading your idiotic posts is the strongest punishment. He should be locked up with you for a month.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Dec 2023   #40
The trial should be fun. Hopefully they'll televise it.

What a moron

Yes, he is. As are you.
Alien  25 | 6408
12 Dec 2023   #41
and so on!

It was just in Tagesschau at ARD at 8.00
Novichok  4 | 8508
12 Dec 2023   #42
Hey, stupid, don't come to America without first reading the US Constitution.
Would you believe that the First Amendment was written just so that I can say that faggots are useless idiots?
pawian  226 | 27510
12 Dec 2023   #43
This scandalous event was commented on by the Israeli ambassador to Poland, Jacova Livne. - What happened today in the Sejm is a disgrace. The only thing more dangerous than the barbarity of right-wing extremism is indifference. I call on all responsible people to condemn this act of anti-Semitism. Such things cannot happen in Poland or anywhere else.

I can`t resist the vague but pressing feeling that the controvercial MP committed this ignoble act coz he felt encouraged by the Izraeli Nazis` brutal pacification of Gaza. He has been an MP for years, so have the Hanuka candles been lit in the Polish parliament for years before. But it happened today. Why???

Let`s use the Israeli amabassador`s words, changing only a few proper names,to comment on what Israeli Nazis are doing:

: What is happening today in the Gaza is a disgrace. The only thing more dangerous than the barbarity of right-wing extremism is indifference. I call on all responsible people to condemn these anti-Palestinian acst . Such things cannot happen in Gaza or anywhere else.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
12 Dec 2023   #44
that is the fate of all in the American empire.

nationalism is only allowed in the form of hatred towards Russians and Palestinians.

everything else is no no, you have to be a leftist, ethnomasochist, pro-immigration
Novichok  4 | 8508
12 Dec 2023   #45
nationalism is only allowed in the form of hatred towards Russians and Palestinians.

...and whites...
12 Dec 2023   #46
Poland has a right to exist, Braun does not want the Tribe doing to what they are doing now to Palestinians
OP Torq  8 | 1027
12 Dec 2023   #47
Here's a video of the very moment...

... respect to the woman who tried to stop Braun (she even tried to kick him :D).
pawian  226 | 27510
12 Dec 2023   #48
she even tried to kick him

Women rule!!!!
Korvinus  3 | 608
12 Dec 2023   #49
Braun might be batshit crazy, but every so often he will do something worthwile.

Crnogorac3  3 | 659
12 Dec 2023   #50
For his patriotic deed he at least deserves to be awarded a medal and declared as a Hero of Poland.

T-Shirts should be printed and worn with the slogan: wszyscy jesteśmy Grzegorz Braun
pawian  226 | 27510
12 Dec 2023   #51
but every so often he will do something worthwile.

Actually, not. Those Hanukah candles were burning in the Polish Parliament in memory and in honour of all Polish citizens of Jewish origin who once lived in Poland and contributed to the culturaland economic development of this country. That Nazi Braun azhole tried to destroy that rememberance.

Hero of Poland.

No, he is a stinking far rightist. Like those Nazis who rule in Israel right now.
Korvinus  3 | 608
12 Dec 2023   #52
That Nazi Braun azhole tried to destroy that rememberance.

Take it easy and appreciate the impressive happening.

Besides I'd want to say that I don't like Hanukkah. It commemorates the victory of the narrow-minded, unwashed Maccabees, who wanted to mutilate children with impunity, over the civilized, Hellenistic Seleucids, who banned the barbaric ritual of circumcision.

I have always been #team_Antioch_IV in this conflict
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Dec 2023   #53
hat Nazi Braun azhole tried to destroy that rememberance.

Nazi is a fair description of him. Fool is a better one, not that there's a difference.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
12 Dec 2023   #54
Was the blessed virgin Mary declared as the Queen of Poland?

Was it not that our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ was crowned as the King of Poland?

If that is so, then all praise must go to Grzegorz Braun for his commendable act through which he prevented an occultist ritual from taking place and for restoring dignity to the Polish Sejm.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
12 Dec 2023   #55

Jews have been living in Poland since approximately the 13th century, albeit
not amicably, until nearly 600 years after the fact, nonetheless, side by side
with their Christian brethren. Polish Christians and their Jewish fellow citizens
influenced one another in both cuisine as well as culture. Practically in no
other European society was the symbiosis as complete as in pre-War Poland.

For someone who represents the Polish government to engage in such a
despicable stunt, such a hateful message, not to mention in the end anti-
Christian, indicates a mental disorder.

It doesn't take a shrink to figure that one out!!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
12 Dec 2023   #56
For someone who represents the Polish government

I am sorry what?
Surely you mean a portion of Polish society that Braun represents, or were you thinking about somebody else, and Tusk has something behind his ears that I don't know about?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
12 Dec 2023   #57
Braun is a member of the Sejm, yes?
Well then, according to my logic, he is a representative
of the Polish gov't.

I trust though, that his values do not in any way represent Polish
national values.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Dec 2023   #58
For someone who represents the Polish government

He doesn't. He's a cvnt who represent cvntinshness. That is far from exclusive to Poland.

Unfortunately, the way it looks outside is that he does represent his country. This is sad, since he doesn't.

I'm, here too and he doesn't represent me.

Polish society that

He doesn't represent you either. He represents something that all decent people would fight against.
Paulina  19 | 4464
12 Dec 2023   #59
But this is Poland - the most hardcore Christian country on Earth. That's why I ask.

If you have to ask it means that you don't know nor understand Poland and its history.

If that is so, then all praise must go to Grzegorz Braun for his commendable act through which he prevented an occultist ritual from taking place

That King of Poland aka Christ was Jewish and he was also observing Jewish religious holidays that you call "occultist", you pathetically hopeless idiot.

For someone who represents the Polish government

Not the government. He's an MP - member of the Polish parliament. He's not a member of the government.

Braun is a member of the Sejm, yes?
Well then, according to my logic, he is a representative
of the Polish gov't.

Lyzko, you don't know the difference between the government and the parliament (Sejm)? lol 🤨
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
12 Dec 2023   #60
I can honestly say, I didn't vote for him

I wish you good luck, I need some sleep and people are clueless. Hope you do a good job, I would probably be misunderstood anyways. You are a champion

Home / News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament

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