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17 year old English girl with a 25 year old Polish man?

20 Jun 2018   #1
I am really interested in this guy from work who is polish. he seems as though he likes me too. He seems mature but still funny and playful and i feel as though i am very mature for my age, i work for my money and live alone. (people always comment on the fact they're shocked i am so young) and that we would be a good match? what do you guys think?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Jun 2018   #2
You should define "interested". Whatever it means, don't get pregnant!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jun 2018   #3
what do you guys think?

Tell him the poontang is cut off until he puts a ring on your finger and says "I DO".
Then you will see just how interested, funny and playful he really is.
My bets are that he will drop you and you maturity like a hot potato.
Keep us posted AFTER you give that a try.
Crow  155 | 9708
20 Jun 2018   #4
Why not? Really, why not? Let them have many babies, newborn Poles and Slavs.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jun 2018   #5
Let the girl physically and mentally develop first Crow.
My bet is that she doesn't even have muscle tone in her legs yet.
Crow  155 | 9708
20 Jun 2018   #6
Ah, these modern girls are crazy for the d***. Don`t worry. But better that she goes crazy with a Pole. What future she has in Britain? To give birth to Mustafa or Mohamed? You want such a future to your daughter? Think.

Its that sick society. Should be saved what can be saved.
Lyzko  44 | 9725
20 Jun 2018   #7
Poles can come on a little strong at first, both males and females:-) Don't be scared off though. Many compensate for poor English with extra testosterone.

Just stick to your guns and don't let 'em force ya into the sack until YOU feel in your gut/heart that it's time!
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 Jun 2018   #8
Nobody knows him here so it's hard to say what's he's like or whether he likes you.
As for comparing him to other Poles, since you live in the UK you probably know more Polish people than people who answered your post - they're not Polish.

Just be careful - you're still very young.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Mar 2020   #9
17 year old English girl with a 25 year old Polish man?

This is a time-honoured British tradition, described and praised by numerous poets:

Well, she was just 17, if you know what I mean / And the way she looked was way beyond compare ......

Home / Love / 17 year old English girl with a 25 year old Polish man?

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