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Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees?

Novichok  4 | 8748
13 Jul 2023   #91
concerning Polish and other Eastern Europeans whom I've encountered,

How did you encounter prostitutes or promiscuous women in Poland?
I lived in Poland for 24 years, 6 as an adult, and didn't meet any. Were you commissioned to research this subject?
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Jul 2023   #92
simply because the facts are unpleasant!

your harping on about stereotypes that are decades old (and were not tru of the majority of women at any time).

It is true that the golddiggers and/or mail order brides were more likely to end up in the US so that might have colored your perception but those were never anything but a small minority of women and neither type really exists anymore.

Get up to date!
Lyzko  44 | 9745
13 Jul 2023   #93
Admittedly, Poles in Greenpoint or Russians in Brighton Beach are no longer representative en masse of the rest of their decent fellow countrymen.

However, there remains a strong Black Market element in their culture, evident every time a member of that community gets a job for which they are not qualified or appears to monopolize a once more varied industry.

Hard to admit that Poles are above reproach, but try to imagine someone teaching English at a language school who is barely qualified to teach that language. A non-Eastern European American English native speaker with TESOL degrees etc from an American university applies for the identical position but is turned down flat for no apparent reason given.

No Black Market influence there?? C'mon, people!
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Jul 2023   #94
is turned down flat for no apparent reason given.

so _that's_ what this is about!
Lyzko  44 | 9745
13 Jul 2023   #95
No, not quite Maf.
That's merely a side angle to the much larger question of the thread topic, namely, are or are Polish women NOT more promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees than other nationalities.

If someone, anyone for that matter, can substitute or at least maneuver sex into selling themselves for personal gain, this only reflects an endemic corruption and it's nothing to be proud of.
Alien  25 | 6353
14 Jul 2023   #96
Stop squirming like a squirrel, it's time for apologies and flowers.
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Jul 2023   #97
I don't disregard it
and blame the brave journalists who bring this to the public's attention or label them anti-Semites!

I don't claim that there are no gold-diggers and prostitutes, or those who go after Western men, among Polish and Eastern European women and I don't disregard the fact that in the past some Polish women were treating Western men as a ticket to the West, that they were ending up as prostitutes in the West and that they were victims of human trafficking (and probably some still do and are). And I realise that this is where the stereotype about Polish women came from, as I already stated in this comment earlier in the thread:

Nevertheless, it is a stereotype that has nothing to do with the majority of Polish women. I do wonder whether you understand that or not, Lyzko?

are or are Polish women NOT more promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees than other nationalities.

Well then...
Polish women in GENERAL are NOT more promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees than other nationalities (except for maybe Muslim women - no woman wants to get stoned to death or sth, after all).

endemic corruption

"Endemic corruption" is when corruption "is the norm and not the exception". I wouldn't say that corruption is somehow "the norm" in Poland. According to Wikipedia corruption in Poland is below the world average. Is corruption in Poland worse than in the US or the West in general? Yes, according to Corruption Perceptions Index it is. But there are also plenty of other countries where corruption is worse than in Poland, so I don't understand why you're obsessing so much about corruption among Poles of all people.

Also, the fact that there's more corruption in Poland than in the US, for example, doesn't mean it's connected to sex. Of course, I'm sure it happens too, but I am not aware of any data proving that it's more prevalent in Poland than, for example, in the US. I'm sure you realise that such stuff happens in the US too (Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein scandal, etc.).
Lyzko  44 | 9745
14 Jul 2023   #98
The operative word in my post is "was" the norm, but I trust, no longer is:-)

As I'm sure you're aware, in order to survive daily life during the Communist Era, it most certainly included being able to bribe the local what ever expedient necessary!
johnny reb  49 | 7974
14 Jul 2023   #99
I'm sure you're aware, in order to survive daily life during the Communist Era,

How degrading of you.
Maybe she baked your fantasy Commie guy a pie instead.
You don't know because you weren't there so to project your sexual fantasies is most degrading to Polish women.
Knock it off.
Paulina  17 | 4465
15 Jul 2023   #100
The operative word in my post is "was" the norm

But it wasn't the norm in the past either! LOL
Where did you get such a bizzare idea??

in order to survive daily life during the Communist Era, it most certainly included being able to bribe the local officials....

No, Lyzko, you didn't need to bribe local officials in order to "survive" in PRL lol

There was only one time when my mother had no other choice but to bribe a doctor when on holiday at the seaside during commie times - my brother got sick stomach and high fever and he needed something for the fever since he was a little kid still, and the scene looked like this:

Doctor: Hmm, what should I prescribe... What should we get for him... Hmm... Hmm...

It lasted a while, so my mother gave him money and "suddenly" he knew what to prescribe. My mother was really angry after that.

Such things weren't happening with our local doctors though, so that was an exception.

Regular people didn't have to bribe anyone in order to "survive". In theory they could bribe others to get something faster, to make their life easier, better, but that was usually it. You could bribe shop assistants so they would keep some hard to get produce for you, like meat, for example, but my parents never did that. My mother would simply stand in line, just like other people. You had to stand in line for food, furniture, etc. There were even so called "line committees" organised by ordinary people. Many people, just like my family, had also family in the countryside that would give them food from their farms - meat, veggies, etc.

You also had to wait for a flat, for getting a phone/phone number, etc.

That's how majority of people were "surviving" - standing in lines, waiting for stuff and getting food from family in the countryside. Women selling their bodies for whatever reason definitely wasn't the norm - people were getting by without that.

So, you defenitely didn't have to sell your body in order to "survive" during communist times. The only time when it was somewhat more common was right after the war when Warsaw, for example, was in ruins. Women weren't "bribing officials" though - they were simply prostituting themselves for food, because they were starving. Such women were called "gruzinki", from the word "gruz" (rubble), because they were selling their bodies in the rubbles of destroyed Warsaw.

And, in my opinion, you will have the right to look down on those women only when your New York will be turned into rubble and you will have no food to eat :(
15 Jul 2023   #101
Then you should feel sorry for all the women in Russia, a lot of women are forced to become harlots or worse caused by men abusing their positions in desired areas (schools, ballet positions etc)

Problem is that they are or become mother of orcs
Paulina  17 | 4465
15 Jul 2023   #102
Then you should feel sorry for all the women in Russia

Is that you Kashub1410?

Sorry, but I don't understand your point. I was talking about starving women prostituting themselves for food in destroyed Warsaw after World War II. You can't compare this to the situation in today's RuSSia, which is, according to Putinists, the land of milk and honey lol 🙄

a lot of women are forced to become harlots or worse caused by men abusing their positions in desired areas (schools, ballet positions etc)

Well, first of all - how do you know that "a lot"?
And secondly - they're not exactly "forced", are they? - you don't have to become a prima ballerina in order to not starve to death. It is sad and unfortunate though if the society creates such bad conditions for development of young women, obviously.

I'd agree that women in the RuSSian army are actually forced though - that is some scary sh1t.
Alien  25 | 6353
15 Jul 2023   #103
women in Russia

I'm afraid that just like some poster on this thread have no idea about Polish women, we also have no idea about russian women.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
15 Jul 2023   #104
As a member of the affected nationality in question, I/we realize how hard it must be to hear and to accept the "inconvenient truth".

I too would like to believe that those Brooklyn slum lords are of any other background than Jewish. However ugly the facts, they must be faced straight on, and you simply wish nothing more than to make me look bad instead of accepting what sadly was, and hopefully no longer needs to be as Poland becomes ever more a free enterprise society.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
15 Jul 2023   #105
As a member of the affected nationality in question,

Since when did you become Polish ? :-/
First you pretended to be a Jew, then a German and now Polish.
Oh ja ja.

I/we realize how hard it must be to hear and to accept the "inconvenient truth".

What truth, your fantasy sexual projections might be true of the 1%.

I too would like to believe that those Brooklyn slum lords

How did you go from degrading Polish women to Brooklyn slum lords ?

(you simply wish nothing more than to make me look bad instead of accepting what sadly was, and hopefully
no longer needs to be as Poland becomes ever more a free enterprise society.)

You made yourself look bad by degrading Polish women with your sexual fantasy sensationalism that all Polish women hoard themselves because Poland was a poor country during the war.

I think you may be watching to many old war movies and reading to many fictional novels of the war that were made for cheap entertainment.

You weren't there to make such remarks, Mark., nor can you substantiate them as being credible.
Now knock it off
johnny reb  49 | 7974
15 Jul 2023   #106
I'm on trying to get you to understand that Polish women are no different than any other Western woman.
You keep referring to a very very small percentage of Polish women to sensationalize the vast majority of them which is simply not true.
You are now claiming to be Polish which is not true.
That is what pray I am on.

I'd like to get high too

We know, wine is the devils choice for you and a little smoke now and then so you can fantasize.
We have already established that years ago.
ie: how you have lived in Poland, how you speak Polish fluently, how you are a jew, how you are a college professor, how you are a linguistic, how you bought a $350 k condo for cash on the barrel head, how you have had romantic encounters with countless Polish and European women, and ect.

How did you encounter prostitutes or promiscuous women in Poland?

I find it very hard for that to have ever happened as he was only in Poland for ten days as an adolescent.
Your hallucinations will be overlooked but please quit degrading the Polish women here.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
16 Jul 2023   #107
Once more, Johnny, you ought to learn how to read English and kindly quit playing the Devil's Advocate so clumsily!

I've never claimed to be a Pole, rather, was simply COMPARING how it would be if I generalized regarding fellow Jews, many of whom are in fact slumlords in Brooklyn, transferring the same fallacy or generalization concerning ALL Polish women as prostitutes during the Communist Era.

Obviously, both statements would be deemed stereotypes and neither would be valid.

Understood this time? Plainer I can't make it for you unless I drew a bloody diagram.
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2023   #108
Men are often not that choosy.

A nasty Polish saying which I heard from my student mate at the uni decades ago goes: każdy potwór, byle otwór. Any monster with a hole. :):):)
Alien  25 | 6353
22 Jul 2023   #109
każdy potwór, byle otwór.

I know another version "każda potwora znajdzie swojego adoratora".
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2023   #110

Amatora. :):)
22 Jul 2023   #111
Any monster with a hole. :):):)

Or anything with a pulse :):)
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2023   #112

No, a male doesn`t need a pulse. He needs a hole. A pulse is good for females, though, to come.
Paulina  17 | 4465
23 Jul 2023   #113
However ugly the facts, they must be faced straight on

What "facts"? You haven't provided any evidence and even links to back up your claims. Especially considering the reality in communist Poland - you clearly have no clue about it, while I grew up among people who were born and raised in PRL and there are articles, books and films about those times.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Jul 2023   #114
@Paulina, refusal to acknowledge the unpleasant reality of the Communist past is no logical reason to accuse me of posting anything other than the truth as I see it.

You simply refuse to concede that just possibly, I might be right. You weren't even an adult then, perhaps not even born. Neither was I. All we know is what we read in the papyrus (LOL) and I can certainly read as well as you can!
Paulina  17 | 4465
23 Jul 2023   #115
refusal to acknowledge the unpleasant reality of the Communist past (...) truth as I see it.

Your fantasies are not "reality" nor the "truth" though lol

You simply refuse to concede that just possibly, I might be right.

I repeatedly asked you for your sources and where did you get your ideas from. Sorry, but your claims that some "Slavs" told you this or that doesn't cut it for me, especially in case of history of PRL and other communist countries, which is recorded well enough.

and I can certainly read as well as you can!

Then post some freaking sources already to back up your claims, instead of blabbing the same thing over and over again like a broken record, for God's sake! lol 🤦
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Jul 2023   #116
Apparently, you continue to deny the fact that what I've stated can be gleaned from conversations with any intelligent anti-Communist defector (man or woman) who managed to escape from that morass.

"Sources"???! Are you mad? Every time someone says something with which you steadfastly refuse to concede, you require documented proof? Rather reminds me of a recent debate I was having on another forum concerning the Nazi Era, during which discussion, the other person continued to pelt me with questions such as "Where did you get your information??" and "I've lived in Berlin all my life and I don't know any Willa Wannsee!" etc.

You're hitting the proverbial brick wall since you will not accept unpleasant reality, Paulina! There were decent, discreet Poles who survived the system and others who chose not to and left. There are plenty of good, truly spiritual American Jews and then there are the unassimilated Brooklyn Orthodox slum lords.

We're both cut from the same cloth....but not the same fabric:-)
Paulina  17 | 4465
23 Jul 2023   #117
conversations with any intelligent anti-Communist defector (man or woman) who managed to escape from that morass.

Prove it then.
If it was really SO COMMON for Polish women to prostitute themselves to "officials" or whatever in order to "survive" during communist times, as you claim, and that "any intelligent anti-Communist defector" could confirm that, then such phenomenon would surely be talked about in articles, books and documentaries about this period.

I can easily find you a Polish article about prostitution in Poland during communist times, so why do you have such a problem with posting sources to back up your claims?

You're hitting the proverbial brick wall since you will not accept unpleasant reality, Paulina!

What "reality"?? Your claims about the communist times in Poland have nothing to do with reality! Were there prostitutes in Poland during communist times? Of course there were! Was it common for Polish women to prostitute themselves during communist times? Of course not! lol 🤦

Lyzko, I see we're going in circles here, so I'm going to ask you some simple questions:

1. How many "anti-Communist defectors (man or woman)" from Poland have you met in your life?

2. Did those defectors (and how many of them) claim that Polish women had to prostitute themselves in order to survive during communist times in Poland?

3. How common was it for Polish women to prostitute themselves during communist times according to those "defectors"? How many Polish women did that? 90%? 70%? 50%? 20%? 10%? 5%?

4. Did they give you any examples? Some real life stories? What were those?

"Sources"???! Are you mad?

No, I'm not "mad" lol Are serious?? Asking for sources is more than reasonable, nothing "mad" about it :) I don't believe every bullsh1t comment some random person writes on the internet, especially considering that, unlike you, I grew up in Poland and so chances are pretty high that I know better than you.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
24 Jul 2023   #118
Paulina, it seems that the current exchange is as much about you as it is about me. If I'd posted matters with which you agree or in which you could see some merit, sources would be superfluous now, wouldn't they.

But since you refuse to accept the validity of my conversations, in essence saying I'm lying, you feel the need to require sources to back up what was common knowledge, knowledge not from books, documentaries or the like, but from daily experience of those who lived through Communism.

Again, I draw your attention to my comments yesterday concerning a debate I had of late about the Holocaust on another forum with a poster who also persisted in exacting sources from me. Had I said that the Nazis were the saviors of this planet instead of the gravest, most putrid pestilence in the history of planet Earth (which of course, they were!), the poster in question wouldn't have badgered me for proof.

As I've posted statements with which you clearly take serious issue, you too are asking for sources. Were you in agreement with me, we wouldn't be having this frankly pointless exchange.

You seem to be using this thread to pursue your own agenda, instead of to accept the simple facts with which you might not have been familiar.
Lenka  5 | 3531
24 Jul 2023   #119
require sources to back up what was common knowledge,

A common knowledge that nobody beside you (including Poles and foreigners with much greater knowledge about Poland then you) heard about it?
Bobko  27 | 2130
24 Jul 2023   #120

For once I agree with you. Anecdotal claims, should not require "sources". In this sense Lyzko deserves as much latitude as others.

I don't think Paulina is saying you are lying, but merely that you are forming general opinions based on an infinitesimally small sample set of talking to "Polish dissidents".

Every "dissident" I met in my life in NY was a miserable excuse for a human being, consumed by hatred for their country of birth. It's not surprising that to them, all the women back home are wh0res.

Paulina asked you what do you think the percentage was, e.g. 90%, 50%, 5% etc. In truth, the true percentage of prostitutes amongst our female population was probably lower than 0.005%. Enough certainly for foreigners to notice, since one prostitute can serve many hundreds of men, but still a vanishingly small number of our women. Add to this that it was over a very short period of time, and then it ended. Naturally nobody is proud about this period of poverty. This is why what you are saying is so offensive.

It's like me telling you that from the observations of Nazi officers at Majdanek and Treblinka, Jewish women were more likely than others to offer sex in exchange for monetary gifts. True? Yes. Takes into account context? No.

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