Wambrita - you welcomed all comments but you probably won't like mine... :(
Did you really "RESPECT the fact" you were there with your Polish friend?
When another guy asked you to dance with him you could've turned toward your friend and said "is that OK with you?" That's what I'd have done if a lady wanted to dance with me while I was there with another woman. Of course, I'd probably say, "sorry, I'm here with my friend but thank you so much for asking." That wouldn't imply she owns me or that I'm obligated to ask for her permission. Instead it'd imply I'm polite and respect her being there with me.
You know, I have tons of South American friends, men and women. Argentinian, Brazilian, Peruvian, etc. Non of them would do what you call "like Latins...they rescue their girl" - that's not rescuing a girl, that's being possessive. Machismo gone amok.
Respecting a friend whether male or female means you trust his or her judgment. Don't expect a guy to get into a fight with other guys "to rescue you" just to make you feel wanted - that's just silly and sounds like something a caveman would do.
If you went out with your friend the nice thing to do would be to spend the time with him. If you you wanted to dance with someone else - sure go for it but don't expect him to become a testosterone moron, hopefully we men have progressed past the stone age.
I don't mean to sound demeaning, I really don't but it's almost like you have an attention addiction? Let your man be a MAN - and not a CAVE MAN...
Just my take on it since you said...
All comments are welcome!!
Either way, I wish you both the best...