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A Polish Feminist Found in a Forest

Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #61
That's not what feminism is about.

Feminism is about the equality of men and women.

A cute concept until we ask if women should be drafted. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is the answer...

End of feminism.
Paulina  15 | 4422
4 Aug 2024 #62
@Novichok, but men usually don't want women in the army, they claim that's not what "they were made for", that they're not physically strong enough and they would be just "getting in the way". So, make up your mind first and then we can talk :)
Ironside  50 | 12456
4 Aug 2024 #63
Feminists can make a point

Feminism can't make a point. That is a long and short of it.
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #64
@Novichok, but men usually don't want women in the army

Play your stupid evasive games with pawian or Lyzko.
Paulina  15 | 4422
4 Aug 2024 #65
@Novichok, those are not any "stupid evasive games" - this is the reality on the ground.
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #66
Hey, pawian andLyzko, I found a new toy for you...
Paulina  15 | 4422
4 Aug 2024 #67
@Novichok, I'm not a "toy", I'm a human being.
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #68
...and an idiot. Where the fvck did I say that "toy" is you?

That's the problem with women...I say A, they hear B...
Paulina  15 | 4422
4 Aug 2024 #69
...and an idiot.

You're projecting :)))

Where the fvck did I say that "toy" is you?


Play your stupid evasive games with pawian or Lyzko.

Hey, pawian andLyzko, I found a new toy for you...

That's deduction, Dr. Watson :)
johnny reb  46 | 7357
4 Aug 2024 #70
I doubt he ever got close to getting married. Poloniusz is scary

The pat answer for feminist today to get rescued and become totally right are , "He sacred me" or "I feel threatened".
We are use to those frivolous no win copouts and walk the other way.
men usually don't want women in the army, they claim that's not what "they were made for", that they're not physically strong enough and they would be just "getting in the way".

More stupid elusive b.s. as there are plenty of duties behind the front lines a woman could do in the military yet you come with another b.s copout.
Women just need to learn their place.
this is the reality on the ground.

According to a full blown butch feminist anyways yet real men don't have that take on it nor will they be dumbed down to it.
We just stay as far away from your kind as we can to avoid your self-appointed privilege that causes your misery.
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #71
If there is one poster here that requires no deductions it's me.

Hey, pawian andLyzko, I found a new toy for you...

...a new English dictionary...
pawian  220 | 24926
4 Aug 2024 #72
You have

If a person whom I respect said it to me, I would be bothered. Fortunately, I am not. Do you know why??? :):):)

Even those who beat PiS to form the current government do not wholely support

Actually, they do. They only voted for Third Way to save them from sinking into oblivion if they didn`t collect 8% votes. That is why they got 14% last October. But during latest Euro elections they got 7%, twice less than before. And what will you say??
PolAmKrakow  2 | 879
4 Aug 2024 #73
I am in my 50's, I would like to see women my age or in their 30's be able to keep up with me physically in any physcal miltary drills. It simply is not going to happen in 99% of situations. Thats the military argument, and it is mainly for combat situations, and its the correct argument.

Feminism was about equal rights, and voting. Now a group of fat, non fvckable, kvnts has turned it into the bastardized version of what it is today. Feminism was intended to support women, not men pretending to be women. These idiots today dont even realize they are harming themselves. Watch the two men prentanding to be women in the Olympics boxing and you will see what they do to actual women.

Body positive = unhealthy is another great example of what modern feminists fight for. Then the fat and unhealthy women complain when no one wants to fvck them. So they blame men and their toxic masculinity. My wife and I sit and laugh watching this stuff.
pawian  220 | 24926
4 Aug 2024 #74
..and an idiot. Where the fvck did I say that "toy" is you?

You deliberately made it sound like that, darling.
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #75
Thats the military argument, and it is mainly for combat situations, and its the correct argument.

That's true.

My point is that feminist women want equality but are against drafting women regardless of whether men wish to have them or not.

Pidiot didn't address THAT and quickly deflected to that men don't want women next to them.
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #76
Feminism was intended to support women, not men pretending to be women.

These leftists idiots are women's worst enemies. If they were their friends, they would be protecting women, their privacy, sports, and everything else - including Title IX.

Now Title IX treats "trans women" as women...insanity on steroids running amok...A single signature perverting a good idea...

Hey, Pidiot, what's a woman?
Paulina  15 | 4422
4 Aug 2024 #77
If there is one poster here that requires no deductions it's me.

Reading your posts apparently require mind-reading ability lol

...a new English dictionary...

Sorry, but I don't get it o_O

Thats the military argument, and it is mainly for combat situations, and its the correct argument

What would be the point of drafting women then?

My point is that feminist women want equality but are against drafting women regardless of whether men wish to have them or not.

How do you know they're against it?
Women are being drafted in Israel and I haven't heard about any mass women's protests against that in Israel. 🤔
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #78
Women are being drafted in Israel and I haven't heard about any mass women's protests against that in Israel.

I am against taxes. Now what? Should I protest in front of the nearest IRS office?

Women in Israel have no choice. In the US, they still do.

What's a woman?
Paulina  15 | 4422
4 Aug 2024 #79
Should I protest in front of the nearest IRS office?

Well, if you want to - I see no reason why not lol
It so happens that people protest against laws they don't like in democracies. 🤷

Women in Israel have no choice. In the US, they still do.

Israel is a democracy, not a dictatorship though, so there must be a consensus in the Israeli society about drafting women. 🤔
pawian  220 | 24926
4 Aug 2024 #81
How many kids too many???
johnny reb  46 | 7357
4 Aug 2024 #82
You deliberately made it sound like that, darling.

Novi's sarcasm no doubt rattles Mangina's such as yourself.
Presently there are over 200,000 women serving in the U.S. military.
And you are still of age to serve in Poland's military, yet you don't/won't.
You want this equality yet you skirt it because you only use "equality" when it benefits your agenda.
You have avoided serving in the military because of being a Mangina.
You support equality yet only when it is convenient for you.
. My wife and I sit and laugh watching this stuff.

PolAm, you have no idea how we sit here and laugh at these idiots trying to promote their Woke agenda.
Cheap entertainment for us.
pawian  220 | 24926
4 Aug 2024 #83
serving in the military because of being

Darling, I didn`t have to go and spend time in the army coz I was a brilliant student. Instead, I had a military training at the uni. Ha!!

Cheap entertainment

What do you save your cents for that you have to look for cheap things in life??? :):):)
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #84
I was a brilliant student. let the dumb ones die while you study useless garbage...
pawian  220 | 24926
4 Aug 2024 #85

There was no war when I was studying.... :):):)

you study useless

It wasn`t useless. I earned a fortune thanks to my education and fulfilled all my life dreams. :):):)
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #86
There was no war when I was studying.... :):):)

That's what they said on Aug 31, 1939.
pawian  220 | 24926
4 Aug 2024 #87

You also didn`t go to the army as a uni student in communist Poland.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
4 Aug 2024 #88
There was no war when I was studying...

There does not need to be a combat war to serve your country in the military before or after your studying.
Now lets get back on topic of the Feminist and Mangina agenda.
Novichok  5 | 7662
4 Aug 2024 #89
No, moron. They didn't want me. I was so sad...Nothing to do with the uni.
pawian  220 | 24926
4 Aug 2024 #90
They didn't want me

Coz you were gay and revealed this info to them?? Homosexuality was one of the reasons they rejected conscripts. AmaSsing!!! hahaha

to serve your country

You also didn`t serve in the army like Novi.

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