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Age difference in Dating a Polish - Is it ok for Man 27years to date Polish Lady 39years?

LovePolishLady  1 | -
29 Jul 2013   #1
Hi Everyone, my brother is 27, he lives in London and want's to date a 39 year old Polish Lady. The woman likes him and he likes her, but I don't think that is right for him. So we are trying to discourage them. But at the same time, we don't want to stop a relationship that might be successful. Please what is your advice on this?
29 Jul 2013   #2
Gosh! Everybody is different. I know a Pole aged 75 living with a (Polish) girl of 30 (well, he has a lot of money ;)) and also a (Polish) woman aged 54 with a (Polish) boy of ... 19. In Poland or any other country, there is no rule, people do as they feel.... Live and let the others live!
Ahusain  3 | 12
29 Jul 2013   #3

Questions...was it just the age difference you saw as an issue? Does your brother want children? As I'm sure you're aware, woman can suffer birth complications the closer to 40 they approach...but this is only a generalisation. Is your brother fully aware of your reservations?

At the end of the day, they're going to do what they're going to to do...regardless. I struggled with acceptance issues in my just be supportive, whichever way it goes.

Best, A
sashman  1 | 14
30 Jul 2013   #4
Men have a thing for older women until they reach 30, expect him to see sense soon.

I know a guy who is 30 and dating a 52 year woman, it's disgusting, he's only after her money.

I'm 37 and date teenage girls mostly
ShawnH  8 | 1488
30 Jul 2013   #5
Is it ok for Man 27years to date Polish Lady 39years?

Nothing wrong in my opinion as long as they both have the best intentions for each other.

I know a guy who is 30 and dating a 52 year woman, it's disgusting, he's only after her money.

Disgusting? Really?

So what do you think of 37 year old men preying on teenage girls?
sashman  1 | 14
30 Jul 2013   #6
Well disgusting in the sense that he's in his prime and she is starting to look like an old boot.

He will see sense eventually

Preying? who's preying?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
30 Jul 2013   #7
I'm 37 and date teenage girls mostly

No matter how you slice it a 37 year old man with a teenage girl is disgusting, besides you being a sugar daddy or her having daddy issues is different in your sick mind? At least a 52 year old woman knows exactly what she wants and is fully aware of the relationship she's in, even if it's just about money, she's dating a 30 year old not rubbing a cradle for crying out loud and if she's fine with that I see no problem. I prefer dating younger woman myself but a teenage girl? This does not make you a Casanova quite the opposite, an over the hill dirty old man if you ask me, too bad you don't see it that way. You do realize you're an old boot yourself in her eyes.
bostonbill1982  - | 12
30 Jul 2013   #8
I know a guy who is 30 and dating a 52 year woman, it's disgusting,

What's so bad about that it's an 18 year age difference between those two? there must be a similar age diffrence between you and your birds!

At 27 and 30 these blokes know a bit about the world probably and are mature enough to know what they are getting into, teenage girls know nothing and are easy manipulated.What can you want a teenage girl for at your age except sex? In a few years they will have something about them, be able to really talk be a proper partner! Why not wait til then.

Well disgusting in the sense that he's in his prime and she is starting to look like an old boot.

Most women take good care of themselves so that's not always true.
kaz200972  2 | 229
30 Jul 2013   #9
Why not wait til then.

I don't think 'Sashman' is interested in a real relationship Bill. While I totally agree with what you are saying, you are being a bit naive applying to this guy!
30 Jul 2013   #10
The woman likes him and he likes her, but I don't think that is right for him

Surely if they both like each other, that is their business not yours, irrespective of age.
He's old enough to make his own mind up.
sashman  1 | 14
30 Jul 2013   #11
I have to admit, what I wrote was a bit Troll like, I was after a reaction.

And when I used the word disgusting, I meant in a cringe worthy way, as opposed to a socially unacceptable way.

But you have to admit it's an interesting topic.

I mean a 30 year old man dating a 52yr old woman didn't elicit any response at all.

But I say that me, as a 37yr old man, dating teenage girls(18 and 19) and I am called "Disgusting" and accused of "Preying"

First of all these are "women" who are are sexually matured and legal, and they have everything in the right place, so I would be interested to hear why someone would find that disgusting.

@bostonbill. Not so IMO in Poland and Eastern European as a whole, the women tend to age very badly. The reasons for this are unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise. Western women age a lot better
kaz200972  2 | 229
30 Jul 2013   #12
Many 18/19 year old girls may be physically mature (just) and may be able to bear a child but that does not mean that they have the emotional maturity to handle sex or to have any kind of equal relationship with a man 19/20 years older than her. The average 18 year old has very little experience of life and often has had no time to fully formulate her opinions about various subjects or her values and principles, consequently she is much more open to exploitation and 'moulding'.

A man who is considerably older could easily manipulate both the girl and the relationship to his advantage. How can you debate or discuss the world when someone has the upper hand in experience and learning opportunities. I'm not against age gaps per se because by the time people reach their late 20's they have usually gained enough experience and education for the gap to be less of a drawback. It's the ability to exploit that is disgusting.

As for your 'cringing' about the woman being 52, she could be stunningly beautiful, you can't always say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I have always thought that white men age appallingly badly, at 18 the thought of a 37 year old white man would have made me heave but if my mates had gone after one my objections to the relationship would not have been based on my idea of physical beauty but on the fact that the guy was in a position to exploit because physical attraction is subjective.

What exactly do YOU get out of a relationship with an 18 year old other than sex?
Can't you see that an older woman e.g 30 would have so much more to offer and still be beautiful.
sashman  1 | 14
31 Jul 2013   #13
So you are saying that 18 or 19 year old girls are not emotionally mature enough to have sex?, in which case what would you make the age of consent in a country like Poland for example?, 21? 25?!

I agree with regard to having relationships with girls that young, I don't want to feel like i'm a surrogate father to these girls. So yes, to answer your questions it is mostly a physical thing, but I also get mental stimulation from them.

Ok I live in Kiev, and in Ukraine the men age very badly indeed, mostly due to a poor diet and alcoholism. The life expectancy for men is only 60yrs old. Also the Ukrainian men are not knows for their looks, I have never seen such a difference between the men and women in any country

So I turn up, a guy who is often told I look 25 instead of 37, a professional model, and I get stared at all day. There is no "Preying", the average girl here has been sexually active since they were 13 or 14 years old. Even if you do feel sometimes like your preying, often it's the other way and the women are doing the preying and you just don't realise it. Sometimes I am hounded for sex from these girls, i'm getting to the age where I can't keep up!

Seems to be a lot of talk of "preying" and "manipulation"

If i'm immoral, then so are all men, if a man get's hit on by an 18yr old model, then no man in their right mind would so say no.

The youngest girl I would have a relationship with would be about 23, the oldest probably 30.

Unfortunately there are a lot of good, professional women, in their 30's and 40's in Poland, Ukraine etc who are on the scrapheap. In this country even if you are 50 years old, you can get a beautiful 21yr old wife(providing you have some cash of course). Ok he might not be able to talk politics with the girl, but screw that he can talk to his mates about politics :)

P.S. I am often curious about young girls and why they want to be with me, when I ask them it's always "I like being with you, I can't talk to Ukrainian guys about anything, art, politics, current affairs etc"
beckski  12 | 1609
31 Jul 2013   #14
I know a Polish couple, the husband is currently 39 and the wife is 50. They seem to be very happy together. They're been married over 10 years.
realist1978  - | 1
19 Sep 2015   #15
Of course it's okay. It's got nothing to do with anyone else and is entirely up to the couple, and them alone!!
Ella30  - | 11
1 Feb 2018   #16
As you've said, you wouldn't want to stop a relationship that has a good chance at being successful. I think you should give them the benefit of the doubt and not interfere too much in their relationship.
15 May 2020   #17
I think age is fine as a 47 year old I work out 6 days a week and often am told I look 35 36..I am not settling down ever again so dating 25 to 35 for me is fine. I would venture to 22 but that would be it for me. I am interested in moving to Poland so am looking..I am happily divorced..will never marry again

I find very few woman my age work for my taste. Odd I guess. But I feel young so why not date young.
16 May 2020   #18
I'd say you should leave him alone and let him do what he wants. Try being a 27 year old man sometime lol. Women don't exactly come along very often and he may be happy, even if only for a short while. Why do some people think they can 'influence' family members even in adulthood? Jesus.
pawian  226 | 27520
3 Jul 2020   #19
But I feel young so why not date young.

Of course. A lot of younger males dream about such relationships.

Home / Love / Age difference in Dating a Polish - Is it ok for Man 27years to date Polish Lady 39years?
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