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Just started dating Polish guy - what is typical of a man from Poland? Cultural differences.

16 Nov 2018   #61
I'm currently talking to a Polish guy and I am from the US . We have been talking for two months now, night and day and he even send me a picture of his work schedule. He's super sweet and our conversation are so long I cant even look up out first conversation without my computer freezing. So right now we are just talking and texting everyday and we plan to meet up in his country in a couple of months. I told him that we will decide if we wanna get serious about out relationship once we meet and we will go from there. We both agreed to this and have just been so hung up on eachother these last 2 months. So my problem is when I ask his questions like about his family he never wants to give me a straight or really tell me much about them. He also still lives with his family and if we are video chatting and they come home he will let me go and I cant talk to him anymore, well I can text him but facetime is out of the question when his family is around. It makes me feel like hes hiding something. I dont think he is beacuse we talk day and night even just with text message and he send me his work schedule. Also when I sent him naughty picture of me he says he loves them and that I'm so beautiful and he cant wait to kiss me but that's it he wont really talk much about sex or even push on the subject when I talk about it. I just wanna know if this is normal or am I too Amarica for him?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
16 Nov 2018   #62
Also when I sent him naughty picture of me he says he loves

Women who do this are idiots.
16 Nov 2018   #63
Why is that? He asked me for them and it's not like I'm naked. Plus that didn't that didnt answer my question.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
16 Nov 2018   #64
He asked me for them and it's not like I'm naked.

OK. So let me rephrase it. Never send to anyone a picture of yourself that you would not post on the internet for all to see - naughty, compromising or naked. That goes with the rule: trust no one.
16 Nov 2018   #65
If it ends up on the internet oh well I dont care. I want here to be judged I was here for help.
britney smith
23 Apr 2019   #66
im dating a Poland guy and things are grate tbh has im white English with kids with ex is it normal for polish guys to pop the question on 6th month together
terri  1 | 1661
24 Apr 2019   #67
Some pop the question on the first date, it all depends on the question. If you mean that he wants to marry you - then it is you that have to be sure. No one can tell you.
15 Jul 2019   #68
I met this Polish man on a website he says I'm the best thing that has ever happened to him he says he loves me wants to marry me buy me a house and live happily ever after. This scares me I'm American and he is moving so fast not sure how true he is because I don't know much about his culture. He has a young daughter and his wife died when his daughter was 4. What should I do.
pawian  219 | 24895
15 Jul 2019   #69
What should I do.

First of all, are you a female or a male?
pawian  219 | 24895
15 Jul 2019   #70
I met this Polish man on a website

Was it a dating website? If yes, what were you doing there?

to marry me buy me a house and live happily ever after.

That sounds like a story from a fairy tale, indeed. But, who knows?

This scares me I'm American

Do typical Americans prefer to take their relationship slow?
Lyzko  41 | 9570
15 Jul 2019   #71
Men typically tend to rush things a little in the beginning. Women usually take it slower, understandably:-)
pawian  219 | 24895
16 Jul 2019   #72
That is why I asked - is the poster a man or a woman cause anything is possible today.
Lyzko  41 | 9570
16 Jul 2019   #73
Might even be transgender, you could be right!
pawian  219 | 24895
16 Jul 2019   #74
And how do they take it - slow or fast, cause I have no idea. Medium?
Lyzko  41 | 9570
16 Jul 2019   #75
Beats me:-)
24 Apr 2022   #76
Am engaged to a very nice polish man , I never thought it would go this far , but he proposed to me with a ring after a year been together, I think they are very straightforward, they will tell you exactly how they feel , I like that in man. So we know where we stand and we can choose what we want, my man is polite, clean , never lazy, help out around the house , cook , clean , I never have to carry shopping 🙂 treat me like a lady , he introduced me to his family , ( they won't introduce you to his family unless they are serious, polish man love their family and very family oriented, I think your man shows some commitments , if I was you I would wait and see where it leads , also they don't like lazy women lol 😉
Alien  23 | 5579
7 Jan 2024   #77
my man is polite, clean , never lazy, help out around the house , cook , clean , I never have to carry shopping 🙂 treat me like a lady

He's some kind of prince charming... but you know fairy tales aren't true?
Lyzko  41 | 9570
7 Jan 2024   #78
It all depends on the fairy tale, Alien!

Home / Love / Just started dating Polish guy - what is typical of a man from Poland? Cultural differences.

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