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I am a native-born American of Polish heritage. I never learned to speak Polish, because as a child, my parents and my maternal/paternal grandparents always used the Polish language to talk about things when they didn't want me to be able to understand what they were talking about.
I will be visiting Europe for the first time in June of 2013... specifically in the Lviv Ukraine area. I have an approximately ten-year-old mailing address of a cousin and I an hoping to find it's location in Poland. The address is as follows:
Barbara Bieda 3 MAJA 44/8 Oesnica Slaska 56400 Poland
Can anyone explain or tell me the location of this cousins' address for me? Thank You for your time... Bernard Pokorski
You're more than welcome, apologies that the other URL was incorrect and this should now work,+Ole%C5%9Bnica,+Poland&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x470fe2e3e15b71b5:0xa2b47546c19dd3e5,3+Maja+44,+Ole%C5%9Bnica,+Poland&ei=fjf3UI_MCMTFswbgsID4Cw&ved=0CDUQ8gEwAA
I have an old Polish address from the mid-1970's. Could someone please help me understand what it means? The return address has the person's name on top, Then it says,
00-910, Warszawa 72. 6L. 18, m. 17 Poland I would like to also know the coordinates of this location so I can see it on Google maps. Thank you!!
Thank you so much kaprys and pawian for your suggestions. I would love to find an old friend, but I can't seem to locate him through Facebook or a Google search. are there any Polish search engines to locate people?
I have a street address in Poland that has the numbers, then Otfinow.Na 153, then woj Matopolska. I'm not sure if it is Na or No after Otfinow. Can you help?
Otfinow is clearly written so I think that is correct. I think you are correct with "Nr". I couldn't decipher that clearly but, now that I look at it again, it does appear to be "Nr". This has been a great help! Thank you for your quick response!
Hello. I was wondering if someone could help me understand this old mailing address. It was from the 1950's. I've been trying to figure out what each line means, as well as the abbreviations. Thank you in advance for your help.
Zglobice 210 p-ta Zbylitowska Gora pow. Tarnow woj. Krakow Polska
Zgłobice 210 is the reall address - there is no street because the said Zgłobice in most propably one street village (though quite long judging from the 210 house number)
p-ta Zbylitowska Góra is the direction to post office (Zgłobice didn't have one) powiat (county) Tarnów, voievodship Kraków
the address lacks a postal code - I'm not sure but probably back in the early 50's we didn't have any - nowadays you don't have to add county and voievodship just a postal code will do