The operative word in my post is "was" the norm
But it
wasn't the norm in the past either! LOL
Where did you get such a bizzare idea??
in order to survive daily life during the Communist Era, it most certainly included being able to bribe the local officials....
No, Lyzko, you didn't need to bribe local officials in order to "survive" in PRL lol
There was only one time when my mother had no other choice but to bribe a doctor when on holiday at the seaside during commie times - my brother got sick stomach and high fever and he needed something for the fever since he was a little kid still, and the scene looked like this:
Doctor: Hmm, what should I prescribe... What should we get for him... Hmm... Hmm...
It lasted a while, so my mother gave him money and "suddenly" he knew what to prescribe. My mother was really angry after that.
Such things weren't happening with our local doctors though, so that was an exception.
Regular people didn't have to bribe anyone in order to "survive". In theory they could bribe others to get something faster, to make their life easier, better, but that was usually it. You could bribe shop assistants so they would keep some hard to get produce for you, like meat, for example, but my parents never did that. My mother would simply stand in line, just like other people. You had to stand in line for food, furniture, etc. There were even so called "line committees" organised by ordinary people. Many people, just like my family, had also family in the countryside that would give them food from their farms - meat, veggies, etc.
You also had to wait for a flat, for getting a phone/phone number, etc.
That's how majority of people were "surviving" - standing in lines, waiting for stuff and getting food from family in the countryside. Women selling their bodies for whatever reason definitely
wasn't the norm - people were getting by without that.
So, you defenitely didn't have to sell your body in order to "survive" during communist times. The only time when it was somewhat more common was right after the war when Warsaw, for example, was in ruins. Women weren't "bribing officials" though - they were simply prostituting themselves for food, because they were starving. Such women were called "gruzinki", from the word "gruz" (rubble), because they were selling their bodies in the rubbles of destroyed Warsaw.
And, in my opinion, you will have the right to look down on those women only when your New York will be turned into rubble and you will have no food to eat :(