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Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government

Lenka  5 | 3549
5 Jul 2021   #481
Ach, so if I hide a criminal I will just say I mismanaged the situation..
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #482
You think you have the same responsibilities as a Catholic priest? Just because Clergymen are paranoid about today's society doesn't mean you are justified to perform a crime.

You are aware of confessions? It's obligations? Just like a journalist can't always tell his/her sources doesn't mean they are automatically a criminal.

You are judging by worldly standards, which is enough information for me.
Lenka  5 | 3549
5 Jul 2021   #483
You think you have the same responsibilities as a Catholic priest?

Less in this situation as Im not in The ppsitive of Duty od Care.

You are aware of confessions?

Why are you mixing confessions into it? Who would even know they were told something in confession?

You are judging by worldly standards, which is enough information for me.

Like any other criminal. Why should they get a free pass?
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jul 2021   #484
You are judging by worldly standards, which is enough information for me.

Yes, we are prone to judge those criminal clergy by worldly standards. The main reason is to punish them while they are still alive to achieve two goals:

-prevent them from committing similar acts in the future
-deter other potential followers.

Waiting for Heavenly justice takes too long and too many kids might be hurt on the way. Isn`t it simple?

I can't wait for the unveiling.

No, he is only 64. You will have to wait a long time.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Jul 2021   #485
Raping a child is one of the most despicable crimes one can commit. Children have been raped all over the world by the catholic clergy, and all over the world, according to the very same procedures implemented by dioceses and ecclesiastical courts, the rapist beasts were protected.

It was not a single diocese, a single bishop or a single parish, but the church on every continent, acting in an organised mafia-like style, protecting the monsters.

Those who fail to acknowledge that, or even try to defend the perpetrators, are no better than the rapists themselves. They make me sick. The only consolation is that they will have to, one day, stand in front of Our Lord Jesus Christ and answer for this monstrosity.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jul 2021   #486
Being ordained a priest doesn't make one a saint automaticall

Yes, of course. But it is normal to expect that one at least should behave decently, not like a monster.

You are judging by worldly standards,

Now it looks like you contradict yourself.

protecting the monsters.

Unfortunately, it is true.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #487
You both seem to misunderstand me, I wouldn't give them a free pass at all. If it was up to me only,I would had had thrown them out of the church (not talking about the building) and let vultures eat them while they starve for what they had done.

Which makes it commendable that the Clergymen have found it in their heart to forgive them and give them a chance, again and again. Knowing that it's them that will have to wear the brunt of that decision.

So don't think I am a saint, just cause I look up to them.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Jul 2021   #488
Which makes it commendable that the Clergymen have found it in their heart to forgive them and give them a chance, again and again.

Which allowed the criminals to continue raping children, again and again.

Are you sure "commendable" is the word you wanted to use?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #489
How would you feel about lynching you for other sins? I would be careful with that line of thinking
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Jul 2021   #490
Who's talking about "lynching for sins"?

I am talking about punishing for crimes commited on children. You are saying that protecting the rapist monsters was commendable which leads me to an obvious conclusion - you are either:

a) a troll, just trying to annoy people
b) a complete and utter sickf*ck

In both cases, there's no point arguing with you.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #491
I am a sickfuck, thankfully I can control myself from doing sick things.

Not everyone is normal, I can only thank Jesus Christ for redeeming me and making me able to live. Which you most likely will never understand
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Jul 2021   #492
You keep claiming that protecting child rapists from just punishment is "commendable". That tells me that you are everything but redeemed by Christ. You are dead in your sins and God turns His face away from you in disgust.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #493
Forgiving them, not protecting them. Just cause they refute arguments from people who have left the church. Doesn't automatically mean there are no consequences, if there are no consequences. Then the administration should do something about it.
5 Jul 2021   #494
@GefreiterKania, I'd highly recommend stopping masturbating or at least ask for God's forgiveness for being a masturbator, the shame and guilt is turning you into a hate filled lunatic.
Novichok  4 | 8784
5 Jul 2021   #496
This conversation would benefit greatly if all that godly stuff was not included.
In fact, as I wrote before, priests raping kids prove that there is no such thing as God, Heaven, or Hell. If I were one of them, I would be more afraid of what awaits me after my death than while I am still here. They are not because they know there is nothing there. Just a story...

A prison with the dudes who intensely dislike child rapists is the only thing they are scared of. Hell? What's that?
Forgiveness is a medication for the weak.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #497
Your acting as if weak men is an imagination only, I have a hard time believing you wouldn't break during a whipping by Roman legionaries.

Just because you don't have faith, doesn't mean your right you know
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
5 Jul 2021   #498
The board is infested with trolls today. Trolls and reprobates.


Oh, Lord, please make Oathbreaker and James123 - two staunch paedophile defenders and reprobates dead in their sins - see your eternal light and come to faith in Jesus Christ. Please save them by your mercy, Lord. AMEN.
Novichok  4 | 8784
5 Jul 2021   #499
Discussions of violent crimes against children should never include those who are against the death penalty. At some point, the concept of forgiveness makes normal people literally sick. There should never be any and nothing in the life of the criminal should be used as mitigating factors. Especially the abuse he suffered as a kid.

To me, that's aggravating since the pos knows how it feels.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #500
I will pray for you too

Well, ain't you nasty
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
5 Jul 2021   #502
In general, reading your texts ain't pleasant. Nothing personal, it's just toxic
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jul 2021   #503
Coming back to Tusk. He plays the Church and religion card cleverly. He stresses the fact that he is a believer himself and has good relations with decent clergy. What he rejects is those top clergy hardliners who harm the Church the most and scare off commoners from it.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Jul 2021   #504
Tusk summed up PiS` rule: debt, tributes and rising prices. Translated into Polish , it is DDD.

debt - PiS obsessively criticized Tusk`s government for increasing national debt, After taking power, they continued it and even accelarated.

tributes - PIS promised they wouldn`t rise taxes. Indeed, they don`t call those tributes taxes - just levies or tolls. E..g, sugar levy on soda drinks.

Rising prices -
petrol under Tusk - 5.50 PLN. Price of oil - 125 $
petrol under PiS - 5.50 PLN. Price of oil - 70 $.

I expect that one day Tusk will bring a petrol can to a press conference, copying PiS chairman who did it in 2012, critisizing Tusk for high prices. of fuel.

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Spike31  3 | 1485
7 Jul 2021   #505
debt, tributes and rising prices

That's a good summary of the PiS economic policies.

The fun fact is those words fit perfectly to describe 8 years of Tusk's PO government as well.

Those two political parties: PiS and PO only look much different to the hardcore political fanatics and supporters who identify with them. To rational people, they are both scammers.

I pity the fools who got robbed by a Byzantine bureaucracy, work for a lausy 5000 pln a month and still cheer up for one of those two statist parties who **** them in return.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Jul 2021   #506
Now you are trying to advertise Konfa. The truth is if they got power, they wouldn`t be much better. Even worse. They would make such a mess that people would say prayers so that the KaczyƄski Tusk duo came back.
Ironside  51 | 13124
8 Jul 2021   #507
Now you are trying to advertise Konfa.

Nothing wrong with that. It makes so much more sense than you advertising some political zombies like Tusk and other leftovers..
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Jul 2021   #508
Nothing wrong with that.

Yes, of course. We advertise what we like. Simple.

It makes so much more sense

Of course not.
8 Jul 2021   #509
Yes, of course.

Prove It!

Of course not.

Prove It!

Please stick to ONE username
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Jul 2021   #510
Prove It!

I see my catchphrase has become a buzzword in the forum . :):)

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