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Some questions about a Polish guy and what Polish guys are like

liel94  1 | -
10 Jun 2023   #1
I went to holiday first and I met a polish guy which it was funny enough of how we met it all started with a joke.. which i was with family he showed interest and we exchanged numbers. We kept in contact. first contact was all time but then the contact reduced and became to few messages only. But still we managed to keep contact and I flew over alone this time and we did a little holiday together. I think we both enjoyed our time together. i mean i think he did like me. When we are outside he held my hand for most of the time, during conversations he included me in future meeting for example next time we go there and we do that next time i will come and things like that. when i ask him what he thinks about me he says that I am a really great person. one time i told him that maybe he dont like me and he insisted that i definately thinking wrong and things like this. i returned to my country when i arrived he called and he wrote a message or two like everyday but contact is still few messages only. He told me that when he comes to my country he will come with his son. as he is divorced and so am I. and i am happy if he do so. What do u think ? do you think there is interest ? I mean i dont know alot about polish guys ...
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Jun 2023   #2
Polish men are not that different to any other men. You've been married so you should be mature/experienced enough to use your own judgement about him.
Alien  26 | 6527
11 Jun 2023   #3
Polish men are not that different to any other men.

But they are, it's a matter of upbringing. At least that's how it was when I was young and still living in Poland. The boy always opened the door and let the girl in first. After the cinema, you always walked the girl home. The bill was always paid in full and not splitted. Those were obvious things. Only the kissing on the hand was gone.

Ps. Not to mention giving up a seat to old grandma on bus.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Jun 2023   #4
But they are, it's a matter of upbringing.

The things you're talking about are fairly superficial and many European men would have similar kinds of manners and standards. In terms of relationships it's hard to generalise about any one nationality and say they're a particular way.
Alien  26 | 6527
11 Jun 2023   #5
fairly superficial

But these are the "fairly superficial" things that every friendship starts with, and someone who is a gentleman at the beginning remains so until .... divorce. 😉
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Jun 2023   #6
I find Polish men whom I've encountered at work to be unusually self-assured
on the surface and often get worked up about seemingly mundane issues,
which can be rather unnerving at times.

This is not to generalize of course about ALL Polish males, only office colleagues or
business acquaintances.

Home / Love / Some questions about a Polish guy and what Polish guys are like
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