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How do Polish men feel about gender equality?

ZIMMY  6 | 1601
14 May 2011   #241
Gentlemen; it seems that the U.S. and Canada will be assaulted this summer by the latest feminist tactic called "slut-walks". This excuse for women behaving badly originated in universities where our brightest but naive young women are brainwashed in womens studies courses to take action against the patriarchy. Feminists seek to be offended but they seem to have run out things to protest about so it's come down to this.

This seems to me to be nothing more than women, albeit feminists, desperately trying to be noticed while dressing and acting, well, slutty. It's never dawned on me that slutty women were such fighters for "equality". What do the women in these forums think about that?


for gods sake zimmy I am one of the few women here who listens to your points and sometimes agrees with you.

Well, I won't be satisfied until I get you up to a 90% agreement level ;) ...but please, don't join the "slut walk" :)
southern  73 | 7059
14 May 2011   #242
esperately trying to be noticed while dressing and acting, well, slutty.

When I meet a slut walk I will treat properly these sluts.
wildrover  98 | 4430
14 May 2011   #243
but please, don't join the "slut walk"

I am going to go on one of these slut walks....could be a chance to meet some interesting ladies.... hee hee...
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
14 May 2011   #244
..I'm so peaceful and clear-headed whenever I go for a wh0re stroll... slut walks are way too ambitious for me...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
14 May 2011   #245
The gentlemen are weighing in but the ladies are strangely quiet.

Due to my constant pursuit of justice and liberation and in the interest of "equality", I may go on a "pimp walk". This should jog some comments from the good women as well as from any "sluts" who post here.
z_darius  14 | 3960
14 May 2011   #246
or as George Carlin said once:

You have the right to your opinion and I have the right to my opinion. And my opinion is that you have no right to your opinion.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
14 May 2011   #247
George Carlin

On several occasions I've had drinks with George Carlin (surprisingly, he preferred red wine). One of my friends knew him well and that's how we got together whenever George was in town.

I'm certain that Southern is interested in the "pimp walk". That's a given. lol

Oh, just one of the many 'not so nice' comments from the late Mary Daly, a 'womens' studies' professor:

“If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.”

Isn't that sweet?
rtz  - | 46
14 May 2011   #248
@OP: - "gender equality" - you must be joking!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
14 May 2011   #249
Well, I won't be satisfied until I get you up to a 90% agreement level ;) ...but please, don't join the "slut walk" :)

hmm not sure about 90 per cent... I will let u know..:)
btw wtf is a "slut walk"? My mum used this word in quite a different sense, as in "you little slut your room is a mess and you haven't washed your hair" maybe its a load of scruffy women??
Eurola  4 | 1898
14 May 2011   #250
After all, women's bodies are far from optimal for efficient and hygienic use of a urinal.

No problem, down with urinals! Since the male bodies are so optimal and efficient, you guys just sit down to do your peeing business just like you have to do for the other. Problem solved. The bathroom would be so much cleaner without the splatter anyway!

Due to my constant pursuit of justice and liberation and in the interest of "equality", I may go on a "pimp walk".

Time and place please, I want to see it!

the U.S. and Canada will be assaulted this summer by the latest feminist tactic called "slut-walks".

Nothing new. Isn't it happening every single summer when the temperature exceeds 75F? There are half naked women everywhere for a couple of months! :) Young and old, thin and fat, black or white. Guess what, I'm actually happy they can... I can. Makes me think of the women wrapped in fabric head to toe.

The male/female relationships can get pretty complicated nowadays. Many people do not want a live-in partner for a while, especially after divorce or a bad break up. The peace and quiet in the house, the clean bathroom, no need for big grocery seems to be easier. But, if you are a healthy man or woman, sooner or later you forget about the single life bliss and tend to look for a relationship. Hoping that you get it right the next time around...which seldom happens.
z_darius  14 | 3960
14 May 2011   #251
As life sometimes has it, situations happen that just fit so well into other situations.

Just this morning, about 10, right after I replaced a wheel bearing in my car a buddy of mine, Keegan pulls into my property to pick up a little wine rack I made for him out of red oak. So we load the thing on his pickup truck and then, with some time to spare, we're sitting there in my garage, we're sipping coffee, shooting shhit and generally being like all respectable family men should be on a Saturday morning, and at one point I ask him, so how's Rob?

Rob is Keegan's son, just turned 20 last month. The kid has always liked blowing things up but, the hobby being borderline legal, he decided to go to school so he could continue to blow things up and to make a living out of it while staying away from Guantanamo Bay. He started his first job for some mining company two weeks ago, WAY up north from where he lives among other like minded fellas and some polar bears. He just flew in for the weekend after his very first pay period to thank his parents for all the work, care and support and he and dropped is first pay on the kitchen table for them do do as they please.

Reportedly, Keegan's wifey initially went silent when she saw the pay stub and she whispered: you make more in two weeks than I make in a month, and I have worked longer than you have been alive. (I don't know what either amount is)

She is some kind of big shot in the educational system around here and , to be sure, she does not like blowing things up.

Just a little illustration of pay inequality. Some may see its reasons. I forgot to ask him, but on Monday I'll check if there are any ladies up there around Hudson Bay blowing rocks up, and if so , how much they make.
southern  73 | 7059
15 May 2011   #252
This is Zimmy in mirror.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
15 May 2011   #253
Sounds more like the inequality of job types..........the way that the thicko's in highschool who were taken out of even the lowest grade classes to tinker with old cars and Motorbikes all tend to now be on better money than the people who went off to OxBridge......
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
15 May 2011   #254
hmm not sure about 90 per cent... I will let u know..:)

You seem reasonable enough to go for the whole 100%. After all, none of my facts are disputed and they are here for all to see. Those who call me names automatically lose the argument because that's all they have.

btw wtf is a "slut walk"?

It's the latest excuse that women give themselves to dress like sluts. They can use this as an excuse to become exhibitionists.

maybe its a load of scruffy women??

That's part of it; the other part involves women dressing like hookers; frequently being partly or mostly naked and otherwise attempting to show their bodies availability. It is frequently disgusting to see 'thunder thighs', or super saggy breasts or a huge caboose (buttocks) which can ruin my eating properly for a day or two.

It is a cultural phenomena that women use almost any excuse to get naked. Women have undressed for many unrelated reasons;
animal rights; vegetarian rights; environmental rights; these and many more causes have been used as excuses for women to take off their clothes. Even the (Partia Kobiet) "Womens Polish Party" which is ostensibly a political party has women taking off their clothes:

It's been briefly discussed in these forums.

I am almost convinced that there is something inherent (evolutionary) in the female make-up that explains this. It also would explain the 'me-ism' so innate in feminism.

Sounds more like the inequality of job types...

That's right; not all jobs are equal. That logic seems to be lost on those who still 'feel' some sort of "wage-gap" which I've more than explained in these threads. If a man is up on the 50th floor of a high-rise trying to build another floor unto the building, I somehow know that he should be paid more that a woman working as a retail clerk at a perfume counter.
z_darius  14 | 3960
15 May 2011   #255
Sounds more like the inequality of job types..........the way that the thicko's in highschool who were taken out of even the lowest grade classes to tinker with old cars and Motorbikes all tend to now be on better money than the people who went off to OxBridge.....

Exactly what zimmy has been trying to put across.
And I know a few of those who tinker with vehicles. In winter they spend their days maintaining snow plowing trucks, melting snow dripping on them while they fix a broken part underneath, so the tuck can go back on the road, clean the road and allow the white collar feminist to get to yet another meeting where she will bithc about how much more that truck driver makes. She won't ever even enter the repair shop because that experience alone would be beneath her. But she will gladly complain that the fella makes more than she does scheduling a politician's golfing appointments.

Numbers alone that are used to produce various income stats don't even begin to tell the story, let alone explain it. The same job may pay vastly different amounts depending on geographic location, the locality population, tax base, company's resources etc. I could make 50% to 100% more in Toronto but would I like to live there? A basement apartment rental costs per month in TO are about as much as a mortgage on a decent house in Niagara. I had job offers for exactly th same position ranging from $50K (in Nebraska) to $150K (in a nuclear plant in Michigan). A cop in Toronto will make good money, but a cop up North will make much more plus he or she will get additional Northern Resident incentives (lower taxes, lower housing costs, earlier retirement). Nobody's lining up as the life around the arctic circle ain't that cozy.

As for the slut walks, I have no problems with those as they may be pretty interesting, except when the age range of the participants pushed the envelope a little too much and brings the event somewhere towards turpism and obscenity.
boletus  30 | 1356
16 May 2011   #256
I just could not resist...

  • Did you want equality? Now go and build your shack yourself.

  • Cook your dinner yourself!
f stop  24 | 2493
16 May 2011   #257
I do like that first poster... where did you get it?
boletus  30 | 1356
16 May 2011   #258
Original posters

Modified posters

  • Greetings to women working for peace and prosperity of the motherland!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
17 May 2011   #260
More proof that western culture is getting more and more decadent. Anyone want to buy an I phone after this?
Eurola  4 | 1898
19 May 2011   #261
Big deal. It's just like a commercial of a man sliding fingers over woman's naked body and then farting... (consider it normal). About time we fart in his face when it deems right. :)
plk a two
19 May 2011   #262
This is Zimmy in mirror.

Souther has nothing better to do than search the internet for naked guys to compare which one has the most gorgeous looking ass, and then to compliment other men on polish forums like ZIMMY with sex fantasies
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
20 May 2011   #263
Souther has nothing better to do than search the internet for naked guys

You're wrong. He also searches for naked women.

...and then to compliment other men on polish forums like ZIMMY

You should see all the love letters I receive from my admirers. Sometimes I even blush....

About time we fart in his face when it deems right. :)

Why Eurola, you shock me. Don't you know that womens farts are paid only 76 cents to a mans dollar?

Shocking injustice: Feminist asst. District Attorney uses court system to screw men:The story of Vladek Filler or the lack of real gender equality ....

just asking out of curiosity,

Is that curiosity or ignorance?

Have you a really really tiny d!ck or what?

If you're ever in Chicago I'll give you a tape measure and you can see for yourself. In the mean time here is a list of women's shaming languages; you seem like the perfect candidate and instead of honest discourse you can continue to ask questions in your juvenile manner:

Just wondering why you are so insecure....

For 4 plus decades women (feminists) have bashed men in a variety of ways; books, articles, tv sitcoms and tv commercials and in law; If you were looking for insecurity, I'd start there. When men have finally begun to demand real equality instead of the one-sidedness so prevalent then men are accused of oppressing women or in your case as in so many womens, you try to use 'shaming' language. That's not an argument and it's noticeable that you did not respond to any specific facts or links I've posted on this subject which affects all of society. Just for that alone you lose.
Barney  19 | 1731
2 Jun 2011   #264
you try to use 'shaming' language

You use it, then feign shock when its directed at you. You use it when you are not telling us all how much of an Alpha male you are, something that alpha males feel the need to do

That's not an argument and it's noticeable that you did not respond to any specific facts or links I've posted on this subject which affects all of society

You post links from crank sites or skewed reporting yet ignore everything but your own mantra.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
2 Jun 2011   #265
You use it, then feign shock when its directed at you.

Barney, with you everything must indeed be 'relative'. When I correct someone or use facts, statistics or storylines, you somehow feel that is the same as someone suggesting "small penis". So if I call you 'thick minded' that's not shaming language, it's fact because you don't know how to connect the dots. much of an Alpha male you are, something that alpha males feel the need to do

Not to worry, there are plenty of beta males like you. Maybe you can join or start a club for beta males? In fact, some of my best friends are beta males.

you post links from crank sites

I suppose that a crank site is one you don't agree with. (many of my links have been from standard news sources).
By the way, do you believe that anti male feminist sites are also crank sites? Do you not believe that men should have equal rights in domestic court cases? How about false sexual assault or rape accusations? Do you know that feminist organizations don't want women punished for falsely accusing men? How about 'affirmative action' for women at the expense of more qualified men?

Women have several health offices in government even though they live 5 years longer than men. Men don't have one......these sorts of lists go on and on......and I see no problem bringing them up for attention to people like you who don't seem to know much about these areas.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446
4 Jun 2011   #266
But you know what Zimmy... through your rants about feminists, you're not actually saying anything credible about women per se.... I mean it's like me judging all men on the basis of what Republicans think seeing as it is a party of people (traditionally and predominantly male) who seek to put forward their own views about who should benefit through governmental action, and put over the case that their views hold more legitimacy than some other factional group.

Not all women who benefit from the work done by feminist groups are feminists, nor can you treat them as such. If I got a job that you thought you were more *qualified* to do, that doesn't mean I wasn't better for the job. There are plenty of other criteria now to fulfill a role suitably for many types of work, as I'm sure you are aware. ;)

Just because an indigenous person gets a job that I'm more qualified to do doesn't mean that a company isn't living up to other policies of equity and social justice, that are equally important in this day and age and equally relevant as just having another over educated white collar male in the work force... In fact your prejudice views would be wisely avoided in any workplace. God forbid you start mouthing off in the lunchroom and bring about a legal case for your employer.

You may just be too hot to handle.

I guess what I'm saying Zimmy is that there are finally measures in place to make the world a little less stratified and a little more equitable across the board for *all* minority groups (and, yes, this includes women). What you fail to see is that YOU will be left out in the cold if you don't somehow equate this with what is fair, what is reasonable, and what is practically possible even though *you* may have all the degrees daddy could ever buy you, but the views of a sinking ship. It won't be enough anymore. So don't waste your f*cking time trying to bring OUR opinions back into the dark ages... it just ain't going to happen buddy.

Buddy? Can I call you buddy? ;)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
4 Jun 2011   #267
Balanced,logical and inteligent as usual Ashley. Are you sure you are a woman?

Ashleys mind  3 | 446
4 Jun 2011   #268
In body most definitely... in scorn absolutely... in mind... I'm reliant on the pills I take. :)
This sh1t don't grow on trees you know. ;)

Thank yoUKind Sir... :) I shall dedicate my next Julie Andrews song to you...
Pinching Pete  - | 554
4 Jun 2011   #269
I shall dedicate my next Julie Andrews song to you...

Hoo boy, hopefully sans the man's haircut...
Barney  19 | 1731
4 Jun 2011   #270
with you everything must indeed be 'relative'

Why do you build me up buttercup just to let me down?

I suppose that a crank site is one you don't agree with.

A crank site is one that suggests that Canada is ruled by acorn worshipers or whatever it was that I read when I made the mistake of opening one of your links.

Not to worry, there are plenty of beta males like you.

There you go again "I'm an alpha male you know" well that is not a description one can self apply.

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