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Do you think that Polish people are rude?

Stosh  1 | 14
6 Apr 2011   #571
I am sure all Polish people are not rude, but it seems like a trait a majority find to be an attribrute. Why this is a mystery to me. In Poland this may be accepted as the norm, but in other countries you only reinforce the image of the "stupid pollock." I grew up with the stupid Pollock image and it wasn't fun. I do like a good Polish joke as long as it isn't meant to be an insult.

This past Christmas we thought we would take our little grandchildren to St. Hedwig's where I went to church with my grandparents. When we walked in people looked at us like we had just landed from another planet. No one came over to welcome us except for the priest. My grand daughter asked what language the priest was speaking and I heard a few rude remarks. How dare you act this way in the house of God. This goes beyond rude.

My wife worked with a Polish man. They were both directors for a large telecom company. He treated everyone with that rude attitude and acted like women were beneath him. He would proudly say that in Poland he was a "mover and shaker." After a year with the company they sent him out the door because of his attitude.

I have tried over the years to support the Polish community, but have gotten nowhere. They stay in there little ghetto and want no part of becoming part of the community. It is obvious that if you aren't from the old country they don't want to be bothered. This applies even to the struggling shop owners. Don't speak the language and they try to overcharge you. Funny part is they really think they are outsmarting you. Losing business is stupid.

Anyway, the question posed was are the Polish people seen as being rude to others. Sadly yes. If this is an image your proud of then do nothing to change it. This is one Polish American who would rather the Poles be known for something better than thinking rude is a good trait.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
6 Apr 2011   #572
This is one Polish American who would rather the Poles be known for something better than thinking rude is a good trait.

You mean "than thinking rudeness is a good trait".

Losing business is stupid.

Being true to oneself is more important than being a faux friendly fake for a few more coins. These Poles are above conforming to the inane "have a nice day" cultural paradigm, and you should be proud of them. Check yourself Stosh. Have you become a crypto-Calvinist? Maybe these Poles are rude to you because you are patronizing without any having any real merit and they see through you.
Stosh  1 | 14
6 Apr 2011   #573
Good morning Andzia,

I hope saying good morning is acceptable since we don't know each other. Just so you understand I do not hate the Polish people since my ancestors came from there. Actually I still have family in Warsaw and Kracow. What angers me is the way I am treated in the nearby Polish community when I go shopping there. Try to support them and they act like you have a disease. Not smart or good for businesss.

The Polish area of the nearby town is one of the poorest areas. Immigrants come there and don't want to become Americans. So why bother coming? I would not move to Poland if I didn't want to be a part of the community. The community cannot support the small businesses that start. When outsiders try to shop at their stores they won't even help them when they are asked questions. I have had shop owners not wait on me because I wasn't Polish. What point is that meant to prove except your stupid and rude?

The Poles here have the reputation of being rude, dishonest and worse. Sadly it is true. Bad enough they do this to non-Poles, but they do this to each other. They have nothing and take advantage of each other. It is well known to never hire a Polish contrator because they take great pride in taking advantage of you.

Anyway, my grandchildren will be taught their Polish acestory and we will keep the Polish customs I grew up with as a boy. Next Christmas I will take the grandchildren to the Irish Catholic church where they are more than happy to welcome anyone. At the moment I am making golabki & placki for dinner.

Hope you have a nice day,
andzia m
6 Apr 2011   #574
After a year with the company they sent him out the door because of his attitude.

That's good he got sacked.
Note that you can find such a$$holes everywhere not only in Poland.

No one came over to welcome us except for the priest.

That's cultural misunderstanding. In Poland no stranger says to another stranger "hello". Really.

My grand daughter asked what language the priest was speaking and I heard a few rude remarks. How dare you act this way in the house of God. This goes beyond rude.

Now they were rude in fact.

They stay in there little ghetto and want no part of becoming part of the community.

Out of curiosuty, what do you mean exactly?

If this is an image your proud of then do nothing to change it.

Certainly no one is proud of such image. I feel sorry that you have such bad experience with other Polish Americans.

Good morning Andzia,

In Poland good evening (I've just lit a lamp ;) Nice to hear from you Stosh :)

The Polish area of the nearby town is one of the poorest areas.

Yeah I heard that Jackowo in Chicago looks like Poland in the 80s... and nothing changes there ;)

So why bother coming?

They are just for few months until the visa expires. If you look on this forum you will meet many people who made their lifes in the USA and are pretty successful so it's not always like you says.

The Poles here have the reputation of being rude, dishonest and worse.

But my post was to show you that I also can easly generalize and say that Americans are arogant and rude as I fell victim of very disrespectful individuals. But I'm trying not to fall into that trap.

Nice day to you too :)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
6 Apr 2011   #575
As I said before on the first page in my first post here ...

I disagree, I DISAGREE that all Polish people are "not" polite ... I disagree with this lame stereotype ... imagination!
Stosh  1 | 14
6 Apr 2011   #576

If you would like to talk, tell me your e-mail. I would enjoy learning more about life in Poland.

YES, ALL POLISH PEOPLE ARE NOT RUDE! The ones that are though hurt the others. Now lets all hug and make nice. :-)

I will admit that the Poles I have met in Philadelphia have been very friendly. Great food, just too far to visit to shop. Maybe our local community are just grummpy? That's a joke. Of course living under communism would make me grummpy too.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
6 Apr 2011   #577
can you look into a history book and please educate yourself on exactly when communism was abolished in Poland and then try to work out how many years ago was it and how old were the people whom you assume to have lived under communism. it can really help you ditch another one of these stereotypes. plus, an increasing number of Polish people claim they were actually happier under communism because there was work for everybody, not like today. some people are just miserable asses and not even living in happy happy happy U S & A will change that. i work with an American woman and damn is she a miserable cow!
Stosh  1 | 14
6 Apr 2011   #578
I agree Americans have their share of miserable people.
z_darius  14 | 3960
7 Apr 2011   #579
Someone actually did some tests of politness and these are the rankings (best to worst), and UK is not loking as good as some of our UKanians would like to believe.

London and Paris came a disappointing joint 15th, beaten by such cities as Berlin, Warsaw, Madrid and Prague. New York came top in the survey, with a score of 80 per cent, compared with 57 per cent for London and Paris.
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Apr 2011   #580
New York is #1 in politeness? I find that hard to believe. For example, when on subway, it is not advisable to look strangers in the eye. People just do not look at each other. That's a bit skewed way of being polite.
z_darius  14 | 3960
8 Apr 2011   #581
That wasn't my experience.
I wonder which subway lines do you take?
rybnik  18 | 1444
8 Apr 2011   #583
Of course living under communism would make me grummpy too.

Pahleeze! While I was "in-country" during communism I thought the Poles were all taking politeness pills! Prosze this, prosze that. Pan/panie this. These folks were insane with politeness!
z_darius  14 | 3960
8 Apr 2011   #584

Yes, really.
I'd like to know which lines and which approximate areas you travel around NYC or the other boroughs, as my experience is completely different than yours.

New York is certainly a city deserves a high spot on that list, regardless of what you consider "advisable" when traveling on a subway.
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Apr 2011   #585
"Really??" <- I was just amused at the approach you chose to discuss courtesy.
z_darius  14 | 3960
8 Apr 2011   #586
glad it doesn't take much to amuse you.
As it turns out, it takes a whole lot more o make you happy, and I can't even clue in what could possibly make you behave politely and answer a question.
Stosh  1 | 14
8 Apr 2011   #587
NYC #1 for polite people? Who took this poll? I guess if you are mugged by someone who is polite that changes everthing. lol
z_darius  14 | 3960
8 Apr 2011   #588
read their methodology (link provided).
If you disagree with the methodology, come up with your own, visit all those cities, conduct the experiments and le us know how it went.

Looking forward to the results.
f stop  24 | 2493
8 Apr 2011   #589
and answer a question.

You really don't get it, do you? Obviously, your idea about what's rude is very different from mine. Your approach at conversation will only invite those that want to fight. Not me. Not today.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
8 Apr 2011   #590

Did they actually find an englishman in london though?
London is not the UK,its full of rude aggressive arse holes and wanna be compton gangstas...a sh!te hole in the bottom corner of a country.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
8 Apr 2011   #591
New York is #1 in politeness?

NYC #1 for polite people?

I have to ay - YES. Even nicer then in Toronto. I was there a couple of year ago and I was stunned by a good service and generally nice people. Never been to London, been to Warsaw - but not long enough to establish if people are nice. Generally in Poland people are friendly most of the time. Nicer then in Toronto I would say.
z_darius  14 | 3960
8 Apr 2011   #592
Your approach at conversation will only invite those that want to fight. Not me. Not today.

OK, whenever you feel like it, Ms. Polite.

Did they actually find an englishman in london though?
London is not the UK,its full of rude aggressive arse holes and wanna be compton gangstas...a sh!te hole in the bottom corner of a country.

Isn't the very tactics you and other Pole bashers use against Poles?
Suddenly London has little to do with UK.
9 Apr 2011   #593
I can see Paris on that list as one of the world’s rudest cities: their smug sense of superiority and mocking anything that's not oh-la-la French is annoying. New York has bit of attitude but I like it a lot. Surprising low position of Vienna, hmmm. Oh and I agree with Montreal low position: Quebecers are the worst drivers on this continent, and don't you dare to open your mouth in English when shopping downtown Montreal.
rybnik  18 | 1444
10 Apr 2011   #594
you're right about the English but I speak it loudly and proudly just to show them that I can. ;)
10 Apr 2011   #595
Better don't try it on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, it might get ugly.
beckski  12 | 1609
10 Apr 2011   #596
I can see Paris on that list as one of the world's rudest cities

While shopping in a store in Paris, a woman bumped into me with her baby stroller. I tripped and stumbled. The startled baby started crying out loud. The woman (not lady) never got off her damn cell phone for one second. She didn't bother to check if the baby or myself were okay.
10 Apr 2011   #597
People and the loud (and private) conversations in public places is another topic altogether. It's very rude and annoying.
18 Apr 2011   #598
In my opinion I think Polish people are rude no matter how you look its basiclly your Nationallity..... my step dad is polish and im Italian he hates Italians and Germans just cause of what they talk like and say In my way Germans, French, Italian go all the way for Friendlieness because in my word we call it ( Si parla come la bellezza, diamo una rosa per ringraziare coloro che sono dalla parte di everybodys e sono gentili con chi è gentile indietro.)

*We talk like beauty, we give a rose to thank those who are on everybodys side and are kind to those who are kind back.* so all polish to me are rude, Disrespectful to others including women they drink to take matters off mind so in my opinion i dislike the polish people they complain in World War 2 they complain today like in some places. so hear me out polish are rude in a matter way they are rude to Italians, Germans, and French i don't think anyone deserves to be completely nice to all polish people

sascha  1 | 824
18 Apr 2011   #599
Do you think that Polish people are rude?

No, they do not differ in that behavior from other European nations. To me personally they were always very nice.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
18 Apr 2011   #600
Since when is "everybodys" an Italian word?

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