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What do you like most about Polish girls? :)

Poleboy765  - | 66
8 Aug 2016   #61
Polish women are way more attractive than women here in the US by all means. I'm going to start by saying their personalities, which I think Will top everything in a woman. Second, looks, very delicate and gorgeous.
16 Aug 2016   #62
^Kind of dumb to generalize US women since there's so many of them and they look different in each region and even state.

One thing is for sure, there's no shortage of beautiful American women and anyone who says otherwise is probably sexually frustrated. ;-)
Lyzko  44 | 9745
16 Aug 2016   #63
I suppose if I had to hazard a gross generalization regarding Polish vis-a-vis German, French, Russian, or Italian women (on the whole) upon pure observation over the years, I'd have to conclude that Polish women seem much more guileless and curious than the other nationalities mentioned, who look to have "been there, done that" etc.

If I were to further compare Polish women with certain Scandinavians aka Swedes and Danes, or with Dutch women, I'd again have to conclude that the latter act more worldly wise, a trifle jaded perhaps and less enthused about the attention being given them.

The above are based solely on personal experience:-) Obviously, there can be no acid test.
Englishman  2 | 276
18 Aug 2016   #64
There are about 20 million Polish girls and women so it's impossible to generalise about all of them. However, I've noticed that Polish females are naturally very beautiful without being showy/fake (think Russian/Ukrainian women with fake tans, bleached blonde hair and extreme heels), well educated, quite feminist and independent-minded and interested in culture and politics. A class act, in other words :-)
Wulkan  - | 3136
18 Aug 2016   #65

lol no, most Polish women are not feminists
Englishman  2 | 276
22 Aug 2016   #66
Are you sure? Most of the ones I've met have been. Maybe they wouldn't call themselves that, I don't know, but they were all into being well educated, having good jobs and being independent of men.
Wulkan  - | 3136
22 Aug 2016   #67
Are you sure?

I'm sure that you don't know what feminist means, please get familiar with it before you start using it.
Englishman  2 | 276
22 Aug 2016   #68
I'm pretty sure I do :-). What's your definition of feminist then?
Szalawa  2 | 239
23 Aug 2016   #69
Ah, Englishman, you have to keep up with third wave feminism then you will understand.
Wulkan  - | 3136
23 Aug 2016   #70
keep up with third wave feminism then you will understand.

Obviously Englishman has been living under a rock for the last decade or so.

I'm pretty sure I do :-). What's your definition of feminist then?

There is only one definition of "feminist" and it's in dictionary. The word you wanted to use is "independent", it's all good.
Spoop King
23 Aug 2016   #71
polish girls are best better than poonani
Englishman  2 | 276
23 Aug 2016   #72
@ Szalawa, my point precisely - many third-wave feminists have reservations about the label, which is why the description I gave of Polish women (which Wulkan describes as simply 'independent') amounts to feminism. In my view any woman who believes she is entitled to the same respect and opportunities as any man is a feminist, and that description applies to most Polish women, especially younger ones.
Szalawa  2 | 239
23 Aug 2016   #73
Well if your point is that third wave feminism has strayed a long way from women's rights, then yes that is true. I do not believe that certain women do not want to be associated with the term, but believe in self respected and achievement. In my view a women who believes in respect for oneself and others and works to achieve their goals is a women :) and that's that. Times have changed and it's pretty much the norm that women work along with men, it's silly to give them a label these days.

Just from my personal experience, women that I have come across who never used the term feminist to associate themselves with were by far more independent, intelligent, educated, respectful and hard working then women who actually labeled themselves feminists. These days Feminists seemed to be associated with cat ladies, disgruntled youth, and social justice warriors.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Aug 2016   #74
From where then did the pervasive myth arise that women's lib has never reached Poland?? At least make the (not so subtle) distinction between Polish women living in the countryside compared with those urban professionals living and working in the larger cities:-)
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Aug 2016   #75
In my view any woman who believes she is entitled to the same respect and opportunities as any man is a feminist

You clearly don't realize that feminism has been taken over by third wave feminism and calling someone a feminist these days is an insult. Feminists died as soon as the women's rights equalized with men rights in the western world, including Poland . There is nothing that women can't do that men can, by law in the western world including Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11137
25 Aug 2016   #76
There's a couple of intellectual problems with femnism.

One is the idea that women face the same problems in the same order in every country. The problems faces by Polish women in the early 90s were completely different from those faced by American or British women at the same time (and the latter two also had differences). But mainstream feminism has never really dealt with that too well.

The other is that mainstream feminism in the US achieved the great majority of the goals it could achieve by the 1980s or so. The next, obvious goal of feminism was to tackle misogyny in non-western cultures. But they chickened out (partially because the intellectuals of the time had embraced post-structuralism and similar nonsense that made critique of non-western cultures seem reactionary and misguided).

The result was that first rate minds abandoned feminism for other things and a bunch of second raters took over who began looking more and more inward and feminist theory stopped being related to very much in the real world.

At present, mainstream feminism in the US has retreated into a couple of different camps: One specializes in traditional models of femininity, especially seeing women as the arbiters of nice behavior and manners so they spend a lot of time obsessing over pronouns for transexuals and the like. The other, more vile, is creating an alternate life-track for women in which marriage and motherhood are replaced with rape and abortion as principle milestones in a woman's life.

All this has very little appeal for most Polish women. It does have traction with a small group but they tend to run into a brick wall when trying to sell this to the rest of the country.
veikkopl  2 | 19
25 Aug 2016   #77
I have met the nicest funny Polish girl and it looks like we'll become a couple this weekend. It's a bit scary of course as I have know idea how to date a Polish girl.

One more vote for the accent from here as well.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Aug 2016   #78
There is nothing that women can't do that men can

Never heard of a woman drilling coal down there in a coal mine here in Poland.
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Aug 2016   #79
Never heard of a woman applying for that job either.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Aug 2016   #80
There have been several, but their applications for the job have been turned down (which is very unfortunate, me thinks).
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Aug 2016   #81
perhaps they didn't have the qualifications, me thinks
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Aug 2016   #82
They did. One of them was known for beating up her husband regularly.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
25 Aug 2016   #83
as the women's rights equalized with men rights

Women are equal to men.............until it comes time to pay.
The best thing about Polish girls his how deceptive they can be.
Szalawa  2 | 239
25 Aug 2016   #84
One of them was known for beating up her husband regularly

Wouldn't you say that's a good reason not to hire someone? if someone can't even get along with her husband without using violence, how would they get along with other co-workers. Perhaps you mean brute strength is the qualification for the job? Well we don't know how tough that husband was or if he fought back or not, it is easy to beat someone up if they don't fight back.

Never heard of a woman drilling coal down there in a coal mine here in Poland.

I never heard of a woman working in the sewers either, I suppose that is a problem? Though I seen a few garbage(wo)man
Englishman  2 | 276
26 Aug 2016   #85
and motherhood are replaced with rape and abortion as principle milestones in a woman's life.

I haven't heard of American feminists advocating rape and abortion (obviously the right to have abortions, but not the idea that they should be part of everyday life). Are you sure you weren't having nightmares?
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Aug 2016   #86
I haven't heard of American feminists advocating rape

Not advocating as such, but they talk about it as an inevitable part of a woman's life.

It's also the quickest way to make your bones as a feminist. Claim some long ago drunken encounter was rape and you'll get lots of sympathy from feminists, say no, actually going to bed with that guy while I was drunk wasn't a good idea but it was a consentual act (even if it's one you regret) and watch the knives come out....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Aug 2016   #87
Maf that does happen, but not a fraction of the amount of times a man gets away with rape in the courts, or it simply doesn't get reported.

Many many women (and men) have been raped. Why belittle that?
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Aug 2016   #88
not a fraction of the amount of times a man gets away with rape in the courts

anecdotal and unprovable

it simply doesn't get reported.


many women (and men) have been raped. Why belittle that?

Where? In South Africa? YES!!!!! In Sweden and other places that have imported many young men from misogynistic cultures? YES!!!!!

Otherwise in modern western countries among the indigenous population..... not so much. The only way to justify the "many" is to redefine rape in a way that belittles the real horrific crime.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
27 Aug 2016   #89
The only way to justify the "many" is to redefine rape in a way that belittles the real horrific crime.

its true that stranger rape is the worst form of it,...

gosh shall we get back on topic.....:D
the thing that I like most about Polish girls......they are smart and study engineering....:D
kitkat1963  - | 17
28 Aug 2016   #90
Having recently returned from an amazing week in Krakow, and shortly about to return for another week, I can say from personal experience that the girls I saw and met there are very attractive. I did find that they can be a little reserved to start with, but as an English guy I found that a clumsy attempt at speaking Polish, plus speak to a girl as a person and not a piece of meat, they can be VERY chatty and friendly. I was even lucky enough to receive several kisses from a girl I saw regularly throughout my stay. She wasn't a model quality stunner, but she was nice looking with a friendly personality.

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