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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Do you think that Polish people are rude?

8 Jun 2018   #931
Maybe some Polish are rude/reserved/standoffish.
I don't know, online I've read about Polish hospitability, but have never read anyone say the words Czech, Slovak or Russian in the same sentence with hospitability.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
8 Jun 2018   #932
What is "Polish hospitality"?

Why does everybody think that his country is exceptional?

Why does everybody think that his country is always exceptional in a good way?

Is this an obligatory part of patriotism or just a syndrome of a mental disorder instilled by rote?
johnny reb  49 | 7974
8 Jun 2018   #933
Poles are generally more human and civilized, despite the worse things they've been trough.

I have to agree.
When you go through an era never knowing who you can trust and who you can't it is only natural to be a bit standoffish for the mere sake of survival.

The Poles have gone through hell and back and have managed to endure by just minding their own business and keeping to themselves.
This gives them the image of being rude which goes away once they know they can trust you.
Can you blame them ?
That's how I see it anyways.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
8 Jun 2018   #934
Hospitality a mental disorder??

Sure you took your meds this morning, Rich?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
8 Jun 2018   #935
Hospitality a mental disorder??

Would you kindly point out where I wrote that hospitality is a mental disorder.

I will save you the effort. I didn't.

I wrote this:

Why does everybody think that his country is always exceptional in a good way?

Is this an obligatory part of patriotism or just a syndrome of a mental disorder instilled by rote?

Are we OK now?
Lyzko  44 | 9745
8 Jun 2018   #936
We certainly are not!

What do you mean exactly? That it's a mental disorder to try to be exceptional??
I'd think that's simply part of being human, to strive to be better, no?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
8 Jun 2018   #937
That it's a mental disorder to try to be exceptional??

Lack of reading comprehension is a mental disorder. Read 935 and find the word "try".

To eliminate any confusion, I even used a screaming bold type and it still didn't work.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
8 Jun 2018   #938
No, lack of reading comprehension is usually, at least often, the result of a poor educational grounding.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jun 2018   #939
Lack of reading comprehension is a mental disorder.

Then I am deranged, because as you may have noticed I am struggling to comprehend many of your arguments here, So do I get deported or shot according to to your book of rules.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
8 Jun 2018   #940
I am struggling

Nobody ever accused me of resorting to riddles so the problem is all yours. Sorry, but I can't help you.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jun 2018   #941
so the problem is all yours. Sorry, but I can't help you

No you are quite right, I am sure you can't help me.
8 Jun 2018   #942
Many Americans say the Polish stare at people. But Czechs and Slovaks generally avoid eye contact. I guess Poles are much more different than Czechs/Slovaks than people realize. And staring is the opposite of reserved, it shows curiosity.

And if Polish are reserved than Czechs and Slovaks have avoidant personality disorders, social anxiety or what not. Czech/Slovak people are very very standoffish, they look the other way. Poles and Ukrainians I've met have been warmer than all other Western and Eastern slavs, so they are an anomally in Central-Eastern/Northern Europe like the Irish. Usually the nice people in Europe are from Mediterranean climates and Balkans. But Poles and Ukrainians are nicest non-Balkan Slavs.
27 Jul 2018   #943
This is first time I have ever posted on such a forum. And I feel bad about what I am writing. Having lived in Hungary, Germany, Austria, and 12 months ago moved to Poland. I know we are all different and it is wrong to generalise but I have to say so far I've found the Polish so be not just rude. But almost proud of this unfriendliness. I once went to buy a white coffee and tried my best to order in Polish and asked how much it was. The man behind the counter with a smirk on his face said 'look it is on the board you can't read?'

People here 'generally look so miserable and hard done by, blame everything on someone else, the Germans, or the Russians is the usual mantra they moan about. Are obsessed with looking back to the past, and say 'Polish people are always sad because of our countries history'.... seriously???... get over it and move on!! They will try and rip you off in restaurant and the guys are all jealous if you earn more than them, or have a nice computer etc?

And as for gay people or black or asian!!!...I've heard people with Ph'd's and people who are really religious asking me. 'So did you move to Poland because you were afraid of Muslims? Did you ever see one of them? What are they like? It's so tedious and sad. People are always looking at others here and judging them on what they own, or rather on what they don't own but want to own. They go to church and are married with kids by the time they are 24. But still look miserable!!

Its sad because Poland is a beautiful country, and I've met some amazing people here but the place is spoiled....'by the Polish' I go to a multi lingual meeting and its like stepping into a different dimension. I left the UK sad about Brexit, and I was always sticking up for the Poles. However I'm not sure how long I can live here before I run out of ant depressants?
Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Jul 2018   #944
get over it and move on!!

What past? Dude Poles have a (PTSD) syndrome. Whatever else you complain about is a costumer services that admittedly are not that great. It improving thought.

As for the rest is you being in a foreign country. Adjust or die. It simple.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
27 Jul 2018   #945
Polish people don't necessarily"stare" at strangers any more or less than other relatively homogeneous societies, in which outsiders who appear "different" are often the subject of closer inspection! I'd go as far as to say that Poles may be the more discrete in that sense, compared with say, the small-town Germans whom I initially encountered.

Being tall, but at the time dark, curly-haired, brown-eyed and non-Nordic-looking, I received plenty more stares in Scandinavia than I ever did during my all too brief respite in Poland roughly a few years later:-) When I started to speak in the respective languages much less, that was it, it was too much for them up north to handleLOL
Sylvio  19 | 154
27 Jul 2018   #946
All these bad characteristics, although valid, are improving very fast. And I cant think of any country where culture is improving so fast, or even improving at all!. Yo me Poland rocks; We had to start somewhere. Its like a best friend who drinks too much. A cross-eyed pet dog. etc..Those who dont like it, can....look for Exit signs. ;)
Crow  154 | 9463
27 Jul 2018   #947
Not rude enough. Not enough.
6 Feb 2020   #948
I am Scottish and have a few Polish friends. They are not rude at all. Maybe Polish people think your all rude for writing this post. I can be rude if I'm in a rush depends what day you bang into me and if I'm going to work. Give the Poles a break
Lyzko  44 | 9745
6 Feb 2020   #949
aflyingdutchman  1 | 7
7 Feb 2020   #950
In a word, yes.

Sorry, I hit post to quickly. Many Poles are rude, and more and more are becoming more openly rude and hateful, in particular to foreigners, especially those of color or with a Middle Eastern look. Just as the lunatic in the White House has done in the USA, the current government here has made hate, racism, discrimination and bigotry the norm, and acceptable in Poland. So again, yes, many Poles can be rude!
Lenka  5 | 3531
7 Feb 2020   #951
Looks like someone has a bad day. My advice- take a walk and chill a little.

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