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Questions about Polish Men - flirting, cheating, liking?

Klo  1 | 21
9 Jan 2014   #31
Still really don't know what you are getting at. The strange comment I was referring to had nothing to do with a smile or wink. And just because you say something is so does not make it so. But if you are the type that needs to be right and it will get you off my case then fine. You are right and I am wrong. I know nothing of what I say even if it was first hand experience. I also have a huge chip on my shoulder, for what I haven't a clue but it must be true because you say so. I bow to your superiority in all matters now. Insert emoticons all over to denote the facetiousness.
McDouche  6 | 282
9 Jan 2014   #32
Oh. I didn't know that. If I may that based on experience?

Yeah, I had a Polish exgirlfriend who was seeing other guys while we were dating. I have friends who dated Polish women and some of them have also reported the same thing happening.

Given that their men are at it, who can blame them?

If this is based on revenge, then why cheat on non-Polish men?
Paulina  16 | 4384
9 Jan 2014   #33
I don't know about the men, but it's common for Polish women to cheat.

Oh, but that would mean that our dear expats from this forum are most probably cheated on by their Polish wives :))

I have friends who dated Polish women and some of them have also reported the same thing happening.

I see foreigners attract a certain type of Polish women lol (gold diggers, for example)

I think that there is definitely different values here.

OK, I have enough of this.

Listen, people, my mum worked with British men and Japanese men here in Poland (only men, they didn't send any women).
And she was telling me stuff, obviously.
British men, although married and with kids, were cheating on their British wives with Polish women. Some even divorced their wives and married those Polish girls. I've even studied with one of those girls! (eewww...)

And Japanese men... woah... Even the British men were telling me how they were cheating on their wives (and those British guys had the nerve to ask me not to tell my mum about this lol).

If this is based on revenge, then why cheat on non-Polish men?

Because all men are the same? lol
(just kidding)
McDouche, I hate to burst your bubble but I had a look at Polish and British surveys on infidelity and the figures are similar. As probably in many other countries. I've read American men are reluctant to cheat because divorce in your country is costly lol, but still:

More than half of Americans - 54% - know someone who has an unfaithful spouse, according to a nationwide USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of 1,025 adults.

surveys in the UK and the U.S. suggest that between 25 and 70 per cent of women - and 40 and 80 per cent of men - have engaged in at least one extramarital sexual encounter.

About Poland:

As for Polish women, I can tell you that, no, they don't have some kind of "different values". Cheating is a big "no no", not only among religious women but also among completely anticlerical ones. Of course not for everyone, I knew one girl who flirted with other guy, although she had a bf. I don't know about men, I'm not a part of their inner circle but I haven't noticed any flirting among married people at work. Only among singles. But maybe that's because I live apparently in one of the most faithful regions of Poland lol (according to the survey, at least). The only thing I know (but only from gossips at work) is that men at higher positions were sometimes using "the services" of call girls in the evenings (working late hours, huh, guys... yeah lol).
OP SingleFemale  2 | 55
9 Jan 2014   #34
Very interesting feedback on both Polish men and women, though I am more curious about Polish men(unless I decide to change preferences LOL)

Just to be clear though, the person I am talking about is single but has a girlfriend/partner(that's what he says-unless in reality he has a wife and 3 kids back home).

But I guess flirting, cheating , and liking other women would be the same for all, whether he be married or just has a girlfriend.
Paulina  16 | 4384
9 Jan 2014   #35
Just to be clear though, the person I am talking about is single but has a girlfriend/partner

I don't understand... If he has a girlfriend/partner, then it means he isn't single. I thought the term "single" is used in English both for people who are not married and don't have a bf or gf? Because that's the way it's used in Poland...
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
9 Jan 2014   #36
It could be that he's sensing his girlfriend is the one about to dump him, so he's making up a cover story ;) But to me it is an obvious form of self-advertisement. Why do people feel it is appropriate to make such confessions at a work place? There are very few worse places out there to be looking for romance, what if it doesn't work out and you still have to see each other on a daily basis?

As for this flirty attitude whilst being in a relationship, it is not exclusively a Polish trait. However it is worth mentioning that once abroad and away from everything that keeps a Polish man "grounded", such as his mother (oh yes), his wife, the church etc. they tend to go a little wild and do things they would not normally do. I've seen a few Polish colleagues over the years develop a serious drinking problem and lose their wife and children (and house) in the process... And I also heard stories of Polish men not disclosing their marital status whilst chatting up local ladies here in the UK. Don't get me wrong, this is not a description of every Polish man abroad, just the really weak ones who tend to justify this disgusting behaviour by the fact they are away from home and everything they know, therefore they deserve to have some fun. Be careful out there, if something appears to be out of order then it most likely is.

Those women that are happy with Polish men have no time nor need to post about them on PF

And why not, you would think if a woman was so happy with her husband she would want to share her joy with somebody online ;) unless of course she is chained to the kitchen making bigos, too busy and too happy to think about posting anything ;)
local_fela  17 | 172
9 Jan 2014   #37
well, so many times ive been clubbing and I can say that I've met few ladies who like to have 'fun' when they are out despite the fact that they are married or in a relationship with someone. I have many friends who are foreigners like me, and get many ladies for a night stand or just kissing and all that!
OP SingleFemale  2 | 55
9 Jan 2014   #38
I think it depends the word "single" would depend on your location/where one comes from. "Single" from my country means someone who is not married. So even if one has a girlfriend...technically he is still single.

From what I know his partner's also here with him(unless he also has a wife and 3 kids in Poland)
Ironside  50 | 12312
9 Jan 2014   #39
nless of course she is chained to the kitchen making bigos, too busy and too happy to think about posting anything ;)

Why chained, all those things are what makes women truly happy.:)

I've met few ladies who like to have 'fun' when they are out despite the fact that they are married or in a relationship

What a lucky stud you are. I think you should advertise your services on PF.
McDouche  6 | 282
9 Jan 2014   #40
I'm sure Polish men desire to go wild abroad with other women but I doubt these actions happen like many of you say. The reason I say this is because Polish men 90% of the time are not physically attractive at all. There is no way they would have this much luck with British women or others.
OP SingleFemale  2 | 55
9 Jan 2014   #41
The reason I say this is because Polish men 90% of the time are not physically attractive at all. There is no way they would have this much luck with British women or others.

Not to take sides, but I've only met a few Polish men and all of them are not bad-looking at all(although one one of them unfortunately is gay). Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so to speak.
13 Jan 2014   #42
I see foreigners attract a certain type of Polish women lol (gold diggers, for example)

Thanks for reminding all of us just how classy you really are. Did you somehow forget that there are more than a few of us here live in Poland and have a Polish wife or partner? Or did you just think that insulting all of them (and all of us) was in some way appropriate?

Cheating is a big "no no", not only among religious women but also among completely anticlerical ones.

You're talking utter bollocks there. You might know what your female friends tell you (and given how insufferably sanctimonious you are, no surprise they choose to lie to you) but men in Poland know what women in Poland actually do. Back when I used to play the game, girls who had boyfriends who didn't treat them well were almost always a lot easier targets than single girls, and given that Polish men back then had a habit of being Polish men back then, there was never any shortage of girls who would cheat on their boyfriend.

The only thing I know (but only from gossips at work) is that men at higher positions were sometimes using "the services" of call girls in the evenings (working late hours, huh, guys... yeah lol).

Gee, I wonder in which country it was that a man went to a brothel and found his wife working there. Perhaps you could tell us, give that you know so much about the morals of Polish women.
Paulina  16 | 4384
28 Jan 2014   #43
Did you somehow forget that there are more than a few of us here live in Poland and have a Polish wife or partner?

No, Harry. That's a fact that foreigners (from richer countries) do attract a certain type of women (or men) in poorer countries, gold-diggers among them. Of course I'm not saying that only such women get interested in foreigners (from richer countries).

But maybe my comment was too general, not precise enough. I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

You're talking utter bollocks there.

No, I'm not. Remember where I live Harry and that it may be a bit different here than in Warsaw. And I'm sharing my personal observations - I'm not saying I hold a key to the whole truth about everything :) According to the survey in that article I linked to my voivodeship, świętokrzyskie, is the most faithful voivodeship in Poland lol :)

You might know what your female friends tell you (and given how insufferably sanctimonious you are, no surprise they choose to lie to you)

Harry, I'm not basing it only on what my friends tell me (and you have no idea what I'm like when I'm with my friends) but general observation of people in different situations (in my region mainly, though).

Gee, I wonder in which country it was that a man went to a brothel and found his wife working there.

What's the point of this comment of yours?
I wrote what I know and what I've observed, Harry.

As far as I remember, someone suggested on this thread that Polish people have some kind of "different values" as far as cheating is concerned than, I don't know who, the British? The rest of the world?

Do you agree with this, Harry?
Polish people are so different than the rest?
pawian  219 | 24592
29 May 2021   #44
3. How would you know if they genuinely like a girl or they're just playing around?

When they genuinely like a girl, they pretend to be uninterested. They avert their eyes, ignore her presence, avoid talking, can even be rude etc.

When playing around, they kiss the hands, open the doors for her, compliment on appearance, do favours etc.

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