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Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile?

Randal  1 | 577
12 Mar 2009   #361
There is a statistic I once read in a sociological journal that the average Pole smiles 3.5 times in their life.

What does it mean when a Polish girl can't look at you without smiling?
13 Mar 2009   #362
To Juche:

<<6. Lack of effective leadership such as Kim Il Jong, would be much better for Polish>>

<<7. Everything expensive but wage is low because of exploiting capitalist class, Polish cannot afford nice things they are seeing on televisions!>>

You are absolutely right about Polish People not smiling. I would have to say instead of your leader Kim Jong, Polish People are worry about Russian Soldiers are in border waiting to invades Poland again. They have to be careful. Russian always want to take over.

Econnmic is very bad and Polish people are thinking about where to find jobs somewhere.
Which mean one have to leave Poland and family behind?
Jeshco  1 | 11
15 Mar 2009   #363
I think the Polish are just more reserved. There are no fake smiles and inane "how are you, I am dying.., Oh! that's good!" sort of conversations.

Once you get to know a Polish person you'll find that they smile a lot, but mainly amongst their friends.
I've been living in Oz for twenty years now, and initially I thought that people here must be very happy and sociable as they all smiled all the time and asked me how I was...

Little did I know that the smile is just a part of the social norm, and the "how are you" means nothing at all. Whatever answer you give they just keep smiling and say "Goood!".
MrBubbles  10 | 613
15 Mar 2009   #364
the Polish are just more reserved

Well, they're just unfriendly really. And gloomy. Every Pole has the potential to turn a light meal in a nice friendly restaurant into a group of condemned men eating their last meal. Especially when they eat soup. They hunch over the bowl, silently dragging their spoon through their tomato soup, pausing now and again to stare out of the window or to slowly look round the room. I've seen more animation in the zoo when tortoises eat their lettuce.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
15 Mar 2009   #365

describe how you eat tomato soup and how much fun it is for everyone around you to look at it
Randal  1 | 577
15 Mar 2009   #366
I've seen more animation in the zoo when tortoises eat their lettuce.

MrBubbles  10 | 613
15 Mar 2009   #367
describe how you eat tomato soup

In many ways, Justysia, eating tomato soup is like making love to a beautiful woman. First make sure the dish is suitably warmed up. Perhaps give it a quick blow if it;s too hot. Some people like their soup spicy, in which case they can look in a magazine for some ideas to suit their taste. Finally, gently dip your spoon into the soup, stir it gently and then enjoy your meal. Don't get any of it down your front. I like to add some cheese to mine.

Generaly though, I approach my soup with an upbeat manner and an open mind, not a feeling that eating soup is a duty one must perform to stay alive.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
15 Mar 2009   #368
describe how you eat tomato soup and how much fun it is for everyone around you to look at it

If I may,
When MrBubbles eats his tomato soup,
He beams with glee in his white suit,
His monkey butler astounds the onlookers by doing somersaults without dropping his tray laden with coffee and red wine.
MrBubbles himself has everyone's ear by gurgling his national anthem.
All choreographed to fire works in the background.

And that my dear friends is just for starters.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
15 Mar 2009   #369
I like to add some cheese to mine.

oh i do too... i get very possesive when it comes to my tomato soup. don't you dare looking at it! i just love it. i don't care how boring i look when i eat my soup. it's just me and my tomato soup, nothing else matters.
MrBubbles  10 | 613
15 Mar 2009   #370
If I may,
When MrBubbles eats his tomato soup,
He beams with glee in his white suit,...

You're just jealous cos you've never had good soup. :)

it's just me and my tomato soup, nothing else matters.

I dig where you're coming from but try smilng to show you enjoy it now and again
SeanBM  34 | 5781
15 Mar 2009   #371
i don't care how boring i look when i eat my soup.

I do not think there is one male (possibly female) on here that would think the way you eat soup, doesn't put the way i described MrBubbles eating soup to shame.

You're just jealous cos you've never had good soup. :)

Possibly :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
15 Mar 2009   #372
I dig where you're coming from but try smilng to show you enjoy it now and again

i don't smile at strangers, unless i fancy them

I do not think there is one male (possibly female) on here that would think the way you eat soup, doesn't put the way i described MrBubbles eating soup to shame.

thank you. no monkey circus, just me and my soup.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
15 Mar 2009   #373
just me and my soup.

Nothing else, naturally :)
MrBubbles  10 | 613
15 Mar 2009   #374
i don't smile at strangers

And that's the problem. Poles never smile. They are sooo formal. I smile a lot. I'm smiling now. I smile when I'm eating soup and I'm usually grinning like a wanking Chinaman in a lesson.

Go on - I defy you to put an avatar picture up with a smile on it.
Filios1  8 | 1336
15 Mar 2009   #375
I smile when I'm eating soup and I'm usually grinning like a wanking Chinaman in a lesson.

Thats because you are a fool.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
15 Mar 2009   #376
I smile a lot. I'm smiling now. I smile when I'm eating soup and I'm usually wanking a grinning Chinaman in a lesson.
Go on - I defy you to put an avatar picture up with a smile on it.


I couldn't help it,
I know
I know
it was bad of me but come on,
it made you smile,
just a little?.
I miss quoted,
my bad,
I made it up,
I couldn't help myself,
It is about the only thread I can bear right now.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
15 Mar 2009   #377
I smile when I'm eating soup and I'm usually grinning like a wanking Chinaman in a lesson.

that's just creepy and a bit over the top if you ask me. i smile at shop assistants or people that let me walk through the doors first, but if some weirdo started smiling at me when i was eating or walking down the street i'd just give him a cold stare. i think this British smilyness is all a bit fake and unnecessary.

i'm smiling in my avatar. sorry i'm not grinning like a wanking chinaman
MrBubbles  10 | 613
15 Mar 2009   #378
I couldn't help it,
I know
I know
it was bad of me but come on,
it made you smile,...

Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but are you high?
SeanBM  34 | 5781
15 Mar 2009   #379
officer ;)
Excuse my poor taste and stupid sence of humour but I couldn.t help myself and I meant no offence at your good self Mr. Bubbles.

But you got to admit "I smile a lot. I'm smiling now. I smile when I'm eating soup and I'm usually wanking a grinning Chinaman in a lesson." brings a whole new meaning to the song " I'm for ever blowing bubbles!" :)

Again excuse me, if i had a choice I would probably us it, 50/50, phone a friend or ask the audience.
MrBubbles  10 | 613
15 Mar 2009   #380
I'm for ever blowing bubbles!"

I'm going to hit the hay. Got to get up early to make some kids happy about 0800. Not to mention my soup's waiting in the bedroom and I don't want it to get cold. Nighty night
SeanBM  34 | 5781
15 Mar 2009   #381
Take care, no offence.
Jeshco  1 | 11
16 Mar 2009   #382
Oh Bubbles...
"In many ways, Justysia, eating tomato soup is like making love to a beautiful woman."
You don't know much about making love to a beautiful woman, do you?
Or, are you just British?
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Mar 2009   #383
I had a nice smiling woman in class today. I have seen many smiling women today. It makes me wonder what they have stored between their legs or up their aaaahhhaaaa....
SeanBM  34 | 5781
16 Mar 2009   #384
It was just the sun in their eyes Seanus:)

The come down off injecting crack into your eyeball is terrible.
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Mar 2009   #385
Not a cracking experience, or is it? ;)

That thought is enough to drive one to misery, Seanny. Even the butt crack allusion was nicer :)
Wroclaw Boy
16 Mar 2009   #386
I had a nice smiling woman in class today.

Maybe she wants a piece of you
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Mar 2009   #387
She can have my appendix, I don't have much use for it ;)

She was 55, WB. I think the remnants of the spiritus party on the weekend played a bigger part.
Tyskie  1 | 27
17 Mar 2009   #388
I find the Poles generally very serious, reserved and some are even quite narky.
A minority, though, are cool and outgoing.
Randal  1 | 577
17 Mar 2009   #389
A minority, though, are cool and outgoing.

Mine was like this. :(
lexi  1 | 176
17 Mar 2009   #390
I approach my soup with an upbeat manner and an open mind, not a feeling that eating soup is a duty one must perform to stay alive.

Gosh that was so funny, I did not realise that you had a sense of humour.

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