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I woke up in Poland's Hilton of Drunks after the Juvenalia party. Must I pay the 300zl fine?

5 Jun 2014   #1
Ok, so I'm a foreign student which enjoyed to much the Juvenalia party and aparently woke up in not such a nice place, the drunk hotel. I've never been to such a place and neither do i intend to do so again. My question is, am i required to actually pay the 300zl fine or can i pass on paying? What can happen?
Roger5  1 | 1432
5 Jun 2014   #2
In your country is paying police fines optional? I suggest you pay asap and take it easy next time.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2014   #3
am i required to actually pay the 300zl fine

Yes. You have to pay. They can chase you for the money and can make life difficult. You have to decide whether saving 300zl is worth more than a lot of hassle. You might get lucky and get away with not paying, however it really isn't worth the risk for such a small amount. I can't remember the legal status of what you have to pay - if it's criminal they can have you arrested for not paying, if it's civil they can get bailiffs to collect which may damage your credit rating.

A lady did get €10000 compensation from the European Court some time back for being taken there because she had alcohol in her blood but was behaving ok. But she a. was middle-aged and respectable, b. had very solid witnesses and most importantly, c. didn't just wake up there wondering where she was.
smurf  38 | 1940
5 Jun 2014   #4
It's only 300zl, it's not a lot, just pay it. Better off doing it now than paying a larger fine in the future.
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2014   #5
You behaved as a classic moron...Pay.
Johnmaynard  - | 19
5 Jun 2014   #6
I don't think they will pursue you abroad if you don't pay it. My friend had lots of traffic-parking tickets and public transport fines when he was in Poland two years ago, he never paid and they never chased him for that in his own country. But, the situation is different if you intend to stay longer or live in Polska, as you will most probably receive a court order with late payment interests, after a few months. Btw., where are you from?
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2014   #7
I find this loathsome, despiccable and moronic. You come here,behave as a classic moron, don't pay for public transport, park your car wherever you think it is OK...and you think that is normal.

I give you a hint...If that friend of yours would have been a normal human being, he would have parked and paid, he would have bought public transport tickets. But no he thought he was superior to all idiots who do that.
Monitor  13 | 1810
5 Jun 2014   #8
Here they say that it's treated as administrative fee, like tax:,Oplata-z a-pobyt-w-izbie-wytrzezwien.html. So if you don't pay, bailiff will probably block your account or other possession. If you are leaving Poland and are not planing to be back in next 5 years or don't posses anything in Poland then they cannot force you to pay I think.
Johnmaynard  - | 19
5 Jun 2014   #9
Sobieski:I give you a hint...If that friend of yours would have been a normal human being, he would have parked and paid, he would have bought public transport tickets..

Same as Poles that came to my country, behave like primitive people, drives like crazy (but its part of their culture, not mine), park anywhere were forbidden, don't pay for bus and parking, return to Poland and throw their tickets right away to the trash.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2014   #10
What country is that and why do you think it gives you the right to do those same things that you're criticising?
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2014   #11
Same as Poles that came to my country, behave like primitive people

That reminds me of the British stag parties coming to Poland. Here in Warsaw we don't have them too much as a rule, do not know if they still infest Kraków.

Used to see one some years ago at Plac Zamkowy, pulling down their trousers on command. The local Law was not impressed and they were booked collectively :)

The German sheperds took a dim view of it all, especially when one of these louts tried to kick them :)
Roger5  1 | 1432
5 Jun 2014   #12
@Jon. One where they can't hold their pop.
Johnmaynard  - | 19
5 Jun 2014   #13
Before treating others of being despicable, morons & CO, sweep around your own door first.
jon357  72 | 23668
5 Jun 2014   #14
That doesn't make much sense, despite the dodgy English
Johnmaynard  - | 19
5 Jun 2014   #15
That doesn't make much sense

Sure it makes!
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2014   #16
Before treating others of being despicable, morons & CO, sweep in front of your own door first.

Me? I & my wife & our daughters...We pay our taxes, we pay ZUS, we try not to collect too many traffic fines (our daughters a bit less as we, but hey it is their budget), but if we do, we have t pay them.

So yes that Brit moron....
Roger5  1 | 1432
5 Jun 2014   #17
Who's British? Not the OP or JohnMaynard.
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2014   #18
Beer louts all the same. And deserving having their legs eaten by a Polish police dog.
Johnmaynard  - | 19
5 Jun 2014   #19
You are a very contemptuous and intolerant dude!
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2014   #20
Hmmm. Define your understanding of intolerance. Buying your tickets for public transport? Paying to park your car?
Not to *** in public, completely drunk?
And getting away with it all, leaving us local law-abiding people feeling like frustrated citizens?
Johnmaynard  - | 19
5 Jun 2014   #21
The OP only asked a question,and it's his right, but you crushed and insulted him directly.
I strongly dislike people of your kind who wants to impress, but are detestable.
Anyway, you are not a law-abiding citizen, as you propagate hatred.
sobieski  106 | 2111
5 Jun 2014   #22
Nope, I actually propagate to pay for the tram and bus you take, not to ** on the streets, and to pay when you park your car.

You have a queer idea what is destetable.
For me destable is not to pay for your fare, trying to get away with wild parking.
Johnmaynard  - | 19
5 Jun 2014   #23
Also, why do you live in Poland were people disrespect in large scale traffic and parking rules, you're accusing? It must be a hell place for you...
Cardno85  31 | 971
5 Jun 2014   #24
I would say to pay the fine. But the OP must have been in a hell of a state to end up there. I have been in some nick coming out of Nic Nowego at times and the old Piekny Pies. And I know lots of people who staggered out at 7am completely wrecked. Never was one of them picked up and stuck in the Hilton (Hilton must love having their name associated with prisons the world over...). I have heard that it's ok to be drunk and staggering a bit as long as you are not too boisterous. A lot also depends on the particular policeman and the kind of day he's had.
5 Jun 2014   #25
I have heard that it's ok to be drunk and staggering a bit as long as you are not too boisterous.

And also how you behave: give them lip and you're going in; apologise profusely and explain that Polish beer is very good but very strong and you're on your way to your hotel now and you can (I know from experience) have been found by the old bill standing on top of a full skip with your trousers round your ankles singing a song about drinking up ye cider.
Johnmaynard  - | 19
5 Jun 2014   #26
Never been myself (as I am very rarely slightly drunken), neither do my friends get there. Always been curious how does it looks to be when one is designated customer for one of the "drunker's Hilton" (izba wytrzezwien)?
Dont gag me yo  7 | 155
6 Jun 2014   #27
Same as Poles that came to my country, behave like primitive people, drives like crazy.

I agree i know a guy in poland who just to show off drove up and down a fotoradar in poland 4 times that its a hoax and got tickets.

and in the usa public intoxication can also deter ones greencard or citizenship.
patrick bateman
6 Jun 2014   #28
Pay them if you plan on coming back if not then just go.

people on here like to moan about explioting the loopholes but everyone would do the same i had a parking ticket because i only left 1.3meters of pavement did i pay of course not i told them to produce photographic evidence and send it to my lawyer

the polish police system is just about generating cash i had a fotorader ticket and if i paid 500 instead of 200 then i got no points i told them to add the points to my license they wrote back stating they cannot give me points and without the points i had to pay 500 when i refused as i was willing to accept points as they were unable to endorse them they wrote the ticket off
7 Jun 2014   #29
Thats a bit harsh and uncalled for don't you think, I just asked a question. Sometimes parties get a little crazy and mistakes are made, that doesn't make me anything else but human. You on the other hand are a hatred spilling,frustrated little man, i pity you. PS I paid the fine ;)

Well as a matter of fact its the worst place you can wake up in, 8 smelly roomates, mainly homeless i think. I got in there for singing with two of my friends(all of us foreign); we were far away from anything so i doubt we were bothering anyone, still i guess it was a problem. I realize that drinking is a serious issue here since they have a "drunken hotel", i've traveled quite a bit but i've never encountered something like this. They keep you locked up until your alcohol level drops, give you some water from time to time, and treat you like you are the scum of the earth(which is a bit too much for grabbing a beer with the lads and singing on the street, beautifully might i add). I even heard a rumor that they used to have a water cannon and used that on people, so i guess i should be thankful. In any case it was my last visit to the notorious hotel, thank you all for replying, except frustrated Sobieski, and I hope you never visit such a place. I decided to own up and paid.
12 Oct 2015   #30
Hi ChrisACD. I know its some time since you paid this fine, unfortunately i have ended up in same situation but don't know how to pay. Any Chance you remember what to do?

Home / Life / I woke up in Poland's Hilton of Drunks after the Juvenalia party. Must I pay the 300zl fine?

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