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Do Polish people like Scottish people (friendship or relationship with a Scot)?

Strzelec35  19 | 830
6 May 2021   #31
from both the anglos or their empire and kingdom as well as their church.
Crow  154 | 9463
6 May 2021   #32
From all aspects of subjugation to Anglos. All are ugly. When we are at it, EU also isn`t solution. When I think, only real freedom Scots may find within Slavic civilization, among Slavs from Baltic to Balkan. Its world to whom Scots belong.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
6 May 2021   #34
only real freedom Scots may find within Slavic civilization

Many of them did. Especially in 16th and 17th centuries we had waves of Scottish immigration to Poland. They settled mostly in cities, but also founded their own settlements; even today we still have villages called Szkocja (Scotland) or Szkoty (Scots). They eventually assimilated and assumed Polish-sounding names (e.g. Czamer (Chalmers), Czochran (Cochrane), Dziaksen (Jackson), Kabron (Cockburn), Machlejd (Macleod), Szynkler (Sinclair)), so many Poles are actually Scots without even realising it. :)
Atch  22 | 4299
6 May 2021   #35
Bonnie Prince Charlie, the famous Scottish prince, was the great grandson of Jan Sobieski.
Crow  154 | 9463
6 May 2021   #36
I love Scots. Scottish NATO contingent in Bosnia refused to fight alongside Arab mujaheedines against Serbs.

Bonnie Prince Charlie, the famous Scottish prince, was the great grandson of Jan Sobieski.

I didn`t know this. Now when you say I`m not surprised. Nothing strange there. Scots belong with us Slavs. They have ancient Europe in their veins.
Atch  22 | 4299
6 May 2021   #37
Yes, his mother was Maria Clementina Sobieska, the grand-daughter of King Jan Sobieski. She was born in Poland. She was arrested on the orders of the Holy Roman Emperor, while on her way to marry the son of the King of England and was helped to escape by an Irishman :)
Crow  154 | 9463
6 May 2021   #38
She was arrested on the orders of the Holy Roman Emperor,

Why am I not surprised

was helped to escape by an Irishman

Why am I not surprised

Papacy wanted always to control. It has nothing with Christ but with wealth. That is why our Emperor Dushan gave middle finger to the Popes and since then Serbs are hunted.
Joker  2 | 2390
6 May 2021   #39
Do Polish people like Scottish people?

Ive always like the Scots ( except for one PF creep). I have several AmScot friends, but more so Irish, come on its Chicago! We dye the river green:)

I get the feeling there's a bit of animosity between them?? Do they not like each other that much?

Scottish NATO contingent in Bosnia refused

So, this is your only reason? That figures, the only issues that concern you deal with war bc you have a one track mind incapable of having a normal conversation.

Go play with your toy soldiers now and leave the grown ups alone!
Crow  154 | 9463
6 May 2021   #40

Scots are Sarmats darling. Sarmats. S A R M A T S ie Slavs. Not entirely assimilated.
Joker  2 | 2390
6 May 2021   #41
Ive never heard a Scot even mentioning Scabia, they couldn't give a rats ass about that dump either...honey:)

You must be really bored to just be hanging around here for someone to respond to your post, what's the matter, been kicked off the Serbian forums again?
Crow  154 | 9463
6 May 2021   #42
Ive never heard a Scot even mentioning Scabia

Its a scientific fact. Picts (Scots) had a tradition their ancestors were from Scythia (ie Sarmatia).
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
6 May 2021   #43
Scots are Sarmats darling. Sarmats

Utter rubbish and nonsense as usual....

Ive never heard a Scot even mentioning Scabia

Neither have I, but Scottish connections with Poland are very strong.Many Scots moved to Poland 3 or 4 hundred years ago.
One of my oldest friends is not Polish.But both of his parents were Polish.
He is very pale skinned, has a shock of very red hair and a few freckles.
Not a very Polish look..... though his face looks Polish, if you know what I mean.
His surname is Kucharski, not an uncommon name in Poland.
And the readers of this forum that understand Polish culture, will know the importance of his surname.
So, was one of his ancestor's a cook on a Scottish merchant ship that came to Poland?
Was he a Scot that came to Poland and became a chef?
Or was his original surname Cook?
Who knows?
But my friend believes that there must be a Scottish connection and I agree with him.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
8 May 2021   #44
There's plenty of Celtic mix among the Poles, in temperment anyway.
Crow  154 | 9463
8 May 2021   #45
Sure when Celts were themselves Sarmats. Before Europe was Europe, name was Sarmatia or in some other similar format.
Novichok  4 | 8748
8 May 2021   #46
Is there anyone on this earth who is not a Serb or a Sarmat? Are Japs Sarmats too?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
8 May 2021   #47
All are related as homosapiens, but the Celts are NOT Slavs, Balts or Ugyurs any more than you or I are Chinamen!!
jon357  72 | 23361
8 May 2021   #48
the Celts are NOT Slavs, Balts or Ugyurs

Indeed. The ancient Celts (not a concept they'd recognise) were spread across Old Europe and beyond and the main thing they had in common (though this is tenuous) was partially-mutually-comprehensive language. The 'Celtic culture' such as it was developed in the British isles and North-West France.

Nothing to do with Poland, the "S word" or any other modern ethnicity other than our own.
Crow  154 | 9463
8 May 2021   #49
Are Japs Sarmats too?

Not that I know.

The ancient Celts (not a concept they'd recognise) were spread across Old Europe

As you could learn, Sarmats were spread across Old Europe. Picts are proof. Scots. And they are western most Europeans. Sarmats. Baltic was Mare Sarmaticus or Oceanus Sarmaticus. Romans in Europe bordered solely with Sarmats, on the West of Europe, North and South. Etc, etc.

Plus other evidences.

We Europeans, Whites, are all Sarmatians in origin. Some are still, some were.
jon357  72 | 23361
8 May 2021   #50
As you could learn, Sarmats were spread across Old Europe.

Where did you get that nonsense from (and why would it matter?)

We Europeans, Whites

Not all Europeans are 'white'.

And any cultural links between Poland and Scotland are entirely aside from wode-smeared savages several millenia ago.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
8 May 2021   #51
While we're on the subject of Picts, they, much as the Bururshaski, Basques, and Etruscans, are "ethnic isolates", groups of uncertain origins!
Crow  154 | 9463
8 May 2021   #52
Not all Europeans are 'white'.

Thanks to Hellenic Greeks and Roman Empire.
jon357  72 | 23361
8 May 2021   #53
Much more to do with industrial/commercial Europe and the fact that the world is shrinking fast.

You do seem fixated with ancient history and millennia-old fallen empires, as if that was almost as important as the thousands of years since and their many and continuing events.
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 May 2021   #54
fixated with ancient history and millennia-old fallen empires

People (and peoples) are likely to idealize a past (that didn't necessarily actually.... exist) to feel proud of when they don't have much to show for the present....

Ironside  50 | 12916
8 May 2021   #55
For some irrational reason Scots have a good rep in Poland.

I don't think that would make a great difference when it come to a friendship or relationship. I mean there are some nasty cu.ts out there to whom it would be imperative which ethnic persuasion an individual they associate with belongs. Broadly speaking thought its boils down to individual preferences.

Nationality doesn't constitute that much of a factor.
jon357  72 | 23361
8 May 2021   #56
likely to idealize a past (that didn't necessarily actually.... exist) to feel proud of when they don't have much to show for the present...

There are echoes of Berlin's Hedgehog in that outlook.

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