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Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Jul 2009   #1
As a Polish male, in what order would you rank the following traits of a potential girlfriend, fiancée or husband? Feel free to add any additional traits you like. Of course there are those who look for something different in a gf and a future spouse, in fact some say there are 2 different kinds of girls: those you want to date and those you want to marry. If you agree, please feel free to distinguish between the 2 categories.

-physical attractiveness
-personality (extrovert-introvert, sense of humour, gift of the gab*, etc.)
* I can't see too many males wanting to link up with a human chatterbox!
-professional prestige
-size of income (generous wealthy father)
- interest in maternity, no. of kids desired
-common goals, priorities and interests
-religion (same or different, religous or irreligious)
-family (eg nasty future mum-in law, cool future bro-in-law, holiday home on the Riviera?)

Sorry for the "husband". As you probably imagine, I copy-pasted the one addressed to the ladies and neglected to make all the necessary adjustments. The item should read:

As a Polish male, in what order would you rank the following traits of a potential girlfriend, fiancée or wife? Feel free to add any additional traits you like. Of course there are those who look for something different in a gf and a future spouse, in fact some say there are 2 different kinds of girls: those you want to date and those you want to marry. If you agree, please feel free to distinguish between the 2 categories.

-physical attractiveness
-personality (extrovert-introvert, sense of humour, gift of the gab*, etc.)
* I can't see too many males wanting to link up with a human chatterbox!
-professional prestige
-size of income (generous wealthy father)
- interest in maternity, no. of kids desired
-common goals, priorities and interests
-religion (same or different, religous or irreligious)
-family (eg nasty future mum-in law, cool future bro-in-law, holiday home on the Riviera?)
southern  73 | 7059
23 Jul 2009   #2

Albos look for a tail no doubt.
adrian11224  7 | 41
24 Jul 2009   #3
I butt big lips rich dad rich mom cute, funny smells good, not cheap, knows how to appreciate something worth something.

Brown skin Chinese are out but in the rare occasion I might take her.
southern  73 | 7059
24 Jul 2009   #4
I butt big lips rich dad rich mom cute, funny smells good, not cheap

Probably a polish girl.
George8600  10 | 630
24 Jul 2009   #5
Hi Polonius! I see you have reposted this thread again; but rather changing females into males. ^_^

I will have to say that the same apply. Surely it's been psychologically proven that men are a tad bit different than women. However there is no hardcore research/study saying that they are different when it comes to searching for relationships partners. But nonetheless I am interested to hear what some people will have to say. Good luck.
natasia2  1 | 14
27 Jul 2009   #6
Pretty sure Polish men go for a woman who is:

- thin and likely to stay that way after kids
- hard-working (in the home and at work ...)
- immaculately clean and crisply dressed at all times
- excellent cook and cleaner who keeps house with pride and would never ever dream of expecting her guy to lift a finger in that department

- good at looking good in primark clothes
- would spend not more than £15 on a hair cut but always looks as if has been to tony & guy
- expert at home hair-dyeing
- keen on having children (not too many) - but only at a time that suits financially and emotionally
- always positive and smiling
- a perfect hostess to guests
- very clear on her boundaries - should he overstep the mark, she would not reproach and beg, but rather banish him to the garage or car or sofa and withold conjugal rights until he has learnt his lesson

- superb at ironing
- preferably a virgin when first met ...

= oh, and, of course, POLISH
; )
southern  73 | 7059
28 Jul 2009   #7
Pretty sure Polish men go for a woman who is:

Probably also perfect at oral skills.
krysia  23 | 3058
28 Jul 2009   #8

One that would put ketchup on her pizza and eat it? Maybe?
plk123  8 | 4119
28 Jul 2009   #9

probably???? this is #1 on my list. :D :D
natasia2  1 | 14
28 Jul 2009   #10
ketchup on pizza and consider it normal rather than a travesty - yes, forgot that one. ketchup on lasagne too. and a genuine liking for tinned meat.

one 'orally skilled' - ah yes. bit of a problem with some Polish girls, as I have heard. excellent cleaning skills + natural aversion to anything 'dirty' can complicate things. i think there is a tendency to spit. (I'm sure some Polki will now set me right on that one ...)
szarlotka  8 | 2205
28 Jul 2009   #11
Pretty sure Polish men go for a woman who is:

Your list is an excellent start. Could I just add a few more requirements:

- No interest whatsoever in Jimmy Choo shoes
- Fear of credit cards
- Ability to change a lightbulb without calling in an electrician
- No inclination to want to learn golf and insist upon accompanying their partner on to tthe course
- Encyclopedic memory for all things other than those said by partner
- A mother who is at least 5,000 miles away and who cannot master the use of a webcam
- A father who recognises that losing a daughter is a very good thing
- Must like football
- Is happy to serve beer to partner and mates watching the big game but then withdraws without saying a word
- Can be out of the bathroom in under two hours
- Can tolerate toothpaste tubes without the caps on

If anyone knows an available female who satisfies both lists then PM me and we'll arrange a deal (trade in);)
natasia2  1 | 14
28 Jul 2009   #12
Must like football

strikes me that this (and a few other of yr additions) are decidedly English ... could it be that you are looking for the best of Polish and English girls??

call me ; )

and have my own solution to the toothpaste caps thing - put them back on WITHOUT resentment (my god i'm good, aren't i?)
petite88  - | 7
25 Apr 2010   #13
you mean, someone who is very good with conversation? :)
21 Jan 2016   #14
Merged: polish men characters please?

I'm wondering about polish men's personality or general character. It seems they are blunt or cold, monotonic voice or very soft spoken.. or is it depends? I know one Polish man in my class, he seems so cold and he doesn't smile... I like him but I swear he never smile... not even once. And I've seen him for 3 years now. He doesn't say "hello" or "how are you" first, too. I guess he's only into education and his study? Or is it their personality?

Thank you!
Veles  - | 197
29 Jan 2016   #15
Or is it their personality?

It is not something that can be pinned to every Polish man. We do smile, and we say "hello". :) It is rare though for us to be smiling all the time.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Feb 2016   #16
he never smile

Tell him a joke and make him crack up.
Na balu tańczyła Pani Hrabina z Panem Jenerałem. W pewnym momencie Pani Hrabina puściła niewzykle smrodliwego bąka, zarumieniła się i szepneła błagałnie do Pana Jenerała: "Panie Jenerale, niech to zostanie między nami". A Pan Jeneral, wachlując się ręką, odparł: "A ja miałem nadzieję, że się rozejdzie!"
13 Nov 2017   #17
Ooh. Just started talking to one.
So far I meet some of the criteria, sans wealth.
I'm also an American black female. I'm a bit worried about how that will work...
20 Dec 2017   #18
honesty,& no make up.. just straight up .....
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Mar 2020   #19
As a Polish male, in what order would you rank the following traits of a potential girlfriend, fiancée or husband?

The traits are OK, but one, most important to me, is missing - you forgot to include: intelligence. You mentioned education but it is not the same.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Mar 2020   #20
- preferably a virgin when first met ..

That seems to be a universal set of traits that would suit the taste of every (young) Polish male.
18 Mar 2020   #21
What seem to be universally-Polish turn offs (when it comes to Polish men's check lists), but those turn offs may be somewhat less "turnoff-ish" for men from other ethnic groups/nationalities? (For example, if Polish men generally deem "full-figured"/"plus-sized" women to be unappealing...but perhaps men from certain other ethnic groups/nationalities will generally deem such women to be less unappealing? etc)
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Mar 2020   #22
Don`t worry, about it, you will certainly find such guys who prefer full size. I personally know one husband who buys his wife a jar of Nutella every two days so that she can keep her weight which is indeed enormous.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Oct 2020   #23
you will certainly find such guys who prefer full size.

Full size ?, here where I live we call them Northern Michigan wide bottoms.

I personally know one husband who buys his wife jar Nutella every two days so that she can keep her weight which is indeed enormous.

When they have a diet of grilled Podwawelska with a baguette with garlic butter and a couple of beers that makes them the happiest girl alive what do you expect.

Men definitely look for Polish women that have self discipline eating habits otherwise they will end up looking just like their mothers.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Oct 2020   #24
Sooner or later, females always look like their mothers. I still remember reading it in a marriage guide decades ago - you want to know how your wife will look like after 20-30 years? - check it out on your mother- in- law.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Oct 2020   #25
females always look like their mothers

So you were on a look out for a hot mother in law? :)
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Oct 2020   #26
hahahaha Nope, my would-be wife was enough for me.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Nov 2020   #27
That might help with the writing in English, speaking however is far more difficult to learn from books and a teacher. Unless he is American or English of course.
9 Nov 2020   #28
I am personally not Polish but reading this thread was interesting.

What I value is being open and honest which is increasingly rare. Commitment to common goals and working together towards them is ideal when you are in your 20s and 30s.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
11 Nov 2020   #29
Apologies to @Polonius3 for not addressing the thread

What I am looking for in a female as a Polish man? All right, here comes the list:

1. Noble heritage or at least knowledgeable/understanding about what's it about and doesn't treat it solely as a status thing, which can be quite revolting for me when treated as if I think of it like that. *wife*

2. Open for the thought of having several children, if not her own then at least adoption after having a few of our own. (I always wished to have a brother as a kid and wish to have a large family) *wife*

3. Under age of 26 *wife*

4. Physical attractiveness: can have looks in body between 5 and 8. The more she doesn't seem like "wife material" the more important the looks become. *girlfriend*

5. Preferably Polish, but not a must. More importantly that she won't be an extremist (communist, Nazi, Fascist or left-wing radical)

6. Preferably Catholic, somebody to improve my faith with or at least open about it and not atheist or dogmatic black/white perspective *wife*

7. Intelligent, but not an intellectual show off. *wife*

8. Economy is of no concern (poor/medium/rich) *girlfriend/wife*

9. Willingness to do something together compared to playing mind games *wife/girlfriend*

10. Have similar interests *girlfriend*

11. Isn't pushy about sex (especially if pro-abortion) girlfriend/wife
Lenka  5 | 3548
11 Nov 2020   #30
Wow, that's quite a list you've got there.

1. I hope you understand that most people don't give a damn about nobility? It doesn't cross their mind at all.

2. Are you willing to stay at home to look after the kids for few years? And how many is 'several' (I believe the word comes from the number 7... :) )

3. Will the age threshold increase with you getting older?

4. I hope you take into account the changes all those kids will do to her body...

6. Yeah, it is important to have similar worldviews/outlook on life. However judging by your posts your faith is the very center and 99.9% of people I know are not like that.

7. What is an intellectual show off?

11. What does 'pushy about sex' mean?

Generally I don't believe in lists like that. We meet someone and either we 'buy' the whole package or not. But good luck in sesrching


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