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Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European?

Nickidewbear  23 | 609
8 Mar 2019   #151
Talmud contains to be sure the body of Jewish law and practices, kashrut included.

Yes and no. The rabbis came up with something that Jesus criticized: something known as siyagot laTorah.
Alien  25 | 6369
4 Sep 2022   #152
I think you're right.
pawian  225 | 27344
6 Nov 2022   #153
Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European?

Depends on their voting preferences. Those voting rightwingers are mentally in Eastern Europe coz they like autocratic strong leaders like PiS chairman Kaczyński.
The democratic opposition voters opt for Western European mentality which supports keeping democratic standards in all spheres of public life.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
6 Nov 2022   #154
Are Poles mentally more Eastern European or Western European?
Depends on their voting preferences. Those voting rightwingers are mentally in Eastern Europe

You are so wrong.
Voting right wing shows they have accepted the advantages that capitalism has to offer.
How can you say that those voting right wing are supporting Eastern Europe?
Are you insane?
pawian  225 | 27344
6 Nov 2022   #155
Voting right wing shows they have accepted the advantages that capitalism has to offer.

That is a wrong theory coz many people who believe in the benefits of capitalism don`t vote right. I am one of them. Ha!

voting right wing are supporting Eastern Europe?

Darling, I was talking about Poland, while you constantly suspect I abuse rightwingers internationally, especially you. Why are you so insecure and troubled with inferiority complexes??? :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
6 Nov 2022   #156
And you have just shown how pointless it is to debate with you.

You refuse to debate with normal.people, because your views are too extreme.


Stick to the topic of the thread please
johnny reb  49 | 8005
6 Nov 2022   #157

Eastern Poles would spell it Dobranoc.
Probably most Western Poles too. ;-)
Lyzko  45 | 9750
7 Nov 2022   #158
You're correct, nevertheless, Jews throughout the former Empire were almost exclusively non-assimilated, that is, observant in practice.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
7 Nov 2022   #159
It's actually more complicated than that. There were quite a few Jewish groups within Poland and Polish territory as well as the rest of formerly-Russian-occupied Europe:

1) Rabbinic Orthodox (including Charedi) and Reform Jews (most of whom were in urban centers such as Warszawa, Kraków, and Gdansk near Reform synagogues).
2) Jewish Christians (probably the most-quiet group for multiple reasons, especially with the Crypto Jews among the Jewish Christians).
3) Litvish (Litvak) and Crimean Karaites.
4) Secular Jews and Jewish atheists
5) Crypto Jews

As many of the areas were reoccupied by now-Soviet Russia, Jews as an ethnic group (not just among the various Jewish affiliations) became repressed.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
7 Nov 2022   #160

It was a typo.
I know how to spell it.
Don't make an issue out of norhing.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
7 Nov 2022   #161
I just chalked it up to a dialect difference. We have plenty of those in transliteration in Hebrew and Yiddish- including Poylisher Yiddish.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
7 Nov 2022   #162
I just chalked it up to a dialect difference

Nah, it was just a typo, with my old fingers struggling with a tablet keyboard!!
johnny reb  49 | 8005
7 Nov 2022   #163
I know how to spell it.

You do now after this old Polish/Am boy taught you how. ;-)

Don't make an issue out of norhing.

Nobody expects a British born and raised boy like you to know how to spell in Polish as well as some of us American Poles that have Polish parents, from Eastern Poland, that have taught us how to read, write and speak the Polish language.

Since Poland is in Eastern Poland it only makes sense that the Polish people are more mentally Eastern than Western.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609
8 Nov 2022   #164
@johnny reb

My paternal grandfather's paternal grandparents actually used, I think, Litvish and Ukrainish dialects of Yiddish-and I was going to say more, although I'm saving it for a family-history book that I'm writing.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
8 Nov 2022   #165
That's totally cool.
Can't you even give us a hint ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
8 Nov 2022   #166
Nobody expects a boy like you to know how to spell in Polish as well as some of us American Poles that have Polish parents

You are in fantasy land again!
The Anglo Polish community has always had much closer relationships with Poland than the much more distant Polams.
You did not have Polish parents.
They were Americans.
At best, you have one or two Polish grandparents.
Give us a break......
Alien  25 | 6369
12 Nov 2022   #167
Poles are Western European for russians/ Ukrainians and Eastern European for Germans or Italians.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1520
12 Nov 2022   #168
Eastern European for (...) Italians.

What? As far as corruption and "creative chaos" are concerned, Italy is much more "eastern" than Poland. Not to mention that Szczecin is further West than half of Italy, so geographically it's also inaccurate.
Alien  25 | 6369
12 Nov 2022   #169

Well, let's take the Netherlands.
pawian  225 | 27344
12 Nov 2022   #170
Szczecin is further West than half of Italy,

Some nationalist Poles never visit Szczecin coz they vowed to keep away from Germany.

As far as corruption and "creative chaos" are concerned, Italy is much more "eastern"

Yes, I met Italians who escaped from their local mafia racketeers to find ultimate relief in Poland.

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