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20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy!

A J  4 | 1075
2 Dec 2010   #151
Was that just one of your rants that I should have ignored and now that I commented on it you take it the wrong way and are all up your arse about it?

No, it was an honest summary of the situation, and a pretty clear expression of my opinion and hopes for the future in Europe. And questions (read: insinuations.) such as ''what are you doing about it yourself?'' have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that hundreds of thousands of working-class guys are currently in that situation. Me? I'm almost where I want to be, just a matter of months.

Now, am I ridiculing you whenever you have some serious problems to deal with? I don't think so Jack. So I'd appreciate it if you could just focus on what I've said if you feel the need to reply, instead of trying to insinuate that I'm somehow not doing enough with smartass questions like that, thank you very much. (Seriously, why make everything personal all the time?)

ok so I ask you what job have you been working in Poland? could you tell us please?

No, he can't, because he's obviously never been in a situation where he had to struggle for something as simple as the basic cost of living, because if he knew what it was like to be in that kind of situation, then he wouldn't have made such a simple and ignorant comment about it.

so GFY all you losers living with parents.

I live on my own, but that doesn't stop me from speaking up for people you're ridiculing here in this thread. Your comments? I usually read such replies from people who were lucky with their parents, and never really had to struggle too hard for anything, despite the fact they think that's the case. Ever watched undercover millionaires? Even men and women who are a million times more succesful than you obviously are, acknowledge they wouldn't have gotten where they are today if they grew up in such a mess! So I wonder who's the momma's boy here? Easy talking dude, easy talking..


I’m a douchebag,

It's good to know you haven't lost touch with reality completely though!

SeanBM  34 | 5781
2 Dec 2010   #152
Now, am I ridiculing you whenever you have some serious problems to deal with? I don't think so Jack.

Get a grip you paranoid fool.
I asked you a question, if you don't want to answer it, fine but don't go all arsy.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
3 Dec 2010   #153
20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy!

I wonder how many live with Dracula?

A J  4 | 1075
3 Dec 2010   #154
Get a grip you paranoid fool.

You were insinuating just that with your question, wether you realise it or not. What else does that question insinuate then, according to you? Because you already knew the answer to that question.

I asked you a question, if you don't want to answer it, fine but don't go all arsy.

I've already answered that question a couple of times, so you know exactly what I'm doing about that. (So why ask?) Just admit it, you just read something else in my post, and you firmly disagreed, and went into attack-mode again. (No biggie!)

SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Dec 2010   #155
You were insinuating just that with your question, wether you realise it or not. What else does that question insinuate then, according to you? Because you already knew the answer to that question.

I was not insinuating anything I asked a very direct question.
and how the heck would I know the answer? I don't obviously, I don't know why you have a bee up your arse.

I've already answered that question a couple of times, so you know exactly what I'm doing about that. (So why ask?) Just admit it, you just

I have no idea what you are talking about.
Attack mode? I obviously hit a nerve, I didn't mean to but that's life.
Nathan  18 | 1349
3 Dec 2010   #156
sometimes i think it will be possible when both, women and men will deliver babies....

You and your babies. Because of being reproductively designed to carry babies, you find that men have an advantage? Who is freaking out when there is no baby in a family? Men or women? Who usually wins in the courts due to the child-bearing capabilities when child's custody is disputed? Just being pregnant doesn't make you queens. Don't try to make women disabled to be on par with men. Able to open the mouths - able to go out and work on your own. Are there 20% of adult women who are single and live with Mummy? No, there are at least 80% of them, because women can bear babies. This is why they are an exception and are queens.
A J  4 | 1075
3 Dec 2010   #157
I was not insinuating anything I asked a very direct question.

I'm studying Sean. (I'm 100% sure I've told you that before.)

and how the heck would I know the answer?

Alzheimer much?

I don't obviously, I don't know why you have a bee up your arse.

Hey, you're the one who's still replying with personal stuff, instead of discussing the topic at hand. (And I'm not sorry to respond in the same manner!) So, to reverse your question: What are *you* doing about it?

SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Dec 2010   #158

What are you talking about? You have never confided in me, I know little to nothing about you.
I simply don't know.
I do however see you pointing fingers, saying "they" should do that or this, so I asked you what are you doing about it? which you translated to me knowing everything about you and attacking you, well I am not.

You're the one who's still replying.

Because you misunderstood me

I'm studying Sean. (I'm 100% sure I've told you that before.)

100% never heard that before.

Hey, you're the one who's still replying with personal stuff, instead of discussing the topic at hand. (And I'm not sorry to respond in the same manner!) So, to reverse your question: What are *you* doing about it?

Now you are talking rubbish, I am not the one pointing fingers, I am not the one complaining, you are.
But even still I will answer you, I employ people here.

Out of curiosity, what are you studying?
A J  4 | 1075
3 Dec 2010   #159
I simply don't know.

Well, now you do. (Happy now?) Can we now discuss the reason as to why so many adults are still single and jobless without blaming everything on them? (Other people also play a role in that, and wether we like it or not they are also responsible for that!) You know, in an honest, mature and sensible way? With facts and arguments? Without going personal? Thank you!


Now you are talking rubbish, I am not the one pointing fingers, I am not the one complaining, you are.

Because Sean? Because someone else points the finger at the younger generation! And no Sean, it's not the younger generation who caused this financial crisis! It's just a fact Sean, and pointing out a fact is something else than pointing a finger.

But even still I will answer you, I employ people here.

That's pretty vague. What? You own a restaurant? A shop? A bar? A brothel? Or do you work for the Gestapo?


Out of curiosity, what are you studying?

I'm doing VWO, which is the Dutch equivalent for a pre-university education, which will allow me to study Psychology later on. (In 2012.)

SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Dec 2010   #160
Can we now discuss the reason as to why so many adults are still single and jobless without blaming everything on them?

You seem to be thinking that I said that adults who are single and jobless is because of their own fault.
I never said that but you are saying it is not that, I find it strange.
I have been unemployed before, not because of my own fault but due to circumstances.

Without going personal?

I don't know where you are pulling the personal stuff from, I hit a nerve, I didn't mean to, you took it personally but that was not the way it was intended and if you read back through this, you will see what I mean.

Because someone else points the finger at the younger generation!

Not me.

it's not the younger generation who caused this financial crisis!

So you choose to blame employers, is it their fault then?

pointing out a fact is something else than pointing a finger.

You were pointing fingers.

That's pretty vague.

It's enough for our discussion.

I'm doing VWO, which is the Dutch equivalent for a pre-university education, which will allow me to study Psychology later on. (In 2012.)

Good for you.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Dec 2010   #161

You're a nice kid and I'm sure that living with parents ain't so bad.

I prize my independence more than anything, lazy and over educated kids that pretend it's impossible to move out **** me off.

Struggle? If you think that moving out of your parent's house and getting your own place is a struggle than you haven't experienced the real life yet.

I know what the situation is over there.

Fresh married couples having kids and living in an M3 with their parents.

Pathetic x 3, having kids when you have no place to live, sucking your spouse into a family hell and living with your parents.

I would rather smuggle alcohol through the Tatra Mountains for the rest of my life then live with my wife in my parent's home.
A J  4 | 1075
3 Dec 2010   #162
You seem to be thinking that I said that adults who are single and jobless is because of their own fault.

Just read the thread Sean, because it's not all about you.

I have been unemployed before, not because of my own fault but due to circumstances.

Well, half the younger generation is unemployed now, because certain politicians wanted mass-labour-immigration. (That's something else!) Honestly, you can't expect a guy or a girl who has lower education to be able to study like 1-2-3, because he or she will need a simple rinky-dinky job first to finance their education or evening school, in order to gain a few qualifications in order to be able to study. (Or go to college!) You can't expect a guy or a girl to compete with 3 € wages either, because you're obviously going to be better off on benefits. Guess what? Jobs aren't there because of labour migrants who are much cheaper than you, so unless you're qualified, you're not getting anywhere without help. If they have a simple job somewhere, then it usually pays you barely enough to pay your rent with, (If you they don't kick you out after a few weeks because you're ''too expensive'' or ''too old'' that is!) because the rents and the basic cost of living have increased disproportionately compared to how much (Or should I say how much it didn't?) minimum wage has increased in the last three decades. (It decreased, actually!)

All these people here with their advice? Or that famous ''I've been this too, and I've been that too!'' line? Seriously, I really want to see them try to find a job here, without their college or university degrees. I want to see how they're going to finance a study without additional funding from family members. I really do!

I don't know where you are pulling the personal stuff from, I hit a nerve, I didn't mean to, you took it personally but that was not the way it was intended and if you read back through this, you will see what I mean.

I hope you will see your reactions can come across as, or are highly unfair sometimes.

I am not the one complaining, you are.

Like this comment. See, I'm not complaining for myself, or about my own situation here. I'm not wallowing in self-pity either, because I'm merely responding to what I view as complete ignorance.

No need to take that personal either. (I just really think such comments are short-sighted, and display a lack of insight in the situation!) Just stop and think for a moment before you decide to make fun of people who are forced to live with their parents. It could happen to your own son or daughter tomorrow, even to you! And then what? You're going to tell them or yourself to ''GFY'' aswell? What if they have concentration problems? What if they really can't study? What if they will have to compete with 3 € salaries tomorrow? What if there's no job for them because the Chinese are so much better? *cough* Will you have the balls to call yourself a loser, or would you call your own children losers? Big man!

f stop  24 | 2493
3 Dec 2010   #163
on a flip side, here are some statistics about older people living with their children. Something to aspire to, IMHO.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Dec 2010   #164
Just read


I'm in my early 30's, a Polish immigrant, I used to smuggle vodka via tatra mountains as a kid lol.

I think that qualifies me for

the younger generation

title. I finished 2 years of Technikum Mechaniczne in Poland before i left.

since then

i moved out of my parents house, paid for college with my own money (Pennsylvania university ain't cheap), got married, I own my house now, and am making 6 figures a year, legally btw, while my Polish family insisted the whole time that I'm nutz and wouldn't "make it."

I believe the new generation needs to wake up, stop listing to their parentsand understand that whining and blaming everyone and everything around them is not going to help. Get to work, think outside the box, stop being envious, stay out of trouble, and you'll get there too.
trener zolwia  1 | 939
3 Dec 2010   #165
older people living with their children. Something to aspire to, IMHO.

Indeed. We should take care of family just as they took care of us.

understand that whining and blaming everyone and everything around them is not going to help. Get to work, think outside the box, stop being envious, stay out of trouble, and you'll get there too.

This isn't very Liberal at all. :)
Havok  10 | 902
3 Dec 2010   #166
of family just as they took care of us

my family is going to rot in a retirement home. Except my mom i guess. I owe her my life.

This isn't very Liberal at all. :)

fuckit, it works.
f stop  24 | 2493
3 Dec 2010   #167
my family is going to rot in a retirement home

Then that will most probably be your future, too.
A J  4 | 1075
3 Dec 2010   #169
So you choose to blame employers, is it their fault then?

If they make profits, but still hire someone who works for less than minimum wage, then yes I blame them. Not only are such employers putting their own country out of business, all the people who become jobless because of that will obviously spend much less in every local store, pub or whatever facilities our society has to offer, which in turn, affects the shop-owners and the self-employed, who in turn will have to fire more of their personel, for whom we all have to pay more taxes because they become jobless. It's a viscious circle.

It's also nonsense to claim that they can't help themselves because they have to compete with countries like China, because you can't ever hope to compete with slave labour, unless you want to ruin this whole continent. Oh, and another funny detail: Working-class salaries have to compete with the salaries in China, but higher qualified people all of a sudden don't have to compare themselves to whoever is cheaper out there? (Does anyone smell a rat here? I do!!) Everybody knows they're playing all sort of games with their currency aswell, but some countries wouldn't dare to complain about that dirty little detail, since they're heavily indebted to China. Anyway, don't listen to me, because I know nothing and I'm extremely stupid.


I prize my independence more than anything, lazy and over educated kids that pretend it's impossible to move out **** me off.

I'm sure you'll be able to agree with me that you'll have to be able to start somewhere on that ladder - no matter how low - to gain that independence? What p¡sses me off about this thread is that most of those guys and girls you're talking about aren't lazy, aren't well-educated, and don't have parents who can afford to finance their education. Do you honestly think a single mother on benefits can afford to send her children to college? Poverty breeds poverty, and in our current economic climate - unless there's going to be a window of opportunity for them - I doubt that there's much they can do to get out of this downwards spiral. Some might be creative, strong-willed and resourceful enough to make it, but of course most won't.

Havok  10 | 902
3 Dec 2010   #170
Then that will most probably be your future, too.

well, i save up for my retirement. I can retire at 55 and live till 90 golfing and having someone else near by to wipe my arse when i sh!t myself.

Poverty breeds poverty

my parents were poor as dirt, why do you think i smuggled vodka across the mountains? Because I enjoyed the views?
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270
3 Dec 2010   #171
The problem with the way of thinking that there is no other way than relying on family is the immediate conclusion that it's your family's obligation to help, rather than an option to do so. I guess the biggest thought leap is to realize that you're ultimately responsible for yourself, that there is nobody going to be there to bail you out when you f*ck up, make a bad decision, or not plan for the unexpected.

As for elderly people living with their children, I don't think it's comfortable for anyone, I think the older people would be much happier on their own with some type of domestic help and the children would feel less burdened, too.

Again, back to relying on yourself, I fully expect to be old and incapacitated one day, but I would NEVER expect that it's going to be my children's obligation to take care of me. I'm planning to retire independently, and not be a burden. There is nothing unexpected about getting old. If you can't plan for it, you're an idiot.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Dec 2010   #172

hey , it's my thread! Don't you have some yard work to do, or dishes or something? WTF?
A J  4 | 1075
3 Dec 2010   #173
I believe the new generation needs to wake up, stop listing to their parents and understand that whining and blaming everyone and everything around them is not going to help.

I'm pretty damn sure I'm not listening to my parents, just like I'm not listening to you.

Get to work, think outside the box, stop being envious, stay out of trouble, and you'll get there too.

You come here, and tell these guys and girls where to get to work, okay? (I'm sorry, but I really think I will have to study for another five years!)


title. I finished 2 years of Technikum Mechaniczne in Poland before i left.

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but my whole point is that some people can't even start with Technikum Mechaniczne, simply because they don't have the money for it, not even if they work for minimum wage somewhere! (Capiche?)

my parents were poor as dirt, why do you think i smuggled vodka across the mountains? Because I enjoyed the views?

Is this an argument? (So you're telling me I should do illegal shít, and should start blowing people's brains out and rob them?)


But on a more positive sidenote: I think many of these young adults who are currently jobless or earning too little to think about education, will stand more of a chance once the baby-boom generation starts to retire, because I think many employers will wish there would be more young people out there to fill the vacancies. (I think allowing them to follow internal courses in a company or factory will be one of the solutions.)

ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270
3 Dec 2010   #174
Do you honestly think a single mother on benefits can afford to send her children to college?

This is an overdramatized example, but once you get over the emotion in the statement, it's simple, again, it's not the mother's responsibility to put her kids through college. It's an option. There are ways of financing your own education. Besides, honestly, if you can't support yourself and have to live on welfare, you shouldn't have kids.

in our current economic climate

how do you think it happens in other countries? do you think you can get a good job right after high school in the US? you need to be resourceful about finding a job, going to school and everything else in life.

Some might be creative, strong-willed and resourceful enough to make it, but of course most won't.

so what's your solution? give up? hit mommy and daddy for cash? or the government? yes, the creative and strong-willed and resourceful get ahead. everyone else works minimum wage jobs.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Dec 2010   #175
I'm pretty damn sure I'm not listening to my parents, just like I'm not listening to you.

i'm telling you about my experiences, take it or leave it, don't care really.

You come here, and tell me where to get to work, okay? (I'm sorry, but I really think I will have to study for another five years!)


college kids without significant experience have no value. I could hire you if you had experience and the know how.

Technikum Mechaniczne,

In Poland it was for free.

Is this an argument? (So you're telling me I should do illegal shít, and should start blowing people's brains out and rob them?)


i didn't do anything illegal. I worked hard. If you got caught on the border in Poland with vodka, the border police would just beat your as$ with a nightstick take your vodka, probably drink it and let you go in the morning. Speaking from experience here.
f stop  24 | 2493
3 Dec 2010   #176
well, i save up for my retirement

this is not necessarily all about money. It's more about families caring about each other, or at the very least, being able to get along. Obviously you don't care about yours, so that's what your kids are going to learn. Nothing's more pathetic than a rich old man that no one wants to be around.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Dec 2010   #177
caring about each other

my family didn't care much for me. I know, it's a shame, i can't relate, sorry. lot's of kids in my family, my siblings ain't even polish, they think i was adopted. fvck'em

well ok, i would help my siblings in need.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270
3 Dec 2010   #178
Nothing's more pathetic than a rich old man that no one wants to be around.

lol, no, nothing's more pathetic than a poor old man who expects his kids to wipe his a$s
trener zolwia  1 | 939
3 Dec 2010   #179
It's an option. There are ways of financing your own education.

There is plenty of government assistance for losers nowadays that nobody has an excuse. Poor folks just about get free schooling these days.

if you can't support yourself and have to live on welfare, you shouldn't have kids.

Right on. This needs to be law.
A J  4 | 1075
3 Dec 2010   #180
This is an overdramatized example, but once you get over the emotion in the statement, it's simple, again, it's not the mother's responsibility to put her kids through college.

Overdramatized? We have food-banks here, for people who live on benefits, because they can't afford to buy food for most days of the week! How the hell do you think they'll be able to give their kids a future? In your world people don't have responsibilities. In your world it's the child's fault it's born. In your world, a thirteen year old, with no legal responsibilities, is responsible for his or her own education, right? (I think you need to get your head examined, really!)

It's an option. There are ways of financing your own education. Besides, honestly, if you can't support yourself and have to live on welfare, you shouldn't have kids.

Ever heard of widows? Divorce? In your world, situations don't change, right? You're prepared for the unexpected. (I forgot, you're all-knowing, my bad!) Just like people were expecting that airplane in the twin towers when they were working. Just like people know they will get an accident tomorrow, which will render them jobless for the rest of their lives. Just like some people are expecting to get fired tomorrow. Or like how someone expects to end up in a wheelchair because he was expecting an armed burglar in his home who shot him! Yeah. Be prepared.

how do you think it happens in other countries?

Basically the same.

do you think you can get a good job right after high school in the US?

No, but you should be able to find atleast a few jobs, instead of having to look at illegal Mexicans who work for a few nickles.

you need to be resourceful about finding a job, going to school and everything else in life.

Like I've said. I'm retarded. I don't understand this.


so what's your solution? give up? hit mommy and daddy for cash? or the government? yes, the creative and strong-willed and resourceful get ahead. everyone else works minimum wage jobs.

No, less and less people succeed at finding a manufacturing job, or a minimum wage job, but I guess you and your conservative buddies can whine some more about having to pay taxes for all those damn ''slackers''. You're so poor. You're having such a hard time with your, and I quote someone else here; Six figures. (Six figures and still wasting your time on this forum? I don't think so buddy!)


college kids without significant experience have no value.

Did you have experience when you left college? (Only a little, just like every other college kid!) How will college kids ever gain experience if they, and I quote, have no value?

I could hire you if you had experience and the know how.

It doesn't work like that in most companies. People want to see qualifications.

In Poland it was for free.

Consider yourself lucky then, instead of behaving as if you're better than someone else who simply can't afford it.


Home / Love / 20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy!

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