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Poles are not racist

FISZ  24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007   #151
If you don't like England with all its Pakistanis

Why is it that white people are harassed when walking into a Pakistani neighbourhood? Is that a bit of racism on your part?
23 Oct 2007   #152
ihave not experienced this, in fact i think area with south asians and chinese tend to be the safest.. these days there are british asina gangs but generally they are family oriented, they dont drink and keep to themselves oh and there shops
23 Oct 2007   #153
Not all Asians are extremist muslins, they are the minority, you really need to get an education Asians constitute many different religions, Buddhism, Hindus, Seeks as well as Islam. England is not a breeding ground for terrorism you f***** doughnut, palestine and iraq are, and they are not terrorists, no, they are freedom fighters, what would you do if a foreign army invaded and killed your brothers and sisters and aunties and uncles, you would want revenge, your life wouldn't matter anymore, you want to take out as many of the invaders as you could wouldn't you.

And if you really believe everything you read in the news you need more of an education than I thought you did. Muslims are not all fanatics the majority 95% of them are hardworking decent people. Stop watching CNN news and tune in the the bbc you biggot.

I have ASian and Black friends, how dare you poles come to this country and be obnoxious and racist to my friends, you don't even live here, until you can change your attitides you will never be welcome here!

h really is your family back from a holiday in spain.. how is the 'dole' money

What's your point Jareck8, whose on the dole, are you implying I'm on the dole, you make no sense whatsover
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
23 Oct 2007   #154
If you don't like England with all its Pakistanis, Blacks and other ethnics that were born here then go back to Poland, no one asked you to come here in the first place, we've got enough cleaners here as it is.

I don't have anything against pakistanis, blacks, etc... And i don't live in the UK. A very beautiful country if I may add.

sorry when the english get happy they dont dance.. they start shouting and screaming and roaring, chucking beer bottles at the opposition and chanting...

Imposible! Eveyone loves synchronous dance! :)
23 Oct 2007   #155
I've never heard in my entire life of white people being harassed when they walk into an asian neighborhood you talk absolute ****! Just cos you can't think of anything to say doesn't mean you have to start making it up.
Kilkline  1 | 682
23 Oct 2007   #156
Er, this does happen I'm afraid. I know of it happening in west London and it has happened to my brother in the midlands. It'll happen anywhere where you get a majority of one ethnic group whose teenagers feel territorial.
FISZ  24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007   #157
and they are not terrorists, no, they are freedom fighters, what would you do if a foreign army invaded and killed your brothers and sisters and aunties and uncles, you would want revenge, your life wouldn't matter anymore, you want to take out as many of the invaders as you could wouldn't y

Still no excuse.

Not all Asians are extremist muslins

No one said they were. It's just strange that they find all of these terror cells in the UK. I'm not pointing anyone out. There are even white muslim extremests.

tune in the the bbc you biggot

so comments like this i've found in the news is incorrect?

"An investigation for Today has found disturbing evidence that Asian youths in parts of Oldham are trying to create no go areas for white people.

Last year the police investigated record levels of racist attacks in Oldham.Of the 572 cases, 60% turned out to be white victims.
Pakistanis make up the majority on the Glodwick estate just west of the town centre. Some youths speak the language of racial hatred. It's not clear whether this is bravado but their message is blunt... white people keep out".

Is that just a lie too?

Racism is everywhere you ignoranmous. Just the fact that you come in here and say all Poles are racist doesn't make you any better.
23 Oct 2007   #158
Ok so what have we established so far, the Poles all seem to want to come to England to work or complain or whatever, now your average native Englishman doesn't have a problem with that, but what he does have a problem with is the racist attitude that you bring over, black and asians are not inferior human beings are all the same, and until you can change your ways and your ideals you will never be welcome here.

And what else I don't understand is, is if Poland is such a great place and so much better than here as you lot keep saying then what the **** are you doin here?

Remember at the end of the day you are merely guests, act like it and show some ******* respect to the people that already live here whatever their skin colour might be!

haha ignaramous, I like that did you have to consult a thesaurus or did you come out with that little gem by yourself Fisz?

Listen you quoting me some crap out fo the news relating to a tiny area of england proves nothing, of course there are going to be racists and idiots in every country and every race, but you do not assume that their views are that of the whole country you imbecile!

Oh wow an investigation for Today found....oh shut up you complete pleb, the views on represented on today DO NOT represent the view of the whole country.

I want us all to be friends but you Poles seem unable to overcome this barrier that is skin colour, its a disgusting attitude to have and you lot should be ashamed! Are are you so bitter because you were conquered by the greeks, the turks and the rest
z_darius  14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007   #159
Are are you so bitter because you were conquered by the greeks, the turks

Could you name some major battles and/or wars won by Greeks over Poles?
As an additional exercise, could you describe the Turkish conquest of Poland?
Would you prefer to write about Polish-Ottoman War (1672–1676) or The Siege of Vienna?

On the racial issues though, I fully agree with you. I see no place for it in any civilized society.
FISZ  24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007   #160
I like that did you have to consult a thesaurus or did you come out with that little gem by yourself Fisz?

All by myself :) Are you proud of me?

but you do not assume that their views are that of the whole country you imbecile

but you Poles

Look at you assuming the same of all Poles :) You're no better with this attitude.
zibo  - | 55
23 Oct 2007   #161
(which is not a very pleasant language to listen to, just like you are not a very pleasant race to look at

are you being a racist right now?
FISZ  24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007   #162
If you want to consider Polish being a race. Maybe hes' talking about white ppl.
zibo  - | 55
23 Oct 2007   #163
he said race, so i assume hes talking about white people.
FISZ  24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007   #164
I assume the same. At least he's trying to contribute rather than going right to the men seeking PL women area. Unfortunatly his approach is a little belittling.
23 Oct 2007   #165
you Poles are an inferior race

Read a dictionary (then re-read your posts) - you are a racist. Racism is not all about skin colour, attitude is included.

The polish women are ok,

I thought you might say that.

For f**** sake, not more bloody poles,

For f*ck sake, not another R Sole.
23 Oct 2007   #166
So pinkJewel do you think blacks and asians are an inferior race?

notice how i said polish women are ok, meaning that they dont seem to be as racist, i wasnt saying they were attractive
23 Oct 2007   #167
So pinkJewel do you think blacks and asians are an inferior race?


And I can't think which part of my post made you think that. Your attitude in your posts about Polish people shows that you are the very racist you accuse others of being...sad.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
23 Oct 2007   #169
Look at you assuming the same of all Poles :) You're no better with this attitude.

Exactly. He says that you can not generalise just to generalise that all Poles are racist. LOL
FISZ  24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007   #170
It may be safe to say that he's experienced negative attitude himself and now feels the need to take it out on all of the PL.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
23 Oct 2007   #171
My thought also. Hes still an ignoramus though. (love the expression) :))

Watch it G. I'm black.

FISZ  24 | 2116
23 Oct 2007   #172
you are a racist. Racism is not all about skin colour, attitude is included

At least someone else noticed.

i wasnt saying they were attractive

But, we all know what you're thinking ;)


No. Just felt like saying :)
23 Oct 2007   #173
Your very people have turned me racist towards poles by the obnoxious archaic and intolerant attitude they bring to the UK. You Polish might not be racist on this forum but the majority of your comrades that come to work in the UK are, you're not even English and you come here trying to pollute English culture with your racist ideals. It's not on, you need to be more tolerant or never come to England in the first place. You are guests here, show some respect to the black and asian people who were born here and whose parents were born here, and then I will welcome you!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
23 Oct 2007   #174
and let that be a lesson to all of you
z_darius  14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007   #175
You Polish might not be racist on this forum but the majority of your comrades that come to work in the UK are

Do you have any stats from reputable source to support that claim?
23 Oct 2007   #176
Fisz you racist c*** why do you have to use the 'N' word what the f*** is wrong with you , are you retarded? You should be ashamed of yourself using that word, you've just confirmed everything I've been going on about, you are all racist! I can't believe you said 'N****' show some respect you muppet!

Z-darius my eyes and ears as I live my life in London confirms all of the above....I cant remember the last time they did a pole asking how racist the Poles were....idiot!
z_darius  14 | 3960
23 Oct 2007   #177
So you have nothing to support your claims and you call ME an idiot?
23 Oct 2007   #178
Sorry Fisz I got confused, all the the above was meant for Grzegorz_......sorry dude
23 Oct 2007   #179
Your very people have turned me racist

I don't think so. I think you have a very BIG chip on your shoulder and are using this place to sound off about it. Get a life.
23 Oct 2007   #180
I'm not writing an essay Darius you complete pleb, I am talking from my experience!!!!!My experience DO YOU UNDERSTAND, my 33 years of walking around on this planet that's what I base my comments on. Do you think that when Poles come over here they give them a form asking them how and to what ethnic minorities they feel racist towards? No they don't, and nor does a form like that exist so how the f*** am I supposed to provide evidence supporting that claim, were not writing a thesis here Darius, this is life, and I am describing my experience of it when it come to you Poles, and the majority I have come across 80% are completely racist and believe black and asian people are an inferior race. Ok? thats my evidence what I've seen, what I've heard, what'#s out there on the street tight now, you complete and utter f******* retard!

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