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Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?

Novichok  4 | 8834
3 Jan 2025   #121
No, Americans are especially dumb.

I can beat your example..

It ls Euro women, typically from the UK, that "fall in love" with American lifers and death row inmates.

In the meantime...That's how fake women are...We never see them...We see live paintings on legs...

pawian  225 | 27329
3 Jan 2025   #122
t hat is no protection at all; it is fake

Exactly!!! Just like your protection of your women!
Amassingly, we still hold same opinions on each other! ):):)
We must be twin brothers. I am this wiser one. Ha!!!

But I never involve your family

Infantile denials.

Actually, I don`t care. I only mention it to show we are the same. Like twin brothers.
Feniks  1 | 787
3 Jan 2025   #123
Why do women scream when already cuffed and inside the police car?

Just like this man! I'm sure you didn't miss it when I posted it earlier but acknowledging it wouldn't suit your narrative that only women are morons.

You really are so very predictable.
pawian  225 | 27329
3 Jan 2025   #124
you didn't miss it

Demand gratitude from Novi for feeding his attention sicking obsession. :):):)

Novi, when will you thank us all for keeping you still alive????
Feniks  1 | 787
3 Jan 2025   #125
Demand gratitude from Novi for feeding his attention sicking obsession. :):):)

I just like to point out from time to time the idiocy of his posts :)

It would be easy to match 'dumb male' posts for every one of his 'dumb women' ones but what's the point?

One thing's for sure. He doesn't respect women's rights whether in Poland or the US.
Lenka  5 | 3537
3 Jan 2025   #126
I just like to point out from time to time the idiocy of his posts :)

At least you'll become 'invisible' to him for a bit until he can come back and pretend as if your post never happened
pawian  225 | 27329
3 Jan 2025   #127
pretend as if your post never happened

Wow, you saw through Novi like through a plexiglass screen. :):):)
Feniks  1 | 787
3 Jan 2025   #128
At least you'll become 'invisible' to him for a bit until he can come back and pretend as if your post never happened

I appear to be invisible to him most of the time ;)
Novichok  4 | 8834
3 Jan 2025   #129
It would be easy to match 'dumb male' posts for every one of his 'dumb women' ones but what's the point?

No match. Entitled Karens are a separate species and have no male equivalents.

I am still waiting for the reason why women scream, swear, and kick when cuffed and locked up in police cars. Men don't because they know the outcome: They are going to jail for further processing.

Only dumb-ass entitled Karens call 911 when pulled over for traffic violations AFTER they were told that it is a felony to call cops on cops and abuse the 911 system.

That's how stupid women are. Would you like to see one in action?

He doesn't respect women's rights whether in Poland or the US.

What women's rights? Do you have women's and men's rights?

No. I will never respect morons who cannot reason and act logically. See screaming female imbeciles in squad cars...

This video is about women's rights not to fvck losers.
pawian  225 | 27329
3 Jan 2025   #130
Men don't

But Feniks proved to you they do. Why don`t you listen to the voice pf reason ??? :):):)
pawian  225 | 27329
4 Jan 2025   #131
No match

Novi, I asked you a question. Don`t pretend you didn`t read it.

Novi, when will you thank us all for keeping you still alive????

What say you???
Novichok  4 | 8834
4 Jan 2025   #132
Why do women scream, swear, and kick when cuffed and locked up in police cars?
pawian  225 | 27329
4 Jan 2025   #133
What say you, darling???
Novi, when will you thank us all for keeping you still alive????
Novichok  4 | 8834
4 Jan 2025   #134
Another proof that women are morons...

A beloved and heavily-pregnant California school teacher died after falling while on a hiking trip in Greece.

Clara Thomann, 33, had been traveling through Plakias, Crete, with her partner Elliott Finn when she fell during a hike and died on December 23.

She had slipped and tumbled 50 meters down a gorge from a hiking trail near the Preveli Monastery in the Rethymno region.

pawian  225 | 27329
4 Jan 2025   #135
women are morons.

In another thread you admired women. Do you suffer from split personality disorder???

Novi, when will you thank us all for keeping you still alive????
Alien  25 | 6366
4 Jan 2025   #136
heavily-pregnant California school teacher died after falling while on a hiking trip in Greece.

Alternatively, she could have stayed in bed the whole time, suffered a thrombosis, and died of a pulmonary embolism.
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Jan 2025   #137
Entitled Karens

Seem to be a peculiarly American thing.
johnny reb  49 | 8005
4 Jan 2025   #138
Seem to be a peculiarly American thing.

That is because America is a richer country so there is just more money grubbing women is all.
Plus here in America with its bias laws, all a man has to do is yell at a Karen and she calls the cops and the man is arrested for verbal abuse and goes to jail.
Karen's however can yell, threaten, throw things, and have major temper tantrums and not be found guilty of anything because the law says that the man should be able to take such abuse because he is bigger and stronger and can retreat.
That's is called "entitlements" Ms. Atch.
It doesn't work that way in Poland does it.

The women are conditioned different in the U.S. Ms. Atch.
A Karen will ask a man if he wants Salisbury steak or macaroni and cheese for dinner,
He picks and then hears the refrigerator freezer door open and the microwave oven go on.
This is done intentionally because Karen's don't know how to cook or clean and expect to be taken out to dinner four or five times a week and have a house keeper come in once a week knowing the man wants a decent meal and clean house.
And guess who's wallet comes out to pay for it.
Yes Ms. Atch, those kind of entitlements.
Doesn't work that way in Poland does it.

When I see a guy with one of these wide bottom demanding bltches smeared with so much make up that never smiles, because if she did her face would crack, I think, you poor bastard because I know the yearly sex obligation isn't worth a shlt either.
So yeah Ms. Atch, it is an American thing more so than in poorer countries thing by far.
Lyzko  45 | 9750
4 Jan 2025   #139
Money grubbing men too, Johnny! They're called doctors and lawyers, I mean
let's spread the greed around equally LOL
Novichok  4 | 8834
4 Jan 2025   #140
a peculiarly American thing.

Maybe...The fact is that under some conditions women are irrational psychos. This proves the capability and proclivity as an inherent trait of the species. Like shoplifting and Munchusen by proxy...99% women where it exists.

I watched hundreds of Youtube videos with cops arresting drunks and, unless somebody preselects them to show only women, men psychos are just not there.

A typical psycho bit*ch...

refuses police orders
gives police orders
calls 911 with cops next to her
fights when being cuffed
fights not to get into the police car
kicks cops
kicks the car
calls cops names
repeats questions already answered multiple times
demands to call her father
and never shuts up

Men don't do any of that...
Paulina  17 | 4470
4 Jan 2025   #141
Why do women scream when already cuffed and inside the police car?

For the same reasons that men do that. Feniks even posted a video showing an arrested man behaving in such unhinged way in a police car.

I watched hundreds of Youtube videos with cops arresting drunks and, unless somebody preselects them to show only women

Actually, YouTube (and social media) do "preselect" stuff for you - algorithms are showing you what you like watching. That's how "information bubbles" are created:

Men don't do any of that...

Of course they do. Ask Polish police officers.
Ironside  50 | 12969
4 Jan 2025   #142
Don't tell m

OP is without a doubt some lowly troll and a male. Cheap woke BS - nothing more nothing less.
Novichok  4 | 8834
4 Jan 2025   #143
Ask Polish police officers.

I named 15 things psycho women do. Often the same one in the same confrontation...

Show me a video with men doing the same or a fraction of it. Or just highlight a copy of what I posted...
Novichok  4 | 8834
4 Jan 2025   #144
algorithms are showing you what you like watching.

Yes but only by category. Like "police chases" or "drunk drivers".

99% of chases involve men. 99% of drunk drivers are women. 100% of those who do what I listed in 140 are women.
Novichok  4 | 8834
4 Jan 2025   #145
100% of those who do what I listed in 140 are women. They are that stupid, despite multiple warnings that kicking a cop is a felony.

Women lack the ability to process this simple information and act accordingly. It's all raw emotion: I am angry so I will scratch, kick, and spit on anyone who made me feeeeeel that way. That's women for you...

Munchausen by proxy mothers should be stripped of parental rights and locked up for life or executed.

Is MBP strictly an American thing or do you have those monsters in Poland, too?
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Jan 2025   #146
99% of drunk drivers are women.

But not in real life. In real life USA around 75% of drunk drivers are men.

Munchausen by proxy mothers

You do realise I suppose that it's an incredibly rare mental disorder?

"Munchausen by proxy is incredibly rare - so rare, in fact, that reliable numbers on its incidence in the U.S. are difficult to come by. Research in other countries, such as Australia and the U.K., suggests that only a tiny percentage of children diagnosed with serious illness are cases of Munchausen by proxy."
Paulina  17 | 4470
4 Jan 2025   #147
Show me a video with men doing the same or a fraction of it.

This video is 1 hour long and I had to force myself to watch the whole thing, so, Novichok, I hope you'll appreciate my sacrifice lol 😩
The first three people arrested who are behaving in the most unhinged way in this video are all white men. The police officers are even discussing why one of the guys behaved like this, so you can watch it if you're interested in the "why".
The majority of people arrested in this video are white men (two of them racists and one of those two is a neo-Nazi even), except for one guy that looks Mexican, I guess. Some of them had to be put in special restraining chairs. There are only three women (all of them white) and two of them are one of the calmest, if not the calmest, arestees in the whole video.

Btw, based on that video you forgot to add something to your list - some of the drunk arrested men in the US like to say that they're going to sue the police officers :D lol

And this is only one video I randomly picked after one Google search.

99% of drunk drivers are women.

In what universe??? :D You're so full of sh1t it's mindblowing! lol 🤦

Is MBP strictly an American thing

I have no idea what "MBP" is.
Novichok  4 | 8834
4 Jan 2025   #148
But not in real life. In real life USA around 75% of drunk drivers are men.

But they don't make the news because once caught they create no drama worth posting on YouTube other than when they decide to speed away from the cops.

Women are psychos and drama idiots - everywhere: at home, work, on the road, in stores,...and love every second of it...That's why they never STFU - even in custody...

The explanation is simple: female biology combined with never hearing NO, plus not being held accountable to the same degree as men.

Hence "entitled"... When she hears "my little princess" from day one..she is a psycho 15 years later.

That includes killing the parents if they don't allow her to "date" a man twice her age.
Novichok  4 | 8834
4 Jan 2025   #149
I have no idea what "MBP" is.

I created it as a replacement for Munchausen By Proxy - women's ultimate depravity just before murdering their kids.

No, it's a not a mental disease. It's a cold-blooded choice to get some attention, most often by licensed and employed female nurses.

These bit*ches do it to hospital patients, too, to demo how they revived them...and to get that Nurse of the Year award...
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Jan 2025   #150
Women are psychos and drama idiots - everywhere:

No dear, only in America.
with never hearing NO

I'm sorry if your daughters can't say 'no' to their children (I imagine your wife was able to) but we're not all like that Novi. I once taught a five year old who expressed her shock at hearing a child demanding ice-cream without a 'please' attached to the request and her even greater outrage that the mother proceeded to buy the ice-cream.

'That's disgraceful,' I agreed. 'What would you have done Melissa?' I asked her. She replied 'I'd have said, 'you're getting nothing and you're going straight home to bed!' 'Quite right, Melissa', I responded. 'What a wonderful mother you'll be.' And we beamed at each other in mutual understanding :)

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