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How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again?

Lyzko  44 | 9713
15 Mar 2024   #121
Trump's playing one of the oldest tricks in the book by attempting to elicit
support from those groups he most despises, e.g. gays, blacks, even Jews etc.
merely in order to deceive them into thinking he's their "friend"!

With friends like Trump,...............
johnny reb  49 | 7927
15 Mar 2024   #122
Trump's playing one of the oldest tricks in the book

Why do you constantly focus on Trump's sins but never post anything about jacked up joe's sins.
With friends like little girl sniffer joe that has committed treason to America you would think that would be a hotter topic than a bigot.

How about you telling us what you think of biden welcoming terrorists, fentanyl, drug dealers, human traffickers, killer gang members, welfare immigrants, gun runners, and violent inmates from their prisons that our enemies have brought to our borders to be welcomed into our country by the "Big Man". ?

You're up buddy.
Joker  2 | 2374
16 Mar 2024   #123
Trump's playing one of the oldest tricks in the book by attempting to elicit

And still you wont address any facts or answer any straight questions. You only offer the same old Dems talking points, calling ppl nazis and racists.

What Biden policies are working for America, Lyzko?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
16 Mar 2024   #124
What Biden policies, Joker?? Automotive job creation, for one. Autoworkers to their
credit still vote baby blue, buddy boy, and if Michigan goes Dem with their governor
Gretchen Widmer, that could really tilt the odds come the November Primaries!

In addition, Joe Biden doesn't ignore the middle class, he doesn't focus on all or nothing,
aiming solely at the bottom tier or the top rung of the investor class as does his running mate.

What most Trump supporters forget, if they ever even knew it, is that the bedrock principles
which have guided America for some two-hundred-and-fifty years remain the only bulwark against
dictatorship. Trump, Orban Viktor, Czar Vladimir etc. must learn that they uphold the laws, they
aren't above them, not now, not ever.
Novichok  4 | 8485
16 Mar 2024   #125

Dictatorship - a political system that allows one traitor to open the border to 8 million unvetted and useless human garbage without proper authorization from Congress or a referendum.

See Biden.
OP Alien  25 | 6397
16 Mar 2024   #126

No, Dictatorship is a system in which the dictator can always be re-elected.
pawian  226 | 27471
16 Mar 2024   #127
Mister Honourable Prime Minister the Saviour Donald Reverend Tusk again pressed those Rep azholes to grant the funds to Ukraine. That`s how a true statesman should act! Amasing!
OP Alien  25 | 6397
16 Mar 2024   #128

Why Reverend, actually?
pawian  226 | 27471
16 Mar 2024   #129
Because when I write about Mr Honourable Donald Reverend Tusk, I kneel down to show respect. Do you think it is some kind of exaggeration???
OP Alien  25 | 6397
16 Mar 2024   #130

I thought 'Reverend' was reserved for a man of the church.
pawian  226 | 27471
16 Mar 2024   #131
was reserved for a man of the church.

That was a reservation in operation in past centuries when Poland was occupied, partitioned, vassalised by foreign powers aka Asian barbarians. Now we are free so we can freely use Reverend to denote Saviours of Poland. Ha!!!!
OP Alien  25 | 6397
17 Mar 2024   #132

Yes, monsignor
Bobko  27 | 2079
17 Mar 2024   #133
Mister Honourable Prime Minister the Saviour Donald Reverend Tusk

You forgot some words.

His Most Sublime Highness, By Grace of God, Ruler of Poles and Polesses, Vanquisher of P!ss, Defender of the Rainbow, Protector of the Hohol, Sharif of Brussels, and Cockservant of the Americas - Donaldus Tusk.
Ironside  50 | 12946
17 Mar 2024   #134
Donaldus Tusk.

in short a ginger dick.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
17 Mar 2024   #135
@Alien & Rich,

A dictatorship is namely a system of government in which the leader declares him or herself sole
and supreme ruler.

Hitler was "elected" democratically, this is true. However, among his first official acts as Fuehrer was
to immediately bring all branches of government in line with his own ideology, known as "Gleichschaltung"! With the
Fuehrer, you people, there was no reaching across the aisles of Congress to work together with the other side.

Trump is a clever salesman in stark contrast with his quasi-predecessor Pat Buchanan way back in the '90's.
On the surface at any rate, Trump skillfully affects the manner of a Jewish-style schmoozer from Queens, who
talks the talk because he also walks the walk. He's almost affable at times, full of easy phrases to lull folks into
a false sense of security, while demonizing the entire left.

Don't be fooled!! Donald John Trump is Ronald Reagan on steroids who wants nothing more than to dismantle
Social Security, abolish Unemployment Compensation, and in essence turn the United States of America into
a self-governing plutocracy, not too dissimilar to the Emirates, in which there's a thin layer of mega rich at the very top
while the rest of the country not clever or immorally ruthless enough to catch up, is left shamelessly behind.

This is a far cry from the Roosevelt Era and the philosophy of "If one American family goes to bed hungry, the rest of the nation is starving!

The latter MUST be our rallying cry, even if most can't do anything substantive about it.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
17 Mar 2024   #136
Trump is no Reagan. Not even remotely. Trump is a reaction to Democrat idiocy.
Novichok  4 | 8485
17 Mar 2024   #137
Trump is no Reagan. Not even remotely.

Trump is better because he is less naive.

It was Reagan who naively gave amnesty to 3 million illegal scumbags in exchange for what he never got from the lying Democrats.

That's why Trump is not buying any of that "bi-partisan" bill from hell and the 5,000 scum a day limit that would magically morph into 15,000 "because these are poor and hungry people who came to America to better themselves".

Bank robbers rob banks to better themselves, too...

A dictatorship is namely a system of government in which the leader declares him or herself the sole and supreme ruler.


A dictator is a person who acts like one and against the tribe's wishes.

See Biden and his open border criminally.

You forgot "the" in front of "sole". I fixed it for you.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
17 Mar 2024   #138
Trump is Ronald Reagan on steroids who wants nothing more than to dismantle Social Security, abolish Unemployment Compensation

Sources please

mega rich at the very top while the rest of the country not clever or immorally ruthless enough to catch up, is left shamelessly behind.

That is exacrly what biden and obama have done.
Did you feel better off financially with Trump or under biden with runaway inflation ?
When Trump left office gas was $2.89 and it is now $3.75.
Food prices have increased by 25% under biden.
Who is suffering from that ? The middle class are the ones suffering as the lower class are all on welfare benifits and that is where the Liberals want to put the middle class so they are slaves to the government too.

Catch on Lyzko.
Argue that my friend even though it has NOTHING to do with the Topic of this thread.
OP Alien  25 | 6397
17 Mar 2024   #139
Food prices have increased by 25% under biden.

And by how much did earnings increase?
Joker  2 | 2374
17 Mar 2024   #140
NOTHING to do with the Topic of this thread.

Why dont you snitch on him like you usually do or did admin take away your button again?
johnny reb  49 | 7927
17 Mar 2024   #141
And by how much did earnings increase?

They didn't if you figure in inflation, in fact, they decreased.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
17 Mar 2024   #142
Rep. Spartz to AG Garland: Are You Aware That Americans Are Afraid Of Being Persecuted By Their Own Government ?
This video cuts right to the crux of the matter when we are talking about the state of our (current) government......
(Copy and paste the highlighted to watch this moving video)

Soviet-Born Republican's Exchange With AG Garland Will Give You Chills (

WoW did she ever tell them where the bear pooped in the buckwheat !
It took a Ukrainian born woman to slap our government in the face with the truth.
OP Alien  25 | 6397
18 Mar 2024   #143
they decreased.

This is bad, because this reduces the demand for goods and this slows down the economy, especially the American one.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
18 Mar 2024   #144
Reagan too was a reaction to Democrats' excesses.
Novichok  4 | 8485
18 Mar 2024   #145
What Democrat excesses?
OP Alien  25 | 6397
19 Mar 2024   #146
Exactly. what excesses?
dannytoro1  5 | 102
19 Mar 2024   #147
It was Reagan who naively gave amnesty to 3 million illegal scumbags in exchange for what he never got from the lying Democrats.

That is the dumbest critque of Reagan. Cherry picking really. And scrounging hard given the achievements of Reagan in foreign policy. economic prosperity and the pinnacle of military might we reached under Reagan. Trump is a total piker in comparison....Trump did not even get a wall done!!!!!!
Novichok  4 | 8485
19 Mar 2024   #148
That is the dumbest critique of Reagan.

There is more to criticize Reagan for... He promised to close the Department of Indoctrination and the Department of Energy and he didn't even try.

I voted in 1980 and never since when I realized that voters can be lied to.

Please include the posters' names. I want full credit for my brilliance.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
19 Mar 2024   #149
Rich & Alien, Reagan came into Office on 11/5/81, the year I graduated college. The States had
come out of a toxic period of exceptional disillusionment with labor unions, which had been growing weaker
by the year. Furthermore, I trust I needn't remind you two about an especially toxic manifestation of the late
'70's, namely "EST" or "Erhard Seminar Training", begun by an Uber-Reaganite code name Werner Erhard.

The latter believed with all his heart and soul (who would lie about this stuff, guys!!) that Roosevelt never had
any place in America, most of all, that all of us are where we are solely by choice. LOL
People ate up this garbage hook, line, and stinker.

This then is what precipitated the rise of the Reagan Era, a deep dissatisfaction with liberal policies of former
President Jimmy Carter, that control freak peanut farmer from the plains of Plains, Georgia.

Reagan wanted to "get government off the backs of the American people...."

This is more or less the sequence of events which lead up to the Reagan Counter Rev. which Donald Trump would
like to bring back with a vengeance. Lord have mercy on us all.
Novichok  4 | 8485
19 Mar 2024   #150
President Jimmy Carter,

A guy called "Jimmy" should never be elected president.

That "Jimmy" gave us the Department of Education - a pile of leftist sh*it Soviets would be too embarrassed to have. Reagan promised to close this nonsense but didn't even try.

Then came the hostages... Instead of dropping a nuke on Iran somewhere as a warning, "Jimmy" sent a couple of choppers that choked on Iranian sand. Fvcking brilliant...

Reagan gets elected and miraculously the hostages are free to go...Jimmy...a gift from hell...

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