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Is rape so common in Poland?

abhishek06  1 | 11
23 Mar 2011   #1
1/3 of my Polish female friends have encountered beating, rape in the past. Does it happen so often out there?

I know these kind of things happen everywhere but I found it alot with many Polish girls...

Is it so common out there or is it just by chance I met with girls who were victimised were mainly from Poland?
pgtx  29 | 3094
23 Mar 2011   #2
found it alot with many Polish girls...

it is a lot...

Does it happen so often out there?

just like anywhere else...

is it just by chance I met with girls who were victimised were mainly from Poland?

more likely...
23 Mar 2011   #3
1/3 of my Polish female friends have encountered beating, rape in the past. Does it happen so often out there?

How many of your friends have reported these crimes to the Police.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
23 Mar 2011   #4
Is it so common out there or is it just by chance I met with girls who were victimised were mainly from Poland?

maybe that's just the kind of girls that you attract?
ShawnH  8 | 1488
23 Mar 2011   #5
what means `tend`? you agree or disagree

To put it simply, disagree.

Tell me, did you ever heard of term `Serbian Jeb`? See, its ritual rape when female provoke to be raped.

Never heard the term. Is it a 'consentual' act? Kind of like this:
Man: Hi Honey, how was your day?
Woman: Not so bad, the dry cleaners didn't have your pants ready, something about the seamstress not being in last night.
Man: Oh well, no problem. As long as they are ready for the party on Saturday night.
Woman: Yes they should be. Do you feel like raping me tonight?
Man: Can it wait untill after the baseball game? My favourite pitcher is on deck tonight.
Woman: Sure, that will give me time to finish my crossword puzzle.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
23 Mar 2011   #6
Just the fact that you dwell on this subject would give me enough of a reason to think twice if being around you is safe, if I was a girl that is, who knows what you might plan in that sick head of yours. Think about it a lot, you perv? It’s not healthy you know. Perhaps it’s time to get some professional help.
OP abhishek06  1 | 11
24 Mar 2011   #7
ShortHairSlug, Errr. I was just curious, and hence raised the question. There is nothing wrong about it. I was concerned about the law and order of the country.

cut the personal stuff
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
28 Mar 2011   #8
Is rape so common in Poland?

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
28 Mar 2011   #9
Hey ... is this unseen or something?

Its all relative. There are things which get reported, and things which don't. There are forms of it, including post marital rape as well.

This is certainly a depressing topic ... but surely this is not exactly "uncommon" anywhere, including Poland.
Crow  154 | 9540
28 Mar 2011   #10
Rape is common all over the world my friend ... it is just a great shame.

i agree to it. Essentially, rape is act of cowardice
OP abhishek06  1 | 11
29 Mar 2011   #11
Rape is very common all over the world.

My point exactly. I am not accusing that it happens only in Poland but rather I was asking, are the laws over there so weak that girls usually don't report it to Cops and criminals roam around freely.

We can't hide the fact ofcourse that this kind of cowardly and sinful acts are done every where in the world. In some countries, it's worse. But I really expect something more concrete in Europe about safety of women. And I rest my case.
Malopolanin  3 | 132
29 Mar 2011   #12

Rank Countries Amount
# 1 South Africa: 1.19538 per 1,000 people
# 2 Seychelles: 0.788294 per 1,000 people
# 3 Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people
# 29 Poland: 0.062218 per 1,000 people
# 30 Sri Lanka: 0.0599053 per 1,000 people

Remember: In Muslim countries a woman may be judged&killed because she was raped.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
29 Mar 2011   #13
But I really expect something more concrete in Europe about safety of women.

Why only more in Europe? Its no paradise of the saints in here.

Rape often goes unreported due to many social and psychological reasons. You need to study the matter (big books available) to understand how the whole mechanism work.

The man who does the rape is not a man, but worse than an animal. I cannot imagine how they do it. Disgusting.

By the way, its not anything so particular about Poland that it will make you think specifically of it. You can look into India too and find many more examples ... where you can perhaps understand the scenario better as you are brought up there (isn't it?).

It is done by tyrants, messed up people ... no matter whether he/she is a Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Army or a Mob or rioters ... or a humanoid in the form of a relative/relation.

Remember: In Muslim countries a woman may be judged&killed because she was raped.

I think its a lame generalization by you. Perhaps some regimes can do this, but it has nothing to do with that religion if closely studied. I don't think their systems are adjustable in the modern world, but just for that I would really not find it right to just hurl any kind of accusation on them.

I've been to a predominantly muslim country as in Bangladesh for some business interest of my ex employer, and found that country interestingly fare in its treatment of both the genders. Call it politics, employment or services. They are developing, but very promising.

Lets just not make a distorted picture just for the sake of hatred. It is not right.
valpomike  11 | 194
29 Mar 2011   #14
One reason, could be, because, the Polish women are so good looking.

Wroclaw  44 | 5359
29 Mar 2011   #16
This thread is not about Sweden. Thank you
isthatu2  4 | 2692
29 Mar 2011   #17
One reason, could be, because, the Polish women are so good looking.

er, there is help available for people with your condition,no,wait,there isnt....................castration may be the answer.
ma101nx  4 | 20
30 Mar 2011   #18
1/3 of my Polish female friends have encountered beating, rape in the past

You are the common factor here
A J  4 | 1075
30 Mar 2011   #19
# 22 Netherlands: 0.100445 per 1,000 people

Which roughly means one actual person out of every 10.000 people got raped.

# 29 Poland: 0.062218 per 1,000 people

Which roughly means one actual person out of every 16.000 people got raped.

Is rape so common in Poland?

Conclusion: It's not so common. (But of course every case is one case too many!)


Rape often goes unreported due to many social and psychological reasons.

Malopolanin  3 | 132
3 Apr 2011   #20
I think its a lame generalization by you.


Rape Conviction - Arabian Style!
3 Apr 2011   #21
1/3 of my Polish female friends have encountered beating, rape in the past.

This is so unbelievable , what you are saying . Rape and violence against women is very uncommon in Poland , see the above figures . Polish men are not violent ! Maybe your female friends don`t live in Poland and don`t have Polish husbands . In this case it is a different story .
Crow  154 | 9540
3 Apr 2011   #22
Is rape so common in Poland?

by male or by female? Its very important to be precise. You know, woman sometimes may rape man
Natasa  1 | 572
3 Apr 2011   #23
we know that here, don't we? ;)
Crow  154 | 9540
3 Apr 2011   #24
eek. Here in Serbia one knows what awaits him if he underestimate his obligations to his `better part`. Her reaction is fast and furious. In most cases attack occurs in the early morning with words `COME TO ME`
3 Apr 2011   #25
Don`t be ridiculous pls , tell me how, without his consent it may happen .Ohh, maybe if a man is a pocket size human being .

It could only be a case of a statutory rape The phrase statutory rape is a term used in some legal jurisdictions to describe sexual activities where one participant is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior. Although it usually refers to adults engaging in sex with minors under the age of consent,it is a generic term, and very few jurisdictions use the actual term "statutory rape" in the language of statutes.
Crow  154 | 9540
3 Apr 2011   #26
Don`t be ridiculous pls , tell me how, without his consent it may happen .Ohh, maybe if a man is a pocket size human being .

no, no, you don`t understand. Serbians are quite robust and probably tallest Europeans. Its not the problem. But, you know, bigger the man, bigger the balls. So, she taking control squeezing his balls while he sleep and, when one get erection, she jump and get what she want. see?
3 Apr 2011   #27
Yeah ..........., and I am sure everything happens against his will !
Crow  154 | 9540
3 Apr 2011   #28
who are we to judge? Imagine that you say to me how some man raped some woman and in respond i say: `she maybe enjoyed`. Also, females are sometimes sophisticated psychological `soft` killers. Its often underestimated, while rape by man getting all possible attention of society.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
3 Apr 2011   #29
So, she taking control squeezing his balls while he sleep and, when one get erection, she jump and get what she want. see?

So high does she have to jump? Is she still squeezing his balls while airborne?
Wow I just realized that by posing the second question I answered the first one. She can't be jumping that high as she'd probably tear his ball-sack clean off. Let me rephrase then, how many times does she have to jump before she 'gets what she wants'?
Crow  154 | 9540
3 Apr 2011   #30
are you paid here to torturing me? are you Shiftar (Albanian)? seriously, are you?

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