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"POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots

MediaWatch  10 | 942
17 May 2010   #1
Polish Americans have been complaining about descriptions such as "Polish concentration camps" and "Polish death camps" for years now. At first we assumed these were just mistakes made by the uninformed, confused or simply ignorant. Later, we began to get concerned and suspect that there just might be some animosity involved.

Today, I have less doubt. Surely, anyone who writes about "Polish" concentration or death camps is either a bigot or a moron. Considering that reporters and columnists are generally well educated and reasonably intelligent, I would vote for "bigot," except that it is too simple an explanation and does reach to the roots of the problem.
pgtx  29 | 3094
17 May 2010   #2
some people never learn... that's their ignorance...
MareGaea  29 | 2751
17 May 2010   #3
Ok, the guy who wrote this article in Polonia complains on one hand that the death camps in Poland are being called "Polish death camps" and in the same article he goes on and gives exactly the reason why ppl call(ed) it "Polish camps". Actually I didn't get the part where he starts ranting about German Jews feeling superior towards Slavic Jews (?) and that Germans feel themselves superior to Slavs. I do understand what he is saying, but I don't see the connection between that part and the fact that the camps are being called "Polish". Perhaps the writer doesn't understand that by writing this, he gives other writers the perfect reason to call the camps "Polish".


M-G (the camps stood in Poland and to the average American this makes them Nazi camps in Poland, which quickly detoriates into "Polish Camps". Not condoning this, but it is explicable)
OP MediaWatch  10 | 942
17 May 2010   #4
Really? What is that reason? Because of location?

M-G (the camps stood in Poland and to the average American this makes them Nazi camps in Poland, which quickly detoriates into "Polish Camps". Not condoning this, but it is explicable)

So maybe if Parade magazine and other media like the New York Times are going to call Death Camps LOCATED in Poland "Polish Death Camps" should they then call the 911 terrorist attacks LOCATED in America,

American terrorist attacks because they were LOCATED in America?

So maybe Parade Magazine and other media should call Suicide Terrorist attacks (against Israelis) LOCATED inside Israel

Israeli terrorist attacks since they are LOCATED in Israel?

These Anti-Polish bigots at Parade Magazine and the New York Times who keep trying to use the BIG LIE technique to slander Poland are really demented psychopathic Anti-Polish Hate-Mongers.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
17 May 2010   #5
Hey, I am not defending it. I am analysing it. And if this guy writes on one hand that there is some sort of anti Polish tendency, he shouldn't proceed to give those anti Polish tendencies new feeding ground.


M-G (just being neutral here as I am not Polish)
OP MediaWatch  10 | 942
17 May 2010   #6
Well I appreciate your neutrality.

I will say in fairness to all American Jews, for some reason this Anti-Polish slander comes mostly from Left-wing Jewish writers like Parade Magazine's Blumenthal or the left-wing Anti-Polish lunatics at the New York Times and not so much from Conservative American Jews in the media.

The Leftist Jews' anti-Polish tendacies "will be fed" whether Poles are silent or not, although I still think if they were confronted directly they would shut up since they are cowards once they leave the media buildings they work at. I think Poles confronting them in their personal lives and giving them a piece of their minds would be effective. It has worked before. Also putting the heat on Parade Magazine management wouldn't hurt. It has worked on other newspapers. There have been other newspapers that have apologized to Poles for using the term "Polish death camp" when Polish Americans complained to them. These other newspapers were initially probably just blindly following the "Polish death camp" propaganda talking points of the ilk of Parade Magazine and the New York Times.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
17 May 2010   #7
I think though that it will stop if Poles will stop blaming the Jews for so many things. It's an exchange, you know. Jews complain about Poles, Poles complain about Jews and both blame eachother. And it's so wrong: no ppl is entirely evil nor is it entirely good. And it will continue as long as nobody wants to give in. Jews as well as Poles. And that is what I am trying to say in so many posts. I don't think it's an anti Polish thing or an anti Jewish thing. Only the quarrel of two groups who suffered tremendously about the question who suffered most. Think about it: "my suffering was worst than yours!" "Hell no, WE suffered more than you guys!". And on and on and on. If you think of it that way, it seems rather childish, don't you think?

You know, somebody has to put both in seperate corners of the room and if the quarreling starts all over again, both will be spanked. Until it stops. Jews and Poles need eachother in a way as they share a common history. But it's like an old couple: can't live with eachother, can't live without eachother, right?

And by the way: Parade magazine is imo not such an important magazine. Different cake would be Time magazine, if they would say the same, you'd be really in trouble, imo.

Edit: ps, complaining and quarreling like the Poles and Jews do is not so much a leftist thing as more a right wing thing.


M-G (tiens)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
17 May 2010   #8
Blame the Germans!...*offers himself as sacrifice for peace between Jews and Poles*
MareGaea  29 | 2751
17 May 2010   #9
Ok, somebody get that sacrificing block and the axe!


Good Night.


M-G (yes, you put your head there - now lie still)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
17 May 2010   #11
I will say in fairness to all American Jews, for some reason this Anti-Polish slander comes mostly from Left-wing Jewish writers like Parade Magazine's Blumenthal or the left-wing Anti-Polish lunatics at the New York Times and not so much from Conservative American Jews in the media.

Yeah, that's very true.

The idea of calling those camps Polish is just ludicrous.

It's like saying BMW and Mercedes are both Polish brands because so many Polish prisoners were forced to work for those companies during WWII.

Imagine if the descendants of the African slaves here in America were called Africans today. Oh wait... Never mind, wrong example.
rychlik  41 | 372
17 May 2010   #12
It's the goddam Jews again. Again, this is why I don't like them. I guess we should call Guantanamo "American concentration camps".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
17 May 2010   #13
I guess we should call Guantanamo "American concentration camps".

Well, the world does! How do you call them? "Cuban concentration camps"???
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 May 2010   #14
We just call it Gitmo. It's not harsh enough to be a concentration camp. The prisoners eat better than many Americans.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
17 May 2010   #15
It's the goddam Jews again. Again, this is why I don't like them. I guess we should call Guantanamo "American concentration camps".

Has nothing to do with the Jews and I have nothing against them.

I've been to Guantanamo several times and if it is a "concentration camp" then every Polish prison is a gas chamber.

It's a storage location for thugs. Many who've been released have killed numerous innocent people since then. I'm glad they're where they are and it's pretty telling that the "let's close Guantamo within 12 months" president slowed things down when he realized the type of scum we're storing in there. That's right, storing because the Geneva convention, which I have read did not then and never will apply to them. In a way I wish we'd sent them all to the Afghanis for their 5-star treatment...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
17 May 2010   #16
I've been to Guantanamo several times

So...we have a terrorist between us???
skysoulmate  13 | 1250
17 May 2010   #17
I guess I should've said "flown in supplies..."

Guantanamo was a good solution at the time. Prisons in their home countries would be a better permanent solution unless proven that the person was innocent and simply happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm sure there've been such cases too.

Back to the subject of... What was it again?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
17 May 2010   #18
My smileys are now where my helmet the dark dungeon of the horrible Admin!
1jola  14 | 1875
17 May 2010   #19
I think though that it will stop if Poles will stop blaming the Jews for so many things.

Can you give us some links to any major publications where Poles are blaming Jews for so many things? Have I been missing something? Thank you.

So, it is the Poles who are to be blamed for internationaly read newspapers printing lies about Poland. LoL
MareGaea  29 | 2751
17 May 2010   #20
So, it is the Poles who are to be blamed for internationaly read newspapers printing lies about Poland. LoL

You didn't read again, did you? Ah well, that doesn't surprise me; plastic poles like you never do thoroughly.


M-G (tiens)
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503
17 May 2010   #21
there is no anti Polish bigotry in the United States. Most Americans don't know what a Pole is other than something to hang a flag on. Once Poles learn to speak fluent English, they melt into the general population (Nobody ever asks me what nationality my last name is, never).

The only time that a Pole with confront Polish jokes is from other Poles. There are 10 million Poles living in the US of A and if the society was discriminatory, they would have left a long time ago.
1jola  14 | 1875
17 May 2010   #22
You didn't read again, did you? Ah well, that doesn't surprise me; plastic poles like you never do thoroughly.

No links, huh? You seem to say the most flippant things, so be prepared to be challenged, and your personal comments only reflect poorly on you.

there is no anti Polish bigotry in the United States.

I suggest reading newspapers, and I won't even mention the Holocaust literature.
17 May 2010   #23
Reasonably well educated by American standards. Which means that there is a slightly better than 50/50 chance that they can correctly label the continents on a map of the world.
OP MediaWatch  10 | 942
17 May 2010   #24
there is no anti Polish bigotry in the United States.

Well I don't know about years ago, but I will agree with you that today most Americans are not discriminatory or prejudiced against Polish Americans or Poles. I think most of the media has grown up from the Polish-Bashing of before and the media in the US is generally neutral/fair minded towards Poles. Especially in the conservative media. But it wasn't always like that and sadly from time to time, there are still elements of the media (mostly Leftist) like Parade Magazine and the New York Times that take cheap shots at the Polish like in the referenced Parade Magazine article.

It appears these media elements are still trying to stir up an anti-Polish bias among at least some of their American readers.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
17 May 2010   #25
No links, huh? You seem to say the most flippant things, so be prepared to be challenged, and your personal comments only reflect poorly on you.

Unlike you, I am able to see both sides of things. Don't pretend you're so smart, plastic Pole. You're not. Because if you were reading what I wrote and were intelligent enough to grasp anything of it, you knew that I was giving my own opinion on things. And my opinion is a lot more neutral and fairer than your one-sided point of view generally is. Amazing how ppl who left have the biggest mouth. And it must be hard for you that you meet ppl who are smarter than you. Flippant things? Ah, you only want to hear it's only the Jews fault. Well your nonsensical contributions doesn't do much for the emancipation of the Poles. But what the heck do you know, self contended little man that you are.


M-G (now get out of my sight)
1jola  14 | 1875
17 May 2010   #26
I don't think you understand. Jews lie about Poles; the Poles reject the lies with facts; idots like you think this is an exchange.

But you're saying more. The lies will stop when the Poles stop blaming Jews "for many things"?! When asked what things they are and where have you seen Poles blaming Jews you have nothing to say. You can be taken then as a bag of wind or perhaps hatred, even envy.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
17 May 2010   #27
Germans feel themselves superior to Slav

Don't they?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
17 May 2010   #28
We don't discriminate...we feel superior to everybody, equally! :)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
17 May 2010   #29
we feel superior to everybody, equally! :)

Yeah, I guess one is very superior when one loses 2 wars and kills a bunch of people for no good reason.

Home / News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots

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