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Polish women are the most beautiful in the world!

Jonah  - | 4
7 Sep 2011   #1291
British girls lost the rose it was surrounded by pricks :) Polish girls the most beautiful play tug a war with me and see :)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
7 Sep 2011   #1292
Outer beauty may fade, inner beauty continuously grows stronger ;)

Only if you keep up the exercises..... ;)
pawian  222 | 26596
7 Sep 2011   #1293
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
beckski  12 | 1609
7 Sep 2011   #1294
As Pat Benatar would say, "They were once somebody's baby."
southern  73 | 7059
7 Sep 2011   #1295
I am disappointed by Ukrainki here in Donetsk.Although I discovered tons of slavic chic here it is clearly inferior to Polki.And ukrainian men maybe the ugliest in Europe.Polish would appear like Adones here I advise polish men to go Ukraina it is the only place they can shine.
f stop  24 | 2493
7 Sep 2011   #1296
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

that's a guy.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
7 Sep 2011   #1297
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

Yeah, that ???? popped up when I "bing image" searched " Ugly Polish Girls" too paw' :)
Cant believe there isnt even a comical "babushka" photo ,just the Honey Monster you posted and,well...........
Layla  - | 10
8 Sep 2011   #1298
Polish women in clubs mostly look like those depicted in song Suczci.Amazing.

Mostly???I wouldn't say that, rather some kind of "blachara" girls.
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Sep 2011   #1299
Some in clubs are very pretty but too dolled up. Natural beauty has a radiance all of its own and they cheat ;)
southern  73 | 7059
9 Sep 2011   #1300
When you are in clubs in slavic countries well... let's say unforgettable experiences.I very much like the village girls.
9 Sep 2011   #1301
Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! one of the longest threads here. It tells a lot about the quality of this forum.
southern  73 | 7059
9 Sep 2011   #1302
Yes,it is tiring to stress the obvious.
Dream on
13 Oct 2011   #1303
Yeah, Polish people wish their women are the most beautiful in the world, like the thread states. Reality=Polish womens' looks are boring, often ugly, a cute one here or there but mostly just boring looks. Keep dreaming, Polish people, but it wont get you the kind of attention you want, that women from other, real feminine beauty countries get. Truth out.
13 Oct 2011   #1304
I don't see why Polish men are bragging about their women being the most beautiful. Even if that is true, why do it? Is that the only accomplishment Poland would have? Either way, Polish women prefer foreigners so don't flatter yourselves Polish guys.

I am disappointed by Ukrainki here in Donetsk.Although I discovered tons of slavic chic here it is clearly inferior to Polki.And ukrainian men maybe the ugliest in Europe.Polish would appear like Adones here I advise polish men to go Ukraina it is the only place they can shine.

You're Greek. Greek men are definitely the ugliest in Europe.
Natasa  1 | 572
14 Oct 2011   #1305
Greek men are definitely the ugliest in Europe.

Greek men ugly? I saw the male gods walk the Earth down there.
14 Oct 2011   #1306
Oh yes, some male gods they are considering you could make an interesting ski resort from their noses.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
14 Oct 2011   #1307
Greek men ugly? I saw the male gods walk the Earth down there.

My friends son is half Greek and is model material..but has that moody temperament that Greek men have even though he has grown up in England without the Greek influence..must a strong genetic thing..
14 Oct 2011   #1308
Keyword: half.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
14 Oct 2011   #1309
Whist it pains me to say this, his father whilst a complete and utter tit and other words a lady should not utter, he was a good looking guy..didnt have a big nose and didn't look like a dodgy turk
14 Oct 2011   #1310
didnt have a big nose and didn't look like a dodgy turk

Too bad that's not the case for most Greeks. It's not just big noses either, they're very odd-shaped sometimes. I've been to Greece before. The men are also noticeably shorter than other European men such as the Dutch and Germans.
carrie65  2 | 40
15 Oct 2011   #1311
Polish women are definitely not the most beautiful in the world, no particular race is! There are beauties from every race and there are total mingers too! I have seen some lovely polish women but I've seen lovely Indian, Irish, welsh, Thai and every other nationality of women too!

Some in clubs are very pretty but too dolled up. Natural beauty has a radiance all of its own and they cheat ;)

I tend to agree with this comment, though it is quite often true of young Britsh girls too. I don't admire the obession that some Polish women have with appearance!

I remember being introduced to a youngish polish woman a few weeks back, her first words were
' I saw you on the station last week, I thought you didn't look very pretty and I couldn't think why your fiance had asked you to marry him? Now I have seen you close up I can see you don't look too bad!'

Did it it never occur to her that there are other qualities in a woman???? This charming lady then proceeded to ask me if I had met a particular member of my fiance's family? After confirming that I had, the lady (by now joined by a couple of her mates) proceeded to rip this family member's looks to pieces just because the family member did not put make up on with a JCB digger! Actually the family member is genuinely beautiful because she has a brain, a character, honour and a lovely nature and to me a lovely face too partly because she does not like the 'barbie doll' look! No language mix up here my polish is good and the barbie doll B---- has very good English!

It's a bit sad that so many of the threads on here rave on about the appearance of women rather than more important aspects of their nature!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
15 Oct 2011   #1313
Here's what happens when they adopt the modern eating habits of the English. It ain't as much genetics you dipsh*ts hope it is, it's diet and walking (exercise) as much as anything. I present exhibit A:
southern  73 | 7059
15 Oct 2011   #1314
the obession that some Polish women have with appearance!

Greek women have the same obscession.You hear them making comments about slavic women like ''she looks like she just came from the village,very plain,too average,no refinement,dumb,cow eyes etc'' or about western women like ''cold,frozen'' etc.They also try to find a fault in every other woman ''big nose,very thin legs,shrewd legs,belly,bad teeth,thin hair etc or a ''cheapo'' or a ''prostitute'' etc.
carrie65  2 | 40
15 Oct 2011   #1315
Greek women have the same obscession.

Ok, point taken, we can all be ******* at times!
I was brought up in a very multi cultural area but have rarely met women who rate physical appearance as importantly as young Polish women do.

My other half is always apologising that he doesn't earn enough for me to spend all my own wages on cosmetics and clothes. I wouldn't anyway even if he had Bill gates' fortune!!!!
Natasa  1 | 572
15 Oct 2011   #1316
western women like ''cold,frozen''

One short story.

My best male friend from childhood studied in Moscow, among many students there was a very pretty Danish girl.
He said: 'when she was approaching us, the rest of the class (Russians, Germans, international group), she was stunning, tall, blond, pretty, but there was something missing when she came really close to us, we felt the chill air around us. When she broke her arm, I hoped she will, being vulnerable, show her less strong side, and there were glimpses of something human, she asked us to paint on her cast, but no. That was it. Merely behaving in expected manner. She was simply and unchangeably cold. Beautiful sculpture made of ice. Why the beauty then?'

Slavic women, I agree with Greek women there, do have thin hair, and like slutty appearance.
carrie65  2 | 40
15 Oct 2011   #1317
like slutty appearance

Tend to agree with you here, can't see the attraction of putting all your stock on show, plus the 10 tons of goo on the face!

Would have thought a bit of mystery would be nice!
Judging by the innumerable posts on Polish girls' charms I obviously can't think like a man!
Natasa  1 | 572
15 Oct 2011   #1318
Would have thought a bit of mystery would be nice!

That is not how Slavic men function. If they are drunk, everything should be as visible and subject of augmentation as possible ;)
The competition for few good men in Slavic universe is harsh, so women simply HAVE to impress among many other non loyal girls. And tension in the trousers then serves as a guide. Colors tend to provoke it.

I also dislike the Western masculinized style of women. I hate when I see man and a woman in a partner look, wearing exactly the same things just sizes differ. Slightly.

I will defend though Mediterranean appearance, think about Italy, Greece too, where genders are recognizable, and simply pleasant for the eyes.

But then again, Spanish, Italian Greek women have expressive more faces thanks to darker features (too much make up can turn them easily into drag queens), they are pretty without much make up.

Slavic paleness demands colors. I would have done the same if I were blond.
carrie65  2 | 40
15 Oct 2011   #1319
few good men in Slavic universe

They have their faults, but I don't think they are any worse than other nationalities!

If they are drunk, everything should be as visible and subject of augmentation as possible ;)

LOL Some might get a shock next morning!

I will defend though Mediterranean appearance, think about Italy, Greece too, where genders are recognizable, and simply pleasant for the eyes.

Got to agree 100% here!

other non loyal girls

Shame about this cos no man is worth fighting for! Female mates are precious as I have been lucky enough to find out!
southern  73 | 7059
15 Oct 2011   #1320
Greek women have expressive more faces thanks to darker features (too much make up can turn them easily into drag queens), they are pretty without much make up.

This is not true.Mediteranean women apply make upmore easily while it makes western women look like ghosts due to very pale skin.German women make awful use of make up and slavic women are masters in it they become like dolls.(Russian exaggerate).

Shame about this cos no man is worth fighting for!

Common western approach.

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BoldItalic [quote]
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