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What are the best love poems in Polish to receive?

Arise_St_George  9 | 419
6 May 2008   #31
Scribble, scribble on my face,
Who will win the 2nd race?

rafaben  1 | 4
25 May 2008   #32
If the moment is right and both of you feel romantic you may write this:

You guys need a stronger moderator. My relationship ended when I gave this to my girl. Thanks for nothing. You can keep your Polish Forum and shove it where the sun don't shine!!!!!!!

If you don't understand Polish you should refrain from attempting to send messages in it.

Whatevr anyone does don't use the poem from darius Z it's obcene.
goodlook  - | 13
12 Jun 2008   #33
did you use that one :)
poor boy :(

and darius - you are bad boy :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
11 Oct 2008   #34
You guys need a stronger moderator. My relationship ended when I gave this to my girl. Thanks for nothing. You can keep your Polish Forum and shove it where the sun don't shine!!!!!!!

wait a minute, your relationship ended in may and you are still pestering that poor girl?? LOL at that poem about t*ts you sent to her, anyone who was bright enough would check the meaning first, you can't blame the forum and moderators for not being able to speak polish, you are just being an arrogant pr*ck. sorry i have absolutely no sympathy for you.
dcchris  8 | 432
11 Oct 2008   #35
that is just damn funny
rafaben  1 | 4
11 Oct 2008   #36
You are all so smart. Live your own lives and stop judging mine.
Hey, if you read half of what you were replying to you might learn something instead of being so full of bull.
11 Oct 2008   #37
It looks like you have been sussed. Why don't you explain to your girlfriend what happened, maybe it is not too late.

As for other posters, they are just mean, unhappy, arrogant bastards.
MrG  1 | 13
14 Oct 2008   #38
Hey, i needed a poem and i can always trust you guys on here =p

i sent this poem and she liked it..just wondering what does it say ???

Thanks alot


Miła, ja nie mam słów,
a miałem dość ich.
Nie wiem, skąd bierze się znów
ten lęk radości.

Czemu znów serce drży
jak wtedy wiosną,
a łzy zabłysły jak bzy,
co w Polsce rosną.

Tkliwość. I morza szum.
I noc co milczy.
Na Schumannowskie "Warum?" -
twój szept: "Najmilszy!..."

I trzebaż było tych mąk
i tej rozpaczy,
gdy dwoje splecionych rąk
tak wiele znaczy?
Władysław Broniewski
EraAtlantia  2 | 106
14 Oct 2008   #39
Write your own poem, the sentiment itself should be enough. Explain to her what happened, its the thought that counts in this situation. I'd make her a CD compilation myself, it's more authentic and representational.
MrG  1 | 13
15 Oct 2008   #40
I agree. But when one doesn't have much Polish under their belt it is more difficult. and i do learn the odd phrase and lines which i use. but im also too busy to learn complete polish so i can make a cd or right my own poem. ive wrote many messages now due to help and books..but poems i find hard. And i dont have alot of spare time to maybe take Polish lessons in which i can advance my understandings and ability. Thats why i used one of them poems and she was happy.
burt  - | 1
26 May 2009   #41
Merged:Polish poetry... about love or friendship?

can anyone please tell me a nice poem in polish either about love or friendship??
chante  - | 4
26 May 2009   #42
Adam Mickiewicz - Niepewność

Gdy cię nie widzę, nie wzdycham, nie płaczę,
Nie tracę zmysłów, kiedy cię zobaczę;
Jednakże gdy cię długo nie oglądam,
Czegoś mi braknie, kogoś widzieć żądam;
I tęskniąc sobie zadaję pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?

Gdy z oczu znikniesz, nie mogę ni razu
W myśli twojego odnowić obrazu?
Jednakże nieraz czuję mimo chęci,
Że on jest zawsze blisko mej pamięci.
I znowu sobie powtarzam pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?

Cierpiałem nieraz, nie myślałem wcale,
Abym przed tobą szedł wylewać żale;
Idąc bez celu, nie pilnując drogi,
Sam nie pojmuję, jak w twe zajdę progi;
I wchodząc sobie zadaję pytanie;
Co tu mię wiodło? przyjaźń czy kochanie?

Dla twego zdrowia życia bym nie skąpił,
Po twą spokojność do piekieł bym zstąpił;
Choć śmiałej żądzy nie ma w sercu mojem,
Bym był dla ciebie zdrowiem i pokojem.
I znowu sobie powtarzam pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?

Kiedy położysz rękę na me dłonie,
Luba mię jakaś spokojność owionie,
Zda się, że lekkim snem zakończę życie;
Lecz mnie przebudza żywsze serca bicie,
Które mi głośno zadaje pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czyli też kochanie?

Kiedym dla ciebie tę piosenkę składał,
Wieszczy duch mymi ustami nie władał;
Pełen zdziwienia, sam się nie postrzegłem,
Skąd wziąłem myśli, jak na rymy wbiegłem;
I zapisałem na końcu pytanie:
Co mię natchnęło? przyjaźń czy kochanie?
rafaben  1 | 4
30 May 2009   #43
Hey, despite the **** poem I have been living together with the beautiful woman for over five months now. Sometimes we laugh about it so no harm done.

I'm the lucky one.
5 Jun 2009   #44
lol 10/10 goes to chante
Ystad  2 | 16
5 Jun 2009   #45
...and here's Marek Grechuta's beautiful musical version:)
specialK  - | 3
13 Nov 2009   #46
Merged: Polish Love Poems

I like to send my Polish fiance love poems in a text message before she wakes up. She like reading them before she leaves the house. Unfortunately I am fresh out of poems.

Does anyone have any love poems in Polish (pref with a loose English translation) for me?
I appreciate any help I can get here!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
13 Nov 2009   #47
Mów do mnie jeszcze... Ludzie nas nie słyszą,
słowa twe dziwnie poją i kołyszą,
jak kwiatem, każdym słowem twym się pieszczę
mów do mnie jeszcze...
Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Nov 2009   #48
Hippocrene, a NY publisher, issued a tome of Polish love poems in English a few years ago. Check it out on Google.
specialK  - | 3
14 Nov 2009   #49
Thanks Ziemowit. Tried that today, she loved it!

Polonius - I def will google that. Thanks for the info.
LAGirl  9 | 496
16 Nov 2009   #50
what are some good poems so I can say them to my Polish guy.
Dave76  2 | 6
9 Jan 2010   #51
Jan 9, 10, 13:17 - Thread attached on merging:
I want to let her know how I feel.

I came across this site because I was looking for a poem in Polish that I could send to my gf,i know it's a lot of hassle typing it all out but if anyone does know a really meaningful and beautiful piece i'd be eternally grateful if they could share it with me.Thank you.
8 Jul 2010   #52
Bezsenne noce bez Ciebie
Myśli krzązace po niebie
W nadziei i oczekiwaniu
Kocham Cię to w jednym zdaniu

First of all, to all the people who are asking for translations, there is a magical site called :P

To jenni, a small error may have prevented you from finding a good translation. Change the word 'krzązace' to 'krązące' then it translates as:

Sleepless nights without you
Thoughts wandering the skies
The hope and expectation
I love you in one sentence
George8600  10 | 630
21 Aug 2010   #53
what are your favorite love poems in polish for a girl ? ")

Adam Mickiewicz of course!
8 Oct 2010   #54
Nice Warum, not have I words, but I had them enough. I do not know, where from this fear of joy is taken once again. Heart shakes that once again as then, spring, but tears zabłysły as bzy, they grow in poland that. Tenderness hum . And it hum sea. And night keeps silent that. On " Schumannowskie Warum? " love your whisper - " most nice! " And it was these tortures (torments) trzebaż and this desperation, signifies two implicated hands when so? It love letter of (list of) prisoner of war Władysław Broniewski, my beloved < love >, good night, you are sleepy already - and I see your dream on wall, and night is such spring! Sole my in the world, will praise I how? You are water to years (summer) me and in winter gloves. You say spring luck my, winter, latowe, fall - but it say me on good night, by sleepy mouths wyszeptaj too what (well) it say such payment, say this paradise at you so błogi? You are light of world and my expensive (dear) < way > pieśnią. It say for I for I konstanty (constant) say else else Ildefons Gałczyński. I hankered after such conversation lat < summer > < year >. Each your word evokes shivers in my heart it say for I - else. For I say < tongue (speech) > else. They do not hear people of (people of) we, words your strangely poją and they rock as flower, I is caressed each word your for I - say < tongue (speech) > else. Break -tetmajer Kazimierz
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
22 Mar 2011   #55
Mów do mnie jeszcze
Mów do mnie jeszcze...
Za taką rozmową tęskniłem lata...
Każde twoje słowo
w mym sercu
wywołuje dreszcze -
mów do mnie jeszcze...

Mów do mnie jeszcze...
Ludzie nas nie słyszą, słowa twe dziwnie poją
i kołyszą
jak kwiatem, każdym słowem
twym się pieszczę -
mów do mnie jeszcze...

Damn I like this one. This is my very loose translation which in no way measures up to the original:

Speak to me some more
Years I've longed for this
every word of yours
is my heart's bliss

Speak to me some more
Like I was the first
every word of yours
slakes my heart's thirst

Speak to me some more
Here's no one around
every word of yours
in my heart forever bound
Calabrien  - | 20
22 Mar 2011   #56
My favourite poem is "Rozmowa liriczna" Gałczyńskiego

- Powiedz mi jak mnie kochasz.

A Lyrical Exchange

- Tell me how you love me?
- I'll tell.
- Well?
- I love you in the sun. In candlelight flushes.
I love you in your cap and beret,
Upon a windy open road, at a concert or play.
Among lilac, birch, maple and raspberry bushes.
When you are sleeping, or are hard at work.
When you cleanly crack an egg,
Even when you drop the spoon.
In a taxi or car. I am coursed, I shall never bend.
At the beginning of a road or its extreme end.
And parting your hair with a comb.
In a danger. On a merry-go round at a fairground meet.
At the see, in the mountains. In welly boots or bare feet.
Today, yesterday, tomorrow. Night and day.
In springtime, when the swallows hold sway.
- And in summer how do you love me?
- With the depth of a year.
- And in autumn with clouds and humours?
- Even when you lose umbrellas.
- And when winter's patterns are on the window pane?
- In winter I love you like a merry flame.
Close to your heart it embers and glows.
With the snow outside. Crows upon the snow.
fweshi  2 | 4
4 Apr 2011   #57
Na górze róże,
Na dole fiołki,
A my się kochamy
jak dwa aniołki.

try this one i wrote it in a card and my girl loved it
not sure who the author is or what it means (try google translate) but apparently its a famous or popular poem :)
5 Apr 2011   #58
Na górze róże,
Na dole fiołki,
A my się kochamy
jak dwa aniołki.

That's very cute when you are ... 10 years old :)
fweshi  2 | 4
5 Apr 2011   #59
:) I got the same reaction as that too, I think she thought the gesture was more romantic than the actual poem itself
4 May 2011   #60
Merged:Help with Polish love poem

I have written a love poem in Polish with the help of my own knowledge and google translate. Is there any body who could have a look at it to see if I made a mistake?

Polish version:

Jestem osoba
Bez bogactwa słowa miłości
Często bez właściwe słowa
Czasami w ogóle bez słów.

Ale mam nadzieję
Że moja miłość nie potrzebuje słów
Że rzut oka lub dotyku mogą powiedzieć
Więcej niż tysiąc słów.

A jeśli to nie wystarczy jest
Pozwól mi farby obrazu słowo
Z kolorami miłości
Z tobą pośrodku
Moje serce w twoje ręku.

What I meant in English:

I am a person
Without a wealth of love words
Often without the right words
Sometimes, even without any words.

But I hope
That my love does not need words
That a glance or a touch can say
More than a thousand words.

And if it is not enough
Let me paint a word picture
With colors of love
With you in the middle
My heart in your hands.

Thanks for any help....

Home / Love / What are the best love poems in Polish to receive?
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