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Do Polish men make good husbands?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2020   #91
how 'unfeminine' we all are these days, whatever that means.

Feminists want to get with men that are the most well mannered, wealthy, and intelligent in order to manipulate them to their advantage and make them their slaves.

My question is where are these hot women ?
I want to be enslaved, the hell with my freedom.
I never said I wasn't willing to be a "manipulated man"......or did I. Hoot !
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Feb 2020   #92
And man of course look for the ugliest, stupidest amd rudest to give them the freedom of housework and looking after them...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
14 Feb 2020   #93
Feminists want to get with men that are the most well mannered, wealthy, and intelligent .

ah I see, thank you.
That will be why you have obviously never met one.
why doesn't this site have laughing emoji's, they are sorely needed.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2020   #94
Sounds like you are a little bitter to me.

you will be working as well and still be skivvy, picking up his socks, pants, cleaning his skidmarks off the loo.

Is this why you are so bitter toward Polish men ?

man of course look for the ugliest, stupidest amd rudest to give them the freedom of housework and looking after them...

Just the Polish soy boys, us alpha men are always servicing the good looking smart slaves that know what side their bread is buttered on and always smile while doing the housework and looking after us.
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Feb 2020   #95
My question is where are these hot women ?

I used to train Dutch kickboxing and we've had few girls (3 girls in ~ 20 men group) traininig with us. Two of them were really good looking, and one was a 9 out of 10. Initially I though that they are proper tomboys; what girl would pick up Dutch kickboxing and train with men in her spare time?

I though that way only until I got invited to one of those girls birthday party and saw her wearing a sundress serving us an apple pie that she has made herself (cooking was apparently her other hobby). Wild cat in a gym and a proper 'housewife' in her house.

Only after a while I understood that they were just looking for proper men. Yes, there's not much of a sex war going on in Poland...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
15 Feb 2020   #96
Is this why you are so bitter toward Polish men ?

Not at all, anyway all of us have to do housework if we dont want to live in a shite-tip.

How am I "bitter" - or are you trying to be nasty because i mugged you off, took the p'iss. and showed you up for being a fool?

If i was "bitter" towards Polish men (which in fact i have a v good reason to be but its nothing to do with cleaning or housework) I wouldnt be here , would I?

I don't count Septics as Polish.
Spike31  3 | 1485
23 Feb 2020   #97
Not at all, anyway all of us have to do housework if we dont want to live in a shite-tip.

That depends. I have a cleaning lady coming twice a week to deal with that
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Feb 2020   #98
You big, lazy lump. You should be well able to do your own cleaning if you're properly organized - and twice a week is not enough to keep a house clean.
Spike31  3 | 1485
23 Feb 2020   #99

Simple calculation: my time is worth 5 times as much as cleaning lady time. We should all do what we excel at. If I cleaned my house myself that would mean I'm not well organized
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
28 Feb 2020   #100
That depends. I have a cleaning lady coming twice a week to deal with that

good for you , just like thousands of other busy people. Would you like a medal?

Perhaps, to make my meaning as clear as possible to people with ego or comprehension problems, I should have said, " We all have to organise the housework, if we don't want to live in a tip ".

There now, is that better?

not sure that you are paid £50 plus per hour but that is by the by and not really anything i would actually give a toss about..:D
The truth hurts
29 Feb 2020   #101
I have travelled in almost every country in Europe also the US Canada and the Caribbean . The best men in the world come from Italy. The best food comes from Italy the best fashion comes from Italy and yess the best women and wives come from Italy. I married a polish man even though I was Italian because I thought he was sweet handsome and kind Unfortunately as time went on the truth came out he was a Macho man alcoholic cheater and liar. The truth hurt. His polish friends were the same. His family was the same . Sorry no comparison to Italy 🇮🇹 no class. I'm back in my country and happier than ever. Don't marry a polish man they will ruin your life.
Joker  2 | 2447
29 Feb 2020   #102
best women and wives come from Italy.

Sorry Ginzo, but I dont like my women to have a thicker mustache than mine....
Spike31  3 | 1485
29 Feb 2020   #103
not sure that you are paid £50 plus per hour but (...) i would actually give a toss about..:D

And yet, you've already started estimating my income. Which, don't get me wrong, is a healthy habbit of females :-) Hypergamy is a overall beneficial thing for a given society.
The truth hurts
1 Mar 2020   #104
Joker obviously you have never been to Italy or watched an Italian program come to Italy and you will never want to leave The women are spectacular ciao amore .You will joke no more. Forza Italia 🇮🇹
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Mar 2020   #105
In that case a robotic vacuum cleaner would be a good replacement.

I suspect there are plenty of women in Poland and beyond who'd gladly swap their husbands for a vibrator that can put shelves up...
Spike31  3 | 1485
17 Mar 2020   #106
but it won`t clean vertical surfaces or cupboard

Give it a time. The Japanese have invented robots which takes care of elderly people

@jon 357

Haha, a robot vacuum not instead of wife/girlfriend but to save time and effort on tedious tasks and to use that extra energy somewhere else
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Mar 2025   #107
An amasing case of a Polish man who divorced twice and pays alimony to his both ex wives.
This man is former Prime Minister Marcinkiewicz, now 65.
It was his own decision to put an end to his marriages.

I don`t pity the guy in the slightest molecule. He got what he wished for.

Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz is currently fighting in court with his second wife to avoid paying her alimony. Izabela Olchowicz-Marcinkiewicz has a disability certificate and does not have a steady income from full-time work. However, she receives a considerable amount of money from her ex-husband, whom she divorced in 2018, every month.

The former prime minister calculated that the monthly cost of his functioning in the capital is PLN 8,000. The problem is that he still has a total of PLN 10,500 in alimony awarded to his two ex-wives. Marcinkiewicz has to pay PLN 4,500 to Izabela, and PLN 6,000 to his first wife Maria. He has never asked the court not to pay alimony to his first wife. He does not even intend to. However, he does not want to pay the second one.

Prime Minister with his second wife still in wedlock about 10 years ago.

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