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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile?

15 Sep 2006   #31
Perhaps all Poles with a humour gene were shot at Katyn?

Ahahah it is so funny, your sense of humour is so great

NOT :)
OP AntiMonoPole#1
15 Sep 2006   #32
Hello Ola123.

Now where did you think up that original name?

Are you German by any chance?
15 Sep 2006   #33
Awww your name is much more original than mine - anti-pole, yes very original. But I think pole-anti-pole would be more suited to you.
15 Sep 2006   #34
I don't know what you're trying to achieve here by posting provocative comments. not getting banned I hope since some of your posts actually have some value.
OP AntiMonoPole#1
15 Sep 2006   #35
Panie Tlum,
I'm having fun.

I live a very boring life in Warsaw. I miss people with a sense of humour. This town is the land of the living dead....

Like I said earlier. I think people in Poland, as a result of 50 years under the commies, now have a humour gene missing.

So I am having fun. Especially laughing at how seriously you are all taking my crazy posts....
And I'm getting my own back at having to put up with all you miserable Warszawiacy...

Ban me. Great. I won't have to waste my time here.
But I'm only a guest, with a constantly changing IP, so you can't ban me... I can come back any time, with another name, (perhaps AntiMonoPole#2) unless they ban the whole of Warsaw from posting!
15 Sep 2006   #36
Why do you still live in Poland if you don't like the fact people are miserable there and don't have fun?
OP AntiMonoPole#1
15 Sep 2006   #37
Hi Tlum,
Read the posts earlier in this thread. All will become clear.

I have a vast, unique collection of Polish beer bottle labels, and can't imagine moving them all to another country.... where they will, of course, all instantly become worthless.

Anyway, I'm having fun here tonight! (In a sad reclusive way of course, but fun all the same)
iwona  12 | 542
15 Sep 2006   #38
joke will not help.

Just go out tonight and have fun.Few drinks, more beer bottle labels to collect ,some laugh.

I can't believe everyone in Warsaw ( about 2 million) is miserable?

You you just sit at computer and .....:(
OP AntiMonoPole#1
15 Sep 2006   #39
Thanks Iwona.
That's the first good answer I've had all evening!

Have a good time tonight....
opts  10 | 260
15 Sep 2006   #40

After sharing your misery with people of this forum, don’t you feel better?
I want you to know that you have friends here. Friends who will listen to you carp.

You complain that Poles are too serious and do not smile. Reverse that.
When walking the street of Warsaw, SMILE at the people you see.
Start a trend, craze, fad. :)

I was thinking of sending someone to check on you, to see if you were ok, since we have not heard from you for a while.

Changing your last name to Dumbass, I still think it is a great idea. :)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
16 Sep 2006   #41
So I am having fun. Especially laughing at how seriously you are all taking my crazy posts....

So this is what you are doing for fun, eyy...? :) Damn dude, no wonder that you are lonely in a city of almost 2 000 000 people...:)

Changing your last name to Dumbass, I still think it is a great idea.

I agree. It's soooo you! Frankly, I don't think that any other word could possibly depict your personality in a more accurate way than Dumbass does! :)

Twoje zdrowie! :)
Obnoxious T. Dumbass
16 Sep 2006   #42
By the way I think you are a all a singularly boring bunch of folk.

Why don't you go all out and get a life.

In fact I think you are very representative of Polacy z Polski as a whole, so perhaps my efforts are not wasted... You all need serious psychological help.

My recommendation is that you should all listen to Bjork for a minimum of 2 hours. It will help add some civilization to all your peasant mentalities.

Wroclaw  44 | 5359
16 Sep 2006   #43
I don't know which is worse. Your attitude to Poland or the fact that you think Bjork can sing.
Obnoxious T. Dumbass
16 Sep 2006   #44
- but this guy has really got something special....)

My dear Wroclaw.

There is no accounting for taste.

But when we are all dead and gone, I can assure you that historians will look back on the 20th century and look on artists such as Bjork and the Fall (who you probably don't know - a Manchester band) and will see these as the most significant musical phenomena of the century. Believe me, I listen to a lot of music...

Polish music is so sad. I've heard only one Polish male singer who can sign - is it Ryszard Wojnalowicz/Wojnicki? He really puts his heart into the songs. (Sorry don't remember the name, but he's really great, and generally I futsking HATE Polish music - it's so derivative of foreign bands

Go listen to Bjork and jerk off, dumbass

Thank you for that very cultural input. I assume you are a Lumpen. So I commiserate greatly that you were born of peasant stock, and therefore have no culture.

How is it that you managed to concoct an entire sentence without using the word "k*rwa". I'm utterly amazed!

I commisserate greatly with all you posters who were born as Lumpen-proletariat.

Unfortunately, as a result of the Katyn massacres, a large percentage of the thinking people of Poland were killed. All that left in Warsaw is Lumpen-proletariat. (Peasants in plain English, chlopi in Polish).

I am also 50% of a lumpen family, my mother was from family of farmers - one of Lumpen-proletariat, so I really have nothing to brag about. But I accept my roots, which is more than all you lot do...

But all you Lumpen out there, you should understand that you have all been very badly affected by Stalin. Or are you all to Lumpen to understand this?
opts  10 | 260
16 Sep 2006   #45
Hey Obnoxious,

Good to see you.
I do not care if come from a family of farmers, peasant stock. You are still a fellow countryman.
Obnoxious T. Dumbass
16 Sep 2006   #46
I do not care if come from a family of farmers, peasant stock. You are still a fellow countryman.

Hi Opts.
Sad but true.

We all must fight against the lumpen within us. I try every day, but don't always succeed...

Unfortunately my generally opinion of Warsaw folk is that they are all very happy to be lumpen-proletariat. And perhaps that's why I'm so unhappy here.

I'm 50% lumpen, but I'm not happy about this fact... and I want to change. It's a constant battle, but I see most of the Polish population has long surrendered...
16 Sep 2006   #47
You cannot change something that was inborn, lumpen dumbass.
Marzena  2 | 122
16 Sep 2006   #48
But all you Lumpen out there, you should understand that you have all been very badly affected by Stalin. Or are you all to Lumpen to understand this?

you need help man, seriously. your condition is getting worse every time I hear you. I'm sure there are good doctors in the UK, why don't you talk to one. maybe we need help, but you do too, big time.
Obnoxious T. Dumbass
16 Sep 2006   #49
you need help man, seriously. your condition is getting worse every time I hear you. I'm sure there are good doctors in the UK,

Hi Marzena,
I will post a bank account number for donations....

Actually, I think it is you who needs help. You have such a narrow view of the world around you.
It's like you are a horse with blinkers and you don't see what is happening around you. For chrissake wakeup and stop living in a dream like 90% of the rest of the Polish population. History has happened to Poland... It's about time you all understood this, and did something positive about the Sh*thole that Poland has become since 1939.
opts  10 | 260
16 Sep 2006   #50
We all must fight against the lumpen within us.

I am happy who I am.

I have no need to fight againts anything.
Marzena  2 | 122
16 Sep 2006   #51
Actually, I think it is you who needs help. You have such a narrow view of the world around you.
It's like you are a horse with blinkers and you don't see what is happening around you.

it's you who has a narrow mind because of your anger and hatred and even at this age you still don't know that this is not the way out of it.
opts  10 | 260
16 Sep 2006   #52
Well, I have to go shopping.

Let’s encourage Dumbass to carp, so he can get out of his system.
Afterwards, he will feel better. Reading his posts,
he doesn’t appear to be a bad person. He is just miserable.

Obnoxious T. Dumbass
16 Sep 2006   #53
quote=Marzena, Post #94 ]even at this age you still don't know that this is not the way out of it. [/quote]

OK Marzena, so what is the way out?
I am angry because I see the utter stupidity of people around me, especially here in Poland. I see how very little time people spend thinking and talking to eachother, how they act only on instinct and not on reasoned thought.

Even you Marzena are arguing against me with the sort of pointless arguments that a catholic priest would. Please stop and think for a minute. Don't answer just with your 'anger emotions'.

It may surprise you to know I don't have a narrow mind. I have a time for a lot of cultures and views. It is you lot, with your stock phrases and one-line 'futsk off' answers who are narrow minded. Stop for a second and think...
Marzena  2 | 122
16 Sep 2006   #54
you are largely underestimating people and show complete lack of empathy. maybe you have a point about some of the things you're saying (I think that underneath you are an intelligent and interesting person) but your attitude is only good for making enemies. nobody will empathize with you and nobody will care about you. this is why everybody reacts with ager to your hatred-filled posts (yeah, looks like that includes me too). in a life like this, I see how you can be so miserable.

maybe I do lack depth of thought, but I still have some time to learn, you should be a little bit ahead of me.
Obnoxious T. Dumbass
16 Sep 2006   #55
I don't care if people will care about me on this forum. I am here today, gone tommorow. You see one side of my character - the angry side. In real life this is only part of me, though it's a very really part of me.

You have obviously never heard of the "devil's advocate"? My hope is to prompt some responses from you people, who all seem to all be in a terminal deep sleep, frozen in ice.

There are so many things in the Polish community that need repairing. I am angry with myself that I cannot repair these thing myself, it is far too big a job.
Marzena  2 | 122
16 Sep 2006   #56
You see one side of my character - the angry side. In real life this is only part of me, though it's a very really part of me.

I bet it's a real part of you, it would help to work on it, but of course it's not the only side of you.

My hope is to prompt some responses from you people, who all seem to all be in a terminal deep sleep, frozen in ice.

You won't prompt any constructive responses to change anything around you by the way you're asking for them. You're angry because of something in your life, not exactly because of the external things, although I know how stupidity of some people can make you angry, they make me angry too. But if you're so smart, and really want to change something, you'd express your ideas in a way that would actually work. Plus, I know very few people who are completely stupid and ignorant, most of them are selectively stupid, and just lazy or don't know what to do. If we start generalizing everything, who knows where you'd end up yourself.

I don't care if people will care about me on this forum. I am here today, gone tommorow.

I have a hard time believing that you're only angry here, in this forum. I suspect that your neighbors also see that. It just looks like you can't make the right relationships with people. If you think that you are better then everybody else, and the rest is a bunch of idiots, then how are you expecting that anybody will appreciate you.
Obnoxious T. Dumbass
16 Sep 2006   #57
Hey Marzena,

You are right. I am generalizing. But we have to start somewhere.

Nevertheless, all is not well in Poland. The simple fact that close to 1,000,000 Poles have emigrated in the last two years should be signal enough. Aside from the obvious financial aspects, many of these Poles express negative opinions about Poland... that's why they left. I know because I've asked many of them.
Marzena  2 | 122
16 Sep 2006   #58
Nevertheless, all is not well in Poland. The simple fact that close to 1,000,000 Poles have emigrated in the last two years should be signal enough. Aside from the obvious financial aspects, many of these Poles express negative opinions about Poland... that's why they left. I know because I've asked many of them.

Things are definitely not good. The worst of all is the huge unemployment rate, but there's many more. The government is useless I think, they waste all the money they get from the EU, I haven't noticed anything that got better in the infrastructure despite the fact that so much money was invested by the EU. This is infuriating.

However, if you look at things in the large scale, things did get better since the end of communism and with the backward and foreward motion hopefully eventually it'll get somewhere. If you look at other countries, Poland is a relatively good place to live. Of course, if we compare ourselves with countries that have always been rich and powerful, we rank pretty low, but if we compare ourselves with the ones that have also been struggling out of misery, we made it pretty far.

I wouldn't attribute all the evil in Poland due to some intrinsic characteristics of Polish people. People are almost the same everywhere, and if you look at the British of US government, you can see how much shit is going on there, pretty universal thing.

Part of the reason why so many Poles complain about Poland, is the simple fact that Poles are complainers.
Obnoxious T. Dumbass
16 Sep 2006   #59
At last a sensible answer, not a personal attack. Thank you Marzena.

There is a big problem in Western Europe with the perception that Polish business is corrupt. It's a VERY big problem, as it's preventing foreign investment here. Personally I've never come across this corruption, and I've been here for many years. (There's plenty of petty crime though.)

Poland is a relatively good place to live. Of course, if we compare ourselves with countries that have always been rich and powerful, we rank pretty low, but if we compare ourselves with the ones that have also been struggling out of misery, we made it pretty far.

This is a fair summary of the situation. The question really is what makes a country good to live in? Poland is not too bad in many ways, but compared to, for example to the UK, it is a desperately poor place to live, both in terms of physical comforts and culture. I wonder how many of the 600,000 Polacy who moved to the UK in the past 2 years will ever want to move back to Poland. How many of them will ever want to come back? What improvements could be made here that would make this country worth living in?
Marzena  2 | 122
16 Sep 2006   #60
At last a sensible answer, not a personal attack.

You had to start it with a patronising tone, didn't you.

Anyways, I don't have time to discuss this, but the main reason why they won't come back is that UK is financially a better place to live, as we agreed on already. So if you step up on the ladder of financial comfort, you won't want to give it up (which is also the reason why you won't move back to the UK). Obviously the people who went to the UK are the ones who couldn't make it in Poland. There are many poeple who won't go anywhere.

As far as culture goes, it's because of lack of money. However, in the so called culturally richer countries, culture has become business, so I don't know what is so good that you see in them.

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