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Are Polish men shy and take things slow?

Patrycja19  61 | 2679
14 Nov 2006   #31
This picture brings tears to my eyes also :) :) :)

He's an Angel.

Krysia, you made a very cute couple.
krysia  23 | 3058
14 Nov 2006   #32
Ha! You should see us now!!!!
Huegel  1 | 296
14 Nov 2006   #33
Sounds Russian.

I don't believe it! :) LOL
krysia  23 | 3058
14 Nov 2006   #34
hahahahaha.. Neither do I!
I say such stupid things sometimes. Thanks for pointing this out to me.
You guys are great!!
orlandobelle  11 | 29
20 Sep 2007   #35
Merged:My Polish guy is shy and prefers to wait - advice needed

OK, I have known this great Polish guy since March and we have really hit it off. I know he sees us more than friends (a girl can tell!!) and I know that he is buying me a ring (for what I don't know yet!!). We both work with another Polish girl who is a great friend to us both. She tells me that he has fallen in love with me and has 'plans for my heart'. I have told him that I love him, when I asked him how he feels, he blushes and says I am his 'best friend'. He is going home to Poland in November and I think he is coming back in January - he says he will tell me then!!!!!! If he does feel the same, why wont he tell me now????? I know he hasn't had a girlfriend before and he's so gorgeous (well I think so anyway :.) - is he just shy and why the wait??????? Is it the Polish way of dating - maybe friendship first - HELP!!!!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
20 Sep 2007   #36
Maybe discuss with mum first.
20 Sep 2007   #37
Maybe better to take a dutch guy...... How old are you baby?
Ronek  1 | 261
20 Sep 2007   #38
I know he hasn't had a girlfriend

maybe he has a wife back in PL?

Is it the Polish way of dating - maybe friendship first - HELP!!!!

there is no such thing as "polish dating" its like everwhere else but some things are obviously dependant on the persons way of treating women.

Maybe better to take a dutch guy...... How old are you baby?

maybe get back to your hole?
orlandobelle  11 | 29
20 Sep 2007   #39
Well, I've spoken to his mother on the telephone quite a few times (in Polish and English) so I doubt very much that he has a wife (I hope not anyway). I am going to stay with him and his mum and dad in March so I will get to meet his family then. Just wish he's bl***y say something - this is very hard :.) I know men are all differenct, he is such a gentleman and I love him to pieces, I guess he's worth the wait - btw - I'm ten years older than him too :.,
Ronek  1 | 261
20 Sep 2007   #40
and you cant deal with a younger guy?
give me a break, surely you can do better!
orlandobelle  11 | 29
20 Sep 2007   #41
Ronek - when I finally get my hands on him - I have so much to teach him - can't wait!!!!
krysia  23 | 3058
20 Sep 2007   #42
He has to sort things out and he's probably cautious before he makes any decission. There is a lot to think about when you care about someone and some people take longer to make that first step and maybe there are certain issues that are holding him back. But everything is new and exciting and maybe he wants to take it slow, because he probably has deep feelings for you too but he's not quite sure how to express them yet.
poshnpink  - | 13
20 Sep 2007   #43
Ronek - when I finally get my hands on him - I have so much to teach him - can't wait!!!!

uh-oh... now that sounds scary :S
Firestorm  6 | 399
20 Sep 2007   #44
Or maybe he's in for a LOT of fun. Hehe
orlandobelle  11 | 29
20 Sep 2007   #45
Hi Poshnpink - only joking!!!! I am probably more shy than he is - I wish I could just tell him to close his eyes and plant a kiss on those lips of his. Hi Krysia, this sounds like sense to me - he has told our mutual Polish friend that he wants to take things 'slowly' - I just wish he could explain it to me. I hate to keep getting told things about his feelings from someone else. He has gone home to Poland for a few days and on the day he left he stood in front of me as though he was going to kiss me and then ran away!!!!! It was so cute :.) x
Firestorm  6 | 399
20 Sep 2007   #46
he probably has deep feelings for you too but he's not quite sure how to express them yet.

It sounds that way to me too. If their mutual friend knows.. Mb he's planning something on his return... Or like you say.. Being cautious.. It sure sounds like he cares a great deal for her..

on the day he left he stood in front of me as though he was going to kiss me and then ran away!!!!! It was so cute :.) x

Aww :)))
You sound like your still smilling about that.. :))
krysia  23 | 3058
20 Sep 2007   #47
as though he was going to kiss me and then ran away!!!!!

lol!!!! That is funny!!!
He is just shy and doesn't know how to act. He has feelings for you but there is a lot going through his mind and he doesn't want to jinx it. You just have to be patient with him.

Runs away!! ha ha ha. Cute.
Lucynda  4 | 70
20 Sep 2007   #48
Everything sounds great! I am really happy for you.

Everyone is unique. I can't really tell you why this guy is waiting another three months. Perhaps he is going home to his family to "think things through." As an ex-pat from Britain, I can tell you I feel "grounded" when I visit "dear old Blighty" and it's a good way to get perspective.

But I feel that he's really serious! Just be patient, and send him sweet little notes and emails!
orlandobelle  11 | 29
20 Sep 2007   #49
Thanks everyone for your replies. I really love to send him SMS's but I know he doesn't really like sending one back - I try really hard to write them in Polish too - given up using Poltran - I once sent him a txt saying - 'I am bored, what are you doing' - which translated as I am crazy - what are you baking! - lol - I will just have to be patient - he is so lovely - I really hope it works out - I am even prepared to move to Poland with him.

Sent him an SMS this morning (in Polish) saying I was really missing him - due to ring him tonight - God, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bubbles  1 | 120
20 Sep 2007   #50

Ok girl. (I am hoping you are a girl sorry your profile says male) Just be patient. It sounds like everything is going perfectly well. Take your time and just have fun and when it happens you know it will be amazing. Don't pressure him into anything it will backfire on you. Guys got to do stuff on there own time. Have fun and enjoy yourself.

It could be he is a very strong Catholic as well, I have found most of the Poles I know have very strong morals. It is a great quality. Cherish that

Hopefully you had a great phone call tonight. Long distance is very hard. :-)
20 Sep 2007   #51
Good Luck to you
orlandobelle  11 | 29
21 Sep 2007   #52
Hi everyone, Well, then 'phone call didn't go very well - we spoke for about two minutes and the it cut off - I tried to get through again but no luck. He never says much on the 'phone anyhow - the few times I have 'phoned him in the UK he has panicked and passed it on to Elzbieta!!!!! Thanks for all the advice, it's a waiting game. I'm picking him up at Liverpool Airport and Monday - I might tell him to close his eyes as I have a surprise for him - and then kiss him!!!!!!! lol xx
raumkegel  - | 5
25 Sep 2007   #53
Good luck I hope everything will work out the way you want it :)
orlandobelle  11 | 29
25 Sep 2007   #54
Well, he has been offered a really good job in Poznan so will probably not be back in January. He keeps asking me what I think????? What do I say???? I am happy for him but not for me!!! :.)
sapphire  22 | 1241
25 Sep 2007   #55
say you are happy that he has a new job, but that you will miss him terribly. You need to know if he coming back or not and if he wants you to wait for him, as you dont want to put your life on hold for months if he is not interested.
wiosna  - | 1
19 Apr 2010   #56
Polish guys are great! My boyfriend is the best person, he is my pole. I have never met so warm soul, so great heart, like him. (I'm not polish girl and I dont live in Poland, so I think i can say something on this subject).
Cardno85  31 | 971
19 Apr 2010   #57
he is my pole

Am I the only one playing "spot the innuendo"?
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Apr 2010   #58
Shy? I wouldn't say so. I don't know many shy guys here, I've only met 1.
theonlydevil  2 | 6
19 Apr 2010   #59
Some might be shy at first but soon enough they will be out of their shell and causing trouble :P
Amathyst  19 | 2700
19 Apr 2010   #60
Shy? I wouldn't say so. I don't know many shy guys here, I've only met 1.

Maybe you've not met them because they're so shy they dont even go out :

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