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Valentines Day & Polish men

Kazikowski  17 | 101
10 Feb 2012   #31
no probs teflcat...your right about one thing though...about the expectation of hatred or xenophobia on pf. When I sometimes just browse threads, its amazing what you read. Sometimes there is so much negativity.
modafinil  - | 416
12 Feb 2012   #32
Sometimes there is so much negativity.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Nojas  4 | 110
12 Feb 2012   #33
It's very lame but something you must follow due to the social convention. If you want to stay happy then you'd better jump on the train, because women takes this day very seriously for some reason. You can show your love 364 days a year, but if you don't do it on the 14th they go nuts...

/ The pragmatic
sweetpolishgirl  - | 2
12 Feb 2012   #34
he just unromantic? big YES :)

or are all polish men the same? its a big NO.. not all guys or polish men are the same
charmbracelet02  1 | 14
12 Feb 2012   #35
hey am a newbie here. I was searching the net and found this site. My boyfriend is from poland. He isnt the sweetest guy on the planet but I found that "sweetness" in him especially when he's serious. So i think not all polish men are like that. I think nationality or race has nothing to do with being sweet. :) Anyway, Im really interested to learn how to speak polish. I did find it too hard to learn though but am sure i can make it. lol. anyways, can somebody help me translate this cuz am gonna send a sweet message to my boyfriend this coming valentines and just wanna make him "happy yipey" lol.

baby, just wanna say thank you for always putting a smile on my face despite the distance. I really cant wait to be with you again. Im always grateful having you. I love you and happy valentines day" :)

big thanks amigas y amigos :):)

Please ask for future translations, in the free translations thread.
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Feb 2012   #36
baby, just wanna say thank you for always putting a smile ...

Kochanie, chciałam ci podziękować za to, że bez względu na odległość zawsze sprawiasz, że uśmiech gości na mojej twarzy. Nie mogę się doczekać, kiedy znów będe z Tobą. Jestem tak wdzięczna za to, że Ciebie mam. Kocham Cię. Wszystkiego najlepszego na Świętego Walentego.
charmbracelet02  1 | 14
13 Feb 2012   #37
awww!!! thank you :):) am sure he'd be happy about this
OP pam
13 Feb 2012   #38
with all that's going on around him he may change his opinion. kasia may still get a red rose.

she isnt getting a red rose. he has changed his mind though.i spoke to him yesterday and suggested chocolate with a personal message from thorntons chocolate shop. when i got up this morning, i found a note asking if i could go to thorntons while i was in town. hope to god i havent made mistake. the note said he wanted a chocolate heart with i love you kasia written on it. his writing isnt the greatest to read. i know word endings change all the time,and i hope i have got it right otherwise i will be dead meat when he gets back from work.the message he wrote was kocham cie kasiu(i think).it was hard to tell whether the last letter was an a or a u.can anyone tell me if its correct or not?dont really fancy going back to thorntons tomorrow:(
boletus  30 | 1356
13 Feb 2012   #39
kocham cie kasiu

Yes. Specifically "Kocham Cię Kasiu".

There is a poll in Gazeta Wyborcza: Tomorrow's Valentine's Day. Are you preparing a surprise for your loved one?
+ I boycott such holidays (55% - 1340 votes)
+ No, she knows nevertheless that I love her (19% - 452)
+ I will wait until June; I'd rather celebrate the Midsummer Night than the American Valentine's Day (15% - 356)
+ Yes, love without surprises is like coffee without sugar (11% - 278)

Number of votes cast: 2426
OP pam
13 Feb 2012   #40
Yes. Specifically "Kocham Cię Kasiu".

thanks for help.yes i did get it right and my lodger is happy!poll was interesting, but not surprising. valentines is definitely a girl thing!
beckski  12 | 1609
29 Feb 2012   #41
i prefer when my husband brings me flowers/gifts or whatever any day of a year

Husband??? Congrats pgtx. When did the blessed event of marriage take place?
jozef belaribi  - | 2
14 Feb 2016   #42
Hi Marzena how you doing? am jozef from Amoudara (kreta) i have Always hope to find you,and to see my son too. kisses
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Feb 2016   #43
Re flowers, it cracks me up to see Poles offering ONE flower only and not a whole bouquet. I have never seen this custom elsewhere. Whereelse do men act this way? To me, it seems so cheap and embarrassing to both giver and receiver.
Roger5  1 | 1432
14 Feb 2016   #44
A florist once refused to sell me a dozen red roses. Do you know why? She said I could have eleven or thirteen. I bought eleven. Do you know why? Clue: the answer to both questions is the same.
terri  1 | 1661
14 Feb 2016   #45
These days if you wanted 4, 6, 8, 10 roses people will sell them to you. They can adviseyou that it is not the norm, but no one will REFUSE to sell you anything. You pay - you say....or have I missed something?
Lenka  5 | 3530
14 Feb 2016   #46
Those who never noticed and appreciated the beauty of a single unflawed rose are very poor indeed. Maybe not in money terms but in all that matters...
Roger5  1 | 1432
14 Feb 2016   #47
have I missed something?

Perhaps. I regularly used the florist in question (her husband does airport runs in his taxi), and she simply said no to selling 12 roses. She wasn't nasty about it; she just wanted to remind me of the cultural significance.

You pay - you say

The day when the customer is king has not yet arrived in Poland.
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Feb 2016   #48
@Roger: I have never understood the thing about even or odd numbers for flowers ;). However, the idea of offering ONE flower only coud be a "communist tradition" at times when most everything was a big deal. I've seen it too in "many" Russian films. As a westerner, I would feel insulted to receive ONE flower instead of a whole bunch (does not need to be expensive - in front of (Warsaw) metro stations for instance, we can buy nice little bunches for let's say max 25 ZL and I do it quite often in summer to decorate my flat). Fortunately my husband although Polish born and raised in Poland was extremely generous and a (very) big spender :) and I know quite a few Poles who behave same so not all Poles act "cheap" ;).

Sorry, but when I see a couple walking around with the woman holding ONE flower, I feel ... embarrassed for them.

PS: Absolutely, customers are for sure not "kings" in Poland! Things have sure improved but still far from western situation.
Lenka  5 | 3530
14 Feb 2016   #49
And that's the saddest thing InPolska. How can you not see that that one flower may be dearer than even 100 zl bouquet. And it's not about the money. Believe me that giving one flower has nothing to do with how much it costs. If that is ridiculous for a westerner like you then I'm even happier than before that I was born in Poland and not let's say...France
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Feb 2016   #50
@Lenka: did you read my whole message? I am saying that it does NOT have to be expensive (for instance 25zl bunches we can buy in front of metro stations in Warsaw for instance). However offering only ONE flower must be something from post communist countries, I have never seen it in the West
14 Feb 2016   #51
As a westerner, I would feel insulted to receive ONE flower instead of a whole bunch

I don't see why. I am a westerner and I wouldn't feel that way.
I know it's tradition for men to usually give red roses for Valentines, but do you think that if you just got the one rose for example, that it would mean that the person who gave it to you loved you any the less than if you got a whole bouquet?

If you feel that way then it's a bit sad tbh.
You don't have to make big gestures to somehow 'prove' that you love that person.
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Feb 2016   #52
@Chem!: the ONE flower thing is not only on Valentine but on other occasions too. However, personally, I'm against all those COMMERCIAL days and I don't need a special day to get flowers or anything else ;).
14 Feb 2016   #53
on other occasions too

Does it matter that much? The point is that the person thought and cared enough about you in the first place to give you that flower.

I agree about the commercial aspect of it all though. It's surely more important how you are treated for the other 364 days of the year ;)
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Feb 2016   #54
Absolutely, Chem re those commercial days ;). As of tomorrow, stores will brainwash us with women's day and so on and so on....
14 Feb 2016   #55
As of tomorrow

Red roses will be half the price ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Feb 2016   #56

Poland has enough of its own holidays and doesn't need to import tawdry commercialised greed fests such as Halloween or Valentine's Day which are totally alien to the nation's heritage.
Lenka  5 | 3530
14 Feb 2016   #57
Don't be silly Polonius. As much as I think Valentine's Day is a bit silly I make no mistake when it comes to how popular that day becomes in Poland. Young Poles do know what Valentine's Day is and definitely celebrate it. Just try to get a place in a nice restaurant and you'll see.

All days like that are invented and 'alien' even your Easter is imported
14 Feb 2016   #58
Just try to get a place in a nice restaurant and you'll see.

Most places in Warsaw have turned this Valentine's day into Valetine's weekend, and just about every table at every good place was even taken for lunch yesterday!

BTW: welcome back, Lenka, you've been missed. I hope you'll be dropping by far more often in the future.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Feb 2016   #59
Easter is imported

Anything that has withstood the test of a millenium has been fully assimilated and has become an integral part of one's native culture. Stuff thought up in corporate boardrooms just to fleece John Q Public or Jan Kowalski is a purely commercial gimmick. We all know that heavy advertising can get people to do and like the weirdest things, but that is a separate topic. Would you believe there are idiots who think stained, faded and tattered jeans with holes at the knees are cool? Those nincumpoops should remember that cool rhymes with fool!
johnny reb  49 | 7927
14 Feb 2016   #60
Valentines Day is a day for us Alfa men as well.
We enjoy the 'thought' and 'amount of effort' in pleasing us rather then the amount of money spent to do it.

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