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A Third of Poland has declared itself to be an official "LGBT - Free Zone".

johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 May 2020   #1
A third of Poland has declared itself to be an official "LGBT- free" zone as local municipalities sign a pledge adopting resolutions against "LGBT propaganda".

Nearly 100 Polish municipal or local governments have now proclaimed themselves to be "free from LGBT ideology".
Local authorities in these areas pledge to refrain from acts that encourage tolerance and must avoid providing financial assistance to NGOs working to promote equal rights.

And not that long ago right here on the Polish Forum such propaganda was being posted on how Poland welcomed gay marriage and homosexuality when there was nothing further from the truth, in fact, just the opposite as you can see.

Read about it here and see the map:

Hats off to Poland......We love you !
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 May 2020   #2
W Europe = No go zones... full of foreign kebab and ninjas leeching off the natives; dangerous, dirty and dilapidated, poverty stricken ghettos. Only locals and people buying drugs there are allowed and even police are even scared to enter. Rule of law is mostly absent with daily violence. Non-ninja women are recommended to not wear revealing clothing, make-up, etc. as it may "provoke" a teenage mutant ninja muslim to sexually assault them.

Poland = LGBT free zones... full of beautiful European Christian people native to the land; safe, overall aesthetically pleasing rural areas and quaint small towns even if some building are a bit old and could use a fresh coat of paint. Anyone can go there without fear of being raped, robbed, or killed. Police patrol, but don't need to as there's hardly any crime. Rule of law is respected and there is hardly any crime. Women can dress as they please without fear of being sexually assaulted.

I'll take Poland's zones thank you very much...
mafketis  38 | 11277
12 May 2020   #3
I'll take Poland's zones

you just won't live there and instead will continue to fantasize in chicago...
jon357  72 | 23666
12 May 2020   #4
Indeed, and the 'third of Poland' thing is misleading anyway.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 May 2020   #5
Hats off to Poland......We love you !

Declaring itself a "LGBT - Free Zone" is truly pathetic. I think it is a reason for shame rather than a reason for pride. This "third of Poland" - as you call it - are the most backward areas of the country and the very same areas where people are inclined to play down on the cases of paedofilia among priests.

Could declaring a similar zone in the US be in concordance with the US Constitution?
cms neuf  2 | 1959
12 May 2020   #6
If you want to talk about no go zones try persuading a European to get on a plane for a holiday in Chicago right now.

Wrigley field, Sears Tower, Blues, Deep Pan and viral pneumonia
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
12 May 2020   #7
Yesterday I saw a sign like the ones here
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 May 2020   #8
- are the most backward areas of the country

Oh, you mean where the Church is still taken seriously.
Isn't that special.
Just like people in the U.S. that want Socialism....NO, this country was founded on Capitalism and has worked great.
Same in Poland, the Church is the foundation of Poland and it has worked just fine.
Poland knows enough to call sin sin and homosexuality is immoral sin.
Crow  155 | 9722
12 May 2020   #9
E finaly thread on LGBT here.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
12 May 2020   #10
Oh, you mean where the Church is still taken seriously

I don't think the Church is taken seriously there. Of course, they think they take it seriously, but if you look more closely, for the majority of people in Poland the Catholic Church is foremost a set of rituals.

the Church is the foundation of Poland and it has worked just fine

Few people realize that, but Poland started to invent itself shortly before the time of adopting Christianity in 966 which at first was nothing more than baptizing the ruler and his court. I'm sure she would have continued the process without the Act of 966, nevertheless Christianity would have come, albeit somewhat later.

Poland knows enough to call sin sin and homosexuality is immoral sin

I can guarantee to you that Poland is as biased in calling sin sin as any other nation on this planet, including the US.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 May 2020   #11
Regardless Z, the people don't want their children fed this propaganda to be brainwashed with that it is o.k. to bump and grind in public to promote an agenda.

NO, No it is not o.k. and will not be tolerated seen by the creation of these Free Zones of such ilk.
What people do in the privacy of their homes is one thing but forcing it down the publics throat (no pun intended) is quite another.
cms neuf  2 | 1959
13 May 2020   #12
You have children here ? Your are free to cote on what the children of Michigan can read.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 May 2020   #13
"cote" ?
Children from anyplace in the world should not be exposed to seeing or reading about pornographic acts.
At least in the one-third of Poland that is LGBTQ Free the children know which bathroom to use.
How about you cms, do you give your children male on male magazines to read with graphic illustrations ?
jon357  72 | 23666
13 May 2020   #14
Children from anyplace in the world should not

Why not?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 May 2020   #15
Because their brains are not emotionally developed yet to understand which confuses them and then they turnout like you that doesn't know which bathroom to use.

Of course these confused children are fresh meat for sick homosexuals that steal the innocence of these children leaving them scarred for life. (no pun intended)
jon357  72 | 23666
13 May 2020   #16
Because their brains are not emotionally developed yet

Yet they see horrendously violent TV shows and films, copies of the National Enquirer or worse, ride past 'pole dancing' establishments or casinos, see slave owners depicted on banknotes and hear about Trumpet's 'golden showers'.

But hey, if they see two ladies with short hair and sensible shoes holding hands, it's somehow 'stealing their innocence'.

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 May 2020   #17
Why would you expose your children to all of that jon ?
You are projecting your nonsense to justify your examples that are highly unlikely.
Besides the 'golden showers' has been proven Fake News / a lie along, with most of the rest of the dossier that it was printed in.

Holding hands is one thing, bumping and grinding and slobbering on each other in a public parade is quite a bit different.
jon357  72 | 23666
13 May 2020   #18
Why would you expose

Try not doing, especially with the internet.

bumping and grinding and slobbering

Stare at that often, do you? I never see it.
Miloslaw  22 | 5228
13 May 2020   #19
bumping and grinding and slobbering on each other in a public parade is quite a bit different

I have never seen that from a gay couple.
If you have Jim then you must have been in a Gay bar or club.
What were you doing there JRW?
Tacitus  2 | 1272
13 May 2020   #20
Homophobes seem to spend a lot of time fantasizing about what LBGT supposedly do. It helps them rationalize their hatred, because otherwise they would have to admit that they are hating against ordinary people with no reason what so ever.

Because that is what this hate campaigns is aime at: Ordinary people who are ostracized for no good reason at all.

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