Not changed my opinion one bit, both Ireland and the UK are changing their countries names to Fatland, in just 8 years the proportion of fat girls has gone from 20% to 35%!
To quote the great Claude Rains in the title role, addressing Bette Davis from the movie "Mr. Skeffington"(1941), "A woman is beautiful, so long as she is loved."
I think any woman who is uneducated and unintelligent and immature is in a kind of way ugly and a direct put off once she opens her mouth, especially if her breath stinks.
Gabriel, mine apart from Polkas: Swedish/Norwegian Danish Ukrainian Belarusian/Russian Polish Baltic Croatian Bulgarian/Romanian Latin American Irish Italian Then all the others
Everyone knows that Eastern European and Scandinavian women are far more beautiful than Western European and arguably the most beautiful in the world. And there's very few German, British, Irish, etc. that are a 7 or more.
To be fair Ireland has more good-looking lasses than any Western European nation save for maybe Netherlands. I agree on the others, I love Portuguese, Greek and Spanish nature and sun but their gals are so not nice. Greek & Turkish ones in real life as well are meh. So yes mostly all of CEE including Albania is fine (except Western Czechia, Austria, Greece, Georgia, Armenia and Macedonia), Scandinavia as well in Europe and parts of LatAm. Finland is a mixed case. The Arab beauties are a myth.
If women with unibrows who don't shave their legs are your thing... But hey, they wear that garbage bag or tent or whatever it is and they're all alike - you don't know whether that's a 2 or a 10 (highly unlikely though) hiding under there
^That's what I said lol. But what's more surprising is how women in Bratislava were miles hotter than those in Prague. Supposedly they're the same people but just like with Bulgarian and Macedonian women there is a genetic difference, Macedonian girls are too masculine compared to most Bulgarian ones, maybe Greek or Jewish influence? I lived 1 year in Bratislava and almost 1 year in Prague. Anyone have any explanation for them? Did Bohemian Slavs mix more with Germans? Most beautiful Czech girls I've met were from Moravia. In a Bratislava street or mall you couldn't help but notice many hot ones. Not so in a Prague street or mall (and I mean even streets out of the tourist-infested ones). Is it atheist culture making them not take care of themselves or local men having a taste for stronger, more dykish-looking women like Germans have?
@Michel88 Problem in society is too much ''fat normalisation''. Like all these ''body positive'' Instagram posts telling people it's normal to be 100kg as a woman. People are killing themselves and society is too ''kind'' or sick to tell them otherwise.
Problem in society is too much ''fat normalisation''
The body is shaped by muscles, not fat. Fat is never good. Fat is ugly. Fat people are a liability to society. Just like alcoholics.
It's my body and I am proud is just another version of that stupid You are OK, I am OK. If being fat were OK, we would not be reading underlying conditions, all fat-related. Darwin was a very smart man. Today, he would be fired and chased out of town.
Fat, like butter, has no shape by itself. It's a passive load that stores the energy of last resort and acts as an insulator. The body shape comes from the other body parts.
In its ugliest form, fat is cellulite and as a "spare tire". And a source of embarrassment. That is why nobody sane wants to go to a nudist beach as it would be hard to unsee what's there.
There are no essentials carbohydrates, just cause people are unable to or don't know how to open the flow use of their fat storage. Doesn't mean the fat itself is bad. Quite the opposite, body runs quite better on fat vs carbohydrates in my experience
It's not without reason why the body stores fat, and even turns carbohydrates in to fat for storage. It's just better fuel
Yes I lost too much weight recently and I looked like hell tbh. And yes definitely a 'dry' look especially if you are 'older'.
I got into cake baking as an enjoyable cure. Fat is good! !
The sad thing is that we have all been brainwashed into 'thin is good'. Yes it was fun to wear size 10 (uk not us) and have a good silhouette but if your face looks like ****.'s never gonna be a good look.
@rozumiemnic Everyone needs some fat. No one likes the bulimic look. But that doesn't make being a slack fatso acceptable. Having diabetes, heart disease and sweating like a pig when you run for a tram also isn't acceptable.
Everyone needs some fat. No one likes the bulimic look.
That's a 0 or a 100 argument.
We remember how much was our weight at 20 yo. There is no reason why we should not weigh the same at 70 other than bad habits and indulgence.
I don't want to read about "metabolism", please.
That dry look comes from skin losing elasticity. Filling the balloon with fat to stretch it is a race to an early heart attack and grave. Fat is good when it's a thin layer like butter on a slice of bread. That fat never jiggles as we walk. If it jiggles, it's hideous and unhealthy
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